A060622 Courty
A060622 Courty
A060622 Courty
valle de Moche y en los Mochicas (norte de Perú)
Perpinyà Via Domícia, Tecnosud, 66100 Per-
pinyà, France. Se estudia los efectos de los eventos ambientales para las
The effects of environmental events on living
conditions during occupation periods are studied condiciones de vida durante los periodos de ocupación,
* Corresponding author: (M.A. Courty) comparando los suelos aluviales y los pisos de ocupación
by comparing alluvial soils and occupation floors
marie-agnes.courty@promes.cnrs.fr que se formaron durante el Holoceno tardío en el valle de
that formed during the late Holocene in the Moche
valley (North Peruvian coast). The microcontextual Moche (costa norperuana). El estudio microcontextual
study comprises (1) microsurface identification in comprende (1) la identificación de la microsuperficie en
the field; (2) micromorphological analysis of thin el campo; (2) el análisis micromorfológico de secciones
sections; (3) multi-scale characterization of soil delgadas; (3) la caracterización multiescalar de los compo-
components based on digital stereo microscope nentes del suelo a partir del análisis con estereomicroscopio
and scanning electron microscope analysis. The digital y microscopio electrónico de barrido. La secuencia
alluvial sequence consists of a 6 m thick alternation aluvial consiste en una alternancia de 6 m de espesor de
of organic silty-clay, fine sandy strata with well-pre- arcilla limosa orgánica, estratos arenosos finos con estratos
an exceptional pattern of weak environmental phenomena would at first imply to perform a
relevance. In fact, the effects of the considerable meticulous high-resolution contextual soil study
energy deposition of lightning into the target soil to search for the preserved records of these
surface are similar to the ones of hyper-velocity super-fast events with their complex spatio-tem-
impacts, but more local in spatial extent and poral patterns (Courty, 2018). Unfortunately, the
more ubiquitous (Feng et al., 2019). Vaporization ongoing debate on the sedimentary records and
of aerosols, vegetation and organic compounds is microresidues assemblage of hypothetical cata-
expected to produce filamentary aggregates from strophic Tunguska-class airbursts prefers to ignore
the charged gas-suspended particles acting as the basic principles of microcontextual study of
electric dipoles (Abrahamson and Marshall 2002). natural soil sequences or occupation deposits of
The lightning strike fusion would lead to silicate archaeological sites (Moore et al., 2020; Bunch et
liquid immiscibility, production of metal droplets al., 2021).
by extreme reduction and spatial spreading of the We present here the simple case study of the
flash-melted droplets by the electric arc explosion Moche valley in northern Peru that integrates
(Essene and Fisher, 1986; Babrauskas, 2018; Feng within a small region a floodplain sequence and
et al., 2019). the occupation deposits at the Huaca de la Luna.
Our pioneering exploration on these chal- This dual study is aimed to further explain the
lenging issues have allowed to identify in diverse innovative microcontextual methodology that has
archaeological contexts a range of polymeric to be performed for elucidating the exact nature
components formed from aerosols and/or soil and the spatio-temporal pattern of exceptional
Andes. The Moche hydrographic regime is con- tunity to examine long catena with fresh sections
trolled by seasonal variations of heavy rainfall over of the late Holocene deposits downstream to the
the upper catchment basin in the Occidental Cor- ‘Cerro Blanco’ hill, just at the foot of the Moche
dillera of the Andes at 4000 m altitude. The rather archaeological complex (Figure 1b).
overall stability of the braided, weakly incised river In the northern coastal region of Perú, the
bed in the lower floodplain is considered to have Mochica people occupied contrasting environ-
been initiated at about 3,000 years ago (Sandweiss ments in the lower elevations of the Andes (0–500
and Richardson, 2008). The El Niño Southern masl) and adjusted to natural constrains by land-
Oscillation (ENSO) is known to have occasionally scape conversion from coarse-grained desert out-
triggered extreme weather phenomena known as wash to fine-grained arable floodplain (Goodbred
the El Niño events throughout the prehispanic era et al., 2020). Their increased urbanism and social
up to the present period (Waylan and Caviedes, complexity with construction of the grand pyra-
1986). The extensive heavy rains that are caused mids and massive expansion of agricultural capac-
by the warm oceanic currents have repeatedly lead ity is assumed to have emerged through large-scale
to turbulent flooding and severe erosion of the irrigation technology (Dillehay et al., 2004).
