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Dierencial Post AWD
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Nissan Murano Post Dferencial
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Dierencial Post AWD
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Nissan Murano Post Dferencial
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D DRIVELINE/AXLE scorn FR D REAR FINAL DRIVE CONTENTS PRECAUTIONS ... 2 Components 13 Precautions 2 Pre-Inspection 14 PREPARATION .. 3 TOTAL PRELOAD 14 ‘Special Service Tools 3 DRIVE GEAR TO DRIVE PINION BACKLASH... 15 Commercial Service Tools 6 DRIVE GEAR RUNOUT 216 NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH) COMPANION FLANGE RUNOUT 216 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING 7 TOOTH CONTACT 216 NVH Troubleshooting Chart 7 Disassembly and Assembly m9 FRONT OIL SEAL mw DISASSEMBLY m9 Removal and Installation 8 __ ASSEMBLY m2 REMOVAL 8 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ....29 INSTALLATION 9 General Specification 228 SIDE OIL SEAL .. Drive Gear Runout 29 Removal and Installation 10 Side Gear Adjustment 29 REMOVAL AVAILABLE SIDE GEAR THRUST WASHERS... 29 INSTALLATION Drive Pinion Adjustment 29 REAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY AVAILABLE DRIVE PINION ADJUSTING SHIM.. 29, Removal and Installation 11 Side Bearing Preload Aduustment 29 REMOVAL 1 AVAILABLE SIDE BEARING ADJUSTING SHIM. 30 INSTALLATION 42 Total Preload 30 Revision: 2004 November RFD-1 2004 MuranoPRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS PFP-00001 Precautions soso CAUTION: © Check for the correct installation status prior removal or disassembly. When mating marks are required, be sure they do not interfere with the function of the parts they are applied to. Carry out an overhaul in a clean work place, Using a dust proof room is recommended. Before disassembly, using steam or white gasoline, completely remove sand and mud from the exterior the unit, preventing them from entering into the unit during disassembly or assembly. ¢ Check appearance of the disassembled parts for damage, deformation, and abnormal wear. If a malfunction is detected, replace it with a new one. Normally replace lock pins, oil seals, and bearings with new ones every times they are removed. In principle, tighten bolts or nuts gradually in several steps working diagonally from inside to out- side. If tightening sequence is specified, observe it. Clean and flush the parts sufficiently and blow them dry. Be careful not to damage the sliding surfaces and mating surface. When applying sealant, remove the old sealant from the mounting surface; then remove any moi ture, oll, and foreign materials from the application and mounting surfaces. Always use shop paper for cleaning the inside of components. Avoid using cotton gloves or a shop cloth to prevent entering of lint. During assembly, observe the specified tightening torque, and new differential oil, Vaseline, or multi-purpose grease, as specified for each vehicle, when necessary. Revision: 2004 November RFD-2 2004 MuranoPREPARATION PREPARATION Special Service Tools PFP:00002 The actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special service tools illustrated here. “Tool number (Kent Moore No.) Teo! name Description Kvaer08300( — ) Drive pinion lange wrench Removing and insaling companion flange lock nut ‘57278610001 — ) ~ instalng final drive front ol seal rit « Instalng final dive side ol seal a: 62 mm (2.44 in) dia : 2 mm (2.05 in) ca, ‘ST38290001 (434286) ‘Side bearing outer race puller kv38100200 (126283) Dri 2:65 mm (2.56 in) dia 3; 49 mm (1.93 in) cla, '$73127000 (J25765-A) Preload gauge ae PS 798052000 (= ) Dri 3:22 mm (0.87 in) dia, : 28 mm (1.10 in) dia Removing front ol seal « Instalng inal drive front ol seal ‘# Installing final drive side ol seal Measuring preload torque Flomoving side bearing inner raco Revision: 2004 November RFD-3 2004 Murano aPREPARATION Tool number (Kent-Moore No.) pemum Deseription KV40700610 (126089) ' Removing andinstaling gear carrer Dit and rear cover (2 pieces are used) 2: 83 mm (2.48 in) dia, :54.3 mm (2.138 in) dia 's123560000(— ) Tip diameter: 4.8 mm (0.177 in) dia Pin punch ‘sTi7190000 (— ) Delt a: 31.8 mm (1.262 in) dia b: 581mm (228 in) da ‘5738230000 (J25805-01) Dri a: 51 mm (201 in) dia, 41 mm (1.61 in) da ©: 28.5 mm (1.122 in) dia, « Installing pinion ront bearing inner Removing and instaling lock pin Instaling pinion rear bearing outer Instaling pinion front bearing outer ‘sr23860000 ( — ) Drit 2: 38 mm (1.50 in) dia, : 33.mm (1.90 in) dia, ‘sTaez20000 ( — ) Prose stand 2: 63 mm (2.48 in) dia b: 65 mm (256 in) Kvaot0s020 ( — ) rit 39.7 mm (1.569 in) dia : 35 mm (1:38 in) da, €: 18 mm (0.59 in) * Instalng pinion rear bearing inner « Installing