Christian Manners
Christian Manners
Christian Manners
AM 011
2. According to Psalm 8, what esteem and value does God attribute to people? Send five handmade cards with personal
messages, poems, or Bible verses to people who need encouragement in the neighborhood or at Church.
God places personal value in great esteem, since he made man lord over everything he had made, he placed it at man's feet.
He said, "What is man that you should remember him, and the Son of Man that you should visit him? For you have made him
lower than the angels and crowned him with glory and luster. "You made him lord it over the works of your hands, you put
everything under his feet." So much courage that he has made us little less than the Angels, crowning us with glory and honor,
so that we may rule over the works of his hands, I put everything under our feet.
3. What is the importance of names for God? Read Isaiah 43:1; Isaiah 45:4; Exodus 33:17. Investigate the meaning of the
name and why the parents gave it.
Yes, our name matters to God because we are His and He gave us names, He formed us, created us and redeemed us. For
God we are all important since he knows us and he named us and redeemed us. "And now, thus says Jehovah, your creator, O
Jacob, your former, O Israel: Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have given you a name; you are mine." Isaiah 43:1
4. Discuss each of the following points with the leader of the Club or specialty study group.
a. The appropriate way to talk to older people in public.
b. How to approach people and make the necessary introductions.
c. What questions should be avoided.
d. How to show concern for the feelings of others.
e. What to say when you answer a knock at the door.
f. How to answer the phone correctly.
g. How to avoid gossip and conversations that can harm people. Put this discussion into practice with a group of
If you want to properly use the gift God has given you of public speaking, what should your prayer be? (Psalm 19:4) His voice
went out into all the earth, and his words to the ends of the world. An appropriate way of conversation as Christians includes
the following characteristics: We must speak to everyone with respect. The faculty of speech is a precious talent and should in
no case be perverted. To introduce a person, always introduce yourself first to the person who arrives, regardless of age,
category or sex, then to the person who is with you. When you give a presentation, say names clearly. It is appropriate to give
some information about each person, to interest them in mutual knowledge. Address people in a kind way full of joy and love
for Christ.
We should avoid intrusive and personal questions in conversations with others, as we can make people feel uncomfortable.
Let's be careful what we say. Words spoken with love and sympathy are the most eloquent. We should carefully cultivate the
garden of the soul, so that it can produce only pure flowers, sweet and fragrant words and thoughts of love, tenderness and
charity, sanctifying our influence on others.
Show concern for others, be diligent and willing to help, just as Christ cares for each of us. When someone knocks on our
door, open it and greet them politely and invite them in. When answering the phone, the voice must show personal interest, it is
at the same time cheerful, cordial and kind. These qualities, together with the softness of the tone and the inflections of the
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before you, O Jehovah, my Rock, and my Redeemer."
Psalms 19:14. This is how our gift of speech should be for the glory of God.
5. Read Psalm 19:14. Write a short prayer that expresses the desire to use the gift of speech for the glory of God.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before you, O Lord, my rock, and my redeemer.”
Prayer should be a personal requirement for each Pathfinder who pursues this specialty.
6. Make a list of ten things to practice for at least 1 year regarding relationships with others.
God made man upright, and good physical posture honors and dignifies our God who created us. Good posture has a positive
influence since it provides benefits:
a. Physicists
b. Mental c. Morales
d. You get grace
e. Dignity f. Poise g. Courage and self-confidence.
h. Benefits of good posture
i. Helps correct breathing
j. Promotes blood circulation
k. Invigorates the body
l. Wake up your appetite
m. Promotes digestion
n. Produces healthy and sweet sleep
o. Gives rest to the body
Other points of importance to correct posture, breathing and vocal culture. He who remains upright when sitting or standing is
more likely to breathe correctly. The whole body has been created for action, and unless the physical faculties are kept healthy
by active exercise, the mental faculties cannot long be employed to their full capacity. Those who pay due attention to physical
development will make greater academic progress than they would if they devoted all their time to study. When one persists
exclusively in a certain line of thought, the mind often becomes unbalanced. But they can safely use all their faculties if balance
is exercised in the use of physical and mental abilities and if the topics of thought are varied. Physical inaction not only
diminishes mental power, but also moral power.
8. Discuss and briefly relate the considerations of the discussion with the leader or your study group for the specialty:
a. Make a list of points that indicate the benefit of correct posture. Check posture and physical profile. Demonstrate
correct position when standing and sitting.
To wash your head correctly you must follow the following steps:
a. Wet your head well.
b. Place a small amount of shampoo and massage the entire scalp.
c. Rinse.
d. Add another small amount of shampoo and massage again.
e. Rinse with plenty of water.
f. Apply plenty of rinse cream and let it act for about 5 minutes.
g. Rinse with plenty of water.
