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SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

SIST EN 15804:2012+A1:2013

Trajnostnost gradbenih objektov - Okoljske deklaracije za proizvode - Skupna

pravila za kategorije proizvodov za gradbene proizvode

Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for

the product category of construction products

Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Grundregeln für die

Produktkategorie Bauprodukte
Contribution des ouvrages de construction au développement durable - Déclarations
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
environnementales sur les produits - Règles régissant les catégories de produits de
construction c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019

Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

13.020.20 Okoljska ekonomija. Environmental economics.
Trajnostnost Sustainability
91.010.01 Gradbeništvo na splošno Construction industry in

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019


SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019



ICS 91.010.99 Supersedes EN 15804:2012+A1:2013

English Version

Sustainability of construction works - Environmental

product declarations - Core rules for the product category
of construction products
Contribution des ouvrages de construction au Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken -
développement durable - Déclarations Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Grundregeln für die
environnementales sur les produits - Règles régissant Produktkategorie Bauprodukte
les catégories de produits de construction

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 10 September 2013 and includes Amendment 2 approved by CEN on 21 July

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 13
5 General aspects ............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.1 Objective of the Core PCR .......................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Types of EPD with respect to life cycle stages covered................................................................... 15
5.3 Comparability of EPD for construction products ............................................................................. 19
5.4 #Additional environmental information ......................................................................................... 19
5.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.4.2 Additional impact indicators ................................................................................................................... 20
5.4.3 Additional information on carbon offset, carbon storage and delayed emissions............... 20
5.4.4 Additional Information not derived from LCA .................................................................................. 20
5.5 (
Ownership, responsibility and liability for the EPD ........................................................................ 20
5.6 Communication formats ............................................................................................................................ 20
6 Product Category Rules for LCA ..............................................................................................................
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 20
Product category .......................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2 Life cycle stages and their information modules to be included ................................................ 21
6.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
6.2.2 A1-A3, Product stage, information modules ...................................................................................... 21
6.2.3 A4-A5, Construction process stage, information modules ............................................................ 21
6.2.4 B1-B5, Use stage, information modules related to the building fabric ..................................... 21
6.2.5 B6-B7, use stage, information modules related to the operation of the building................. 22
6.2.6 C1-C4 End-of-life stage, information modules ................................................................................... 22
6.2.7 D, Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary, information module ............................. 22
6.3 Calculation rules for the LCA .................................................................................................................... 22
6.3.1 #Functional or declared unit ............................................................................................................... 22
6.3.2 Functional unit .............................................................................................................................................. 23
6.3.3 Declared unit ................................................................................................................................................. 24
6.3.4 Reference service life (RSL)...................................................................................................................... 24
6.3.5 System boundaries ...................................................................................................................................... 25
6.3.6 Criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs ............................................................................... 32
6.3.7 Selection of data............................................................................................................................................ 32
6.3.8 #Data quality$ ....................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.9 Developing product level scenarios ...................................................................................................... 35
6.3.10 Units .................................................................................................................................................................. 35
6.4 Inventory analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4.1 Collecting data ............................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4.2 Calculation procedures .............................................................................................................................. 36
6.4.3 Allocation of input flows and output emissions ................................................................................ 36
6.4.4 #Information on biogenic carbon content ...................................................................................... 38

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

6.5 Impact assessment ....................................................................................................................................... 38