pinion front boaring inner Instaling pinion front bearing inner Installing side bearing inner race Revision: 2004 November RFD-4 2004 MuranoPREPARATION ‘Too! number (Kent-Moore No.) Tool name Description "3722350000 (J25678-07) Dri 8:34 mm (1.34 in) dia : 28 mm (1.10 in) da, ‘739400001 (26082) Dri a: 60 mm (2.96 in) dia, 0: 47 mm (1.85 in) ca Installing coupling front bearing Instaling front oil seal RFI Kvser08est ( Dummy cover set 1.kv38108610( — ) Dummy cover 2.Kvssi0862i( — ) Dummy cap spacer 8.Kv38108630( — ) Dummy cap shim kvser08500 ( — ) Drive pinion gear socket kvaa108400 ( — ) Pinion nut wrench ‘8715310000 (J25640-B) (il seal dit 2:96 mm (3.78 in) dia : 84 mm (3.1 in) da. ZAR ey GS So mono \ ns "* Checking backlash ‘¢ Checking drive gear runout ‘© Checking tooth contact "* Measuring preload ‘* Removing and instaling drive pinion rut Measuring preload Center oil seal installation Kvaor0a710(— ) ‘Support ring a: 76.3 mm (9.004 in) cia, »:67.9 mm (2.673 in) cia, Carter oil seal Installation Revision: 2004 November RFD-5 2004 MuranoPREPARATION Commercial Service Tools Tool name Power tool Description Loosening boli and nuts Revision: 2004 November RFD-6 2004 MuranoNOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH) TROUBLESHOOTING NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH) TROUBLESHOOTING NVH Troubleshooting Chart PFP:00003 Use the chart below to help you find the cause of the symptom. If necessary, repair or replace these parts. Reference page eter lo AED-16, ‘TOOTH CONTACT NVH in FAX, RAX, FSU and RSU sections, elEls|5 Ba 2 4 8 Possible cause and SUSPECTED PARTS eléleis s|# e/8|/2 2 38 8/6] |£ 2) 9 S)a/3\E]§ g/2 zo gle Sypiom [DIFFERENTIAL [Novo
epetet x] pete x “Thoplealo Revision: 2004 November RFD-7 2004 MuranoFRONT OIL SEAL FRONT OIL SEAL PFP:38189 Removal and Installation oss REMOVAL 1, Remove the propeller shaft. Refer to PR-4, "REAR PROPELLER SHAFT" 2. Puta mark on the end of the drive pinion corresponding to the B Sus NIHON position mark on the final drive companion flange. ve on mating ma CAUTION: oman © For matching mark, use paint. Never damage drive pin- | ‘°"" ion, # The mark on the final drive companion flange indicates the maximum vertical runout position. 3. Using the drive pinion flange wrench, Remove companion flange lock nut. Tool number KV38108300 (-) ~ 4, Using the puller, remove the companion flange. 5. Using the side bearing outer race puller, remove front oil seal Tool number $T33290001 (34286) Revision: 2004 November RFD-8 2004 MuranoFRONT OIL SEAL INSTALLATION 1. Apply multi-purpose grease to sealing lips of oil seal, Press front il seal into carrier with tool Tool number ‘A: KV38100200 (26233) B: $T27861000 (-) CAUTION: ‘* When installing the oil seal, be careful not to get it lined. iscard the old oil seal. Always replace with new one. 2. Align the matching mark of drive pinion with the matching mark B of companion flange, then install the companion flange. Apply oil or grease on the screw part of drive pinion and the seating surface of companion flange lock nut. 4, Install companion flange lock nut with tool, tighten the nut to the specified torque. Refer to BED-13, "Com. ponent Tool number —_: KV38108300 (-) CAUTION: The companion flange lock nut is not reusable. Never reuse companion flange lock nut. 5. Install propeller shaft. Refer to PR-4, *REAR PROPELLER SHAF Revision: 2004 November RFD-9 2004 MuranoSIDE OIL SEAL SIDE OIL SEAL Removal and Installation REMOVAL 1 2, 3, 4 INSTALLATION 1 2, 4, Remove rear wheel sensor Refer to BRC-42, "WHEEL SENSORS" Remove rear axle assembly. Refer to RAX-5, "WHEEL HUB” Remove rear drive shaft. Refer to RAX-7, "REAR DRIVE SHAFT" Presa Using flat tip screwdriver as shown in the figure, remove side oil seal 3 Anas cae ter Apply multi-purpose grease to sealing lips of oil seal Using the dritt, press-fit oil seal so that its surface comes face to face with the end surface of the case. Tool number —_ A: KV38100200 (26233) B: ST27861000 (-) CAUTION: ¢ When installing the oil seal be careful not to get it inclined. # Discard the old oil seal. Always replace with new one. Install rear drive shaft. Refer to RAX-7, "REAR DRIVE SHAFT’ Install rear axle assembly, Refer to RAX-5, "WHEEL HUB" Revision: 2004 November RFD-10 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY REAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Removal and Installat PFP:38300 SEC 370. 