The combs should be cleaned with a brush every three or four days, since the teeth get dirty very easily. Brushes must be
removed from the hair that settles on the bristles and washed properly.
Sol nails are very delicate since they easily accumulate dirt, therefore it is essential to clean them daily with a good brush,
and they must also be kept very short. To avoid dry hands due to substances such as bleach, detergent, disinfectants, etc.
It is advisable to moisturize them with a good hand cream. We must always keep our hands clean and nails short to prevent
microbes from accumulating in them.
d. Discuss biblical guidance that will help deal with sexuality and keep thoughts pure. Discuss intelligently what you
can and cannot do when dating.
Ideas about dating are based on misconceptions. Impulse and blind passion follow. Couples frequently violate the rules of
modesty and discretion.
They do not perceive God's noble purpose in instituting marriage.
No word should be uttered, nor any act performed that we would not want the holy angels to contemplate and record in the
heavenly books. We should be attentive only to the grace of God. The heart must have a pure affection, worthy of the
followers of Jesus, of a high nature and more heavenly than earthly. The danger of late night, infatuation, unsanctified love
and passion destroy everything. The result of these things is unspeakable misery, and God is dishonored. We must have
self-respect to avoid this form of courtship.
e. Know the rules of table etiquette. Learn how to be a pleasant guest and a joy to the host or hostess.
Among some of the rules of etiquette, table arrangement is important. Every woman likes to set a table, study the beautiful
effects, design drawings for tablecloths and napkins. The basic things are so that they must be learned; The rest is the
responsibility of the housewife.
Breakfast is a simple and informal snack, in order to facilitate service, breakfast is served on individual trays, on the table,
each containing the foods preferred by each person. The arrangement of these trays will always be careful, especially
when they are served in the room itself; A flower in a small vase will be a friendly greeting for the new day.
The hosts will be careful when there is a guest of honor, that he or she is not controlled by one person throughout the
meeting, trying to give everyone the opportunity to exchange impressions with him. Sometimes it happens that visitors
forget the guest of honor and leave the host the task of attending to him; then the host must also intervene.
Some principles that will help you overcome discomfort and embarrassment in public:
- Arrive early to a show, concert, or conference.
- Find out about the topic to be discussed.
- Have confidence in yourself and in what we talk about.
- Do not chew food within the presentation time.
- Do not disturb the row neighbors who have been punctual when settling in.
One of the rules of courtesy would be to arrange the chair when a lady is going to sit and at the same time arrange her
coat on the same chair. When escorting a lady, the man gives way to his companion when entering or leaving a place, and
she is the one who precedes the man who accompanies her or walks beside him, if space allows.
The value of courtesy is little appreciated. Many whose hearts are kind have manners that lack kindness. Others command
respect for their sincerity and uprightness; they are sadly lacking in likability. Impolite people sacrifice many of life's
sweetest and most beneficial experiences, often due to their lack of reflection.
b. Know the importance of daily “hygiene” of the soul, of developing a Christian character, and answer why
“belonging to Christ” makes a difference in the way you dress and act.
More is learned about the true refinement of thought and manners in the school of the Divine Master, than by the
observance of established rules. His love, filling the heart, gives the character those touches of refinement that make it
similar to his own. This education imparts a heaven-born dignity and a clearer notion of what is right. It gives a sweetness
to the character and a softness to the manners that the superficial veneer of fashionable society can never equal. God
wants us to have health, health of body and soul. We must collaborate with God to ensure the health of soul and body.
Both are promoted by healthy clothing. Christians are elevated in their conversation, and although they believe it is a sin to
indulge in foolish flattery, they are courteous, kind, and benevolent. His words are words of sincerity and truth. In their
behavior and character you will see the rest, peace and happiness that they have found in Jesus, daily casting their
perplexities and burdens at his feet. They will demonstrate that in the path of obedience and duty there is contentment. In
their dress they avoid anything superfluous and ostentatious, but their clothing is modest, not flashy and is worn with order
and taste. Special care will be taken to dress in a manner that shows sacred respect for the holy Sabbath and the worship
of God.
c. Make a list of ten principles that help overcome inhibition and shame.
a. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
b. He made us little lower than the angels. (Psalms 8:5)
c. He made us have dominion over the works of his hands. (Psalms 8:6)
d. He put everything under our feet. (Psalms 8:6 up)
e. The Lord is my shepherd, I will not lack...he will guide me in the paths of righteousness...You will be with the
house of the Lord I will dwell... (Psalms 23)
f. We are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:14).
g. God made us in his image and likeness to rule over his creation. (Genesis 1:26).
h. We are holy people for Jehovah, God chose us because he loves us. (Deuteronomy 7:6,7).
i. We are children of God (Acts 13:33; 1 Saint John 3:1,2)
j. " rock...and my refuge" (2 Samuel 22:3)