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Retenedores Fijos

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Experiencia clínica con

retenedores de ortodoncia
de adhesión directa
María Andrée Lemus

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Alambres de Adhesivos Grabado ácido
acero resinosos
Retenedores fijos

El propósito es informar los resultados

del seguimiento de los retenedores
adheridos de canino a canino.

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Materiales y
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Métodoshere if you need it

Materiales y Métodos

43 niños entre 14 a 17 años

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of the section

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Materiales y Métodos

0.036” 0.032”
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20 23

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Materiales y Métodos
1. Pulido de las superficies linguales

1. Aislamiento
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1. Acido ortofosfórico al 37%

1. Adhesivo

1. Colocación del retenedor

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Materiales y Métodos
1. Colocación del retenedor

Alambre Here you could

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of the section


Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Materiales y Métodos

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Presión en el diente por 60

Ferulizando antes de colocar

el retenedor.

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Materiales y Métodos

Tiempo de observación: 12 a 30 meses

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Intrucciones de higiene

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
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Aceptación excelente

Retenedor completamente invisible

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No se observaron
of thecaries ni desmineralizaciones

Tendencia a formar cálculos

Baja tasa de fallo

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
Baja tasa de fallo

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21 2

Zachrisson, Björn. Clinical experience with direct-bonded orthodontic retainers. Oslo, Norway
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here if you need it
Ventajas Desventajas


No hay riesgo de caries y/o No se le puede hacer presión

desmineralización a ningún incisivo en casos
de recidiva

Largos períodos de tiempo

Se cree que los fallos se debieron a:

Distorsión durante la cementación

Uso de muy poca resina

Trauma directo al retenedor

El uso de alambres multitrenzado parece:

Permitir una buena adhesión

Permitir movimiento fisiológico

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one in the Solar System

—it’s only a bit larger than the Moon. The
planet’s name has nothing to do with the
liquid metal, since it was named after
the Roman messenger god, Mercury
Retenedores de alambre
Multitrenzado: Del
principio al éxito
María Andrée Lemus

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.

Retenedores fijos

0.030-0.032” alambre grueso

0.021- 0.019” cable


Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Década de los 70s
Table of Contents
87 dientes

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of the section

Propiedades elásticas

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Década de los 70s
Table of Contents
0.015 a 0.019

Fractura y descementado
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Alambres flexible

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
1991 Tabledeof0.021
Alambre Contents
de 5 hilos Todos los dientes

Menos fracturas y aflojamientos

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Elástico para permitir ligera movilidad
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of the section

Espacios distal al canino

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Table of Contents

Penta-one de 0.021 de 5
hebras Here you could
describe the topic
of the section

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
El protocolo de retención:

Registros de diagnóstico
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
Hábitos and the smallest one in the Solar System
—it’s only a bit larger than the Moon. The
planet’s name has nothing to do with the
Cooperación liquid metal, since it was named after
the Roman messenger god, Mercury
Patrón de crecimiento


Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Table of Contents

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of the section

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Table of Contents

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Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
¿Cuando retirarlos? Resultados a largo plazo

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Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Concluyó que:

Períodos de retención de 10 o más años

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Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Table of Contents
01 Enfermedades

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of the section

03 Apiñamiento severo

Zachrisson, Björn. Multistranded wire bonget retainers: From start to success. AJODO. 2015.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one in the Solar System

—it’s only a bit larger than the Moon. The
planet’s name has nothing to do with the
liquid metal, since it was named after
the Roman messenger god, Mercury

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