HannulaMotivación 2006
HannulaMotivación 2006
HannulaMotivación 2006
1.1. Motivation
Two issues relevant to a critique of mainstream motivation research need
consideration: acceptance of the importance of the unconscious in motiva-
tion and focusing on motivational states and processes rather than traits.
Murphy and Alexander (2000, p. 38) note that in contemporary moti-
vation research “one assumption seemingly underlying a segment of this
research is that individuals’ motives, needs, or goals are explicit knowl-
edge that can be reflected upon and communicated to others.” However,
the present view emphasises the importance of the unconscious in human
mind. Motivation, like much of our mind, is only partially accessible to
Dweck (2002) claims that two motivational systems (traits and pro-
cesses) are characteristics of the individual that are formed at an early
age. In contemporary research the focus has usually been on motivational
traits. Such research may help us predict future learning orientation and
success, but it will not help much in understanding why a particular student
is putting a lot of effort into some activities and not into some others, or
how to induce a desired motivational state in students.
Based on works by Nuttin (1984) and Buck (1999), motivation is defined
here as “a potential to direct behaviour that is built into the system that
controls emotion. This potential may be manifested in cognition, emotion
and/or behaviour” (Hannula, 2004b). For example, the motivation to solve
a mathematics task might be manifested in beliefs about the importance
of the task (cognition), but also in persistence (behaviour) or in sadness
and actions (Nuttin, 1984). Boekaerts (1999, p. 452) discusses how some
students may pursue multiple goals simultaneously, navigating elegantly
between them, while others approach their goals serially.
1.2. Self-regulation
Zimmerman and Campillo (2003) have characterised self-regulation as
“self-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions that are planned and cycli-
cally adapted for the attainment of personal goals” (p. 238). When the role
of unconscious and automatic self-regulation is accepted, planning cannot
be seen as necessary for self-regulation, but otherwise the characterisation
is suitable.
Boekaerts (1999) outlined the three roots of research on self-regulation:
“(1) research on learning styles, (2) research on metacognition and regula-
tion styles, and (3) theories of the self, including goal-directed behavior”
(p. 451). Based on these schools of thought, she presented a three-layer
model for self-regulation: the innermost layer pertains to regulation of the
processing modes through choice of cognitive strategies, the middle layer
represents regulation of the learning process through use of metacognitive
knowledge and skills and the outermost layer concerns regulation of the
self through choice of goals and resources.
Most research has focused on the two innermost layers and little effort
has been made to integrate motivation control, action control or emotion
control into theories of self-regulation (Boekaerts, 1999, p. 445). Boekaerts
and Niemivirta (2000) have proposed a broader view for self-regulation that
would accept a variety of different control systems, not only metacognition:
[Self-regulation] has been presented as a generic term used for a number of phe-
nomena, each of which is captured by a different control system. In our judgment,
self-regulation is a system concept that refers to the overall management of one’s
behavior through interactive processes between these different control systems
(attention, metacognition, motivation, emotion, action, and volition control). . . .
In the past decade, researchers involved in educational research have concentrated
mainly on activity in one control system – the metacognitive control system – thus
ignoring the interplay between the metacognitive control system and other control
systems. (Boekaerts and Niemivirta, 2000, p. 445)
Although the scope of the present paper does not allow elaboration of all
the above mentioned control systems, the present view sees self-regulation
to be much more than mere metacognition. Most notably, the important role
of emotion is acknowledged (see Malmivuori, this issue, for an elaboration).
The focus of this paper, however, is the motivational system as a ‘lens’ to
look at mathematical behaviour.
be, for example, the teacher’s tone of voice or the concept ‘fraction’. Such
emotional associations form the core of attitude as an emotional disposi-
tion (Hannula, 2002a). Although such associations allow shorter reaction
times to possible threats, they lack flexibility and are also an inertia force
against behavioural changes in mathematics. Malmivuori (this issue) and
Boekaerts and Niemivirta (2000) have distinguished between an automatic
and a more reflective self-regulation. In the case of Anna and Eva, one pos-
sible obstacle for Eva was her automatic emotional reaction-shame-when
she needed to ask for help.
Paradoxically, the automatic ‘inefficient regulation’ can be highly effi-
cient when used in concert with more reflective self-regulation. Involve-
ment is an example of such automatic (but productive) self-regulation, and
students may even consciously use different strategies to become involved
(Reed et al., 2002).
The case of Frank with relevant data is presented elsewhere (Op ‘t Eynde
and Hannula, this issue). The data consists of Frank’s responses to a stu-
dents’ Mathematics Related Beliefs Questionnaire (MRBQ), to an Online
Motivation Questionnaire (OMQ), an interview about student responses
to OMQ, observations of his behaviour during a problem solving episode
(obs.) and a Video Based Student Recall Interview (VBSRI). I had little
direct access to the data, but had to rely on summary scales (MBRQ) or the
interpretations made by Op ‘t Eynde.1
3.1. Beliefs
According to the present view, motivation is based on individual-
environment relationship categories (needs). Therefore, it is important to
get an understanding of Frank’s beliefs about the nature of mathematics
(environment) and his mathematical self (individual) before we can analyse
his motivation in mathematics.