380 Mss9064 im thom fee Aisa 6.4, 40 1. Final drive mount bracket 2. Rear propeller shaft 3, Rearfinal drive assemoly REMOVAL Remove rear propeller shaft. Refer to PR-5, "REMOVAI Remove wheel sensor. Refer to BRC-42, "WHEEL SENSORS" . Remove rear drive shaft. Refer to RAX-7, "REAR DRIVE SHAFT" . Remove electric controlled coupling connector. Remove canister. Refer to=C-651, "EVAPORATIVE EMISSION SYSTEM" Remove rear stabilizer mounting bracket with power tool. Refer to RSU-16. “STABILIZER BAR" . Remove electric controlled coupling breather hose and rear final drive breather hose. eNOOReNS Set Transmission Jack to rear final drive assembly, and then remove nuts from rear suspension member with power tool. CAUTION: Do not place a transmission jack on the rear cover (alumi- num case). Revision: 2004 November RFD-11 2004 Murano aREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY 3° Remove bolt and nut of final drive mount bracket, and then remove rear final drive assembly from vehicle with power tool INSTALLATION Refer to RED-13, "Components" about each tightening torque, an removal procedure with paying attention to the following matters. ‘¢ Install air breather hose at the position as the figure indicates. ‘* For installation of air breather hose, vehicle body side should be properly inserted to member, and cup ring cover side should be installed by aiming tip of tube to the front of the vehicle, then metal connector should be properly force-fitted. ‘¢ Install metal connector of rear cover by inserting it with aiming blue painted marking to the rear of the vehicle. CAUTION: Crushing cause by bending, curved and so forth should be avoided when installing air breather hose. ‘When removing final drive assembly, check quantity of oil after the removal if oil leaks. 1d perform installation by reversing the ear cover Front Blue palet mark Mataile esnector Revision: 2004 November RFD-12 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Components [seo 380 DEM 140.304, 369) de: Acusimentis EE Apply multi-ps EB}: omecornn T2 Apis ching ea Bis “0% soon r @ Ty 15.8 (1.6, 12) ® OHwes Phissins.12) ® @M28 06. 26) 7 @ ® Fae} s02 01, 70) eon 1. Drive pinion 4. Collapsible spacer 7. Drive pinion nut 10. Companion flange +8. Coupling front bearing Electric contellad coupling connec 18. Side goar thrust washor 22. Lockpin 25. Side bearing 28. Rear cover 31. Gasket Revision: 2004 November " “4 20. 26, 29, Pinion roar bearing Gear carior 3 6 Electric controled coupling connec- 9 tor bracket Front oll seal Electric contraled coupling Side gear Pinion mato thrust washer Side ol sol Diferontal case Drain plug RFD-13 1, 16. 1 at 24, 27 30 Drive pinion adjusting shim Pinion front bearing ‘Companion flange lock nut Coupling cover Center ol seal Pinion mate shat Pinion mate gear ‘Side bearing adjusting shim Drive gear Filler plug 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Pre-Inspection com TOTAL PRELOAD 4. Drain the ol 2. Remove electric controlled coupling assembly. Refer to RFD-19. "Removal of Electric Controlled Coupling Assembly’ 3. Rotate the drive pinion back and forth in 2 to 3 times to check for unusual noise and rotation malfunction. 4. Rotate the drive pinion at least 20 times to check for smooth operation of the bearing, 5. Fit the drive pinion socket onto the drive pinion spline. Using a preload gauge, measure the total preload. Tool number ‘A: ST31278000 (J25765-A) B: KV38108500 ( - ) Total preload 11.83 = 2.15 Nem (0.14 - 0.21 kg-m, 12 - 19 in-lb) « If outside the standard, disassemble, check, and adjust each part. Adjust the pinion bearing and side bearing preload Adjust the pinion bearing preload first, then adjust the side bearing preload Side bearing preload 1 0.64-0.98 N-m (0.07 - 0.09 kg-m, 6 - 8 in-Ib) When the preload torque is large On pinion bearings _: Replace the collapsible spacer. On side bearings __: Use thinner side bearing adjusting shims. When the preload is small On pinion bearings _: Tighten the pinion nut. On side bearings —_: Use thicker side bearing adjusting shims. Side bearing adjusting shims Thiekness PartNo. Thiekress PartNo ThenTess PartNo. 1.85 mmm (0.0708 im) | 96458 4NBOO | 2.05 mm (0.0807 in) | 98459 N04 | 2.25 mm (0.0886 in) | 38450 4NZOB 1:90.mm (0.0748 in) | 38453 4Nz01 | 2.10 mm (0.0827 in) | 38453 4N205 | 2.90 mm (0.0906 in) 38489 4N209 195 mm (0.0768 in) | 38453 4NZ02 | 2.15 mm (0.0854 in) | 38453 4N206 | 2.95 mm (0.0925 n)| 38459 4NO10 2.00 mm (0.0787 in)| 38483 4NZ03_|_ 2.20 mm (0.0866 in) | 36453 4N207 Revision: 2004 November RFD-14 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY DRIVE GEAR TO DRIVE PINION BACKLASH 1. Drain the oil 2. Remove the rear cover. Refer to RED-1 "Removal of Differential As 3. Following the procedure below, install a dummy cover set to the gear carrier. Tool Number +: KV38108681 ( — ) a. Fit dummy cover shims to the right and left side bearing adjust- ing shims. mbiy” Fear caer Tanry eer mounting bol soacor mounting ball ‘oumny [seacor Dummy cove Dummy cover Sai —*\ ‘ummy cover shim ‘Temporarily tighten a dummy cover to the gear carrier. Position a dummy cover spacer to the dummy cover. seaeg [ :5.9.Nem (0.6 kg-m, 52 in-Ib) Tighten rear cover mounting bolts to the specified torque. Refer to RED-13, "Components" Tighten dummy cover spacer mounting bolts evenly to the specified torque. 