levelled pampas formed of complex colluvial-al- The Mochica sequence in the great pyramids
luvial deposits from the Cretaceous granodiorite of the Moche valley, has however shown recurrent
out-crops. Low to moderate El Niño events occur invasions of aeolian sands, possibly linked to El
every 2–8.5 years (Rodbell et al. 1999), whereas Niño events along to the 800 years occupation
more extreme events occur approximately every (Chauchat et al., 2021): Moche I and II (100– 200
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
15 years. In the twentieth century, the most recent AD), Moche III (200–450 AD), Moche IV (450–
severe El Niño events occurred in 1925–1926, 650 AD) and Moche V (650–800 AD). Evidence
1982–83 and 1998–99. This latest severe El Niño for irrigation canals bringing the Andes precipita-
event deeply impacted the agricultural lands with tion from the upper inland was only encountered
considerable soil loss marked by a deep incision during this ultimate Moche occupation phase
throughout the lower alluvial plain. This extensive (Chauchat et al., 2021). El Niño events are inter-
vertical entrenchment has offered a unique oppor- preted to have shaped Moche cosmologies and
Figure 1 Location of the study area. 1a. Location of Huacas de Moche site along the Pacific Ocean coast, north Peru. 1b. Location of
the two studied contexts, the Moche valley (brown circle), the Moche archaeological site with the Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna.
controlled by performing surface excavation on following the principles and terminology adapted
restricted surfaces from the exposed section. In from sedimentary petrography (Humbert 1972) and
addition to this benchmark sequence, comple- soil micromorphology (Bullock et al. 1985, Courty et
mentary bulk samples were collected at locations al. 1989).
showing microfacies variability of colour, texture, The bulk samples were wet sieved to produce
abundance of vesicular glassy coarse components residues of above 2 mm, 2–1 mm, 1 mm–500 μm,
and of pyrolytic residues. 500–250 μm, 250–100 μm. Soaking in warm water
In the layer 21 package D occupation sequence and intense washing was performed to obtain com-
of the Moche site, three small-sized undisturbed plete disaggregation. The morphology, structure,
blocks were collected in the microstratified, ashy degree of cementation and compositional range of
sandy silt in addition to bulk samples by individual mineral, organo-mineral and organic components
microstrata, whereas only bulk samples were col- were meticulously examined by reflected light
lected within individual microstratified ash lenses under a digital stereoscopic microscope (DSM) as
due to the overall lack of cohesion and the high water-suspensions and as dry residues. Successive
density of artefacts. observations were performed at different stages of
Thin sections were prepared from the blocks disaggregation in order to keep the filiation between
and studied under the petrographic microscope the coarse components of the aggregates and of
Figure 2 Field view of the studied sections in the Moche valley and scan view of the microfacies. 2a. View of the Moche river when
springing out from the Andes hills in the coastal plain showing incision of the present braided bed with accumulations of boulders
and cobbles. 2b. Stratigraphic sequence of the late Holocene floodplain deposits at the Pampa del Cacique (Conache), upstream of the
Huacas de Moche site showing alternation of carbonaceous brownish-black silty-clay microstratified facies and water-reworked aeolian
sand deposits. 2c. Scan view of the contact between the microstratified brownish-black silty-clay Ia deposits and the Ib water-laid
aeolian sands. 2d. Close view of the contact between the IIIa massive silty clay and the IIIb carbonaceous microstratified facies showing
interstratified lenses of reddish brown silty clay, silty sands and dark grey carbonaceous laminae.
a low energy alluvial environment. In contrast, at strata interfaces of the colluvial unit IV as scat-
the upper part displays a coarse texture, a poorly tered rounded sherds with paste characteristics
expressed stratification and a weak horizonation similar to Chimu and Moche ceramic assemblages
with fine textured slaking crusts at strata interface. (Lockard, 2009). The depositional regularity of
This succession of pedo-sedimentary facies indi- the firing microfacies and their wide spatial extent
cates a deposition from repeated destabilisation across the valley also refute the possibility of
episodes of the surrounding foothills and aeolian pyroresidues accumulations produced by repeated
input from the coastal sand dunes, interrupted by slash-and burnt activities in the floodplain.
