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HySpeed HT4400 - A

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Plasma Arc Cutting System
Instruction Manual
803580 - Revision 9

Instruction Manual
(P/N 803580)

Revision 8 December, 2004

Hypertherm, Inc.
Hanover, NH USA

© Copyright 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Hypertherm, HT, HySpeed and LongLife are trademarks of Hypertherm, Inc.,

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EMC INTRODUCTION The size of the surrounding area to be Earthing of Workpiece

considered will depend on the structure of
Hypertherm's CE-marked equipment is built Where the workpiece is not bonded to earth
the building and other activities that are tak-
in compliance with standard EN50199. The for electrical safety, nor connected to earth
ing place. The surrounding area may extend
equipment should be installed and used in because of its size and position, for example,
beyond the boundaries of the premises.
accordance with the information below to ship's hull or building steelwork, a connection
achieve electromagnetic compatibility. bonding the workpiece to earth may reduce
emissions in some, but not all instances.
The limits required by EN50199 may not be Care should be taken to prevent the earthing
adequate to completely eliminate interfer- Mains Supply
of the workpiece increasing the risk of injury
ence when the affected equipment is in Cutting equipment must be connected to the to users, or damage to other electrical equip-
close proximity or has a high degree of mains supply according to the manufactur- ment. Where necessary, the connection of
sensitivity. In such cases it may be neces- er's recommendations. If interference the workpiece to earth should be made by a
sary to use other measures to further occurs, it may be necessary to take direct connection to the workpiece, but in
reduce interference. additional precautions such as filtering of some countries where direct connection is
This plasma equipment is designed for use the mains supply. Consideration should be not permitted, the bonding should be
only in an industrial environment. given to shielding the supply cable of per- achieved by suitable capacitances selected
manently installed cutting equipment, in according to national regulations.
INSTALLATION AND USE metallic conduit or equivalent. Shielding
Note. The cutting circuit may or may not be
should be electrically continuous throughout
The user is responsible for installing and earthed for safety reasons. Changing the
its length. The shielding should be connect-
using the plasma equipment according to earthing arrangements should only be au-
ed to the cutting mains supply so that good
the manufacturer's instructions. If electro- thorized by a person who is competent to
electrical contact is maintained between the
magnetic disturbances are detected then it assess whether the changes will increase
conduit and the cutting power source
shall be the responsibility of the user to re- the risk of injury, for example, by allowing
solve the situation with the technical assis- parallel cutting current return paths which
tance of the manufacturer. In some cases may damage the earth circuits of other
Maintenance of Cutting Equipment
this remedial action may be as simple as equipment. Further guidance is given in IEC
earthing the cutting circuit, see Earthing of The cutting equipment must be routinely TC26 (sec)94 and IEC TC26/108A/CD Arc
Workpiece. In other cases it could involve maintained according to the manufacturer's Welding Equipment Installation and Use.
constructing an electromagnetic screen recommendations. All access and service
enclosing the power source and the work doors and covers should be closed and Screening and Shielding
complete with associated input filters. In all properly fastened when the cutting
Selective screening and shielding of other
cases electromagnetic disturbances must equipment is in operation. The cutting
cables and equipment in the surrounding
be reduced to the point where they are no equipment should not be modified in any
area may alleviate problems of interference.
longer troublesome. way except for those changes and adjust-
Screening of the entire plasma cutting
ments covered in the manufacturer's
installation may be considered for special
ASSESSMENT OF AREA instructions. In particular, the spark gaps of
arc striking and stabilizing devices should
Before installing the equipment the user be adjusted and maintained according to
shall make an assessment of potential elec- the manufacturer's recommendations.
tromagnetic problems in the surrounding
area. The following shall be taken into Cutting Cables
a. Other supply cables, control cables, The cutting cables should be kept as short
signalling and telephone cables; above, as possible and should be positioned close
below and adjacent to the cutting equip- together, running at or close to the floor
ment. level.
b. Radio and television transmitters and
receivers. Equipotential Bonding
c. Computer and other control equipment. Bonding of all metallic components in the
d. Safety critical equipment, for example cutting installation and adjacent to it should
guarding of industrial equipment. be considered. However, metallic compo-
e. Health of the people around, for nents bonded to the workpiece will increase
example the use of pacemakers and hear- the risk that the operator could receive a
ing aids. shock by touching these metallic
f. Equipment used for calibration or mea- components and the electrode at the same
surement. time. The operator should be insulated from
g. Immunity of other equipment in the en- all such bonded metallic components.
vironment. User shall ensure that other
equipment being used in the environment is
compatible. This may require additional
protection measures.
h. Time of day that cutting or other activities
are to be carried out.