4. Fita dial gauge to the drive gear face to measure the backlash, Backlash — : 0.10 - 0.15 mm (0.0039 - 0.0059 in) If outside the standard, change the thickness of the side bear- ing adjusting shims. When the backlash is large: Make the drive gear back adjusting shit shims thinner. When the backlash is small: 's thicker, and the drive gear front adju Make the drive gear back adjusting shims thinner, and the drive gear front adjusting shims thicker. Side bearing adjusting shims Thioknoss PartNo. Thioknese Par No, Thiaknase Paria, 7-85 mm (0.0728 in)| 36453 4NZ00_| 2.05 mm (0.0807 n)| 98459 4NZO4 | 2.25 mm (0.0886 in) | 38455 4NZOE 1.90 mm (0.0748 in) | 38453 4NZ01 | 2.10 mm (0.0827 in)| 38453 4N205 | 2.30 mm (0.0906 inj | 38453 4N209 1.95 mm (0.0768 in) | 38453 4NZ02 | 2.15 mm (0.0854 in)| 38453 4N206 | 2.35 mm (0.0925 inj | 38453 4NZ10 2.00 mm (0.0787 in) | 38453 4N203 | 2.20 mm (0.0866 in)| 38453 4N207 Revision: 2004 November RFD-15 2004 Murano aREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY DRIVE GEAR RUNOUT. 1. Drain the oil 2. Remove the rear cover Refer to RED-19, "Removal of Differential Assembly" 3. Attach dummy cover set. Refer to RED-15, “DRIVE GEAR TO DRIVE PINION BACKLASH Tool Number —: KV381086S1 ( - ) 4, Fit dial gauge to the drive gear back face. 5. Rotate the drive gear to measure runout. Runout limit: 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) or less « If outside the repair limit, check drive gear assembly condi- tion; foreign material may be caught between drive gear and differential case, or differential case or drive gear may be deformed, etc. CAUTION: Replace the drive gear and drive pinion gear as a set. COMPANION FLANGE RUNOUT 1. Fit a dial gauge onto the companion flange face (inner side of the propelier shaft mounting bolt holes) 2, Rotate the companion flange to check for runout. Runout limit: 0.13 mm (0.0051 in) 3. Fit a test indicator to the inner side of the companion flange (socket diameter) 4, Rotate the companion flange to check for runout. Runout limit: 0.13 mm (0.0051 in) 5. Ifthe runout value is outside the repair limit, follow the procedure below to adjust. ‘a. Check for runout while changing the phase between companion flange and drive pinion gear by 90° step, and search for the point where the runout is the minimum. b. If the runout value is still outside of the limit after the phase has been changed, replace the companion flange. ©. Ifthe runout value is still outside of the limit after the companion flange has been replaced, possible cause will be an assembly malfunction of the drive pinion gear and the electronically controlled coupling, mal- functioning coupling bearing, or malfunctioning electronically controlled coupling. TOOTH CONTACT 1. Drain the oil. 2. Remove the rear cover. Refer to RED-19, "Removal of Differential Assembly” 3. Attach dummy cover set. Refer to RED-15, “DRIVE GEAR TO DRIVE PINION BACKLASH Tool Number: KV381086S1 ( — ) 4, Thoroughly clean drive gear and drive pinion teeth, 5. Lightly apply a mixture of powdered ferric oxide and oil or the equivalent. Apply it to 3 to 4 teeth of drive gear drive side. Jest naicater Revision: 2004 November RFD-16 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY ®. Rotate the drive gear back and forth in several times, check drive pinion gear to drive gear tooth contact. CAUTION: Check tooth contact on drive side and reverse side. Cc Tea coracteondiion Dave prion OSG] pauamenn shim seleston valve sme sib cause Drive sae Back side sala |_tvesiney Heol sido Too sido | Toe side Seourronee of noise eo Z -0.09 fn scoring son i a speed ranges Yes -0.06 Theker veren accelerating | 0.09 | > ° Ne - - wT -00a a — Thinner Occurence of noise X [| 298 fl constant speed and decressing speed - _ coutrance stage x 908 fans scaring sue In a speoa ranges 7. Ifthe tooth contact is improperly adjusted, follow the procedure below to adjust the pinion height (dimension X in the figure). Revision: 2004 November RFD-17 2004 Murano aREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Drive pinion adjusting shim Thiekness Par Ne Thiekness PaniNo. 