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• descripción del proyecto
• fichas técnicas
• galería fotográfica
• hoja de vida de sistema de línea horizontal
• cálculos de las estructuras
• certificado de resistencia línea de vida horizontal
• Instructivo de instalación
• Ficha técnica absorbedor
• Ficha técnica de producto línea de vida horizontal
• Certificado de conformidad


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11/02/2022 7

11/02/2022 8

11/02/2022 9

Soporte 1 Soporte intermedio Soporte 2



Horizontal Plus
DIAMETRO: 5/16" - 3/8" RESISTENCIA: 5.600 Libras o 25Kn

MATERIAL: Inox. Galvanizado CUMPLIMIENTO: En 795: 2012

140 Kg por usuario
(incluye equipo y herramienta)



Sistema de Linea de Vida Horizontal x

B: Bueno, R: A reparar, D: A desechar, O: Observación


Cortes o Rotura X
Evidencia de desgaste, deformaciones. X
Estiramiento o elongación excesivos X
ABSORVEDOR Corrosión por exposición a acidos o productos X
Quemaduras X
Verificación de Longitud Nominal de la Esliga X
Otros cuàl? N/A
Desgaste excesivo, deformaciones. X
Picaduras, grietas X
Deterioro General X
Abertura de garganta incorrecta respecto al
diametro del elemento a la cual se debe fija X
Otros cuàl? N/A
Cortaduras X
Hilos Faltantes
Quemaduras X
Exposición a Productos Quimicos X
Estado de Etiquetas
El equipo se encuentra en buen estado.
Hoja de Vida del Equipo Evidencia de Inspección Anterior
Ficha Tecnica del Equipo

Manual de Uso del Equipo

Existe Certificaco del Equipo

El producto ES APTO para ser utilizado. El producto NO ES APTO para ser utilizado (Se ordena realizar
El producto entra a CUARENTENA. destrucción).


En caso de someterse a CUARENTENA: (Describa la acción a realizar):

Fecha determinada para verificar la corrección y cierre de la inspección:

Nota: Despues de cumplida la fecha establecida se debe verificar y dictaminar su uso.

Fecha de Revisión: 7/02/2022 Fecha de la Proxima Revisión: 2/02/2023

Inspección Realizada por: MAURICIO GOMEZ GOMEZ Firma del Inspector:

N° del Registro del Inspector Autorizado: 19022116

Horizontal Plus
DIAMETRO: 5/16" - 3/8" RESISTENCIA: 5.600 Libras o 25Kn

MATERIAL: Inox. Galvanizado CUMPLIMIENTO: En 795: 2012

140 Kg por usuario
(incluye equipo y herramienta)



Sistema de Linea de Vida Horizontal x

B: Bueno, R: A reparar, D: A desechar, O: Observación


Cortes o Rotura X
Evidencia de desgaste, deformaciones. X
Estiramiento o elongación excesivos X
ABSORVEDOR Corrosión por exposición a acidos o productos X
Quemaduras X
Verificación de Longitud Nominal de la Esliga X
Otros cuàl? N/A
Desgaste excesivo, deformaciones. X
Picaduras, grietas X
Deterioro General X
Abertura de garganta incorrecta respecto al
diametro del elemento a la cual se debe fija X
Otros cuàl? N/A
Cortaduras X
Hilos Faltantes
Quemaduras X
Exposición a Productos Quimicos X
Estado de Etiquetas
El equipo se encuentra en buen estado.
Hoja de Vida del Equipo Evidencia de Inspección Anterior
Ficha Tecnica del Equipo

Manual de Uso del Equipo

Existe Certificaco del Equipo

El producto ES APTO para ser utilizado. El producto NO ES APTO para ser utilizado (Se ordena realizar
El producto entra a CUARENTENA. destrucción).


En caso de someterse a CUARENTENA: (Describa la acción a realizar):

Fecha determinada para verificar la corrección y cierre de la inspección:

Nota: Despues de cumplida la fecha establecida se debe verificar y dictaminar su uso.