Hypertherm Plasma Systems i


WARNING Hypertherm, infringes any patent of any third party. You shall
Genuine Hypertherm parts are the factory-recommended notify Hypertherm promptly upon learning of any action or
replacement parts for your Hypertherm system. Any damage threatened action in connection with any such alleged
caused by the use of other than genuine Hypertherm parts may infringement, and Hypertherm’s obligation to indemnify shall be
not be covered by the Hypertherm warranty. conditioned upon Hypertherm’s sole control of, and the
indemnified party’s cooperation and assistance in, the defense
WARNING of the claim.
You are responsible for the safe use of the Product.
Hypertherm does not and cannot make any guarantee or
warranty regarding the safe use of the Product in your In no event shall Hypertherm be liable to any person or
environment. entity for any incidental, consequential, indirect, or
punitive damages (including but not limited to lost profits)
GENERAL regardless of whether such liability is based on breach of
Hypertherm, Inc. warrants that its Products shall be free from contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of
defects in materials and workmanship, if Hypertherm is notified essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the
of a defect (i) with respect to the power supply within a period possibility of such damages.
of two (2) years from the date of its delivery to you, with the
exception of Powermax Series power supplies, which shall be
within a period of three (3) years from the date of delivery to In no event shall Hypertherm’s liability, whether such
you, and (ii) with respect to the torch and leads within a period liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability,
of one (1) year from its date of delivery to you. This warranty breach of warranties, failure of essential purpose or
shall not apply to any Product which has been incorrectly otherwise, for any claim action suit or proceeding arising
installed, modified, or otherwise damaged. Hypertherm, at its out of or relating to the use of the Products exceed in the
sole option, shall repair, replace, or adjust, free of charge, any aggregate the amount paid for the Products that gave rise
defective Products covered by this warranty which shall be to such claim.
returned with Hypertherm’s prior authorization (which shall not
be unreasonably withheld), properly packed, to Hypertherm’s INSURANCE
place of business in Hanover, New Hampshire, or to an At all times you will have and maintain insurance in such
authorized Hypertherm repair facility, all costs, insurance and quantities and types, and with coverage sufficient and
freight prepaid. Hypertherm shall not be liable for any repairs, appropriate to defend and to hold Hypertherm harmless in
replacement, or adjustments of Products covered by this the event of any cause of action arising from the use of the
warranty, except those made pursuant to this paragraph or with Products.
Hypertherm’s prior written consent. The warranty above is
exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, express, NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES
implied, statutory, or otherwise with respect to the National and Local codes governing plumbing and electrical
Products or as to the results which may be obtained installation shall take precedent over any instructions
therefrom, and all implied warranties or conditions of contained in this manual. In no event shall Hypertherm be
quality or of merchantability or fitness for a particular liable for injury to persons or property damage by reason of any
purpose or against infringement. The foregoing shall code violation or poor work practices.
constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for any breach
by Hypertherm of its warranty. Distributors/OEMs may offer TRANSFER OF RIGHTS
different or additional warranties, but Distributors/OEMs are You may transfer any remaining rights you may have
not authorized to give any additional warranty protection to you hereunder only in connection with the sale of all or substantially
or make any representation to you purporting to be binding all of your assets or capital stock to a successor in interest who
upon Hypertherm. agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this
Except only in cases of products not manufactured by
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Hypertherm not in strict conformity with Hypertherm’s
specifications and in cases of designs, processes, formulae, or
combinations not developed or purported to be developed by
Hypertherm, Hypertherm will defend or settle, at its own
expense, any suit or proceeding brought against you alleging
that the use of the Hypertherm product, alone and not in
combination with any other product not supplied by

ii Hypertherm Plasma Systems


Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)..................................................................................................................i

Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................ii

Section 1 Safety ............................................................................................................................................1-1

Recognize Safety Information .........................................................................................................................1-2
Follow Safety Instructions ...............................................................................................................................1-2
Cutting Can Cause Fire or Explosion..............................................................................................................1-2
Electric Shock Can Kill ....................................................................................................................................1-3
Cutting Can Produce Toxic Fumes..................................................................................................................1-3
A Plasma Arc Can Cause Injury and Burns.....................................................................................................1-4
Arc Rays Can Burn Eyes and Skin .................................................................................................................1-4
Grounding Safety ............................................................................................................................................1-4
Compressed Gas Equipment Safety...............................................................................................................1-5
Gas Cylinders Can Explode If Damaged ........................................................................................................1-5
Noise Can Damage Hearing ...........................................................................................................................1-5
Pacemaker and Hearing Aid Operation...........................................................................................................1-5
A Plasma Arc Can Damage Frozen Pipes ......................................................................................................1-5
Additional Safety Information ..........................................................................................................................1-5
Warning Label .................................................................................................................................................1-6

Section 1a Sécurité ......................................................................................................................................1a-1

Identifier les consignes de sécurité ...............................................................................................................1a-2
Suivre les instructions de sécurité.................................................................................................................1a-2
Le coupage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosion...........................................................................1a-2
Les chocs électriques peuvent être fatals .....................................................................................................1a-3
Le coupage peut produire des vapeurs toxiques ..........................................................................................1a-3
L'arc plasma peut provoquer des blessures ou des brûlures........................................................................1a-4
Mise à la masse et à la terre .........................................................................................................................1a-4
Les rayons de l'arc peuvent brûler les yeux et la peau .................................................................................1a-4
Sécurité des bouteilles de gaz comprimé .....................................................................................................1a-5
Les bouteilles de gaz comprimé peuvent exploser en cas de dommages....................................................1a-5
Le bruit peut provoquer des problèmes auditifs ............................................................................................1a-5
Pacemakers et prothéses auditives ..............................................................................................................1a-5
Étiquette de sécurité .....................................................................................................................................1a-6

Section 2 Specifications ............................................................................................................................2-1

System Components.......................................................................................................................................2-2
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................2-2
Machine Torch ........................................................................................................................................2-2
Valve Cluster ..........................................................................................................................................2-2
Gas Console...........................................................................................................................................2-2
Ignition Console......................................................................................................................................2-2
Cooler .....................................................................................................................................................2-2
Remote Current Control Console - Optional...........................................................................................2-2
Command THC - Optional ......................................................................................................................2-2
Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................2-3
System Requirements ............................................................................................................................2-3
Power Supply .........................................................................................................................................2-4

HT4400 Instruction Manual iii


Machine Torch .......................................................................................................................................2-5

Valve Cluster ..........................................................................................................................................2-5
Gas Console...........................................................................................................................................2-6
Ignition Console......................................................................................................................................2-7
Cooler .....................................................................................................................................................2-8
Remote Current Control Console - Optional...........................................................................................2-9
Command THC - Optional ......................................................................................................................2-9

Section 3 Installation ..................................................................................................................................3-1

Installation Requirements................................................................................................................................3-2
Gas Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................3-2
Gas Supply Plumbing......................................................................................................................................3-2
Torch Coolant Requirements...........................................................................................................................3-3
Water Purity Requirements for Coolant Mixture..............................................................................................3-4
Grounding Requirements ................................................................................................................................3-4
Fume Emissions..............................................................................................................................................3-4
Noise Levels....................................................................................................................................................3-5
Power Requirements.......................................................................................................................................3-5
Connecting the Power.....................................................................................................................................3-6
Torch Lifter Requirement.................................................................................................................................3-8
System Units Placement .................................................................................................................................3-8
HT4400 System Interconnections ................................................................................................................3-11
Ignition Console Connections - 1 of 3 ...........................................................................................................3-12
Ignition Console Connections - 2 of 3 ...........................................................................................................3-13
Ignition Console Connections - 3 of 3 ...........................................................................................................3-14
Gas Console Connections - 1 of 3 ................................................................................................................3-15
Gas Console Connections - 2 of 3 ................................................................................................................3-16
Gas Console Connections - 3 of 3 ................................................................................................................3-17
Cooler Connections - 1 of 2 ..........................................................................................................................3-18
Cooler Connections - 2 of 2 ..........................................................................................................................3-19
Remote Current Control Connection.............................................................................................................3-20
Machine Interface Connections - 1 of 2 ........................................................................................................3-20
Machine Interface Connections - 2 of 2 ........................................................................................................3-21
Work Table Connection .................................................................................................................................3-22
Power Supply #2 Connection........................................................................................................................3-22
Torch Connections ........................................................................................................................................3-23
Torch Mounting and Alignment......................................................................................................................3-24

