Anuncios de Seguridad
Anuncios de Seguridad
Anuncios de Seguridad
Señores pasajeros son las _____ (mañana/tarde)___ / (o)es la _________la puerta de
cabina ha sido cerrada. A partir de este momento sus equipos electrónicos incluyendo
teléfonos Celulares en modo avión deben estar apagados. Volamos al mando del Cap.
_____________ quien se dirigirá a ustedes una vez sus funciones se lo permitan. A la
ciudad de _____________ estaremos arribando en _________ minutos.
Nos encontramos a bordo de una AERONAVE, cuenta con dos (2) salidas de
emergencia, En caso de ser necesario evacuar el avión, las luces de indicación
EXIT/SALIDA y la línea de luces en el pasillo lo guiarán a la salida más cercana.
Recuerde, las salidas pueden estar incluso detrás de usted.
5.2.7. BAÑO
Señores pasajeros, les solicitamos permanecer sentados haciendo uso continuo del
cinturón de seguridad y abstenerse de utilizar el baño.
5.2.10. DESCENSO
➢ la tripulación de cabina
Les daremos más información tan pronto sea posible. Esperamos disculpen los
inconvenientes que esta demora pudiera ocasionarles y agradecemos su
5.3.5. Descenso de pasajeros por largas
demoras /Cancelación del vuelo
El Comandante nos informa que debido a:
➢ Causas técnicas
➢ Las condiciones meteorológicas desfavorables
Agradecemos su comprensión.
Debido a nuestra demora, les ofreceremos un servicio de bebidas. Por favor, les
solicitamos permanecer sentados.
Muchas Gracias
Muchas Gracias
Muchas Gracias.
➢ Inconvenientes técnicos,
➢ Condiciones meteorológicas desfavorables,
Muchas Gracias Retraso en el
estacionamiento del avión
posterior al aterrizaje
Por favor permanezcan en sus asientos hasta que se apague la señal luminosa de
Muchas gracias.
Agradecemos su colaboración. Pascua
(Al final del anuncio de Bienvenida)
Al Salir de COL
Todos los pasajeros deben completar dicho formulario, excepto los pasajeros en
tránsito hacia otros destinos internacionales.
Por favor:
Dear passengers It`s _____ (in the morning /in the afternoon) and the cabin door is
close. From this moment all your electronics devices, including Cell phones that are
in airplane mode must be turned off. We fly under the command of Cap.
_____________ Who will address you once their duties allow it. We will be arriving
to the city of _____in ____ minutes.
We apologize for the delay on this flight, the causes might be:
• weather Conditions
• technical reasons already solved
• operational
• Delays in approvals for the control tower
We restart the flight ________ to __________ destination, our flight time will take
Each chair has a safety belt. To fasten, insert the metal part on the buckle and then
pull the strap to tighten. To unfasten, lift the top. Remember to use it while the seat
belt light signal indicates.
We are on board of an aircraft AERONAVE, with four (4) emergency exits, One (1)
door in the front, two (2) flat-level windows and a door in the back. In case that is
necessary to evacuate the plane, use the indicating lights EXIT / SALIDA and the
hallway lights will guide you to the nearest exit. Remember, the exit can be behind
In case of evacuation in the water, this aircraft is equipped with life jackets found in
the pocket of the seat in front of you. Remove the vest bag, pass your head through
the central aperture, pass the belt around your waist, then buckle and tighten by
pulling on the end of the strap. When leaving the aircraft, inflate the vest by pulling
the red knobs or blowing through the side nozzles. The light vest will light upon
contact with water. Removing or damaging the airplane`s vests threaten the life and
of the other passengers. Avoid being penalized according to law. The cushion of the
seat can also be used as a flotation media.
5.4.14. OXYGEN
The cabin pressure is controlled for your comfort. However, should it change
radically inflight, oxygen compartments will automatically open in the panel above
your seat. Reach up and pull the mask to your face. This action will start the flow of
oxygen. Place the mask over both your mouth and nose and secure with the elastic
band as your Flight Attendant is demonstrating. Tighten by pulling on the ends of the
elastic bands. Even though oxygen is flowing, the plastic bag may not inflate. If you
are traveling with children, or are seated next to someone who needs assistance,
place the mask on yourself first, then offer assistance. Continue using the mask until
advised by a uniformed crew member to remove it.
5.4.16. RESTROOM
In preparation for our take off, let me remind, store and secure the service table, lift
the blinds on the windows, fasten and adjust the seat belt. Delta force and the
commander ___________________ wishes you all a good flight.
Dear passengers, we request to sit , use seat belts and don't use the restroom.
5.4.21. DESENT