6.5.1 #General ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.5.2 Core environmental impact indicators ................................................................................................. 38
6.5.3 Additional environmental impact indicators ..................................................................................... 39
7 Content of the EPD ........................................................................................................................................ 39
7.1 Declaration of general information ....................................................................................................... 39
7.2 Declaration of environmental #indicators$ derived from LCA ........................................... 40
7.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
7.2.2 Rules for declaring LCA information per module ............................................................................. 40
7.2.3 #Indicators describing environmental impacts based on Life Cycle Impact
Assessment (LCIA)$ ................................................................................................................................. 41
7.2.4 #Indicators describing resource use and environmental information based on Life
Cycle Inventory (LCI)$ ............................................................................................................................ 44
7.2.5 #Information on biogenic carbon content ....................................................................................... 46
7.3 Scenarios and additional technical information ............................................................................... 46
7.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 46
7.3.2 Construction process stage ....................................................................................................................... 47
7.3.3 B1-B7 use stage ............................................................................................................................................. 48
7.3.4 End-of-life ........................................................................................................................................................ 51
7.4 Additional information on release of dangerous substances to indoor air, soil and
water during the use stage ........................................................................................................................ 52
7.4.1 Indoor air ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
7.4.2 Soil and water ................................................................................................................................................ 52
7.5 Aggregation of information modules .................................................................................................... 52
Project report ................................................................................................................................................. 52
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 52
8.2 LCA-related elements of the SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
project report ........................................................................................ 53
8.3 Documentation on additional information ......................................................................................... 55
8.4 Data availability for verification ............................................................................................................. 55
9 Verification and validity of an EPD......................................................................................................... 55
Annex A (normative) Requirements and guidance on the reference service life ................................ 56
Annex B (informative) Waste .................................................................................................................................. 59
B.1 End-of-waste ................................................................................................................................................... 59
B.2 Properties of hazardous waste for Table #8$ ............................................................................ 59
Annex C (normative) Impact categories and related indicators, methodologies and
characterization factors (CF).................................................................................................................... 60
C.1 Core environmental impact categories and indicators................................................................... 60
C.2 Calculation rules for the climate change impact category ............................................................. 61
C.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
C.2.2 Total global warming potential (GWP-total) ...................................................................................... 61
C.2.3 Fossil global warming potential (GWP-fossil) .................................................................................... 61
C.2.4 Biogenic global warming potential (GWP-biogenic)........................................................................ 61
C.2.5 Land use and land use change global warming potential (GWP-luluc)..................................... 62
C.3 Additional impact categories and indicators ..................................................................................... 63
C.4 Characterization factors............................................................................................................................. 63

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EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

Annex D (informative) End of life formulae....................................................................................................... 64

D.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 64
D.2 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................ 64
D.2.1 Value correction factor .............................................................................................................................. 64
D.2.2 Quantities ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
D.2.3 Specific emissions and resources per unit of analysis.................................................................... 65
D.2.4 Specific emissions and resources per unit of analysis of outputs .............................................. 66
D.2.5 Efficiency ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
D.2.6 Lower heating value .................................................................................................................................... 67
D.3 Formulae ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
D.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 67
D.3.2 Modules A1–A3.............................................................................................................................................. 67
D.3.3 Module C .......................................................................................................................................................... 68
D.3.4 Module D.......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Annex E (informative) Schemes to be applied for data quality assessment of generic and
specific data.................................................................................................................................................... 69
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 71
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 15804:2012+A2:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 350
“Sustainability of construction works”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2020, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by October 2022.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes #EN 15804:2012+A1:2013$.

This document includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 2013-09-10 and Amendment 2 approved
by CEN on 2019-07-21.

The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !"
and #$.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom. SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)


This European standard provides core product category rules for all construction products and
services. It provides a structure to ensure that all Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) of
construction products, construction services and construction processes are derived, verified and
presented in a harmonised way.
An EPD communicates verifiable, accurate, non-misleading environmental information for products and
their applications, thereby supporting scientifically based, fair choices and stimulating the potential for
market-driven continuous environmental improvement.
The standardisation process has taken place in accordance with EN ISO 14025. All common issues are
covered horizontally for all product types in order to minimise vertical (branch specific) deviations.
EPD information is expressed in information modules, which allow easy organisation and expression of
data packages throughout the life cycle of the product. The approach requires that the underlying data
should be consistent, reproducible and comparable.
The EPD is expressed in a form that allows aggregation (addition) to provide complete #information
for buildings and other construction works$. This standard does not deal with aggregation at the
building level nor does this standard describe the rules for applying EPD in a building assessment.
#The standard deals with a set of quantifiable, predetermined environmental impact indicators. This
standard has been adapted to address the amendment of the standardization Mandate M/350.$
This European Standard provides the means for developing a Type III environmental declaration of
construction products and is part of a suite of standards that are intended to assess the sustainability of
construction works.
#deleted text$ SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
— EN 15643-1, Sustainability of construction works —Sustainability assessment of buildings — Part 1:
General framework;

— EN 15643-2, Sustainability of construction works — Assessment of buildings — Part 2: Framework

for the assessment of environmental performance;

— EN 15978, Sustainability of construction works — Assessment of environmental performance of

buildings — Calculation method;

— CEN/TR 15941, Sustainability of construction works — Environmental product declarations —

Methodology for selection and use of generic data;

— EN 15942, Sustainability of construction works — Environmental product declarations —

Communication formats: business to business.

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

1 Scope
This European standard provides core product category rules (PCR) for Type III environmental
declarations for any construction product and construction service.
NOTE The assessment of social and economic performances at product level is not covered by this standard.

The core PCR:

— #defines the indicators to be declared, information to be provided and the way in which they are
collated and reported,$

— describes which stages of a product’s life cycle are considered in the EPD and which processes are
to be included in the life cycle stages,

— defines rules for the development of scenarios,

— includes the rules for calculating the Life Cycle Inventory and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment
underlying the EPD, including the specification of the data quality to be applied,

— includes the rules for reporting predetermined, environmental and health information, that is not
covered by LCA for a product, construction process and construction service where necessary,

— defines the conditions under which construction products can be compared based on the
information provided by EPD.
For the EPD of construction services the same rules and requirements apply as for the EPD of
construction products. SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
CEN/TR 15941, Sustainability of construction works — Environmental product declarations —
Methodology for selection and use of generic data

EN 15942, Sustainability of construction works — Environmental product declarations — Communication

formats: business to business

EN 15978, Sustainability of construction works — Assessment of environmental performance of buildings

— Calculation method

EN ISO 14025:2010, Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations —
Principles and procedures (ISO 14025:2006)

EN ISO 14044:2006, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and

guidelines (ISO 14044:2006)

#EN ISO 14067:2018, Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and
guidelines for quantification (ISO 14067:2018)$

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

ISO 15686-1, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 1: General principles and

ISO 15686-2, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 2: Service life prediction

ISO 15686-7, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 7: Performance evaluation
for feedback of service life data from practice

ISO 15686-8:2008, Buildings and constructed assets — Service-life planning — Part 8: Reference service
life and service-life estimation

#ISO 21930:2017, Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for
environmental product declarations of construction products and services$

#European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Institute for Environment and Sustainability:
International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - Nomenclature and other
conventions. 2010. EUR 24384 EN. Luxembourg. Publications Office of the European Union; 2010, ISBN

Suggestions for updating the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method, EUR 29682 EN,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-00654-1,
doi:10.2760/424613, JRC11595 1)$
3 Terms and definitions (
For the purposes of this document, the following SIST ENterms and definitions apply.
3.1 c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019
additional technical information
information that forms part of the EPD by providing a basis for the development of scenarios

ancillary material
input material or product that is used by the unit process producing the product, but which does not
constitute part of the product

[EN ISO 14040:2006]

average data
data representative of a product, product group or construction service, provided by one or more

Note 1 to entry: The product group or construction service can contain similar products or construction

1) This document is also called "PEF Guidance Document".

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

comparative assertion
environmental claim regarding the superiority or equivalence of one product versus a competing
product that performs the same function

[EN ISO 14044:2006]

complementary product category rules
product group specific or horizontal PCR, which provide additional compliant and non-contradictory
requirements to EN 15804

Note 1 to entry: c-PCR are meant to be used together with EN 15804.

[SOURCE: CEN/TR 16970:2016]$

construction product
item manufactured or processed for incorporation in construction works

Note 1 to entry: Construction products are items supplied by a single responsible body.

Note 2 to entry: Adapted from the definition in ISO 6707-1:2004 according to the recommendation of
ISO/TC 59/AHG Terminology.
[EN 15643-1:2010]
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
construction service c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019
activity that supports the construction process or subsequent maintenance

any of two or more marketable materials, products or fuels from the same unit process, but which is not
the object of the assessment

Note 1 to entry: Co-product, by-product and product have the same status and are used for identification of
several distinguished flows of products from the same unit process. From co-product, by-product and product,
waste is the only output to be distinguished as a non-product.

declared unit
quantity of a construction product for use as a reference unit in an EPD for an environmental
declaration based on one or more information modules

EXAMPLE Mass (kg), volume (m3).

#Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the definition in ISO 21930:2017.$

construction element
part of a construction containing a defined combination of products

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

environmental performance
performance related to environmental impacts and environmental aspects

[ISO 15392:2008]

[ISO 21931-1:2010]

functional equivalent
quantified functional requirements and/or technical requirements for a building or an assembled
system (part of works) for use as a basis for comparison

Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the definition in ISO 21931-1:2010.

functional unit
quantified performance of a product system for use as a reference unit

[EN ISO 14040:2006]

information module
compilation of data to be used as a basis for a Type III environmental declaration covering a unit
process or a combination of unit processes that are part of the life cycle of a product
[EN ISO 14025:2010]
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
life cycle assessment c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019
compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts of a product
system throughout its life cycle

[EN ISO 14044:2006]

life cycle inventory analysis
phase of life cycle assessment involving the compilation and quantification of inputs and outputs for a
product throughout its life cycle

[EN ISO 14040:2006]

non-renewable energy
energy from sources which are not defined as renewable energy sources

non-renewable resource
resource that exists in a finite amount that cannot be replenished on a human time scale

