Aqa 8698 La VGTS
Aqa 8698 La VGTS
Aqa 8698 La VGTS
test solutions
© AQA 2020 1 of 25
Theme 1 – Identity and Culture
Spanish English
anciano old
la pareja couple
perezoso lazy
el hogar home
Spanish English
joven young
orgulloso proud
confiar to trust
comprender to understand
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Grammar test – present tense of irregular verbs, future tense, imperfect tense,
pronouns, prepositions, intensifiers, adjectives, adverbs, comparative, ser/estar
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
© AQA 2020 3 of 25
Theme 1 – Identity and Culture
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
descargar to download
borrar to delete
la herramienta tool
Spanish English
la pantalla screen
el portátil laptop
la contraseña password
desactivar to block
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Grammar test – preterite tense, perfect tense, conjunctions, demonstratives,
adjectives, negatives, pronouns, passive voice, verb plus infinitive
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
© AQA 2020 5 of 25
Theme 1 – Identity and Culture
Topic 3: Free time activities
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
la canción song
patinar to skate
el almuerzo lunch
la carrera race
la alimentación food
Spanish English
sabroso tasty
el partido match
ganar to win
la entrada ticket
el premio prize
© AQA 2020 6 of 25
Grammar test – impersonal verbs, irregular present tense, conditional tense,
time phrases, immediate future, disjunctive pronouns, gerund, negatives,
superlatives, indefinite adjectives
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
Toco la batería desde hace cinco años cuando empecé con un grupo de rock.
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Theme 1 – Identity and Culture
Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
la costumbre custom
el torero bullfighter
el juguete toy
Spanish English
la fiesta festival
Navidad Christmas
la corrida bullfight
la muñeca doll
la bandera flag
© AQA 2020 8 of 25
Grammar test – conditional tense, irregular future, lo plus adjective, adverbs of
frequency, interrogative adjectives, indirect object pronouns, reflexive verbs,
verb plus infinitive, possessive adjectives, adjectives
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
A los niños les encantan los Reyes Magos porque traen sus regalos el seis de
© AQA 2020 9 of 25
Theme 2 – Local, national, international and global areas of
Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
el barrio neighbourhood
el río river
el sótano basement
Spanish English
el paisaje landscape
compartir to share
el edificio building
la ciudad city
concurrido crowded
© AQA 2020 10 of 25
Grammar test – imperfect continuous, possessive pronouns, radical changing
verbs, time phrase, immediate future, irregular preterite tense, disjunctive
pronouns, indefinite pronouns, prepositions
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
Compré estos vaqueros, pero me quedan grandes. ¿Me devuelve el dinero, por
Los adolescentes necesitan algo que hacer por la noche. No hay ni cine ni bolera.
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Theme 2 – Local, national, international and global areas of
Topic 2: Social issues
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
borrracho drunk
morir to die
el sobrepeso obesity
Spanish English
el cuerpo body
sano healthy
evitar to avoid
asqueroso disgusting
el cerebro brain
© AQA 2020 12 of 25
Grammar test – pluperfect tense, relative pronouns, imperative, reflexive
constructions, radical changing verbs, adverbs, prepositions, nouns, adjectives,
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
© AQA 2020 13 of 25
Theme 2 – Local, national, international and global areas of
Topic 3: Global issues
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
el recurso resource
el pájaro bird
Spanish English
la pobreza poverty
sucio dirty
reciclar to recycle
amenazar to threaten
el incendio fire
© AQA 2020 14 of 25
Grammar test – uses of tener, nouns, reflexive verbs, irregular past participles,
present tense verb endings, present continuous, adjectives, adverbs of time, use
of the infinitive
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
© AQA 2020 15 of 25
Theme 2 – Local, national, international and global areas of
Topic 4: Travel and Tourism
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
el retraso delay
el camping campsite
conducir to drive
la insolación sunstroke
Spanish English
el país country
el vuelo flight
llegar to arrive
la avería breakdown
© AQA 2020 16 of 25
Grammar test – irregular preterite tense, articles, direct object pronouns,
reflexive verbs, quantifiers, lo plus adjective, adverbs of place, modes of address,
negatives, imperfect with weather expressions
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
Hay que tener mucho cuidado con los camiones en las carreteras.
Fui a México el verano pasado y quiero volver allí el año que viene.
Mis amigos tuvieron un problema con el motor del coche y llegaron tarde.
© AQA 2020 17 of 25
Theme 3 – Current and future study and employment
Topic 1: My studies
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
enseñar to teach
el idioma language
atento attentive
sencillo simple
Spanish English
la informática IT
optar to opt
riguroso severe
© AQA 2020 18 of 25
Grammar test – interrogative pronouns, spelling changes in preterite tense,
impersonal verbs, conditional tense, verb plus infinitive, possessive adjective,
time expressions, gerund, indefinite adjective, adjectival agreement
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
© AQA 2020 19 of 25
Theme 3 – Current and future study and employment
Topic 2: Life at school/college
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
el tema topic
el éxito success
la prueba test
la lectura reading
Spanish English
la ayuda help
el nivel level
el comportamiento behaviour
el castigo punishment
apoyar to support
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Grammar test – articles, irregular past participles, impersonal verbs, indefinite
adjectives, future tense, prepositions, conditional of gustar, present continuous,
quantifiers, radical changing verbs
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
Lo peor es cuando los profesores castigan a todos los alumnos, incluso a los que
no han hecho nada.
© AQA 2020 21 of 25
Theme 3 – Current and future study and employment
Topic 3: Education post-16
Vocabulary test
Spanish English
el aprendizaje apprenticeship
conseguir to get
la perspectiva prospects
lograr to achieve
Spanish English
esperar to hope
dejar to leave
el derecho law
© AQA 2020 22 of 25
Grammar test – adverbs of place, verb plus infinitive, adjectives, preposition plus
infinitive, adverbs, perfect tense, irregular future tense, reflexive constructions,
possessive adjectives
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
Spanish English
el paro unemployment
el empleo job
la empresa company
rellenar to fill in
el sueldo salary
Spanish English
el trabajador worker
el jefe boss
ganar to earn
probar to try
el abogado lawyer
Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the gaps in the following
sentences. Only use each word once.
Ahora los padres quieren horas de trabajo flexibles para compartir el cuidado de los
De pequeña iba a ser actriz, pero ahora soy periodista. Es muy emocionante.
Cuando sea mayor quiero ser granjero porque me encanta estar al aire libre.