Fecha de Revisión: 7/02/2022 Fecha de la Proxima Revisión: 2/02/2023

Inspección Realizada por: MAURICIO GOMEZ GOMEZ Firma del Inspector:

N° del Registro del Inspector Autorizado: 19022116

Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543
Envigado, 7 d e f e b r e r o de 2021

Ascenso Medellín

Asunto: Informe de revisión estructura de soporte línea de vida

Apreciada Doctora Laura,

Adjunto informe técnico correspondiente a la revisión de la estructura que servirá de soporte a la línea de vida



Ingeniero Civil

Carrera 32 B # 40 DS 77 Cel 316 834 80 02 Envigado (Ant) Página 1

Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543



La firma Ascenso dentro de sus políticas de seguridad industrial ha considerado necesario la instalación de una
línea de vida en la zona de carpe y descarpe de vehículos.

La línea se proyecta soportada en columnas metálicas dispuestas con una cruceta en la parte superior.


A partir de las especificaciones técnicas de los elementos de soporte, realizar una revisión estructural teniendo en
cuenta las cargas estáticas y dinámicas introducidas por la operación de dicha línea de vida.


Para la realización del presente estudio se ha contado con la siguiente información suministrada por ASCENSO.

Información de los elementos de soporte:

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543

Teniendo en cuenta la geometría, secciones y ubicación de los soportes se modeló la línea de vida teniendo en
cuenta las siguientes cargas y factores de mayoración y amplificación por carga dinámica.


Carros deslizadores wc 6 kg
Absorvedor de energía wd 10 kg
Σ 16 kg

Carga estática máxima P 140 kg Operario
Factor de impacto I 2 kg
Carga dinámica transmitida Pi 280 kg


los desplazamientos horizontales se implementaron AISI316 5/ 16” uniendo los soportes tal como se indica en
la figura:

Con la aplicación de las cargas estimadas se realizó la modelación de la estructura para obtener las relaciones
Demanda/Resistencia (Valor que deber ser menor que 1.00) y las deflexiones máximas presentadas.

Igualmente las reacciones en la base de las columnas para el correspondiente chequeo de la fundación.

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543
Aunque por la información suministrada los elementos se ven en buen estado, debido a eventuales deficiencias
en la fabricación se ha castigado su rigidez al 80% (E/A=0.80E/A). Se ha considerado acero A572 grado 50 que
es el especificado.

Las propiedades mecánicas del acero utilizado para la revisión ASTM A37 son:

• Módulo de Elasticidad E = 200 Gpa (2.100.000 kg/cm²)

• Peso específico γ = 7.800 kg/m3
• Esfuerzo mínimo de fluencia Fy = 350 Mpa (2.530 kg/cm²)
• Resistencia a ruptura Fu = 400- 550 Mpa
• Relación de Poisson 0.26
• Módulo de corte Ev= 78.1 Gpa
• Soldaduras E70XX

Las cargas estáticas y dinámicas se han mayorado de acuerdo a los siguientes factores establecidos por la Norma
de Construcción Sismo Resistente (NSR-10) en si título “B”.

Carga muerta ó permanente (D) ........................1.2

Carga viva línea de vida (Li) ...............................1.6
Factor de impacto por carga dinámica (I) ............ 2.0

Las combinaciones de carga utilizadas fueron las siguientes:

COMB 1: ........... 1.4D

COMB 2: ........... 1.2D +1.6Lr+I(1.6Li)

Para el análisis y diseño se han considerado los siguientes casos de carga crítica:

Caso 1:
La carga es aplicada en la frontera de uno de los soportes, esto implica una fuerza vertical máxima en la cruceta.

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543
Resultados del análisis y revisión:

TABLE: Steel Frame Design Summary - AISC LRFD-93

Story Design Type Design Section PMM Combo PMM Ratio Observación

Story1 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.052 OK

Story1 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.018 OK
Story1 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.207 OK
Story1 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(T) 0.008 OK
Story1 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.052 OK
Story1 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.018 OK
Story1 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.058 OK
Story1 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.038 OK
Story1 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 (T) 0.323 OK
Story1 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.058 OK
Story1 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.038 OK
Story1 cord AISI316 5/16” DCmcS1(C) 0.137 OK
Story1 cord AISI316 5/16” DCmcS1(C) 0.137 OK
Story1 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.042 OK
Story1 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.042 OK
Story1 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.174 OK
Story1 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.174 OK
Story1 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.042 OK
Story1 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.042 OK

En el Anexo 1 se presenta el reporte del programa ETABS para este caso de carga.