episodes of incipient soil development. The rare The restricted excavation that was performed
transverse section to the valley axis has shown that for controlling the integrity of microstrata while
the upper colluvial deposits lies in sharp discon- collecting bulk samples has shown the common
formity on massive, clay-rich colluvium that are occurrence of infra-millimetre-thick surface hard-
intensely bioturbated with well-expressed iron ening. This type of distinctive interface appeared
segregation along root channels. We previously to contrast from the one only encountered in the
reported that the massive clayey colluvium depos- upper part of unit III formed of microstratified
ited during the mid-Holocene and suffered severe crusts with lenses of centimetre-sized vesicular
erosion at ca. 4 kyr BP in response to an abrupt granules looking similar in the field to the ones
environmental change (Courty et al., 2008). The of the Middle Holocene sequence (Courty et al.,
lower Ia finely stratified alluvial deposits can thus 2008).
be understood to express the restoration of a sta- Based on the radiocarbon datings, the deposi-
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
ble floodplain following the drastic mid-Holocene tional history of the lower floodplain sequence rep-
landscape disruption. In spite of in-depth refresh- resents an approximately 1000 years long period
ment of the existing section, the bottom of the Ia during an early phase of the upper Holocene.
deposits could not be reached. It is highly plausible (Table 2). The clearly different 14C ages allow to
that it does not represent the very initial phase tentatively propose that unit I experienced a series
of the late Holocene floodplain restoration. The of wildfires for ca. 300 years, whereas similar con-
possibility of an incomplete depositional record ditions were recorded for ca. 1000 years during
has however no major implication for debating the deposition of unit III. The four radiocarbon
the environmental relevance of the exposed flood- ages are obviously not sufficient to exactly estimate
plain microfacies. the duration of the different firing episodes. How-
The systematic field survey along the exposed ever, the dating coherence provides solid support
section of the lower floodplain sequence has to further scrutinize the relevance of the related
allowed to observe the remarkable homogeneity microfacies in terms of firing events and deposi-
of the regularly stratified lower deposits, without tional conditions of the associated pyroresidues.
evidence of lateral channel incision from the adja- In the continuity of the field observations, the
cent foothills. The common association of char- micromorphological study of the thin sections that
coal lenses to the finely laminated carbonaceous was performed under the petrographic microscope
microfacies in the I and II microstratified units has allowed to identify the repeated occurrence in
incites to consider this sequence as the record of units I and III of diverse firing microfacies with
cyclical firing events. In the absence of hearths, singular characteristics (Figure 3). The composite
of combustion facies that are typical of local in microfacies with their repeated alternation of
situ firing or of human artefacts throughout the three distinctive types of lamina (Figure 3a) corre-
lower sequence (units I to III), the carbonaceous sponds to the ones that were showing in the field a
microfacies are hypothetically attributed to natu- hardened surface at the top of the dull orange clay
ral wildfires. This is also with the lack of human laminae. The sharp interfaces and the integrity
artefacts that were only coherent in the sequence of each lamina with their distinctive composition
Table 2. C radiocarbon datings of the Mochey valey alluvial layers and of the Uhle platform occupation contexts.
and texture are typical of low-energy water-depo- 2/ type 1 interface suggests that the former resisted
sition (Courty, 1995). Each individual composite to the running water due to its hydrophobicity and
microfacies represents a three-fold depositional hard-setting. The thin sections confirm the lack of
cycle that comprises from the bottom to the top (1) a cyclical depositional pattern for the firing facies
the yellowish brown silty sand, (2) the dark brown showing in the field a weakly expressed microstrat-
carbonaceous silt with charcoal fragments and (3) ification, lack of distinctive interface and scattered
the dull orange clay. Based on its texture and com- coarse charcoal (Figure 3b, 3c). Their irregular
position, the lamina type 2 would correspond to a microstratification was formed by the fine interlay-
water-deposition of fresh pyroresidues soon after ering of clay, sandy silt and silty sand carbonaceous
the firing-event. The close association of lamina laminae with similar characteristics to the previously
type 3 to the type 2 indicates that the firing event described ones. This fine imbrication associated to
was rapidly followed by an episode of fine aerosol the fresh aspect of the pyroresidues shows that the
input under calm depositional conditions. In con- distinctive laminae were partly homogenized due to
trast, the coarser texture of lamina type 1 would water stagnation and low-energy runoff reworking.
express subsequent reworking by gentle runoff of Although it is impossible to stratigraphically iden-
the dual firing-aerosol microfacies, thus diluting in tify each firing event and the subsequent aerosol
the fine-mass part of the singular aeolian compo- input, this range of cyclical deposition appears to
nent. However, the sharp undulating lamina type have most likely occurred.