570 mm (0.0669 np ‘38154 4N200 2.00 mm (0.0787 in) 38154 NATO 1.73 mm (0.0681 in) 38154 4NzZ01 2.08 mm (0.0799 n) 38154 aN2TT 41.76 (0.0693 n) ‘38154 aN202 2.06 mmm (0.0811 in 38154 aNai2 1.78 mm (0.0705 in) 38154 4N203 2.08 mm (0.0823 n) 38154 aN21S 1.82 mm (0.0717 in) 38154 aN204 2.12 mm (0.0835 in) 38154 anata 1.85 mm (0.0728 in) 38154 aN205 2.55 mm (0.0846 in) 38154 4N215 1.88 mm (0.0749 in) 38154 4N206 2.18 mm (0.0858 in) 38154 4Na16 1.91 mm (0.0782 in) 38154 4Nz07 2.21 mm (0.0870 in) 38154 4N217 1.94 mm (0.0764 in) 38154 aNz08 2.24 mm (0.0882 i) 38184 4NatB 1.97 mm (0.0776 in) 38154 aNZ09 « In case of face contact or heel contact, thicken the drive pin- an cwne jon gear adjusting shims to move the drive pinion gear closer to the drive gear. In case of flank contact or toe contact, thin the drive pinion gear adjusting shims to move the drive pinion gear farther from the drive gear. ‘Toe contact) Flank eantact) Revision: 2004 November RFD-18 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Disassembly and Assembly DISASSEMBL' Removal of Electric Controlled Coupling Assembly 1. Using the drive pinion flange wrench, Remove companion flange lock nut. Tool number +: KV38108300 ( - ) 2. Using the puller, remove the companion flange. 3. Remove coupling cover. 4. Using flat tip screwdriver, remove Front oil seal from the cou- pling cover. CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the coupling cover. 5. Remove electric controlled coupling assembly from the gear carrier. 6. Using a puller, remove coupling front bearing from the electroni- cally controlled coupling. CAUTION: When the bearing is replaced with new one, reassemble the shim between bearing and the coupling. Removal of Ditferential Assembly 1. Using flat tip screwdriver, remove side oil seal from the gear car- rier assembly. CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the gear carrier and rear cover. 2. Remove rear cover mounting bolts 3. Fit a drift to the right and left side bearing adjusting shims indi- vidually. Compress differential case assembly and side bearing to remove gear carrier assembly and rear cover. Tool number : KV40100610 (426089) CAUTION: The pressure shall be as low as possible to remove gear carrier assembly and rear cover. The maximum pressure shall be 10 KN (1 ton, 1.1 US ton, 1.0 Imp ton). Revision: 2004 November RFD-19 Bess outer 2004 Murano aREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY NOTE: The differential case assembly, side bearings, and adjusting shims are compressed and integrated in the gear carrier and rear cover. 4, Remove side bearing adjusting shims and side bearing outer race. CAUTION: Mark the side bearing adjusting shi identified later. 5. Remove drive gear mounting bolts, and remove drive gear from the differential case. 6. Using a puller and a drift, remove side bearing inner race. Too! number : 733052000 ( - ) 5 50 that the original mou ing positions (rightleft) can be 7. Using a pin punch, pull the lock pin out of the pinion mate shatt. Tool number : 8723550000 ( - ) 8. Remove pinion mate shaft, pinion mate gears, pinion mate thrust washers, side gears, side gear thrust washers from the differential case. Removing Drive Pinion Assembly 1, Remove Electric controlled coupling assembly, Refer to RED-19, "Removal of Electric Controlled Coupling Assembly’ 2. Remove differential case assembly. Refer to RED-19, "Removal of Differential Assembly" 3. Fita drive pinion socket onto the drive pinion spline. Using a pin- jon nut wrench, remove drive pinion nut. Tool number ‘A: KV38108400 ( - ) B: KV38108500 ( - ) 4, Remove center oil seal 5. Press the drive pinion gear assembly out of the gear car Remove pinion front bearing inner race. 7. Remove collapsible spacer. Revision: 2004 November RFD-20 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY 8. Using a puller, remove pinion rear bearing inner race from the drive pinion 9. Using a brass rod, tap the pinion front bearing outer race evenly [Ramavarar prior Tort Femara cT pion Tear from the 2 cutouts on the gear carrier and remove pinion front [bearing exter race |boaring outer race bearing outer race. cautio! Be careful not to damage the gear carrier. 10. Using a brass rod, tap the drive pinion adjusting shim evenly from the 2 cutouts ‘on the gear carrier and remove drive pinion adjusting shims and pinion rear bearing outer race. CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the gear carrier. Inspection * Clean up the disassembled parts. Then, inspect if the parts are wear or damaged. If so, follow the mea- sures below. Content Moasures « Ifthe gear toth donot mash orline-up correctly, determine the cause and adjust, epal, or replace ‘as necessary, Hypoid gear poe a «Ifthe gear are wor, cracked, damaged, pitted or chipped (oy tction noticeably, replace wit a nw gears sowing « Iffound any chipped (by fiction), ited, wor, rusted, scratched mark, or unusual noise from the bearing, replace with a new bearing ASSY (as new set) ' Replace with a new one if found any cracks or damage on the surface of the tooth ‘Side gearthrust washer and | ° F°P! “ Pinion mate thrust wasner| © Replace with a new one if found any wom or chipped mark on the contact sides ofthe thrust ‘Side gear and Pinion mate |. Fosiace