Caso 2:
La carga es aplicada en el punto medio entre elementos de soporte, esto implica una componente de fuerza
vertical en los soportes (Fv) y una componente de fuerza horizontal en los mismos (Fh), pr oduciendo el máximo
momento flector en la base del soporte.

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543
Resultados del análisis y revisión:

El análisis y revisión se ha realizado con ayuda del programa ETABS 19.1.0 debidamente licenciado y la siguiente
tabla resume los resultados encontrados:

TABLE: Steel Frame Design Summary - AISC LRFD-93

Label Design Type Design Section PMM Combo PMM Ratio Observación

C3 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.15 OK

C3 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(T) 0.064 OK
C4 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.148 OK
C4 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(T) 0.048 OK
C5 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.05 OK
C5 Column TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.017 OK
B5 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.146 OK
B5 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(T) 0.101 OK
B6 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.146 OK
B6 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(T) 0.101 OK
B11 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 (T) 0.267 OK
B12 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 (T) 0.267 OK
B13 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.057 OK
B13 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.037 OK
B14 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.057 OK
B14 Beam TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(T) 0.037 OK
B16 cord AISI316 5/16” 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.157 OK
B18 cord AISI316 5/16” 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.157 OK
B19 cord AISI316 5/16” 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.808 OK
B20 cord AISI316 5/16” 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.808 OK
B21 cord AISI316 5/16” 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.808 OK
B22 cord AISI316 5/16” 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.808 OK
D5 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.116 OK
D6 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.116 OK
D7 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.169 OK
D8 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L(C) 0.169 OK
D9 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.041 OK
D10 Brace TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1(C) 0.041 OK

En el Anexo 2 se presenta el reporte del programa ETABS para este caso de carga.

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543
Placa base y pernos
Carga vertical de levantamiento 0 kN
Fuerza horizontal en X Vx 0.6 kN
Fuerza horizontal en Y Vy kN
Momento en X (Mux>Muy) Mux 1.74 kN.m
Momento en Y Muy 0 kN.m
Carga axial Asociada a momento máximo Pu 13.15 kN
Excentricidad en X ex=Mux/Pu 0.13 m
Excentricidad en Y ey=Muy/Pu 0.00 m

Resistencia a fluencia acero 2500 kg/cm2

Resistencia a tracción = 0.90.fy σ 2250 kg/cm2
Resistencia a cortante = 0.85.fy τ 2125 kg/cm2
Resistencia a compresión del concreto f'c 210 kg/cm2 Aplastamiento
Area de acero necesaria a tracción 0.00 cm2
Area de acero necesaria a cortante 0.03 cm2 B