Section 4 Operation ....................................................................................................................................4-1

Controls and Indicators ...................................................................................................................................4-2
Gas Console...........................................................................................................................................4-2
Gas Console Controls and Indicators.....................................................................................................4-3
Status Display Messages on the Gas Console ......................................................................................4-4
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................4-4
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................4-5
Remote Current Control Console ...........................................................................................................4-5

iv HT4400 Instruction Manual


Leak Tests .......................................................................................................................................................4-6

Daily Startup....................................................................................................................................................4-8
Common Cutting Faults ................................................................................................................................4-12
Performance and Process Data ....................................................................................................................4-13
Cut Chart and Consumable Parts Index .......................................................................................................4-14
Cut Charts .....................................................................................................................................................4-15
Changing Consumable Parts ........................................................................................................................4-23
Remove Consumables .........................................................................................................................4-23
Inspect Consumables ...........................................................................................................................4-24
Inspect Torch ........................................................................................................................................4-25
Inspect Electrode Pit Depth ..................................................................................................................4-26
Install Consumables .............................................................................................................................4-27
Replace Torch Water Tube............................................................................................................................4-28
Cutting Techniques........................................................................................................................................4-29
How to Get Better Cut Quality ..............................................................................................................4-29
How to Get Longer Consumable Life ...................................................................................................4-30
How to Get Better Pierces ....................................................................................................................4-32
How to Increase Cutting Speed............................................................................................................4-32

Section 5 Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................5-1

Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................5-2
Routine Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................5-2
Replacing the Cooler Filter..............................................................................................................................5-3
Pump Strainer Cleaning ..................................................................................................................................5-3
Torch Coolant Draining....................................................................................................................................5-4
Cooler Draining ...............................................................................................................................................5-4
HT4400 Startup Sequence..............................................................................................................................5-5
HT4400 Plasma START Sequence.................................................................................................................5-6
HT4400 Plasma RUN Sequence ....................................................................................................................5-7
Error Code Troubleshooting - 1 of 3................................................................................................................5-8
Error Code Troubleshooting - 2 of 3................................................................................................................5-9
Error Code Troubleshooting - 3 of 3..............................................................................................................5-10
System Troubleshooting - 1 of 4....................................................................................................................5-11
System Troubleshooting - 2 of 4 ...................................................................................................................5-12
System Troubleshooting - 3 of 4 ...................................................................................................................5-13
System Troubleshooting - 4 of 4 ...................................................................................................................5-14
Initial Checks.................................................................................................................................................5-15
Power Measurement Location - All Voltages.................................................................................................5-16
Power Distribution PCB1 - Status Indicators.................................................................................................5-17
Microprocessor Control Board PCB2 - Status Indicators ..............................................................................5-18
Analog Board PCB3 - Status Indicators ........................................................................................................5-19
Current Sense Test .......................................................................................................................................5-20
Relay Board PCB4 - Status Indicators ..........................................................................................................5-21
Serial I/O Board PCB5 - Status Indicators ....................................................................................................5-24
Start Circuit Board PCB14 - Status Indicators and Operation.......................................................................5-29
Pilot Arc Current Levels ........................................................................................................................5-29
Start Circuit Functional Schematic .......................................................................................................5-30

HT4400 Instruction Manual v


Start Circuit Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................5-30

Phase Loss Detection Board PCB21 - Status Indicators and Operation .....................................................5-31
Chopper Module Test Procedure .................................................................................................................5-32
Coolant Flow Test..........................................................................................................................................5-34
Pressure Switch Settings ..............................................................................................................................5-36
Gas Console Valve Select Switch Detail.......................................................................................................5-37
Preventative Maintenance.............................................................................................................................5-38

Section 6 Parts List ....................................................................................................................................6-1

Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................................6-2
Front Panel Outside................................................................................................................................6-2
Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................................6-3
Front Panel Inside ..................................................................................................................................6-3
Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................................6-4
Front Bail (Wall)......................................................................................................................................6-4
Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................................6-5
Rear Bail (Wall) ......................................................................................................................................6-5
Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................................6-6
Rear Panel Inside and Outside...............................................................................................................6-6
Ignition Console ..............................................................................................................................................6-7
Gas Console ...................................................................................................................................................6-8
HT4400 Torch................................................................................................................................................6-10
Consumable Configurations ..........................................................................................................................6-11
Consumable Parts Kit ...................................................................................................................................6-12
Counterclockwise Consumables ...................................................................................................................6-12
Valve Cluster Assembly ................................................................................................................................6-13
Recommended Spare Parts..........................................................................................................................6-13
Electrode Pit Depth Gauge Assembly ..........................................................................................................6-14

Section 7 Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................................7-1

Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................7-1
Wiring Diagram Symbols.................................................................................................................................7-1

Appendix A System Grounding ................................................................................................................a-1

System Grounding Requirements ...................................................................................................................a-1
Suggested Ground Cable Routing ..................................................................................................................a-1
Power Supply .........................................................................................................................................a-1
Equipment Grounding.............................................................................................................................a-1
Work Table Grounding............................................................................................................................a-2

Appendix B Propylene Glycol & Benzotriazole Safety Data ..................................................................b-1

Appendix C Gas Regulators ......................................................................................................................c-1

Appendix D Noise Levels ..........................................................................................................................d-1

Appendix E O2/N2 Cutcharts @ 140 PSI ..................................................................................................e-1

Appendix F O2/N2 Cutcharts @ 120 PSI ....................................................................................................f-1

vi HT4400 Instruction Manual

Section 1


In this section:

Recognize Safety Information .........................................................................................................................1-2

Follow Safety Instructions ...............................................................................................................................1-2
Cutting Can Cause Fire or Explosion..............................................................................................................1-2
Electric Shock Can Kill ....................................................................................................................................1-3
Cutting Can Produce Toxic Fumes..................................................................................................................1-3
A Plasma Arc Can Cause Injury and Burns.....................................................................................................1-4
Arc Rays Can Burn Eyes and Skin .................................................................................................................1-4
Grounding Safety ............................................................................................................................................1-4
Compressed Gas Equipment Safety...............................................................................................................1-5
Gas Cylinders Can Explode If Damaged ........................................................................................................1-5
Noise Can Damage Hearing ...........................................................................................................................1-5
Pacemaker and Hearing Aid Operation...........................................................................................................1-5
A Plasma Arc Can Damage Frozen Pipes ......................................................................................................1-5
Additional Safety Information ..........................................................................................................................1-5
Warning Label .................................................................................................................................................1-6

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems 1-1


RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFORMATION • Keep your machine in proper working condition.