with a new one if found that it chipped (oy fiction), damaged, or unusual worn thrust washer Oil seal «Oil seals must be replaced with a new one whenever disassembled Differential case '* Roplace with a new one if found any wear or cracks on the contact sides ofthe Differential case. ‘* Replace with a new one found any chipped marke (about 0.1 0mm, 0,0039in) ar ether damage on Gomparion Range the contact sides ofthe lips of tne companion flange. Revision: 2004 November RFD-21 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY Assembly of Drive Pinion Assembly 1. Assemble with a drive pinion adjusting shim of the same thick. ness as was installed prior to disassembly. Using a drift, pross a pinion rear bearing outer race into the gear cartier. Tool number :$T17130000( - ) CAUTION: © At first, using a hammer, tap the bearing outer race unt becomes square to the gear carrier. © Do not reuse the pinion rear bearing outer race. 2. Using a drift, press a pinion front bearing outer race into the gear carrier. Tool number : $T33230000 (J25805-01) CAUTION: At first, using a hammer, tap the bearing outer race until it becomes square to the gear carrier. # Do not reuse the pinion front bearing outer race. 3. Using a drift, press a pinion rear bearing inner race into the drive pinion. Tool number :$T23860000 ( - ) CAUTION: Do not reuse the pinion rear bearing inner race. 4. After checking and adjusting the tooth contact and backiash of the hypoid gear following the procedure below, assemble a col- Deve PO" EY cotepsble spacer lapsible spacer to the drive pinion. CAUTION: © Be careful of the mounting orientation of the collapsible spacer. * Do not reuse the collapsible spacer. a. Apply differential ol to the pinion rear bearing, and assemble the drive pinion to the gear carrier. ed Aways repiace ator Revision: 2004 November RFD-22 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY ‘Assemble a pinion front bearing inner race to the drive pinion. Using a drift and press stand, press the pinion nut as far as it ‘can be tightened, Too! number Kv40100610 (26089) 738220000 ( - ) 7723860000 ( — ) ‘Temporarily tighten the removed pinion nut to the drive pinion NOTE: Use the removed pinion nut only for the preload measurement. Fit the drive pinion socket onto the drive pinion spline. Using a Pinion nut wrench, tighten the pinion nut to the specified preload torque. Tool number : KV38108400 ( - ) Kv38108500 ( — ) €: $T3127S000 (J25765-A) CAUTION: The pinion nut is tightened with no collapsible spacer. Be | © careful not to overtighten it. While measuring the preload, tighten it by 5° to 10 Apply differential oil to the side bearings, and install new side bearing adjusting shims with the same thickness or re-install the ‘old ones to the same mounting position they were in prior to dis- assembly. Install the differential case assembly to the gear car- rier. Refer to BED-25, "Installation of Differential Assembly" Install a dummy cover set to check and adjust the tooth contact. Refer to RFD-16, "TOOTH CONTACT” Check and adjust the backlash. Refer to RED-15. "DRIVE GEAR TO DRIVE PINION BACKLASH" Remove dummy cover set, and remove differential case assembly. Remove pinion nut, pinion front bearing inner race, and remove drive pinion gear. Install the drive pinion gear with a collapsible spacer to the gear carrier. Revision: 2004 November RFD-23 2004 Murano aREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY & Using a dritt and press stand, press the pinion front bearing inner race to the drive pinion as far as a pinion nut can be tight- ened, Tool number 40100610 (J26089) B: ST38220000 ( - ) ©: $T23860000 ( — ) 7. Apply anti-corrosive oil to the thread and seat of the pinion nut, and temporarily tighten the pinion nut to the drive pinion. CAUTION: Do not reuse the pinion nut. 8 Fit drive pinion socket onto the drive pinion gear spline. Using a pinion nut wrench, adjust the pinion nut tightening torque and pinion bearing preload torque. Tool number 38108400 ( - ) B: KV38108500 ( - ) : $T3127S000 (J25765-A) Pinion nut tightening torque TE]: 181- 361 Nam (19 - 36 Kg-m, 134 - 266 ft-lb) Pinion bearing preload [B :0.69- 1.17 Nm (0.07- 0.11 kg-m, 7 - 10 in-b) CAUTION: © Do not reuse the pinion nut. Adjust the lower limit of the pinion nut tightening torque first. « If the preload torque exceeds the specified value, replace the collapsible spacer and tighten it again to adjust. Never loosen the pinion nut to adjust the preload torque. After adjustment, rotate the drive pinion gear back and forth 2 to 3 times to check for abnormal noise, rotation malfunction, and other malfunctions. 9. Install center oil seal refer to illustration, Too! number ‘A: 8715310000 (J25640-B) B: KV40104710( - ) ol 10. Install the differential case assembly, Refer to RED-25, "Install: | — \ CAUTION: | Do not install the rear cover. 