The only occurrence of in situ heating was iden- clays form the bulk of the local floodplain sedi-
tified in thin sections near the top of the IIIb mentation. The absence of pyroresidues indicates
microstratified deposits with the finely cracked that their deposition took place without interfer-
charred clay domains embedded in the massive ence with wildfires in the flood plain.
carbonaceous fine mass with randomly scattered Similarly, no evidence of pyroresidues was
abundant angular charcoal (Figure 3d). The detected in the fluvial unit II that is formed of hor-
microlayered slaking crusts with coarse sandy izontal to subhorizontally bedded sand-dominated
vesicular granules encountered at the interface strata with sandy silt laminae.
between IIIb and IV deposits (Figure 3e) helped
to identify the fall of exotic materials on the fired 3.1.2. PYRORESIDUES AND ASSOCIATED
surface and local reworking of the pyroresidues by COMPONENTS
high-energy flooding. The DSM observations of the water-sieve
All the diverse firing microfacies identified sized-residues in the firing microfacies of I and
throughout the sequence thus share in common III units has revealed the occurrence of similar
the close association of pyroresidues to domains pyroresidues and associated components showing
or lamina of pure dull orange clays that are ten- the diagnostic features of lightning-related firing
tatively interpreted to be of aeolian origin based as previously defined (Courty, 2017; Courty et al.,
on their depositional context. This hypothesis 2020). They are considered by each contextual
is supported by their marked textural and depo- unit because the two sets of firing records differ
sitional contrast with the massive silty clay facies by the type of burnt vegetation and surface firing
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
encountered in units II, IIIa and IIIb (Figure 3f). processes, the depositional settings and the preser-
The extensive occurrence of the later with their vation conditions.
typical characteristics of low energy accumulation During the water sieving, the unit I fired
and water stagnation shows that the massive silty deposits have shown an easy sorting and washing
Figure 3 Thin section illustrations of a few representative microfacies. 3a. Regularly microstratified composite microfacies showing
alternation of 3 units: dark brown carbonaceous, dull orange clay, yellowish brown silty sand. 3b. Irregularly microstratified dull orange
carbonaceous silty clay microfacies. 3c. Irregularly microstratified dark brown carbonaceous microfacies. 3d. Massive yellowish brown
carbonaceous silty clay microfacies with cracked charred clay domains. 3e. Coarse sand vesicular granules embedded in yellowish
brown carbonaceous silty clay slaking crust. 3f. Massive, homogeneous dull orange silty clay.
of the sand-sized components consisting of quartz composite grains formed of densely compacted
grains, calcium sulphate crystals and charcoal, all reed fragments, coated by polymer films with
with dust-free and bright surfaces (Figure 4a). In splashed metal-droplets and carbonaceous inclu-
contrast, a marked hydrophobicity and resisting sions showed marked resistance to water sieving
cementation to gentle hand-mechanical pressures (Figure 4d). Blue polymerized phytoliths, vitrified
were noticed for the clay-rich and carbonaceous reed charcoal and twisted polymer filaments were
aggregates that were thus abundant in the fine-sand extracted from the fine mass after performing ulti-
fraction (Figure 4b). Their controlled disaggrega- mate disaggregation by mechanical pressure and
tion has allowed to extract from the fine mass a hot water sieving (Figure 4e). The SEM analysis
profusion of reed fragments showing well-preserved has allowed to more clearly identify the micron-
distinctive anatomical structure. A great part of thick polymer films with metal and salt inclusions
them was lost during the final disaggregation due to linking the silicified and carbonaceous reed com-
their enhanced fragility by the intense warm water ponents (Figures 5a-5f) and the incrustations of
washing. metal and salt particles within the polymerized
Only the white calcined reed fragments and the blue silicified fragments with degassing vesicles
ones showing a blue colour, and a bright surface (Figure 5f).
with coating of splashed metal-droplets appeared to In comparison to the unit I fired deposits, the
be more resistant (Figure 4f). Similar metal coatings clay-rich organic and carbonaceous components
were identified on angular quartz grains with sharp of the unit III microstrata were more easily dis-
edges and on quarzitic breccia with carbonaceous aggregated into elementary particles without
Figure 4 Distinctive features and components of the Ia microstratified carbonaceous facies. 4a. DSM view of the fine sand fraction
formed of angular quartz, calcium sulfate crystals, reed charcoal and dark-orange baked clay-aggregates. 4b. DSM view of the most
resistant reed fragments consisting of abundant calcined, metal-pulverized and polymerized components with angular quartz and
baked clay aggregates. 4c. Detailed DSM view of a quartzitic breccia metal-splashed surface. 4d. Detailed DSM view of a polymerised reed
fragment with metal inclusions. 4e. DSM view showing the close association of the blue polymerized phytoliths, vitrified reed charcoal
and twisted polymer filaments. 4f. Detailed DSM view of (4b) showing the distinctive plant structure within the blue polymerized.