Unauthorized modifications to the machine may
The symbols shown in this section are used to affect safety and machine service life.
identify potential hazards. When you see a safety
symbol in this manual or on your machine, understand
the potential for personal injury, and follow the related
instructions to avoid the hazard. DANGER WARNING CAUTION

A signal word DANGER or WARNING is used with a

FOLLOW SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS safety symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious

Read carefully all safety messages in this manual and • DANGER and WARNING safety labels are located
safety labels on your machine. on your machine near specific hazards.
• WARNING safety messages precede related
• Keep the safety labels on your machine in good
instructions in this manual that may result in injury
condition. Replace missing or damaged labels
or death if not followed correctly.
• CAUTION safety messages precede related
• Learn how to operate the machine and how to use
instructions in this manual that may result in
the controls properly. Do not let anyone operate it
damage to equipment if not followed correctly.
without instruction.


Fire Prevention WARNING

• Be sure the area is safe before doing any cutting. Explosion Hazard
Keep a fire extinguisher nearby. Argon-Hydrogen and Methane
• Remove all flammables within 35 feet (10 m) of the
cutting area. Hydrogen and methane are flammable gases that
• Quench hot metal or allow it to cool before handling present an explosion hazard. Keep flames away from
or before letting it touch combustible materials. cylinders and hoses that contain methane or hydrogen
• Never cut containers with potentially flammable mixtures. Keep flames and sparks away from the torch
materials inside – they must be emptied and when using methane or argon-hydrogen plasma.
properly cleaned first.
• Ventilate potentially flammable atmospheres before
cutting. WARNING
• When cutting with oxygen as the plasma gas, an Hydrogen Detonation with Aluminum Cutting
exhaust ventilation system is required.
• When cutting aluminum underwater, or with the
Explosion Prevention water touching the underside of the aluminum, free
• Do not use the plasma system if explosive dust or hydrogen gas may collect under the workpiece and
vapors may be present. detonate during plasma cutting operations.
• Do not cut pressurized cylinders, pipes, or any • Install an aeration manifold on the floor of the water
closed container. table to eliminate the possibility of hydrogen
• Do not cut containers that have held combustible detonation. Refer to the Appendix section of this
materials. manual for aeration manifold details.

1-2 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems



Touching live electrical parts can cause a fatal shock • Install and ground this equipment according to the
or severe burn. instruction manual and in accordance with national
and local codes.
• Operating the plasma system completes an
• Inspect the input power cord frequently for damage
electrical circuit between the torch and the
or cracking of the cover. Replace a damaged power
workpiece. The workpiece and anything touching
cord immediately. Bare wiring can kill.
the workpiece are part of the electrical circuit.
• Inspect and replace any worn or damaged torch
• Never touch the torch body, workpiece or the water
in a water table when the plasma system is
• Do not pick up the workpiece, including the waste
cutoff, while you cut. Leave the workpiece in place
or on the workbench with the work cable attached
Electric Shock Prevention
during the cutting process.
All Hypertherm plasma systems use high voltage • Before checking, cleaning or changing torch parts,
in the cutting process (200 to 400 VDC are disconnect the main power or unplug the power
common). Take the following precautions when supply.
operating this system: • Never bypass or shortcut the safety interlocks.
• Wear insulated gloves and boots, and keep your • Before removing any power supply or system
body and clothing dry. enclosure cover, disconnect electrical input power.
• Do not stand, sit or lie on – or touch – any wet Wait 5 minutes after disconnecting the main power
surface when using the plasma system. to allow capacitors to discharge.
• Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry • Never operate the plasma system unless the power
insulating mats or covers big enough to prevent any supply covers are in place. Exposed power supply
physical contact with the work or ground. If you must connections present a severe electrical hazard.
work in or near a damp area, use extreme caution. • When making input connections, attach proper
• Provide a disconnect switch close to the power grounding conductor first.
supply with properly sized fuses. This switch allows • Each Hypertherm plasma system is designed to be
the operator to turn off the power supply quickly in used only with specific Hypertherm torches. Do not
an emergency situation. substitute other torches which could overheat and
• When using a water table, be sure that it is correctly present a safety hazard.
connected to earth ground.


Cutting can produce toxic fumes and gases that beryllium, unless the area is well ventilated and the
deplete oxygen and cause injury or death. operator wears an air-supplied respirator. The
coatings and any metals containing these elements
• Keep the cutting area well ventilated or use an can produce toxic fumes when cut.
approved air-supplied respirator. • Never cut containers with potentially toxic materials
• Do not cut in locations near degreasing, cleaning or inside – they must be emptied and properly cleaned
spraying operations. The vapors from certain first.
chlorinated solvents decompose to form phosgene • This product, when used for welding or cutting,
gas when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. produces fumes or gases which contain chemicals
• Do not cut metal coated or containing toxic materi- known to the State of California to cause birth
als, such as zinc (galvanized), lead, cadmium or defects and, in some cases, cancer.

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems 1-3



Instant-On Torches The plasma arc will cut quickly through gloves and
Plasma arc comes on immediately when the torch skin.
switch is activated. • Keep away from the torch tip.
• Do not hold metal near the cutting path.
• Never point the torch toward yourself or others.


Eye Protection Plasma arc rays produce intense Skin Protection Wear protective clothing to protect
visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) rays that against burns caused by ultraviolet light, sparks and
can burn eyes and skin. hot metal.
• Use eye protection in accordance with applicable • Gauntlet gloves, safety shoes and hat.
national or local codes. • Flame-retardant clothing to cover all exposed areas.
• Wear eye protection (safety glasses or goggles with • Cuffless trousers to prevent entry of sparks and
side shields, or a welding helmet) with appropriate slag.
lens shading to protect your eyes from the arc’s • Remove any combustibles, such as a butane lighter
ultraviolet and infrared rays. or matches, from your pockets before cutting.

