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11/02/2022 7
11/02/2022 8
11/02/2022 9
Soporte 1 Soporte intermedio Soporte 2
Horizontal Plus
DIAMETRO: 5/16" - 3/8" RESISTENCIA: 5.600 Libras o 25Kn
Ascenso Medellín
Adjunto informe técnico correspondiente a la revisión de la estructura que servirá de soporte a la línea de vida
La firma Ascenso dentro de sus políticas de seguridad industrial ha considerado necesario la instalación de una
línea de vida en la zona de carpe y descarpe de vehículos.
La línea se proyecta soportada en columnas metálicas dispuestas con una cruceta en la parte superior.
A partir de las especificaciones técnicas de los elementos de soporte, realizar una revisión estructural teniendo en
cuenta las cargas estáticas y dinámicas introducidas por la operación de dicha línea de vida.
Para la realización del presente estudio se ha contado con la siguiente información suministrada por ASCENSO.
Teniendo en cuenta la geometría, secciones y ubicación de los soportes se modeló la línea de vida teniendo en
cuenta las siguientes cargas y factores de mayoración y amplificación por carga dinámica.
Carros deslizadores wc 6 kg
Absorvedor de energía wd 10 kg
Σ 16 kg
Carga estática máxima P 140 kg Operario
Factor de impacto I 2 kg
Carga dinámica transmitida Pi 280 kg
los desplazamientos horizontales se implementaron AISI316 5/ 16” uniendo los soportes tal como se indica en
la figura:
Con la aplicación de las cargas estimadas se realizó la modelación de la estructura para obtener las relaciones
Demanda/Resistencia (Valor que deber ser menor que 1.00) y las deflexiones máximas presentadas.
Igualmente las reacciones en la base de las columnas para el correspondiente chequeo de la fundación.
Las propiedades mecánicas del acero utilizado para la revisión ASTM A37 son:
Las cargas estáticas y dinámicas se han mayorado de acuerdo a los siguientes factores establecidos por la Norma
de Construcción Sismo Resistente (NSR-10) en si título “B”.
Para el análisis y diseño se han considerado los siguientes casos de carga crítica:
Caso 1:
La carga es aplicada en la frontera de uno de los soportes, esto implica una fuerza vertical máxima en la cruceta.
En el Anexo 1 se presenta el reporte del programa ETABS para este caso de carga.
Caso 2:
La carga es aplicada en el punto medio entre elementos de soporte, esto implica una componente de fuerza
vertical en los soportes (Fv) y una componente de fuerza horizontal en los mismos (Fh), pr oduciendo el máximo
momento flector en la base del soporte.
El análisis y revisión se ha realizado con ayuda del programa ETABS 19.1.0 debidamente licenciado y la siguiente
tabla resume los resultados encontrados:
En el Anexo 2 se presenta el reporte del programa ETABS para este caso de carga.
X1 b X2
B 1.1 m
L 1.1 m
b 0.5 m
Qmax 3,025 kg/m2
Qmin 2,517 kg/m2
X1=(B-b)/2 0.6 m
Q1=Qmin + (Qmax-Qmin)(B-X1)/B 2,748 kg/m2
Momento flector
Mz=(qmax+q1)*X1²/4 1,143 kg.m
11 kN.m
As necesario 13.2 cm2
As colocado 16 cm2
Del análisis y revisión se concluye que la estructura conformada por los soportes, sus crucetas y los perfiles de
conexión poseen la resistencia necesaria para atender las cargas derivadas de la operación de la línea de vida
que se proyecta.
La fundación diseñada y su sistema de conexión mediante placa y pernos son competentes ante las cargas de
operación de la línea.
Anexo1 : Reporte ETABS Caso 1
Anexo2 : Reporte ETABS Caso 2
1 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links.
1.1 Materials
Table 1.1 - Material Properties - General
Material Type SymType Grade Color Notes
A416Gr270 Tendon Uniaxial Grade 270 White
A615Gr60 Rebar Uniaxial Unknown Gray8Dark
CONC3000 Concrete Isotropic Unknown Cyan
LADRILLO Other Isotropic Unknown Blue
MADERA ABARCO Other Isotropic Unknown Yellow
OTHER Other Isotropic Unknown Red
STEEL Steel Isotropic Unknown Green
2 Loads
This chapter provides loading information as applied to the model.