in the residues. The DSM control during the showed a dense stacking of glassy domains and
disaggregation procedure showed the occurrence metal coatings sticking to sharp edges of the glassy
of polymer films and filaments at the interface phases (Figure 6d) with their foliated nanostructure
between reed fragments and mineral particles of indicating deposition from plasma-jetting of electri-
the aggregates (Figure 6a). The filaments resisted cally charged droplets (Figure 6f). An origin from
well to the mechanical hand pressure and to the partial melting by flash-heating followed by rapid
water sieving, whereas the films got brittle and quenching of plant materials mixed with mineral
disaggregated into acicular flakes, thus losing their components is deduced from the elongated mor-
distinctive morphology of stacked coloured films. phology of the glassy domains, their variable ele-
Polymerized carbonaceous elongated aggregates mentary composition at microscale given by EDS
retrieved at carbonaceous microfacies interface analyses, the diversity of mineral grains with sharp
showed on one side a dense stacking of partly edges in the fissures, the occurrence of carbona-
melted vesicular beads (Figure 6b) with a met- ceous inclusions (Figure 6e). Although these com-
al-splashed surface (Figure 6c) whereas the reverse ponents were not observed in situ when sampling
polymerized side was smooth and bright without the strata interface, the contrast between the two
metal coatings. Under SEM, the vesicular bead sides of the polymerized carbonaceous aggregates
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
Figure 5 SEM characteristics of the blue polymerized phytoliths (cf. fig. 4). 5a. Resistant aggregate to intense water-sieving, made of
silicified and carbonaceous reed fragments with well-preserved anatomical cells, bound by a polymer film. 5b. Well preserved reed
fragment showing at high magnification (5c) partial melting and degassing cavities due to flash heating. 5d. Well preserved reed
fragment with silica skeleton and stomatal cells showing at high magnification (5e) high concentration of BaSO4 microparticles tracing
refractory residues from flash-vaporisation. 5f. Finely-cracked vitrified reed char produced by flash-heating with encrustation of BaSO4
suggests the vesicular beads to trace plasma-jetting tracing the fall at the fired-soil surface of aerosols
projection of glassy droplets on the flash-heated soil that were transformed during their aerial transport
surface. Similar FeCrNi nanostructured coatings by electrification processes. The polymer filaments
were observed on the sharp edges of coarse angular could share the same aerial provenance although
quartz that contrasted from the dominant subangu- their close association to the locally fired vegetation
lar to subrounded alluvial sands not showing metal indicates that they also formed from the flash-va-
particles at their surfaces (Figures 7a and 7b). The porized surface by the lightning discharge.
sand-sized water-sieve residues has also showed
abundant polymer components formed of twisted 3.2. MICROFACIES, PYRORESIDUES AND RELATED
filaments (Figure 7c), and stacked films (Figure 7e), COMPONENTS OF THE UHLE PLATFORM
with metal inclusions (Figures 7d and 7f) which are OCCUPATION DEPOSITS
Figure 6 Distinctive features and components of the IIIb microstratified facies. 6a. Residue of a bicolor polymer film sticking to a
polymerized reed fragment. 6b. Partly melted vesicular beads sticking to a polymerized carbonaceous aggregate. 6c. Detailed surface
view of a vesicular bead with a metal-splashed surface. 6d. SEM view of 6c showing the finely cracked glass matrix with metal inclusions.