Lens Shade Cutting Area Prepare the cutting area to reduce

Arc Current AWS (USA) ISO 4850 reflection and transmission of ultraviolet light:
Up to 100 A No. 8 No. 11 • Paint walls and other surfaces with dark colors to
100-200 A No. 10 No. 11-12 reduce reflection.
200-400 A No. 12 No. 13 • Use protective screens or barriers to protect others
Over 400 A No. 14 No. 14 from flash and glare.
• Warn others not to watch the arc. Use placards or


• Be sure to connect the power cord ground wire to
the ground in the disconnect box.
Work Cable Attach the work cable securely to the • If installation of the plasma system involves
workpiece or the work table with good metal-to-metal connecting the power cord to the power supply, be
contact. Do not connect it to the piece that will fall sure to connect the power cord ground wire
away when the cut is complete. properly.
• Place the power cord's ground wire on the stud first,
Work Table Connect the work table to an earth then place any other ground wires on top of the
ground, in accordance with appropriate national or power cord ground. Fasten the retaining nut tightly.
local electrical codes. • Tighten all electrical connections to avoid excessive

1-4 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems



• Never lubricate cylinder valves or regulators with oil
or grease. Gas cylinders contain gas under high pressure. If
• Use only correct gas cylinders, regulators, hoses damaged, a cylinder can explode.
and fittings designed for the specific application. • Handle and use compressed gas cylinders in
• Maintain all compressed gas equipment and accordance with applicable national or local codes.
associated parts in good condition. • Never use a cylinder that is not upright and secured
• Label and color-code all gas hoses to identify the in place.
type of gas in each hose. Consult applicable • Keep the protective cap in place over valve except
national or local codes. when the cylinder is in use or connected for use.
• Never allow electrical contact between the plasma
arc and a cylinder.
• Never expose cylinders to excessive heat, sparks,
slag or open flame.
• Never use a hammer, wrench or other tool to open
a stuck cylinder valve.



Pacemaker and hearing aid operation can be affected

Prolonged exposure to noise from cutting or gouging
by magnetic fields from high currents.
can damage hearing.
Pacemaker and hearing aid wearers should consult a
• Use approved ear protection when using plasma
doctor before going near any plasma arc cutting and
gouging operations.
• Warn others nearby about the noise hazard.
To reduce magnetic field hazards:
• Keep both the work cable and the torch lead to one
side, away from your body.
• Route the torch leads as close as possible to the
A PLASMA ARC CAN work cable.
DAMAGE FROZEN PIPES • Do not wrap or drape the torch lead or work cable
around your body.
• Keep as far away from the power supply as
Frozen pipes may be damaged or can burst if you possible.
attempt to thaw them with a plasma torch.

ADDITIONAL SAFETY INFORMATION 5. AWS F5.2, Recommended Safe Practices for Plasma Arc
Cutting, American Welding Society
1. ANSI Standard Z49.1, Safety in Welding and Cutting, American 550 LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135
Welding Society, 550 LeJeune Road 6. CGA Pamphlet P-1, Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in
P.O. Box 351020, Miami, FL 33135 Cylinders, Compressed Gas Association
2. ANSI Standard Z49.2, Fire Prevention in the Use of Cutting and 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202
Welding Processes, American National Standards Institute 7. CSA Standard W117.2, Code for Safety in Welding and Cutting,
1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 Canadian Standards Association Standard Sales
3. ANSI Standard Z87.1, Safe Practices for Occupation and 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R3, Canada
Educational Eye and Face Protection, American National 8. NFPA Standard 51B, Cutting and Welding Processes, National
Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 Fire Protection Association
4. AWS F4.1, Recommended Safe Practices for the Preparation for 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210
Welding and Cutting of Containers and Piping That Have Held 9. NFPA Standard 70–1978, National Electrical Code, National Fire
Hazardous Substances, American Welding Society Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210
550 LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135 10. OSHA, Safety and Health Standards, 29FR 1910
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems 1-5


WARNING LABEL 1. Cutting sparks can cause explosion or fire.

This warning label is affixed to some power supplies. It is
1.1 Keep flammables away from cutting.
important that the operator and maintenance technician
understand the intent of these warning symbols as described.
1.2 Keep a fire extinguisher nearby, and have
The numbered text corresponds to the numbered boxes on a watchperson ready to use it.
the label.
1.3 Do not cut on any closed containers.

2. The plasma arc can cause injury and


2.1 Turn off power before disassembling torch.

2.2 Do not hold the material near cutting path.

2.3 Wear complete body protection.

3. Electric shock from torch or wiring can kill.

Protect yourself from electric shock.

3.1 Wear insulating gloves. Do not wear wet or

damaged gloves.

3.2 Insulate yourself from work and ground.

3.3 Disconnect input plug or power before

working on machine.

4. Breathing cutting fumes can be hazardous

to your health.

4.1 Keep your head out of the fumes.

4.2 Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to

remove the fumes.

4.3 Use ventilating fan to remove the fumes.

5. Arc rays can burn eyes and injure skin.

5.1 Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear

protection and button shirt collar. Use
welding helmet with correct shade of filter.
Wear complete body protection.

6. Become trained and read the instructions

before working on the machine or cutting.

110212 7. Do not remove or paint over (cover)

warning labels.