1. Flexión Pu 1,315 kg m
Excentricidad para diseño eu 13 cm
Ancho platina B 40 cm
Largo platina L 40 cm L
Area platina Ap 1,600 cm2
Presión máxima de contacto <Фc.0.85f'c, Фc=0.6 Q=Pu*(1+6eu/B)/Ap 2 kg/cm2 OK n
Voladizo a borde placa m 12.5 cm
Voladizo a borde placa n 12.5 cm
Momento aplicado X Q*L*m²/2 7,666
Momento aplicado Y Q*B*n²/2 7,666
Momento para diseño Mu 7,666 Inercia Dirección 1
Resistencia a fexión acero = 0.90.fy 2,250 kg/cm2 Ai yi Ai.yi Ii di Ai.di²
Ancho de la platina B 40 cm 64.0 0.80 51 14 3.60 829.44
Espesor supuesto t 1.6 cm 32.0 11.60 371 1,067 -7.20 1,658.88
Inercia sección I=B.t^3/12 14 cm4 96 422 1,080 2,488
Posición eje neutro c=t/2 1 cm Yct 4.40 cm
Momento resistente M=σ.I/c 38,400 Ycc 17.20 cm
F.S 5.01 I1 3,569 cm4
2. Cartelas
Espesor cartelas tc 1.6 cm Inercia Dirección 2
Altura cartelas hc 20 cm Ai yi Ai.yi Ii di Ai.di²
Inercia sección I 3,569 cm4 64.0 0.80 51 14 3.60 829.44
Posición eje neutro Yc 17.20 cm 32.0 11.60 371 1,067 -7.20 1,658.88
Momento resistente M=σ.I/c 466,828 96 422 1,080 2,488
F.S 60.90 Yct 4.40 cm
Ycc 17.20 cm
3. Cortante I2 3,569 cm4
Cortante aplicado en X Vx=Q*L*m 1,227 kg
Cortante aplicado Y Vy=Q*B*n 1,227 kg
Cortante resistente V=τ.B.t 136,000
F.S 110.88
4.Pernos anclaje
Brazo de palanca z 15 cm
Fuerza extracción F=Mmax/z 1,160 kg
Resistencia a fluencia acero fy 6200 kg/cm2 A325
Resistencia a tracción = 0.90.fy σ 5,580
Resistencia a cortante = 0.85.fy τ 5,270
Area necesaria Ai=F/σ 0.21 cm2
Cortante máximo V 60 kg
Area necesaria Ai=V/τ 0.01 cm2
Conexión perfil platina
Soldadura de filete
Resistencia electrodo FEXX 4,930 kg/cm2 70 psi
Resistencia nominal Fw=0.60*FEXX 2,958 kg/cm2
Factor de resistencia φ 0.75
Lado l 0.7 cm
Garganta=0.707*l g 0.49 cm
Longitud soldadura ls 80 cm tuerca
Resistencia soldadura Rs=φ 87,835 kg F.S 75.7
5. Aplastamiento por carga axial
Espesor mínimo por aplastamiento tp1=m√(2.Pu/0.9Fy.Ap) 0.34 cm OK
Espesor mínimo por aplastamiento tp2=n√(2.Pu/0.9Fy.Ap) 0.34 cm OK
6. Longitud de anclaje pernos
Número de pernos en la fila Np 2
Fuerza de extracción Nb 5,800 N
Factor tipo anclaje kc 3.9 Anclaje con cabeza preinstalado
Resistencia concreto f´c 21 Mpa
λ 1 Concreto normal
Profundidad de anclaje hef= [Nb/(kc.λ.f.c^0.5)]^3/5 32 mm

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543
Profundidad desplante Df 1.6 m
M Capacidad admisible suelo σadm 50 kN/m2
5,000 kg/m2
Cálculo de W
Cant Peso unit Peso total
Peso poste 1 112 112 kg
Cruceta 1 32 20 kg
Piamigos 2 19 38 kg
L Tubo TUB 150X150X4.0 2 122 244 kg
Carga viva operador (I) 2 140 280 kg
W 694 kg
w Fuerzas verticales
ϒ(kg/m3) B(m) L(m) Espesor (m) Wz (kg)
Zapata 2400 1.1 1.1 0.4 1,162
Ciclópeo 2300 1.1 1.1 0 0
Df Pedestal 2400 0.5 0.5 1.2 720
E Lleno 1800 0.6 0.6 1.2 778
Dr W 694
ΣV 3,353

B Momento de volcamiento Mo 56.35 kg.m De análisis

Momento resistente
Peso Brazo Momento
W 694 0.55 382 kg.m
Pedestal 720 0.55 396 kg.m
Zapata 1,162 0.55 639 kg.m
Ciclópeo 0 0.55 0 kg.m
Lleno 778 0.55 428 kg.m
3,353 Mr 1,844 kg.m
Mneto=Mr-Mo 1,788 kg.m
Excentricidad e=B/2-Mneto/ΣV 0.02 m
B/6 0.18 m OK
Qmax=ΣV/B.L(1+6e/B) 3,025 kg/m2 OK
Qmin=ΣV/B.L(1-6e/B) 2,517 kg/m2 OK


X1 b X2

B 1.1 m
L 1.1 m
b 0.5 m
Qmax 3,025 kg/m2
Qmin 2,517 kg/m2
X1=(B-b)/2 0.6 m
Q1=Qmin + (Qmax-Qmin)(B-X1)/B 2,748 kg/m2

qmax=Qmax*L 3,328 kg/m

q1=Q1*L 3,023 kg/m

Momento flector
Mz=(qmax+q1)*X1²/4 1,143 kg.m
11 kN.m
As necesario 13.2 cm2
As colocado 16 cm2

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Luis Fernando Echeverry Brand
Ingeniero Civil Mat 24543

Del análisis y revisión se concluye que la estructura conformada por los soportes, sus crucetas y los perfiles de
conexión poseen la resistencia necesaria para atender las cargas derivadas de la operación de la línea de vida
que se proyecta.