6e. Detailed view of 6f showing densely packed FeCrNi nanosheets sticking to the glassy matrix.
of combustion front associated with the charcoal or tre-sized fragments of fine carbonate clays with
ash lenses, the scarcity of artefacts, clearly showed plant imprints and calcined domains rich in siliceous
that these deposit are not in situ firing deposits, nei- debris. In contrast to the microstratified ash facies,
ther dumped ashes from hearths and did not suffer the loosely packed lenses of diverse anthropic mate-
trampling. The coupling of siliceous debris beds rials indicate joint deposition of ashes and organic
and silty-clay lenses is typical of occupation surface residues from activity areas, of reed-mats and pre-
facies covered with vegetation mats (Figure 9a), very pared clay materials and their gentle reworking due
well maintained and allowing only fine dusts to pass to partial decomposition and reorganization under
through the interstices (Courty and Coqueugniot, compression. The spatial correlations observed in
2012). The excellent cohesion of the ash lenses the field between the two types of facies suggests
and of the siliceous debris beds demonstrates in synchronous slow accumulation of organo-mineral
situ mineralisation by partial decomposition of the residues in a well maintained area and repeated
biodegradable constituents, either defined as slow deposition of activity residues in vessels on well-pre-
self-combustion. pared surfaces in the joint area with the high-density
The layered composite ash microfacies (Figure of bone and ceramic fragments.
9b) shows loosely packed lenses of dissociated sili- The abundant green aggregates that were
ceous residues, pure ashy domains, orange-brown retrieved by water sieve from the green coloured
beds consisting of compact silty clay-lime-sandy microstratified ash deposits showed dense packing
micro-aggregate domains and fine, rounded, of polymerized plant fragments with well-preserved
cracked aggregates. Under higher magnification, anatomical structure (Figure 9c) embedded in a
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
the fine mass shows an abundance of millime- dense carbonaceous fine mass with pure copper
Figure 7 SEM characteristics of distinctive features and components of the IIIb microstratified facies. 7a. Coarse angular quartz with
sharp edges. 7b. FeCrNi nanostructured films sticking to the edges of the quartz viewed in Fig. 6a, typical of high energy electric
discharge. 7c. Plasma polymer filament formed by electric discharge with its typical twisted morphology. 7d. Detailed view of 7c
showing metal incrustations (FeCrNi) within the nanostructured twisted and coiled filaments. 7e. Dense white plasma polymer film
formed by electric discharge showing at high magnification (7f) a titanium-rich carbonaceous matrix with TiO2 microspherules and
thin film (Figure 9d). Diverse microresidues heterogeneous texture characterised by the dense
were extracted from the layered composite ash assemblage of micrometric domains of varied
microfacies, dominantly bone fragments showing composition, particularly carbon-rich coloured
metal-rich polymerised coatings, polymer films domains looking alike the polymer films of the
with metal incrustations, black vesicular volcanic extracted residues from the host matrix (Figure 9i)
glass and angular quartz with metal coatings and and abundant nanostructured polymer filaments
polymerised reed fragments, also with metal inclu- of diverse colours with metal inclusions. Most of
sions (Figures 9e, 9f and 9g). the degassing vesicles were showing under SEM
The vesicular slag retrieved from the layered FeCrNi nanostructured films sticking to their
composite ash microfacies showed a similar mor- sharp edges, a typical deposition of electrically
phology to the vesicular scoriaceous debris of the charged metal droplets as previously stated (Figure
lower Moche valley unit IIIb deposits. The exter- 9j).
nal surface was smooth, shining, with green metal
incrustations looking similar to the polymerised
coper metallic domains of the layered composite 4. Discussion
ash microfacies metallic-looking surface, dotted
with granular greenish inclusions (Figure 9h). The The wide spatial extent of the different firing
fresh break showed a vesicular structure and a deposits across the Moche lower floodplain, their
Figure 8 Uhle platform at the foot of the Huaca de la Luna, Moche site. 8a. General view of the excavation of the Uhle platform.
8b. Excavated surface of the layer 21 D occupation complex showing the juxtaposition of stratified ashes and sandy occupation deposits
with abundant bone and ceramic fragments. 8c. Densely compacted, greenish, microstratified ashes at the base of the occupation
sequence. 8d. Field view of the occupation ritual deposit with in situ fragmented ceramics lying on carbonaceous surfaces, abundant
artefacts and a vesicular slag. 8e. Closed view of the slag in its original depositional context.
remarkable preservation and their easy accessi- microstrata in order to exactly match the microse-
bility have offered unique conditions to perform quence of depositional events viewed from the
a high-resolution microfacies contextual analysis. thin sections. In agreement to our previous expe-
Compared to the wide exposure of occupation riences on archaeological firing deposits (Courty et
surfaces in archaeological contexts, the restricted al., 2012, Courty and Coqueugniot, 2013; Courty,
control of the interface integrity could not provide 2017; Courty et al., 2020), the micromorphological
an extensive perception of the different fired sur- study of thin sections made from the undisturbed
faces. This was however of major importance to samples was considerably reinforced by the analy-
precisely collect the bulk samples from individual sis of the residues retrieved from the bulk samples.