#deleted text$

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

expression relating to the magnitude of a particular aspect of the object of consideration relative to
specified requirements, objectives or targets

Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the definition in ISO 6707-1:2004 according to the draft recommendation of
ISO/TC 59 Terminology.

product category
group of construction products that can fulfil equivalent functions

Note 1 to entry: Adapted from EN ISO 14025:2010.

product category rules
set of specific rules, requirements and guidelines for developing Type III environmental declarations for
one or more product categories

[EN ISO 14025:2010]

product system
collection of unit processes with elementary and product flows, performing one or more defined
functions, and which models the life cycle of a product

[EN ISO 14040:2006] SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
#3.23$ c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019
programme operator
body or bodies that conduct a Type III environmental declaration programme

Note 1 to entry: A program operator can be a company or a group of companies, industrial sector or trade
association, public authorities or agencies, or an independent scientific body or other organization.

renewable energy
energy from renewable non-fossil sources

EXAMPLES Wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower,
biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases.

Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the definition in Directive 2009/28/EC.

renewable resource
resource that is grown, naturally replenished or naturally cleansed, on a human time scale

Note 1 to entry: A renewable resource is capable of being exhausted, but may last indefinitely with proper
stewardship. Examples include: trees in forests, grasses in grassland, fertile soil.

#Note 2 to entry: Activities that occur in the technosphere such as recycling are not considered natural
replenishment or natural cleansing.

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

Note 3 to entry: In this context, human time scale refers to the typical life time of a human rather than the time
humans have been in existence.

[SOURCE: ISO 21930:2017]$

reference service life
service life of a construction product which is known to be expected under a set of reference in-use
conditions and which can form the basis for estimating the service life under other in-use conditions

Note 1 to entry: The RSL is described as part of the functional unit and considered in the calculation of
replacements at both the construction product level and construction works level (B4) and refurbishment (B5).

Note 2 to entry: The shorter acronym, RSL, is used as the preferred term in this document.

[SOURCE: ISO 21930:2017]$

reference service life data
RSL data
information that includes the reference service life and any qualitative or quantitative data describing
the validity of the reference service life


Typical data describing the validity of the RSL include the description of the component #deleted
text$ for which it applies, the reference in-use conditions under which it applies, and its quality.
[ISO 15686-8:2008]
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
scenario c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019
collection of assumptions and information concerning an expected sequence of possible future events

secondary fuel
fuel recovered from previous use or from waste which substitutes primary fuels

#Note 1 to entry:$ Processes providing a secondary fuel are considered from the point where the secondary
fuel enters the system from the previous system.

#Note 2 to entry:$ Any combustible material recovered from previous use or from waste from the previous
product system and used as a fuel in a following system is a secondary fuel.

Note #3$ to entry: Examples for primary fuels are: coal, natural gas, biomass, etc.

Note #4$ to entry: Examples for secondary fuels recovered from previous use or as waste are: solvents, wood,
tyres, oil, animal fats.

secondary material
material recovered from previous use or from waste which substitutes primary materials

Note 1 to entry: Secondary material is measured at the point where the secondary material enters the system
from another system.

SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 (E)

Note 2 to entry: Materials recovered from previous use or from waste from one product system and used as an
input in another product system are secondary materials.

Note 3 to entry: Examples for secondary materials (to be measured at the system boundary) are recycled scrap
metal, crushed concrete, glass cullet, recycled wood chips, recycled plastic.

specific data
data representative of a product, product group or construction service, provided by one supplier

third party
person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issues in

Note 1 to entry: “Parties involved” are usually supplier (“first party”) and purchaser (“second party”) interests.

[EN ISO 14024:2000]

type III environmental declaration
environmental declaration providing quantified environmental data using predetermined indicators
and, where relevant, additional environmental information
Note 1 to entry: The calculation of predetermined indicators is based on the ISO 14040 series of standards,
which is made up of ISO 14040, and ISO 14044.
Note 2 to entry: Adapted from ISO 14025:2006.$
SIST EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
upstream, downstream process c52f68813d53/sist-en-15804-2012a2-2019
process(s) that either precedes (upstream) or follows (downstream) a given life cycle stage

unit process
the smallest element considered in the life cycle inventory analysis for which input and output data are

[EN ISO 14040:2006]

substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard

Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the definition in the European Waste Directive 2008/98/EC.

4 Abbreviations
#c-PCR Complementary product category rules$
#CF Characterization Factor$
EPDEnvironmental product declaration
PCR Product category rules


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