La fundación diseñada y su sistema de conexión mediante placa y pernos son competentes ante las cargas de
operación de la línea.



Ingeniero Civil. U.N Facultad de minas 1986.

Anexo1 : Reporte ETABS Caso 1
Anexo2 : Reporte ETABS Caso 2

Carrera 32 B # 40 DS 77 Cel 316 834 80 02 Envigado (Ant) Página 12

Project Report
Model File: Anexo 1: CASO 1 SOPORTES LÍNEA DE VIDA, Revision
Properties 23/12/2021

1 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links.

1.1 Materials
Table 1.1 - Material Properties - General
Material Type SymType Grade Color Notes
A416Gr270 Tendon Uniaxial Grade 270 White
A615Gr60 Rebar Uniaxial Unknown Gray8Dark
CONC3000 Concrete Isotropic Unknown Cyan
LADRILLO Other Isotropic Unknown Blue
MADERA ABARCO Other Isotropic Unknown Yellow
OTHER Other Isotropic Unknown Red
STEEL Steel Isotropic Unknown Green

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 2 of 32

Loads 23/12/2021

2 Loads
This chapter provides loading information as applied to the model.

2.1 Load Patterns

Table 2.1 - Load Pattern Definitions

Is Auto Self Weight

Name Type
Load Multiplier

~LLRF Yes Other 0

DEAD No Dead 1
LIVE No Live 0

2.2 Load Cases

Table 2.2 - Load Case Definitions - Summary
Name Type
DEAD Linear Static
LIVE Linear Static

2.3 Load Combinations

Table 2.3 - Load Combination Definitions
Name Type Is Auto SF Notes
1.2D+1.6I.L Linear Add No DEAD 1.2
1.2D+1.6I.L LIVE 3.2
D+L Linear Add No DEAD 1
DCmcS1 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.4 Dead [Strength]
DCmcS2 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.2 Dead + Live [Strength]
DCmcS2 LIVE 1.6
DStlD1 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1 Dead [Deflections]
DStlD2 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1 Dead + Live [Deflections]
DStlS1 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.4 Dead [Strength]
DStlS2 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.2 Dead + Live [Strength]
DStlS2 LIVE 1.6

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 3 of 32


3 Design Data
This chapter provides design data and results.

3.1 Steel Frame Design

Table 3.1 - Steel Frame Design Preferences - AISC LRFD 93
Item Value
Multi-Response Design Step-by-Step
Frame Type Moment Frame
Phi (Bending) 0.9
Phi (Compression) 0.85
Phi (Tension) 0.9
Phi (Shear) 0.9
Phi (Compression, Angle) 0.9
Consider Deflection? Yes
DL Ratio 120
SDL+LL Ratio 120
LL Ratio 360
Total Ratio 240
Total Camber Limit 240
Pattern Live Load Factor 0.75
D/C Ratio Limit 0.95
Maximum Iterations 1

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 4 of 32


ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Stress Check Message - kl/r > 200

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 C3 11 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 5.316 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
6.01600 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.052 0.023 + 0.03 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 5 of 32


Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -384.63 69.28 0 -20.48 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 2 0.85 1 1 1.643
Minor Bending 0.884 2 1 1.007 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
384.63 8443.94 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 69.28 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 29.11 22519.59 0.001
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C3 11 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B1 12 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.40000 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.058 0+ 0.054 + 0.004

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
2.4 -0.16 -127.29 -9.27 -140.05 -10.24

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 0.294 1 0.85 1 1 1.458
Minor Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
0.16 54777.7 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 127.29 2347.35
Minor Bending 9.27 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 140.05 22519.59 0.006
Minor Shear 10.24 22517.6 4.548E-04

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B1 12 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.02833 1.308E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.00944 3.924E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D5 14 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.042 0.003 + 0.026 + 0.012

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -434.08 -61.98 28.56 87.43 -24.15

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1 2.089
Minor Bending 1 1 0.665 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
434.08 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 61.98 2347.35
Minor Bending 28.56 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D5 14 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D6 15 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.042 0.003 + 0.026 + 0.012

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -434.08 -61.98 -28.56 87.43 24.15

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1 2.089
Minor Bending 1 1 0.665 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
434.08 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 61.98 2347.35
Minor Bending 28.56 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D6 15 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Stress Check Message - kl/r > 200

