Myofunctional Approach For Open Bite Correction in A Patient With Severe Upper Incisor External Apical Root Resorption
Myofunctional Approach For Open Bite Correction in A Patient With Severe Upper Incisor External Apical Root Resorption
Myofunctional Approach For Open Bite Correction in A Patient With Severe Upper Incisor External Apical Root Resorption
Root resorption is a complication of orthodontic treatment that La reabsorción radicular es una complicación que se puede presen-
may occur in various degrees of severity. However, considerable tar en el tratamiento ortodóncico en diversos grados. Asimismo, en
root resorption can also be appreciated in patients where root pacientes cuyo desarrollo radicular es interrumpido por diferentes
development has been interrupted by different circumstances during causas puede observarse un acortmiento radicular. Fue admitida
the orthodontic treatment. A 9-year-old female patient was admitted una paciente femenina de 9 años de edad después de un tratamien-
after being in a treatment with fixed appliances for 3 years. She to interceptivo de 3 años de duración, que presentó características
presented clinical features of anterior open bite and the radiographic clínicas de mordida abierta anterior. En la valoración radiográルca se
evaluation showed important root resorption of the four maxillary observó un acortamiento considerable de los cuatro incisivos supe-
incisors. It was decided to use a more conservative approach riores. Se tomó la decisión de no colocar aparatología ルja de forma
instead of ルxed appliances during the initial phase of treatment and inicial y abordar el problema con una terapia muscular funcional.
a myofunctional therapy was chosen. Assessment of the upper Después de evaluar la permeabilidad de las vías aéreas superiores,
airways was performed before placing a tongue crib accompanied se colocó una trampa de lengua y mediante ejercicios peribucales
by exercises of the orbicularis oris muscle complex, after one month se consiguió cerrar la mordida tras un mes de citas de control. Al
of follow-up appointments, bite closure was obtained. Chances of guiar el crecimiento esquelético y modiルcar el comportamiento mus-
relapse are reduced with appropriate growth guidance and changes cular del paciente se reduce la posibilidad de recidiva.
in the muscular behavior of young patients.
Key words: Open-bite, root resorption, myofunctional therapy, tongue thrust disorder.
Palabras clave: Mordida abierta, reabsorción radicular, terapia miofuncional, deglución atípica.
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Verdugo AN et al. Myofunctional approach for open bite correction
Figure 4. Lateral cephalography that shows mandibular is obtained from the difference between the mandibular
hyperdivergency as well as severe incisor proclination. plane-AB plane angle and the Frankfort plane-palatal and
plane angle. Normal values are 74.5o ± 6. The patient’s
ODI showed an open bite tendency with a 59 degrees
during clinical examination that the patient showed
negative value compared to the norm (Figure 5).
a tongue thrusting and mouth breathing habit. The
lower facial third was increased and chin muscle
hypertonicity was observed at lip closure.
In the radiographic assessment, an important
A lingual stainless steel grid was placed in the
root shortening was observed in the upper incisors
upper arch as a reminder for the correction of the
producing a 1:2 crown-root ratio (Figure 3). In the lateral
lingual thrust. Exercises of the perioral musculature
head ルlm, lip incompetence was conルrmed and narrow
upper airways were noted so a medical consultation
were instructed, pressing the anterior segment of
the dental arches to correct the anterior open bite as
with an otorhinolaryngologist was suggested to rule
well as the mouth breathing habit (Figure 6). Control
out a possible upper airway obstruction (Figure 4).
appointments were scheduled monthly to assess
The patient was diagnosed as a skeletal class I with
changes in both dental and lip position.
anterior open bite due to an hyperdivergent mandible
and severe incisor proclination according to Ricketts Treatment progress
cephalometric analysis (Table I). To make the analysis
more complete, we decided to measure the overbite After the ルrst month of treatment, complete closure of
depth indicator (ODI), which is a specific method to the anterior open bite was observed and it was decided
assess open bite. It was proposed by Dr. Kim,10 and it to postpone as much as possible the placement of ルxed
Verdugo AN et al. Myofunctional approach for open bite correction
Ricketts analysis
appliances in the upper arch until dental stability of the During the entire treatment, orofacial myofunctional
upper anterior teeth was obtained. There was a decrease exercises were maintained and a periodical
of the lower facial third after achieving closure of the radiographic control of the upper incisors was
anterior open bite. When an adequate overbite was
achieved, 018-slot Edgewise appliances were placed in
performed for evaluation of any modiルcation of their
root anatomy. Once dental stability, was observed, it
the lower arch to begin dental alignment. Once the upper was decided to place a 0.016 x 0.016 steel archwire
permanent canines erupted, we placed appliances in the with a bend for negative root torque on the upper
upper arch without including the four upper incisors. A incisors (Figure 9).
0.135 Flex Twist archwire was used (Figure 7). The bite correction was maintained during the
Once the alignment of the upper canines, was following appointments until appliance removal was
achieved was 0.016 steel Utility type archwire was decided. For retention, a circumferential retainer was
used in the anterior segment. Three months after we placed with an acrylic coat for the labial portion of
decided to place appliances in the upper incisors and the incisors both on the upper and lower arches. The
0.135 レex Twist previously formed archwire (Figure 8). final radiographic evaluation showed a significant
Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia 2014;2 (4): 265-272
Ricketts analysis
either as passive or active thus becoming one of the control. The patients is shown the right way in which
etiological factors of this malocclusion. A modified masticatory muscles must be used, and also the
lingual posture interferes with respiratory function correct position in which the tongue must be placed
and has an important role in the development of an
anterior open bite. These two situations (lingual
during swallowing.12
Myofunctional therapy beneルts the patient, since in
posture and respiratory function) are an important addition to having an effect on the open bite, abnormal
factor combination that must be controlled before, habits are corrected and the tonicity of the orbicularis
during and after orthodontic treatment. oral muscles is improved which in turn allow lip
Patients with atypical swallowing mainly use facial competence. 13-15 It also achieves better nasal flow,
muscles to perform suction instead of swallowing. which favorably affects muscular posture and other
The specialist in communication disorders Ann functions.
elaborado por Medigraphic
that when correcting a There are several treatments for anterior open bite
pattern of atypical swallowing, one should focus on such correction sucha as molar intrusion,16 bicuspid
voluntary change of habits thus becoming easier to extractions, 17 and orthognatic surgery. 18 Molar
Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia 2014;2 (4): 265-272
Figure 12.
Figure 13.
Figure 14.
intrusion has been among the most used method for great advantages of this treatment is its long-term
the correction of this kind of malocclusion. Due to stability and its low relapse rate.18
the difルculty in obtaining true molar intrusion through
the use of traditional biomechanics, nowadays the CONCLUSIONS
use of micro-implants has demonstrated greater
effectiveness for open bite correction.16,17,19 Due to the clinical conditions of this case, we chose
In other cases it is often resorted to extraction of the
to follow a more conservative approach instead of
ルrst and second premolars due to their high overbite using ルxed appliances during the initial stage of the
stability after orthodontic treatment.17 However, vertical treatment. Based on this decision, we came up with
changes are more noticeable with second premolar the idea of using myofunctional therapy. Once the
extractions and therefore they are recommended for correction of the open bite was obtained we continued
cases with vertical growth patterns.20,21 with the next stage of treatment, placing conventional
The complexity of a severe anterior open bite ルxed appliances. Orthodontic treatment in early stages
increases the difficulty of conventional orthodontic of root development should be reconsidered in order
treatment, so that most of the time, its correction is to avoid root shortening specially when using heavy
through surgical-orthodontic treatment.21 One of the orthodontic forces. By guiding skeletal growth and
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