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
Figure 9 Microfacies and microresidues of the element 21 D layer ritual complex. 9a. Thin-section view of the microstratified ashes
formed by the imbrication of siliceous residues rich in phytoliths, thin silty-clay and carbonaceous lenses, typical of prepared surfaces
covered by reed-mats. 9b. Thin-section view of the layered composite ash microfacies formed of loosely packed lenses of dissociated
siliceous residues, pure ashy domains, orange-brown clayey beds. 9c. Polymerized green aggregates showing superimposition of
well-preserved plant fragments in the greenish, microstratified ashes. 9d. SEM view of (8b) showing pure copper thin film within the
polymerized matrix. 9e. DSM view of residues from the layered composite ash microfacies: angular quartz, black vesicular volcanic
glass, polymer films, polymerised bone fragments, polymerised ashy flakes, polymerised reed fragments. Dull orange, cemented,
silty clay formed of iron-oxide rich baked aerosols. 9f. Detailed DSM view of a polymer film. 9g. SEM view of FeCrNi coating on the
sharp edges of an alumino-silicate black volcanic glass. 9h. DSM view of the vesicular slag with green incrustations. 9i. Multi-coloured
vesicular glass extracted by gentle crushing of the vesicular slag viewed in 9i: the translucent part is formed of silica glass, the red one
corresponds to a polymer-rich glass with abundant metal micro and nanoparticles giving the red colour. 9j. SEM view of the vesicular
glass showing FeCrNi nanostructured films sticking to the edges of glass vesicles, produced by plasma jet from flash degassing.
The later were particularly crucial to identify the tion from the host matrix and their sharp contact
diverse types of polymerised components and shows that these glassy materials would be more
their fine integration to the host clay matrix and likely aerofulgurites formed in air by agglomera-
to the pyroresidues. The use of synthetic resins tion of electrically charged aerosols and fallen at
to impregnate unconsolidated soil-sedimentary the ground by gravity fall at the time of intense
materials and as glue films for the thin section lightning as observed in recent thunderstorms
preparation introduces polymer filaments of pet- (Courty and Martínez, 2015).
rochemical origin which are confusing because The similar spatio-temporal pattern of the
they morphologically resemble the ones of the plasma-formed polymer products showed by
firing products. In addition, due to their func- the DSM residue analysis for the different firing
tionalized surfaces, the polymer filaments interact microfacies thus suggests a common origin from
with the synthetic resins and accumulate in large surface propagation of lightning discharges due to
voids, thus losing in thin section their contextual the enhanced ground conductivity from the pul-
relevance. This explains why up so far the polymer verization of electrically charged aerosols.
filaments were considered in micromorphological Although such an aerosol-triggered formation
study as contaminants and were simply ignored of conductive ground has never been described
(Bullock et al., 1995; Courty et al., 1989). in present-day lightning situations, this hypothesis
The DSM analysis of the pyroresidues and matches with the recently proposed scenario of
of the associated components was also of major multi-step lightning initiation (Kostinskiy et al.,
help to identify in individual microstrata the joint 2020). The wide spatial extent of this ultimate
identify the sources of the exotic components ritual human activities, the particular ashy depos-
encountered during the episodes of regular alluvial its with the vesicular slag would trace an ultimate
siltation. However, the dominant quartz composi- episode of enhanced atmospheric electrification
tion of the local sediments in the layer 21 D occu- just synchronous to an early occupational stage,
pation complex offers an easier context to identify before the construction of the Uhle platform. The
the exotic components formed of the vesicular fact that these early deposits remained carefully
volcanic glass with their distinctive metal splashed isolated, then protected from architectural remod-
coatings. The plasma-formed components formed elling during the successive Moche architectural
by lightning phenomena are obviously here not phases suggests that an ancestral memory of their
in their primary depositional context as they are symbolic relevance was preserved for a few hun-
part of well-prepared occupation floors that were dred years.