1-6 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems

Section 1a


Dans cette section :

Identifier les consignes de sécurité.........................................................................................................................1a-2

Suivre les instructions de sécurité ..........................................................................................................................1a-2
Danger Avertissement Précaution ........................................................................................................................1a-2
Le coupage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosion ....................................................................................1a-2
Prévention des incendies, Prévention des explosions ...................................................................................1a-2
Risque d’explosion argon-hydrogène et méthane..........................................................................................1a-2
Détonation de l’hydrogène lors du coupage de l’aluminium...........................................................................1a-2
Les chocs électriques peuvent être fatals...............................................................................................................1a-3
Prévention des chocs électriques ..................................................................................................................1a-3
Le coupage peut produire des vapeurs toxiques....................................................................................................1a-3
L’arc plasma peut provoquer des blessures ou des brûlures .................................................................................1a-4
Torches à allumage instantané ......................................................................................................................1a-4
Les rayons de l’arc peuvent brûler les yeux et la peau...........................................................................................1a-4
Protection des yeux, Protection de la peau, Zone de coupage ....................................................................1a-4
Mise à la masse et à la terre...................................................................................................................................1a-4
Câble de retour, Table de travail, Alimentation ...............................................................................................1a-4
Sécurité des bouteilles de gaz comprimé ...............................................................................................................1a-5
Les bouteilles de gaz comprimé peuvent exploser en cas de dommages .............................................................1a-5
Le bruit peut provoquer des problèmes auditifs......................................................................................................1a-5
Pacemakers et prothèses auditives ........................................................................................................................1a-5
Un arc plasma peut endommager les tuyaux gelés................................................................................................1a-5
Étiquette de sécurité ...............................................................................................................................................1a-6

Hypertherm Systèmes plasma 1a-1


IDENTIFIER LES CONSIGNES • Garder la machine en bon état. Des modifications non
DE SÉCURITÉ autorisées sur la machine peuvent engendrer des
problèmes de sécurité et raccourcir la durée d’utilisation
Les symboles indiqués dans cette section sont utilisés pour de l’équipement.
identifier les risques éventuels. Si vous trouvez un symbole
de sécurité, que ce soit dans ce manuel ou sur
l’équipement, soyez conscient des risques de blessures et
suivez les instructions correspondantes afin d’éviter ces
risques. Les signaux DANGER ou AVERTISSEMENT sont utilisés
avec un symbole de sécurité, DANGER correspondant aux
SUIVRE LES INSTRUCTIONS risques les plus sérieux.
DE SÉCURITÉ • Les étiquettes de sécurité DANGER et AVERTISSEMENT
Lire attentivement toutes les consignes de sécurité dans le sont situées sur la machine pour signaler certains
présent manuel et sur les étiquettes de sécurité se trouvant dangers spécifiques.
sur la machine. • Les messages d’AVERTISSEMENT précèdent les
instructions d’utilisation expliquées dans ce manuel et
• Les étiquettes de sécurité doivent rester lisibles. signalent les risques de blessures ou de mort au cas où
Remplacer immédiatement les étiquettes manquantes ou ces instructions ne seraient pas suivies correctement.
abîmées. • Les messages de PRÉCAUTION précèdent les
• Apprendre à faire fonctionner la machine et à utiliser instructions d’utilisation contenues dans ce manuel et
correctement les commandes. Ne laisser personne utiliser signalent que le matériel risque d’être endommagé si les
la machine sans connaître son fonctionnement. instructions ne sont pas suivies correctement.



Prévention des incendies AVERTISSEMENT

• Avant de commencer, s’assurer que la zone de coupage Risque d’explosion
ne présente aucun danger. Conserver un extincteur à argon-hydrogène et méthane
• Éloigner toute matière inflammable à une distance d’au L’hydrogène et le méthane sont des gaz inflammables et
moins 10 m du poste de coupage. potentiellement explosifs. Conserver à l’écart de toute
• Tremper le métal chaud ou le laisser refroidir avant de flamme les bouteilles et tuyaux contenant des mélanges à
le manipuler ou avant de le mettre en contact avec des base d’hydrogène ou de méthane. Maintenir toute flamme
matériaux combustibles. et étincelle à l’écart de la torche lors de l’utilisation d’un
• Ne jamais couper des récipients pouvant contenir des plasma d’argon-hydrogène ou de méthane.
matières inflammables avant de les avoir vidés et
nettoyés correctement. AVERTISSEMENT
• Aérer toute atmosphère potentiellement inflammable Détonation de l’hydrogène lors du
avant d’utiliser un système plasma. coupage de l’aluminium
• Lors de l’utilisation d’oxygène comme gaz plasma, un
système de ventilation par aspiration est nécessaire. • Lors du coupage de l’aluminium sous l’eau, ou si l’eau
touche la partie inférieure de la pièce d’aluminium, de
Prévention des explosions l’hydrogène libre peut s’accumuler sous la pièce à couper
• Ne pas couper en présence de poussière ou de vapeurs. et détonner lors du coupage plasma.
• Ne pas couper de bouteilles, de tuyaux ou autres • Installer un collecteur d’aération au fond de la table à eau
récipients fermés et pressurisés. afin d’éliminer les risques de détonation de l’hydrogène.
• Ne pas couper de récipients contenant des matières Se référer à l’annexe du manuel pour plus de
combustibles. renseignements sur les collecteurs d’aération.

1a-2 Hypertherm Systèmes plasma



• Installer et mettre à la terre l’équipement selon les

Toucher une pièce électrique sous tension peut provoquer instructions du présent manuel et conformément aux
un choc électrique fatal ou des brûlures graves. codes électriques locaux et nationaux.
• Inspecter fréquemment le cordon d’alimentation primaire
• La mise en fonctionnement du système plasma ferme un pour s’assurer qu’il n’est ni endommagé, ni fendu.
circuit électrique entre la torche et la pièce à couper. La Remplacer immédiatement un cordon endommagé.
pièce à couper et tout autre élément en contact avec cette Un câble dénudé peut tuer.
pièce font partie du circuit électrique. • Inspecter et remplacer les câbles de la torche qui sont
• Ne jamais toucher le corps de la torche, la pièce à couper usés ou endommagés.
ou l’eau de la table à eau pendant le fonctionnement du • Ne pas saisir la pièce à couper ni les chutes lors du
système plasma. coupage. Laisser la pièce à couper en place ou sur la
table de travail, le câble de retour connecté lors du
Prévention des chocs électriques coupage.
Tous les systèmes plasma Hypertherm utilisent des hautes • Avant de vérifier, de nettoyer ou de remplacer les pièces
tensions pour le coupage (souvent de 200 à 400 V). On de la torche, couper l’alimentation ou débrancher la prise
doit prendre les précautions suivantes quand on utilise le de courant.
système plasma : • Ne jamais contourner ou court-circuiter les verrouillages
• Porter des bottes et des gants isolants et garder le corps de sécurité.
et les vêtements au sec. • Avant d’enlever le capot du système ou de la source de
• Ne pas se tenir, s’asseoir ou se coucher sur une surface courant, couper l’alimentation électrique. Attendre ensuite
mouillée, ni la toucher quand on utilise le système plasma. 5 minutes pour que les condensateurs se déchargent.
• S’isoler de la surface de travail et du sol en utilisant des • Ne jamais faire fonctionner le système plasma sans que
tapis isolants secs ou des couvertures assez grandes les capots de la source de courant ne soient en place.
pour éviter tout contact physique avec le travail ou le sol. Les raccords exposés de la source de courant sont
S’il s’avère nécessaire de travailler dans ou près d’un extrêmement dangereux.
endroit humide, procéder avec une extrême prudence. • Lors de l’installation des connexions, attacher tout d’abord
• Installer un sectionneur avec fusibles appropriés, à la prise de terre appropriée.
proximité de la source de courant. Ce dispositif permet à • Chaque système plasma Hypertherm est conçu pour être
l’opérateur d’arrêter rapidement la source de courant en utilisé uniquement avec des torches Hypertherm
cas d’urgence. spécifiques. Ne pas utiliser des torches inappropriées qui
• En cas d’utilisation d’une table à eau, s’assurer que cette pourraient surchauffer et présenter des risques pour la
dernière est correctement mise à la terre. sécurité.