According to Frank’s responses to MRBQ he sees mathematics as some-
thing that is developing, that there are still new things to be discovered. He
is also convinced that there is more than one correct way to solve a math-
ematical problem and that a lot of people use mathematics in everyday
life. His responses in OMQ further indicate that this specific task includes
elements of physics that he “is not too fond of”.
According to the MBRQ, he is very confident about his mathematical
competence. However, with this specific task he is less certain.
3.2. Goals
Frank’s responses to the MRBQ and the OMQ show that he had the general
goal to do well in mathematics, and a specific goal to solve the problem at
hand. Furthermore, he wanted to work on the task up to the point where he
really understood it and had really learned something from it (OMQ). We
can also compare Frank’s beliefs about the nature of mathematics (above)
with the fact that he likes math and finds it very interesting (MRBQ), to get
further evidence for Frank having a mastery goal in mathematics. Frank’s
score on “mathematics as a domain of excellence” was also high, which
indicates that performance was an important goal for him as well. On this
scale, Frank also clearly scored higher than his average classmate (Op ‘t
Eynde and Hannula, this issue, Figure 1).
When we look at the data more closely, we can see some specific aspects
of the kind of mastery Frank is aiming at. First, he “always want[ed] to
do as much as possible without [the calculator].2 ” Second, he seemed to
want to know each step of a problem immediately and to proceed fluently
without breaks. This latter claim needs some closer analysis of the data.
First, the scale “mathematics as a domain of excellence” included an
item “Those who are good in mathematics can solve any problem in a few
minutes.” We know that Frank scored highly on this scale, and it would be
interesting to see his scoring on this specific item.
Second, there is more evidence on the goal of fluency in the qualitative
data. At the point when Frank had “forgotten how [. . .] to do it” (Turn 4.),
and was battling with himself whether to take the calculator or not, he
“panicked” (VBSRI). The observation data reveals emotional reactions.
Frank reflected on his feelings and causes for the feelings in the VBSRI. He
knew that if he would “stop and think for a moment, [he would] probably
know again what [. . .] to do”. But instead of doing it, he “panic[ked],
and then [. . .] immediately want[ed] to go to [his] calculator”, even if he
wanted “to do as much as possible without it” and did not “feel well” when
he needed to go to the calculator. My interpretation is that the problem was
with the lack of fluency in the process. Frank said that he “did not know
immediately how” to proceed (VBSRI). During his reflection, he twice
used the word “immediately” even if he also knew that to stop and think is
usually a productive strategy.
The nature of the emotional reactions of Frank suggests that there were
some ego goals at play as well. In true mastery orientation the emotional
reaction to not knowing the solution right away would more likely be inter-
est, curiosity or bewilderment as in a positive affective pathway suggested
by DeBellis and Goldin (this issue). Experience of worry in the two first
subtasks and relief in the first subtask indicate that the basic emotion at play
3.3. Needs
Based on the data, it is possible to make some educated guesses about
the needs that were the driving forces of Frank’s mathematical behaviour.
His view of mathematics, together with the goals described above, indicates
that competence was the primary need at play. He wanted to understand the
mathematics and learn from each task. This was also indicated in Frank’s
view of mathematics as important (MRBQ). Furthermore, Frank’s ner-
vousness about possible failures indicates that for him nothing less than
perfection is satisfactory.
He preferred an active and regulating teacher who explains everything
very clearly, rather than one who leaves a lot of room for students to find
things out for themselves. He liked his teacher for being like that (MRBQ),
which indicates that need for autonomy was not high for Frank. The scales
also include some items3 that suggest that he had less need for social be-
longing with his classmates (MRBQ). We can relate these with evidence
of ego goals and assume that he had a social need to be approved by his
As Frank was solving this task, the goals to understand and to impress
were active at the same time. As Frank then faced a moment in problem
solving when he did not know immediately what to do, he reacted emo-
tionally (worry). He had two possible coping strategies, which were both in
conflict with his goal to impress the teacher. He reached for his calculator
to do numerical explorations, but that threatened his goal to avoid using his
calculator. This led to another emotional reaction (panic). He had to stop
and think, threatening the fluency of the process, and he was again reach-
ing for his calculator but drew his hand back. The emotional pressure was
rising and Frank was frustrated and angry. When he was able to overcome
these obstacles and reach both his goals, he was happy.
information about . . . the goals [students] set for themselves . . . provides an in-
dication of why students are prepared to do what they do and why they are not
inclined to do what is expected of them. (Boekaerts, 1999, p. 451)
Funding for the research has been provided by the Academy of Finland.
1. The observation data describes only the changes in the brow region, which is not suf-
ficient to discriminate all emotions. However, Op ‘t Eynde used the video data for the
interpretations, and, here, I assume these interpretations to be correct.
2. It would be interesting to know why Frank preferred to avoid the use of a calculator.
Was it a social norm in the class that it is more esteemed to solve problems without a
calculator? Was it something the teacher had stressed, or was it a criterion Frank had set
for himself?
3. e.g. “Group work facilitates the learning of mathematics” (with which Frank disagreed)
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University of Helsinki
Department of Applied Sciences of Education
Class Teacher Section
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