made from the locally available materials. How- Given the ritual character of this occupation
ever, this striking abundance of sand-sized vesic- context, the hypothesis of a cultural choice moti-
ular volcanic glass that was only observed in the vated by the desire to leave long-lived food offer-
early occupation deposits incites to suspect that ings is proposed. The plasma-processes involved in
they trace a depositional episode throughout the the synthesis of the polymer products give them,
region of electrically-charged aerosols at this exact in effect, longlasting properties by ionizing-radi-
time period. The later could potentially originate ation induced crossliking (Ashfaq et al., 2020). If
from volcanic explosive eruptions as suggested this hypothesis is correct, it would imply that the
by the peak production of electrically-charged Mochicas knew this property of lightning-related
Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts in Peru
aeorosols from triboplasma processes in volcanic durable materials and how to procure the high
dust plume (Gaudin and Cimarelli, 2019). This quality products. There is at present no equivalent
has been recently well illustrated by the excep- in terms of depositional events for a similar type of
tionally intense volcanic lightning with lightning lightning-related microstratified firing records, nei-
flashes in 6 hours with the submarine eruption ther throughout the successive Moche occupation
of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano on phases (I to IV), nor in the sand deposits formed
2022, January 15th (Yuen et al., 2022). The delayed during the two recent El Niño events. They all
impact on enhanced atmospheric electrification share in common a dominant loose sand texture
of the unsteady volcanic plume that transiently that is coherent with repeated destabilisation of
reached—at 58 km—the Earth’s mesosphere is the coastal sand dunes during this extreme climate
currently observed across the Earth and should be conditions which invaded the lower floodplain and
soon reported. the surrounding foothills. The lack of distinctive
The record provided both by the Moche lower aeolian sandy deposits at the time of the enhanced
floodplain deposits and the layer 21 D occupa- electrification events raises critical questions on
tion complex of the lower Moche archaeolog- their environmental and climate relevance. The
ical sequence would match such a long-distance regular microstratified records for I and III units
impact of electrically charged volcanic plume on indicates an overall stability of the floodplain
enhancement of the conductivity at the ground. landscapes in spite of the recurrent firing epi-
The abundance of volcanic glass fragments and sodes. This could possibly suggest the long-term
the high amount of polymerized plant fragments colonisation of the floodplain by a dense grassland
with their vaporized metal coatings in the later vegetation with would occasionally suffer from
occupation deposits show that the source mate- severe drying, possibly in response to massive dust
rials were collected by the Moche people from a storms triggered by long distance volcanic explo-
soil surface exposed to intense lightning and fall sions. The exact timing between the final episode
of electrically-charged aerosols. Simply assuming of enhanced air conductivity and establishment
from their depositional context a close link with of the Mochica culture could possibly reveal that
the pyramid builders knew the high quality of the The second major point concerns the identifica-
locally available soil resources for raising a durable tion of different episodes marked by the repeated
monumental architecture. Documenting the pro- occurrence of lightning-triggered megafires in an
fusion of polymer components in the clay bricks, arid region in which this range of extreme events
the plaster materials and the different pigments is presently unknown and has never been sus-
used for the wall paintings is beyond the scope of pected for past periods. Their similarity in terms
the present-study. However, the marked contrast of products and effects at the ground suggests
between the lightning-linked clay-rich materials that particular atmospheric conditions would be
deposited just before the pyramid construction involved in their initiation. The manifestations
and the successive sand dune invasion of the mon- clearly contrast from the ones of El Niño events
umental architecture shows that the Mochicas had that are so far considered as the most threatening
to fight severe drought hazards for maintaining climate hazards. In the continuity of the ongoing
their prosperity. research on triboelectricity in volcanic plumes
(Cimarelli and Genareau, 2021), the Moche
valley and site records suggest that electrostatic
5. Conclusions and further work phenomena in dust clouds could enhance atmo-
spheric electrification and initiate flash-firing
The firing records of the Moche late Holocene events. Obviously, more study is needed to further
floodplain and the close-by early occupation floors understand the origin of the precursor particles
and the production processes of electrically
of the ongoing global warming (Wang, 2018; and, to Jean-Michel Martinez (PROMES UPR
Yair, 2018; Williams et al., 2019; Pinto and Pinto, 8521-UPVD, France) and to Prof. Ahmad Ham-
2020). dam (département de physique, Université de
Montreal, Canada) for sharing their expertise in
plasma physics and their scientific support to per-
Contributions of authors form experimentations on effects of electric arcs
and plasma discharge.
The author of this article declares that he par-
ticipated in all its elaboration: conceptualization,
data analysis, methodological-technical devel- Conflicts of interest
opment, writing of the original manuscript,
drafting of the corrected and edited manuscript, The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
graphic design, fieldwork, and interpretation.
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