Reported Speech

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Cuando queremos comunicar o informar lo que otra persona ha dicho, hay dos maneras
de hacerlo: utilizando el estilo directo (direct speech) o el estilo indirecto (reported

- Direct speech:

Cuando queremos informar exactamente de lo que otra persona ha dicho, utilizamos el

estilo directo. De esta forma, lo que la persona dice se coloca entre comillas (“…”) y
deberá ser palabra por palabra.


- “I’m going to London next week”, she said  “Voy a ir a Londres la semana
pasada”, dijo ella.
- “Do you have a pen I coud borrow?”, he asked  “¿Tienes un bolígrafo que
puedas prestarme”, preguntó él.
- Alice said, “I love dancing”  Alice dijo, “me encanta bailar”.
- Chris asked, “Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?” 
Chris preguntó, ¿te gustaría cenar conmigo mañana por la noche?

- Reported speech:

El estilo indirecto, a diferencia del directo, no utiliza comillas y no necesita ser palabra
por palabra. En general, cuando usamos el estilo indirecto, el tiempo verbal cambia.

En las frases afirmativas y negativas suele usarse that para introducir lo que ha dicho la
otra persona. Examples:

- “I’m happy to see you”, Mary said  Mary said that she was happy to see me.
- He said, “I’m making dinner”  he told me that he was making dinner.

 Estilo indirecto con varios verbos indirectos.

 Verb + infinitive with to: agree / ask / hope / offer / promise / refuse.

They agreed to let me go  Ellos estuvieron de acuerdo en dejarme ir.

I promised to send loads of emails  Te prometí enviar muchos emails.

 Verb + object pronoun + infinitive with to: advise / ask / invite / promise /
tell / warn.

She invited me to go with her  Ella me invite a ir con ella.

Dad told me to keep in touch  Papá me dijo de estar en contacto.

 Verb + (that) clause: agree / complain / explain / hope / point out (indicar,
advertir, señalar) / promise / reply / say / suggest / warn.

Mum pointed out (that) I didn’t like Indian food  Mamá indicó que no me gustaba la
comida india.

You complained (that) it was too spicy  Te quejastes que era demasiado picante.

 Verb + object pronoun + (that) clause: promise / remind / tell / warn.

Mum reminded me (that) I had to have injections  Mamá me record que tenía que

 Suggest + -ing verb:

Mum suggested invinting Nisha and her parents for dinner  Máma sugirió inviter a
Nisha y sus padres a cenar.

- Reported questions

 Para preguntas que requieran de respuesta SI o NO, usamos if antes de la

pregunta indirecta.
 Para preguntas que empiecen por una W (what, where, how, which…), usamos
dicha W acaecida antes de la pregunta indirecta.


Is everything all right  She asked if everything was all right.

Can I get you anything else?  She wanted to know if she could get hum anything else.

Would you like some ketchup?  She wondered if he would like some ketchup.

What do you want to drink?  She asked what he wanted to drink.

En las preguntas de estilo indirecto, el orden del sujeto-verbo es el mismo que en las de
estado. No se usa el signo de interrogación después de la frase indirecta.
Como se muestra en esta tabla, hay que cambiar los tiempos verbales:

Direct speech Reported speech

Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Past simple Past perfect
Present perfect Past perfect
am/is/are going to was/were going to
Must Had to
Can Could
Will Would
Shall Should
May Might/Could
*los modales could/should/would/might no cambian.

Las expresiones de tiempo también cambian en estilo indirecto.

Direct speech Reported speech

Today That day
Tonight That night
Tomorrow The next day
Yesterday The day before
Now Then / At the moment
This week / month / year That week / month / year
Next week / month / year The following week / month / year
Last week / month / year The week / month / year before
The previous week / month / year
This That
Here There

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