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 C4 20 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
6.01600 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1a)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.207 0.207 + 0+ 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 13 of 32


Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0 -1746.38 0 0 0 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1a)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 2 1 1.04 1 1
Minor Bending 0.884 2 1 1.031 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
1746.38 8443.94 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 0 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 0 22519.59 0
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C4 20 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B2 21 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 1 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.40000 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.323 0+ 0.323 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
1 0.32 -758.8 0 770.03 0

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 0.294 1 1 1 1 1.445
Minor Bending 1 1 1 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
0.32 54777.7 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 758.8 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 770.03 22519.59 0.034
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B2 21 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.0008 0.02833 0.028 DStlD2 0 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00042 0.02833 0.015 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00042 0.00944 0.044 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00121 0.01417 0.086 DStlD2 0 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00121 0.01417 0.086 DStlD2 0 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D7 23 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.174 0.018 + 0.157 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -2427.04 -367.53 0 487.02 0

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.484 1 1 2.08
Minor Bending 1 1 1 1.001 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
2427.04 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 367.53 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 487.02 22519.59 0.022
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D7 23 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D8 24 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.174 0.018 + 0.157 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -2427.04 -367.53 0 487.02 0

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.484 1 1 2.08
Minor Bending 1 1 1 1.001 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
2427.04 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 367.53 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 487.02 22519.59 0.022
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D8 24 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Stress Check Message - kl/r > 200

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 C5 25 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 5.316 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
6.01600 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.052 0.023 + 0.03 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 21 of 32


Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -384.63 -69.28 0 20.48 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 2 0.85 1 1 1.643
Minor Bending 0.884 2 1 1.007 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
384.63 8443.94 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 69.28 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 29.11 22519.59 0.001
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C5 25 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B3 26 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.40000 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.058 0+ 0.054 + 0.004

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
2.4 -0.16 -127.29 9.27 -140.05 10.24

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 23 of 32


Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 0.294 1 0.85 1 1 1.458
Minor Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
0.16 54777.7 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 127.29 2347.35
Minor Bending 9.27 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 140.05 22519.59 0.006
Minor Shear 10.24 22517.6 4.548E-04

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B3 26 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.02833 1.308E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Live Load 3.4 3.706E-06 0.00944 3.924E-04 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00028 0.01417 0.019 DStlD2 3.4 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D9 28 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.042 0.003 + 0.026 + 0.012

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -434.08 -61.98 -28.56 87.43 24.15

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1 2.089
Minor Bending 1 1 0.665 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
434.08 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 61.98 2347.35
Minor Bending 28.56 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D9 28 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D10 29 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.042 0.003 + 0.026 + 0.012

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -434.08 -61.98 28.56 87.43 -24.15

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Design Data 23/12/2021

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1 2.089
Minor Bending 1 1 0.665 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
434.08 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 61.98 2347.35
Minor Bending 28.56 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 87.43 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 24.15 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D10 29 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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Project Report
Model File: Anexo 2: CASO 2 SOPORTES LÍNEA DE VIDA, Revision
Properties 23/12/2021

1 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links.

1.1 Materials
Table 1.1 - Material Properties - General
Material Type SymType Grade Color Notes
A416Gr270 Tendon Uniaxial Grade 270 White
A615Gr60 Rebar Uniaxial Unknown Gray8Dark
CONC3000 Concrete Isotropic Unknown Cyan
LADRILLO Other Isotropic Unknown Blue
MADERA ABARCO Other Isotropic Unknown Yellow
OTHER Other Isotropic Unknown Red
STEEL Steel Isotropic Unknown Green

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Loads 23/12/2021

2 Loads
This chapter provides loading information as applied to the model.

2.1 Load Patterns

Table 2.1 - Load Pattern Definitions

Is Auto Self Weight

Name Type Auto Load
Load Multiplier

~LLRF Yes Other 0

DEAD No Dead 1
LIVE No Live 0

2.2 Load Cases

Table 2.2 - Load Case Definitions - Summary
Name Type Notes
DEAD Linear Static
LIVE Linear Static

2.3 Load Combinations

Table 2.3 - Load Combination Definitions
Name Type Is Auto Mode SF Notes
1.2D+1.6I.L Linear Add No DEAD 1.2
1.2D+1.6I.L LIVE 3.2
D+L Linear Add No DEAD 1
DCmcS1 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.4 Dead [Strength]
DCmcS2 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.2 Dead + Live [Strength]
DCmcS2 LIVE 1.6
DStlD1 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1 Dead [Deflections]
DStlD2 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1 Dead + Live [Deflections]
DStlS1 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.4 Dead [Strength]
DStlS2 Linear Add Yes DEAD 1.2 Dead + Live [Strength]
DStlS2 LIVE 1.6

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3 Design Data
This chapter provides design data and results.