11. Install a dummy cover set, and check backlash, drive gear back runout, and tooth contact. Refer to AED-16. "TOOTH CON: TACT 12, Remove dummy cover, then install the rear cover, and drive in the oll seal. Refer to RED-25, “Installation of Difrential Assembly" 13. Check overall preload torque. Refer to RED-14, "TOTAL PRELOAD" 14. Connect electric controlled coupling assembly. Refor to RED.27, “Installation of Elociric Control pling Assembly" « 15. Check companion flange runout. Refer to RED-16, "COMPANION FLANGE RUNOUT: Revision: 2004 November RFD-24 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Installation of Differential Assembly ‘Assemble new side gear thrust washers with the same thickness as the ones installed prior to disassem- 1 2, 3. (0.74 mm (0.0091 in), 38424 4NZOO| 0.83 mm (0.0927 in)| 38424 ANOS 0.77 mm (0.03803 in) 38424 4NZ01 | 0.86 mm (0.0339 in) | 38424 4N204 0.80 mm (0.0315 in) 38424 4N202 7. bly or reinstall the old ones on the side gears. Assemble the side gears, side gear thrust washers, pinion mate gears, and pinion mate thrust washers to the differential case, and temporarily assemble the pinion mate shaft. Measure the side gear end play following the procedure below, and select the appropriate side gear thrust washers. ‘* Using a thickness gauge, measure the clearance between | "== side gear back and the differential case at 3 different points, while rotating the side gear. Average the 3 readings, and select the appropriate side gear thrust washer so that the mean value is within specifications below. (Measure the clear- ance of the other side as well.) Side gear end play standard: 0.2 mm (0.008 in) or less. Every gear shall rotate smoothly with no abnormal feeling of drag. Thiekness PartNo, Thickness PartNo, Tchr CAUTION: * Before measurement, place differential case straight up so that side gear to be measured comes upward. To pre- vent the side gear from tilting, insert thickness gauges with the same thickness from both sides. * Select a side gear thrust washer for right and left individ- ually. ‘Assemble the selected side gear thrust washer to the differential case. Using a pin punch, drive a lock pin into the pinion mating shaft. Tool number : $T23550000 ( — ) CAUTION: Do not reuse the lock pin. Using a drift, press a side bearing inner race into the differential case. Tool number :KV40105020 ( - ) Apply locking sealant onto the thread of the drive gear. Revision: 2004 November RFD-25 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY CAUTION: ‘The drive gear back, threaded holes, and drive gear bolts shall be cleaned and decreased suffi- ciently. 8 Assemble the drive gear to the differential case, and tighten it with drive gear bolt. Refer to RED-13. ‘Components’ 9. Apply differential oil to the side bearings, and assemble new side bearing adjusting shims (2 pieces for one side) with the same thickness as the ones installed prior to disassembly or re-install the old ones, with a side bearing outer race to the differential case. if the side bearing adjusting shims have been already selected, use them 10. Fit a drift to the right and left side bearing adjusting shims individually. Compress differential case assem- bly and side bearing to install the gear carrier assembly to differential case assembly. Tool number : KV40100610 (J26089) CAUTION: © A dri shims. The pressure shall be as low as possible to install the gear carrier assembly into the differential assembly. The maximum pressure shall be 1 ton. If the adjusting shims are installed by tapping, the gear carrier may be damaged. Avoid tapping. 11. Install a dummy cover set, check and adjust the backlash, drive gear back runout, tooth contact, and overall preload torque. Refer to RED-14, "Pro-Inspoction® 12. Remove dummy cover set 13. Apply a continuos bead of sealant around the gear carrier mat. ing surface on the rear cover as shown in the figure. Overlap both ends of the bead for at least 3 mm (0.12 in). CAUTION: Remove old sealant on the mounting surface, then remove any moisture, oil, and foreign material on the application and mounting surfaces. shall be placed on the center of the adju: ing 14, Fit a drift to the right and left side bearing adjusting shims indi vVidually. Compress differential case assembly and side bearing to install the rear cover. Tool number : KV40100610 (J26089) CAUTION: © A drift shall be placed on the center of the adjusting shims. The pressure shall be as low as possible to install the rear cover. The maximum pressure shall be 10 kN (1 ton, 4.1 US ton, 1.0 Imp ton) « If the rear cover is forced in by tapping, the rear cover may be damaged by the adjusting shims. Avoid tapping. 