Le coupage peut produire des vapeurs et des gaz toxiques soit très bien ventilée et que l’opérateur porte un masque
qui réduisent le niveau d’oxygène dans l’air et peuvent respiratoire. Les revêtements et métaux contenant ces
provoquer des blessures, voire la mort. matières peuvent produire des vapeurs toxiques lors du
• Conserver le poste de coupage bien aéré ou utiliser un coupage.
masque respiratoire homologué. • Ne jamais couper de récipients pouvant contenir des
• Ne pas procéder au coupage près d’endroits où matières inflammables avant de les avoir vidés et
s’effectuent le dégraissage, le nettoyage ou la vapori- nettoyés correctement.
sation. Certains solvants chlorés se décomposent sous • Quand on utilise ce produit pour le soudage ou le
l’effet des rayons ultraviolets et forment du phosgène. coupage, il dégage des fumées et des gaz qui
• Ne pas couper des métaux peints ou contenant des contiennent des produits chimiques qui, selon l’État de
matières toxiques comme le zinc (galvanisé), le plomb, le Californie, provoquent des anomalies congénitales et,
cadmium ou le béryllium, à moins que la zone de travail dans certains cas, le cancer.

Hypertherm Systèmes plasma 1a-3



Torches à allumage instantané L’arc plasma coupe facilement les gants et la peau.
L’arc plasma s’allume immédiatement après que la torche • Rester éloigné de l’extrémité de la torche.
soit mise en marche. • Ne pas tenir de métal près de la trajectoire de coupe.
• Ne jamais pointer la torche vers soi ou d’autres


Protection des yeux Les rayons de l’arc plasma • Gants à crispin, chaussures et casque de sécurité.
produisent de puissants rayons visibles ou invisibles • Vêtements ignifuges couvrant toutes les parties exposées
(ultraviolets et infrarouges) qui peuvent brûler les yeux et la du corps.
peau. • Pantalon sans revers pour éviter que des étincelles ou
• Utiliser des lunettes de sécurité conformément aux codes des scories puissent s’y loger.
locaux ou nationaux en vigueur. • Avant le coupage, retirer de ses poches tout objet
• Porter des lunettes de protection (lunettes ou masque combustible comme les briquets au butane ou les
muni d’écrans latéraux et encore masque de soudure) allumettes.
avec des verres teintés appropriés pour protéger les yeux
des rayons ultraviolets et infrarouges de l’arc. Zone de coupage Préparer la zone de coupage afin de
réduire la réverbération et la transmission de la lumière
Puissance des verres teintés ultraviolette :
Courant de l’arc AWS (É.-U.) ISO 4850 • Peindre les murs et autres surfaces de couleur sombre
Jusqu’à 100 A No 8 No 11 pour réduire la réflexion de la lumière.
100-200 A o
N 10 No 11-12 • Utiliser des écrans et autres dispositifs de protection afin
200-400 A o
N 12 No 13 de protéger les autres personnes de la lumière et de la
Plus de 400 A o
N 14 No 14 réverbération.
• Prévenir les autres personnes de ne pas regarder l’arc.
Protection de la peau Porter des vêtements de sécurité Utiliser des affiches ou des panneaux.
pour se protéger contre les brûlures que peuvent causer les
rayons ultraviolets, les étincelles et le métal brûlant :


• S’assurer que le fil de terre du cordon d’alimentation est
connecté à la terre dans le coffret du sectionneur.
Câble de retour Bien fixer le câble de retour (ou de • S’il est nécessaire de brancher le cordon d’alimentation à
masse) à la pièce à couper ou à la table de travail de façon la source de courant lors de l’installation du système,
à assurer un bon contact métal-métal. Ne pas fixer le câble s’assurer que le fil de terre est correctement branché.
de retour à la partie de la pièce qui doit se détacher. • Placer tout d’abord le fil de terre du cordon d’alimentation
sur le plot de mise à la terre puis placer les autres fils de
Table de travail Raccorder la table de travail à la terre, terre par-dessus. Bien serrer l’écrou de retenue.
conformément aux codes de sécurité locaux ou nationaux • S’assurer que toutes les connexions sont bien serrées
appropriés. pour éviter la surchauffe.

1a-4 Hypertherm Systèmes plasma



• Ne jamais lubrifier les robinets des bouteilles ou les
régulateurs avec de l’huile ou de la graisse. Les bouteilles de gaz contiennent du gaz à haute pression.
• Utiliser uniquement les bouteilles, régulateurs, tuyaux et Si une bouteille est endommagée, elle peut exploser.
accessoires appropriés et conçus pour chaque application • Manipuler et utiliser les bouteilles de gaz comprimé
spécifique. conformément aux codes locaux ou nationaux.
• Entretenir l’équipement et les pièces d’équipement à gaz • Ne jamais utiliser une bouteille qui n’est pas placée à la
comprimé afin de les garder en bon état. verticale et bien assujettie.
• Étiqueter et coder avec des couleurs tous les tuyaux de • Le capuchon de protection doit être placé sur le robinet
gaz afin d’identifier le type de gaz contenu dans chaque sauf si la bouteille est en cours d’utilisation ou connectée
tuyau. Se référer aux codes locaux ou nationaux en pour utilisation.
vigueur. • Éviter à tout prix le contact électrique entre l’arc plasma et
une bouteille.
• Ne jamais exposer des bouteilles à une chaleur
excessive, aux étincelles, aux scories ou aux flammes
• Ne jamais utiliser des marteaux, des clés ou d’autres
outils pour débloquer le robinet des bouteilles.