3.1 Steel Frame Design

Table 3.1 - Steel Frame Design Preferences - AISC LRFD 93
Item Value
Multi-Response Design Step-by-Step
Frame Type Moment Frame
Phi (Bending) 0.9
Phi (Compression) 0.85
Phi (Tension) 0.9
Phi (Shear) 0.9
Phi (Compression, Angle) 0.9
Consider Deflection? Yes
DL Ratio 120
SDL+LL Ratio 120
LL Ratio 360
Total Ratio 240
Total Camber Limit 240
Pattern Live Load Factor 0.75
D/C Ratio Limit 0.95
Maximum Iterations 1

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Stress Check Message - kl/r > 200

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 C3 11 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 5.316 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
6.01600 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.152 0.043 + 0.109 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

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Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -731.24 255.16 0 -70.29 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 2 0.85 1 1 1.666
Minor Bending 0.884 2 1 1.013 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
731.24 8443.94 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 255.16 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 103.09 22519.59 0.005
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C3 11 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B1 12 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.40000 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.146 0+ 0.132 + 0.014

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
2.4 -0.16 -309.9 -32.89 -320.83 -35.14

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 0.294 1 0.85 1 1 1.448
Minor Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
0.16 54777.7 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 309.9 2347.35
Minor Bending 32.89 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 320.83 22519.59 0.014
Minor Shear 35.14 22517.6 0.002

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B1 12 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00029 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 0 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00018 0.02833 0.006 DStlD2 0 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00018 0.00944 0.019 DStlD2 0 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00047 0.01417 0.033 DStlD2 0 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00047 0.01417 0.033 DStlD2 0 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D5 14 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.116 0.007 + 0.064 + 0.044

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -1007.06 -150.3 104.12 202.3 -86.69

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.487 1 1 2.083
Minor Bending 1 1 0.67 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
1007.06 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 150.3 2347.35
Minor Bending 104.12 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 202.3 22519.59 0.009
Minor Shear 86.69 22517.6 0.004

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D5 14 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D6 15 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.116 0.007 + 0.064 + 0.044

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -1007.06 -150.3 -104.12 202.3 86.69

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.487 1 1 2.083
Minor Bending 1 1 0.67 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
1007.06 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 150.3 2347.35
Minor Bending 104.12 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 202.3 22519.59 0.009
Minor Shear 86.69 22517.6 0.004

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D6 15 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Stress Check Message - kl/r > 200

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 C4 20 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 5.316 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
6.01600 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.152 0.078 + 0.074 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 13 of 32


Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -1314.8 -173.69 0 56.51 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 2 0.85 1 1 1.609
Minor Bending 0.884 2 1 1.023 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
1314.8 8443.94 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 173.69 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 69.17 22519.59 0.003
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C4 20 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B2 21 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 1 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.40000 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.267 0+ 0.256 + 0.011

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
1 0.66 -601.47 24.66 612.61 -28.25

ETABS v19.1.0 Page 15 of 32


Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 0.294 1 1 1 1 1.445
Minor Bending 1 1 1 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
0.66 54777.7 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 601.47 2347.35
Minor Bending 24.66 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 612.61 22519.59 0.027
Minor Shear 28.25 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B2 21 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00078 0.02833 0.028 DStlD2 0 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.01 DStlD2 0 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00027 0.00944 0.029 DStlD2 0 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00106 0.01417 0.075 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00106 0.01417 0.075 DStlD2 3.4 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D7 23 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.169 0.014 + 0.124 + 0.031

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -1929.36 -291.39 -72.65 387.23 62.84

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.484 1 1 2.081
Minor Bending 1 1 0.658 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
1929.36 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 291.39 2347.35
Minor Bending 72.65 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 387.23 22519.59 0.017
Minor Shear 62.84 22517.6 0.003