15. Tighten rear cover mounting bolts to the specified torque. Refer to RED-13, "Components" Revision: 2004 November RFD-26 a Acriv ‘Tarae boure 1217 or equivalont 2004 MuranoREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY 16. 17, Installation of Electric Controlled Coupling Assembly Revision: 2004 November Using a drift, drive the oll seal until it becomes flush with the case end Tool number ‘A: KV38100200 (J26233) B: $T27861000 ( - ) CAUTION: ‘© Do not reuse oil seals. ‘© Apply multi-purpose grease onto the oil seal lips, and dif- ferential oil onto the circumference of the oil seal Check overall preload torque. Refer to RFD-14. "TOTAL PRE- Loa Using a drift, install the coupling front bearing to the electric con- trolled coupling Tool number CAUTION: At disassembly, be sure to install shim between electric controlled coupling and bearing. Chamfering side of shim should be coupled to install. : $T22350000 (J25678-01) 2, Pree Assemble the electric controlled coupling assembly to the drive pil inion gear. Using a drift, drive an oil seal until it becomes flush with the case ond. Tool number CAUTION: * Do not reuse oil seals. ‘© Apply multi-purpose grease onto the oll seal lips, and dif- ferential oil onto the circumference of the oil seal. +: $T33400001 (26082) Apply a continuous bead sealant around the gear carrier mating surface on the coupling cover as shown in the figure. Overlap both ends of the bead for at least 3 mm (0.12 in) CAUTION: Remove old sealant on the mounting surface, then remove any moisture, oil, and foreign material from the application and mounting surfaces. RFD-27 2004 Murano aREAR FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY 5. Assemble the coupling cover to the gear carrier assembly with the arrow facing upward, temporarily tighten reamer bolts to the positions shown in the figure. 6. Tighten the reamer bolts and coupling cover mounting bolts to the specified torque. 7. Assemble the companion flange. 8. Using a flange wrench, tighten the companion flange nut to the specified torque. CAUTION: Do not reuse the companion flange nut. 9. Check companion flange runout. Refer to RED-16, "COMPAN. (ON FLANGE RUNOUT" Revision: 2004 November RFD-28 2004 MuranoSERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) PrP-co0s0 General Specification sone Topi mol VaRsoE ped model oe Final dive mel 14s Driv gear ch dameter us Gear ato 2486 Number of ech (Drive gearbive pion) a7 Number of pinion gears z Drive pon adjustment spacer ype calapbio Drive Gear Runout vem Type Riss Drive gear runout int (0.05 mm (0.0020 in) or less Side Gear Adjustment Tyr Clearance limit between side gear diferental case Ries (0.2 mm (0.008 in) or lass. Every gear shall rotate smoothly with ne abnormal feeling of drag, AVAILABLE SIDE GEAR THRUST WASHERS Thickness (0.74 mm (0.0281 in) (0.77 mm (0.0808 in) (0.80 mm (0.0815 in) ‘Thrust washer Pari Na, 38424 N20 ‘38424 4N201 ‘38424 aN202 “Thickness PariNo, (0.88 mm (0.0827 in) 38424 4N203, (0.86 mm (0.0839 in) 38424 4NZ04 Drive Pinion Adjustment ‘Aajustmant of ative pinion goar Collapsible spacer Drive pinion gear preload (0.69- 1.17 Nem (0.07- 0.11 kgm, 7- 10 insb) AVAILABLE DRIVE PINION ADJUSTING SHIM Thickness Par No, Thickness Parl No, 1.70 mm (0.0869 in) 38154 4N200| 2.00 mm (0.0787 in) 38154 4NZI0| 1.73 mm (0.0881 in) 38154 4N201 2.03 mm (0.0799 in) 38154 N21 1.76 mm (0.0883 in) 38154 4n202 2.06 mam (0.0811 in) 38154 an212 1.79 mm (0.0705 in) 38154 4N203 2.09 mm (0.0828 in) 38154 4N213, ‘Adjusting shim 1.82 mm (0.0717 in) 38154 4N204 2.12 mm (0.0836 in) 38154 N24 1.85 mm (0.0728 in) 38154 4N205 2.18 mm (0.0846 in) 38154 4N215 1.88 mm (0.0740 in) 38154 4N206 2.18 mm (0.0868 in) 38154 4N216 41.91 mm (0.0782 in) 38154 4N207 2.21 mm (0.0870 in) 38154 4N217 1.94 mm (0.0764 in) 38154 4N208 2.24 mm (0.0882 in) 38154 4N218 1.97 mm (0.0776 in) 38154 4N209, Side Bearing Preload Adjustment sossney ‘Adjustment of side boating ‘Aajusting shim ‘Side bearing preload 0.64- 0.98 Nem (0.07-0.08kg-m,6- 8 nib) Revision: 2004 November RFD-29 2004 MuranoSERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) AVAILABLE SIDE BEARING ADJUSTING SHIM Thiekness Par No, Thieknass PartNo, 1.85 mm (0.0728 in) ‘38488 4NZ00 2.16 mam (0.0854 in) 36453 4N206 1190 ram (0.0748 in) 38459 4Nz01 2.20 mm (0.0866 in) 38453 4N207 Axjusting shim 1.95 ram (0.0768 in) 38453 4Nz02 2.25 mm (0.0886 in) 38453 4N208 2.00 ram (0.0787 in) 38453 4N203 2.30 mm (0.0906 in) 38453 4N209, 2,05 mm (0.0807 in) 38453 4N204 2.35 mm (0.0925 in) 38453 4N210, 2.10 mm (0.0827 in) 38489 4N205 Total Preload sosecoev Tolal preload with oll seal installed 733 B1SNm (014-021 kgmt2- 19 im) Drive gear backlash to drive pinion (0.10 - 0.15 mm (0.0039 - 0.0059 in) Revision: 2004 November RFD-30 2004 Murano
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