EX - Adm - UNSA - I - Fase-2024 (SOC)
EX - Adm - UNSA - I - Fase-2024 (SOC)
EX - Adm - UNSA - I - Fase-2024 (SOC)
Ciencias Sociales
Lumbreras Editores UNSA I Fase - 2024 Academia ADUNI
Lumbreras Editores UNSA I Fase - 2024 Academia ADUNI
UNSA I Fase - 2024 Ciencias Sociales
Lumbreras Editores UNSA I Fase - 2024 Academia ADUNI
UNSA I Fase - 2024 Ciencias Sociales
PREGUNTA N.º 44 Every fall, people in Canada and the United States
Completar: celebrate Thanksgiving. But what is Thanksgiving?
On Thanksgiving, families give thanks for the good
20 (8) 8 things in their lives. In the US; Thanksgiving started
25 (10) 10 in 1621.
37 (20) 7 A year earlier, settlers from England landed in
America. They met tribes of Native American Indians.
21 ( ) 12 The settlers had no food. The Indians helped the
settlers to survive the first year. They taught them how
A) 7 B) 15 C) 6 to grow corn. The settlers also planted many other
D) 14 E) 3 crops. When the crops grew, everyone celebrated.
They had a harvest festival. They ate corn, berries,
PREGUNTA N.º 45 squash, pumpkin, fish, and deer. Afterward, they
En la serie indique la figura que continúa played games, danced, and sang.
When is Thanksgiving celebrated now? In the US, it
is on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada,
it is on the second Monday in October. Family is an
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
important part of Thanksgiving. People travel long
distances to visit their families.
A) B) C) PREGUNTA N.º 48
Which of the following sentences does not correspond
to the text?
D) E)
A) Indians helped the settlers to survive.
B) Indians taught the settlers how to grow corn.
PREGUNTA N.º 46 C) The settlers helped the Indians to fish.
Si hoy es lunes, ¿qué día será el ayer del anteayer D) Thanksgiving is celebrated in Canada and the
del ayer del pasado mañana del pasado mañana de United States.
mañana? E) Settlers from England landed in America.
Lumbreras Editores UNSA I Fase - 2024 Academia ADUNI
UNSA I Fase - 2024 Ciencias Sociales