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D7 23 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D8 24 TUB 150X150X4.0 1.2D+1.6I.L 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.169 0.014 + 0.124 + 0.031

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -1929.36 -291.39 72.65 387.23 -62.84

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.484 1 1 2.081
Minor Bending 1 1 0.658 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
1929.36 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 291.39 2347.35
Minor Bending 72.65 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 387.23 22519.59 0.017
Minor Shear 62.84 22517.6 0.003

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D8 24 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Stress Check Message - kl/r > 200

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 C5 25 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 5.316 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
6.01600 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.051 0.023 + 0.029 + 0

Stress Check forces and Moments

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Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
5.316 -380.84 -67.21 0 20.12 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 2 0.85 1 1 1.639
Minor Bending 0.884 2 1 1.007 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
380.84 8443.94 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 67.21 2347.35
Minor Bending 0 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 26.96 22519.59 0.001
Minor Shear 0 22517.6 0

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 C5 25 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Super DL + Live Load 6.016 0 0.05013 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Live Load 6.016 0 0.01671 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total Load 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK
Total - Camber 6.016 0 0.02507 0 DStlD2 6.016 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 B3 26 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 2.4 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.40000 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.057 0+ 0.053 + 0.004

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
2.4 -0.18 -125.4 9.05 -138.16 10.06

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 0.294 1 0.85 1 1 1.458
Minor Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
0.18 54777.7 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 125.4 2347.35
Minor Bending 9.05 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 138.16 22519.59 0.006
Minor Shear 10.06 22517.6 4.467E-04

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 B3 26 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 3.4 0.00027 0.02833 0.009 DStlD2 3.4 OK
Super DL + Live Load 3.4 0.00003 0.02833 0.001 DStlD2 1.7 OK
Live Load 3.4 0.00003 0.00944 0.004 DStlD2 1.7 OK
Total Load 3.4 0.00027 0.01417 0.019 DStlD1 3.4 OK
Total - Camber 3.4 0.00027 0.01417 0.019 DStlD1 3.4 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D9 28 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.041 0.003 + 0.026 + 0.012

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -428.09 -61.06 -27.76 86.23 23.54

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Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1 2.089
Minor Bending 1 1 0.664 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
428.09 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 61.06 2347.35
Minor Bending 27.76 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 86.23 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 23.54 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D9 28 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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ETABS Steel Frame Design

AISC LRFD 93 Steel Section Check (Envelope Details)

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section Combo Location Frame Type Classification
Story1 D10 29 TUB 150X150X4.0 DCmcS1 0.98995 Moment Resisting Frame Slender

Design Code Parameters

Φb Φc Φt Φv Φc,Angle
0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties
A (m²) I33 (m⁴) r33 (m) S33 (m³) Av3 (m²) Z33 (m³)
0.0023 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

J (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) r22 (m) S22 (m³) Av2 (m²) Z22 (m³) Cw (m⁶)
0.000012 0.000008 0.05963 0.000111 0.0012 0.000128

Material Properties
E (kgf/m²) fy (kgf/m²) r22 (m) α
20000000000 35153481.31 0.05963 90

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
0.98995 1 0.95

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (H1-1b)

D/C Ratio Axial Ratio Flexural RatioMajor Flexural RatioMinor
0.041 0.003 + 0.026 + 0.012

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf)
0.98995 -428.09 -61.06 27.76 86.23 -23.54

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Design Data 23/12/2021

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K Cm B1 B2 Cb
Major Bending 1 1 0.85 1 1 2.089
Minor Bending 1 1 0.664 1 1

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
428.09 68381.24 73906.68

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m)
Major Bending 61.06 2347.35
Minor Bending 27.76 2347.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf) Stress Ratio
Major Shear 86.23 22519.59 0.004
Minor Shear 23.54 22517.6 0.001

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Element Type Section
Story1 D10 29 Moment Resisting Frame TUB 150X150X4.0

L Deflection Deflection Station
Deflection Deflection Load Check
Value Limit Location
Type Ratio Combo Status
m m m m
Dead Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Super DL + Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00825 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Live Load 0.98995 0 0.00275 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total Load 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK
Total - Camber 0.98995 0 0.00412 0 DStlD2 0.98995 OK

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