978 88 6969 768 5 CH 01 - M627UYS
978 88 6969 768 5 CH 01 - M627UYS
978 88 6969 768 5 CH 01 - M627UYS
ariación dialectal
title title
y traducción literaria
Abstract This study aims to provide a historical overview of the translation of linguistic
variation in translation studies. It is well known that linguistic variation is most prevalent
in literary texts and, consequently, in all creative works. In addition to the difficulties of
translating literature, there are also the obstacles of bringing the variation of dialects
and registers, so deeply rooted in a specific culture, into a different language and culture,
which means that the translation of linguistic variation has been and continues to be one
of the recurring themes in translation studies. This article will show the attention that the
discipline has paid over time to this classic problem of translation and will highlight some
classifications of translation strategies applied to linguistic variation will be highlighted.
As will be seen, the transfer of variation from one language to another is almost always
conditioned by factors beyond the purely linguistic.
1 Introducción
El alto grado de autoría de los textos literarios hace que la apari-
ción de dialectos ficticios sea frecuente, no siendo tan habitual su
trasvase cuando este rasgo se ha de plasmar en otras lenguas. Gé-
neros literarios como el teatro, donde las adaptaciones a diferen-
tes culturas conllevan de forma natural el ajuste de la oralidad, o
subgéneros como la traducción juvenil, parecen más permisivos a
dialecto social
dialecto geográfico
dialecto temporal
idiolecto (incluyendo la edad)
5 Conclusión
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