3 Design Data
This chapter provides design data and results.
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -384.63 69.28 0 -20.48 0
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 29.11 22519.59 0.001
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C3 11 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B1 12 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 140.05 22519.59 0.006
Minor Shear 10.24 22517.6 4.548E-04
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B1 12 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.02833 1.308E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.00944 3.924E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D5 14 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D5 14 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D6 15 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D6 15 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0 -1746.38 0 0 0 0
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 0 22519.59 0
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C4 20 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B2 21 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 1 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 770.03 22519.59 0.034
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B2 21 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.0008 0.02833 0.028 DStlD2 0 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00042 0.02833 0.015 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00042 0.00944 0.044 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00121 0.01417 0.086 DStlD2 0 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00121 0.01417 0.086 DStlD2 0 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D7 23 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 487.02 22519.59 0.022
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D7 23 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D8 24 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 487.02 22519.59 0.022
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D8 24 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -384.63 -69.28 0 20.48 0
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 29.11 22519.59 0.001
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C5 25 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B3 26 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 140.05 22519.59 0.006
Minor Shear 10.24 22517.6 4.548E-04
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B3 26 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.02833 1.308E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.00944 3.924E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D9 28 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D9 28 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D10 29 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D10 29 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
1 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links.
1.1 Materials
Table 1.1 - Material Properties - General
Material Type SymType Grade Color Notes
A416Gr270 Tendon Uniaxial Grade 270 White
A615Gr60 Rebar Uniaxial Unknown Gray8Dark
CONC3000 Concrete Isotropic Unknown Cyan
LADRILLO Other Isotropic Unknown Blue
MADERA ABARCO Other Isotropic Unknown Yellow
OTHER Other Isotropic Unknown Red
STEEL Steel Isotropic Unknown Green
2 Loads
This chapter provides loading information as applied to the model.
3 Design Data
This chapter provides design data and results.
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -731.24 255.16 0 -70.29 0
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 103.09 22519.59 0.005
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C3 11 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B1 12 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 320.83 22519.59 0.014
Minor Shear 35.14 22517.6 0.002
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B1 12 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00029 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 0 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00018 0.02833 0.006 DStlD2 0 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00018 0.00944 0.019 DStlD2 0 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00047 0.01417 0.033 DStlD2 0 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00047 0.01417 0.033 DStlD2 0 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D5 14 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 202.3 22519.59 0.009
Minor Shear 86.69 22517.6 0.004
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D5 14 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D6 15 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 202.3 22519.59 0.009
Minor Shear 86.69 22517.6 0.004
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D6 15 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -1314.8 -173.69 0 56.51 0
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 69.17 22519.59 0.003
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C4 20 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B2 21 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 1 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 612.61 22519.59 0.027
Minor Shear 28.25 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B2 21 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00078 0.02833 0.028 DStlD2 0 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 0 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00027 0.00944 0.029 DStlD2 0 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00106 0.01417 0.075 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00106 0.01417 0.075 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D7 23 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 387.23 22519.59 0.017
Minor Shear 62.84 22517.6 0.003
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D7 23 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D8 24 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 387.23 22519.59 0.017
Minor Shear 62.84 22517.6 0.003
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D8 24 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -380.84 -67.21 0 20.12 0
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 26.96 22519.59 0.001
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C5 25 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B3 26 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 138.16 22519.59 0.006
Minor Shear 10.06 22517.6 4.467E-04
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B3 26 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.009 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00003 0.02833 0.001 DStlD2 1.7 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00003 0.00944 0.004 DStlD2 1.7 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00027 0.01417 0.019 DStlD1 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00027 0.01417 0.019 DStlD1 3.4 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D9 28 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 86.23 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 23.54 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D9 28 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D10 29 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender
Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128
Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90
Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 86.23 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 23.54 22517.6 0.001
Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D10 29 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0
L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK