Atomic Habits Exercises

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When we talk about creating habits I feel like we're always talking about the same thing. The
book has allowed me to delve deeper into certain aspects and, above all, to have an overview
of the “discipline”.
What you are going to read below is not a commentary on the book. They are the most
outstanding set of ideas and concepts, in my opinion.
Any habit can be broken down into four steps :

Sign. A trigger that suggests a reward and starts the process. Smell of food, slight anxiety, a
sound, a vibration...
I long. The motivation to change something to obtain said reward. The desire for a cigarette, to
eat something...
Answer . The actions necessary to obtain the reward.
Reward . The satisfaction obtained as a return from the change and what pushes you to do it
The reaction-reward cycle reinforces positive or negative behaviors, ingraining their
Habits are a process similar to compound interest. Accumulating a 1% improvement every day
leads to unimaginable gains in the long term.
Don't think of them as an objective but as a process of continuous improvement. By changing
your mentality you will realize the need to create a system that facilitates changes.
The decisive moments, the turning points, are the result of prior preparation, of a large set of
small improvements that have allowed you to create and take advantage of the key moment.
“A stonemason to split a stone at a specific point does not give a strong and sharp blow, he
does it with a multitude of constant and measured blows”
When creating or correcting a habit, resistance occurs because we are crossing what James
Clear calls the plateau of hidden potential. You carry out the action, you put the habit into
practice without apparent reward, but once this phase is over you experience a sudden change.
Habits are a matter of identity
Changing habits means changing your identity. Transform yourself into a better version of
Doing so does not mean changing the way of doing things or the results obtained, this will be
the consequence of a change at a deeper level. So that the changes achieved do not fade away
you need to edit your beliefs, update and expand your identity.
Ask yourself: Who is the type of person who could get the results I want?
Habits matter not to get better results – which they can – but because they can change beliefs
about yourself.
The four laws of behavior change are a simple set of rules that we can use to build better
Make it obvious . Take steps to make it inevitable . Do you want to eat less? Put an alarm in
your mobile calendar that reminds you of meal times.
Make it attractive . Create the conditions to “enrich” the experience. Do you want to play
tennis? Meet up with your friends or do it with someone you want to see!
Make it easy. It reduces the friction that serves as an excuse to “turn your back.” An alarm as a
reminder that you should meditate.
Make it satisfactory . Create an addition that invites you to do it again. Put a positive attitude in
what you do so that you feel good and when you finish do something that satisfies you,
something that you are excited to do, for example have a coffee, talk to someone you trust and
tell them about your achievements. Always look for someone who helps you reinforce your
ideas and who, instead of criticizing, values and supports you.
We always insist that a habit is a behavior that becomes automatic through repetition. It's more
than that, its ultimate purpose is to solve daily life problems with the least amount and energy
The best way to start a new habit is to do it after something you do every day. After getting up,
after having breakfast... or another habit already assimilated.
Do you want to read a little more? Well, how about doing it after dinner?
Another option is to group it with something else that you want to make to make it irresistible.
Don't you like cleaning your car? How about you harmonize it by listening to your favorite
The idea is to combine good habits with those you want to implement and little by little they
will be repeated naturally.
Modifying the environment helps us shape our habits. Small changes in the environment help
us direct our actions.
“Change the environment to facilitate good habits and make bad ones difficult”
Visit new places, travel, meet and talk to new people, among others.
Self-control is not effective. It is a short-term strategy, it makes temptations invisible, away
from them. Make your bad habits invisible.
The environment is also the people. Be part of a group where the habit you want to implement
is part of their “culture.” We want to implement those habits that bring us praise, respect and

It's about going little by little but always moving forward.

Do as small an action as possible to work on your habit each day. Repeat this action every day
to make it an integrated part of your routine.
Repetition is more important than the volume or importance of the action itself. The important
thing is to put it into practice, not in the speed and quality of the result.
When we talk about a small change we think of trivial, ridiculous actions. Set a point to start
your habit and dedicate 2 minutes to get it going.
What can you do with two minutes? 10 push-ups, preparing clothes to go for a run, writing two
lines of a post...
Every day dedicate these two minutes, when you feel confident increase this and dedicate 2
more minutes to the next action that the habit requires.
Make a ritual of the process, standardize it before improving.
Use of technology
Technology should be used to automate habits, to make them inevitable. Schedule a transfer
on the first day of each month from your checking account to your savings account to avoid
facing the decision (and procrastinating) every 30 days.
Use technology to neutralize decision costs.
Humans are not programmed to delay reward, we prioritize immediate gain. Evolutionary
If after overcoming resistance when implementing a new habit we give ourselves a small
reward we become conditioned. We will be “training” ourselves to do it again.
In the same way, if we associate something unpleasant with a bad habit we will create pressure
in the opposite direction. We create a negative charge at an unconscious level to facilitate its
Measuring habits is important. Observing their progress motivates us and serves as an alert to
implement corrections.
The author invites us to have a sheet or similar system where we can make a mark each day
that we successfully practice the habit. Its achievement will form a chain indicating the progress
of our company.
Apart from being a reminder to carry out the habit in question, if one day it was not carried out
the alarm goes off and urges us to implement it the next day without fail.
Once again a simple but powerful idea that feeds motivation and commitment.

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