Les champs magnétiques produits par les courants à haute

Une exposition prolongée au bruit du coupage ou du
tension peuvent affecter le fonctionnement des prothèses
gougeage peut provoquer des problèmes auditifs.
auditives et des pacemakers. Les personnes portant ce
• Utiliser un casque de protection homologué lors de
type d’appareil doivent consulter un médecin avant de
l’utilisation du système plasma.
s’approcher d’un lieu où s’effectue le coupage ou le
• Prévenir les personnes aux alentours des risques
gougeage plasma.
encourus en cas d’exposition au bruit.
Pour réduire les risques associés aux champs magnétiques :
• Garder loin de soi et du même côté du corps le câble de
retour et le faisceau de la torche.
• Faire passer le faisceau de la torche le plus près possible
UN ARC PLASMA du câble de retour.
PEUT ENDOMMAGER • Ne pas s’enrouler le faisceau de la torche ou le câble de
LES TUYAUX GELÉS retour autour du corps.
• Se tenir le plus loin possible de la source de courant.

Les tuyaux gelés peuvent être endommagés ou éclater

si l'on essaie de les dégeler avec une torche plasma.

Hypertherm Systèmes plasma 1a-5


Étiquette de sécurité 1. Les étincelles produites par le coupage

Cette étiquette est affichée sur la source de courant. Il est important peuvent provoquer une explosion ou un
que l’utilisateur et le technicien de maintenance comprennent la incendie.
signification des symboles de sécurité. Les numéros de la liste 1.1 Pendant le coupage, éloigner toute matière
correspondent aux numéros des images. inflammable.
1.2 Conserver un extincteur à proximité et
s’assurer qu’une personne soit prête à
1.3 Ne jamais couper de récipients fermés.
2. L’arc plasma peut provoquer des blessures
et des brûlures.
2.1 Couper l’alimentation avant de démonter la
2.2 Ne pas tenir la surface à couper près de la
trajectoire de coupe.
2.3 Porter des vêtements de protection
couvrant tout le corps.
3. Un choc électrique causé par la torche ou
les câbles peut être fatal. Se protéger
contre les risques de chocs électriques.
3.1 Porter des gants isolants. Ne pas porter de
gants mouillés ou abîmés.
3.2 S’isoler de la surface de travail et du sol.
3.3 Débrancher la prise ou la source de
courant avant de manipuler l’équipement.
4. L’inhalation des vapeurs produites par le
coupage peut être dangereuse pour la
4.1 Garder le visage à l’écart des vapeurs.
4.2 Utiliser un système de ventilation par
aspiration ou d’échappement localisé pour
dissiper les vapeurs.
4.3 Utiliser un ventilateur pour dissiper les
5. Les rayons de l’arc peuvent brûler les yeux
et provoquer des lésions de la peau.
5.1 Porter un casque et des lunettes de
sécurité. Se protéger les oreilles et porter
une chemise dont le col peut être
déboutonné. Porter un casque de soudure
dont la protection filtrante est suffisante.
Porter des vêtements protecteurs couvrant
la totalité du corps.
6. Se former à la technique du coupage et lire
les instructions avant de manipuler
l’équipement ou de procéder au coupage.
7. Ne pas retirer ou peindre (recouvrir) les
étiquettes de sécurité.

1a-6 Hypertherm Systèmes plasma

Section 2


In this section:

System Components.......................................................................................................................................2-2
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................2-2
Machine Torch ........................................................................................................................................2-2
Valve Cluster ..........................................................................................................................................2-2
Gas Console...........................................................................................................................................2-2
Ignition Console......................................................................................................................................2-2
Cooler .....................................................................................................................................................2-2
Remote Current Control Console - Optional...........................................................................................2-2
Command THC - Optional ......................................................................................................................2-2
Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................2-3
System Requirements ............................................................................................................................2-3
Power Supply .........................................................................................................................................2-4
Machine Torch .......................................................................................................................................2-5
Valve Cluster ..........................................................................................................................................2-5
Gas Console...........................................................................................................................................2-6
Ignition Console......................................................................................................................................2-7
Cooler .....................................................................................................................................................2-8
Remote Current Control Console - Optional...........................................................................................2-9
Command THC - Optional ......................................................................................................................2-9

HT4400 Instruction Manual 2-1


System Components
See Section 3 for details of the system interconnections.

Power Supply

The power supply houses four 100-amp, 15 kHz choppers to produce up to 400A of constant current DC output.

Machine Torch

The maximum production cutting capability of the torch is 1-1/4 inches (32 mm). To achieve consumable long
life, all cuts must begin and end on the plate surface.

Valve Cluster

The valve cluster consists of 5 valves and interfaces with the machine torch, the ignition console and the gas
console. The valve cluster must be located within 4 ft (1.2 m) of the torch and within 50 ft (15.3 m) of the gas

Gas Console

This unit houses metering and solenoid valves, pressure readout LEDs and gas selection switches to choose, set
and monitor plasma and shield gases. The gas console must be located within 50 ft (15.3 m) of the valve cluster.

Ignition Console

The ignition console generates a high voltage, high frequency signal and couples it to the cathode lead and pilot
arc lead. This ignition console must be located within 15 feet (4.6 m) of the torch.


This unit circulates a coolant solution to the torch. The cooler interfaces with the ignition console and the power
supply. For more information, see Torch Coolant Requirements in the Installation section of this manual.

Remote Current Control Console - Optional

The remote current control console contains a thumb-wheel switch to set the arc current. If a machine interface will
provide current control for the plasma system, you will not need this console.

Command THC - Optional

The Command THC is an external torch height control and initial height sensing system designed for plasma
cutting applications on an x-y cutting table. Refer to the Command THC instruction manual 802780 for more
detailed information.

2-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual



System Requirements

Gas Requirements:
Plasma Gas Types Oxygen, Nitrogen
Shield Gas Types Air; Nitrogen
Gas Quality:
Oxygen 99.5% pure (liquid gas recommended)
Nitrogen 99.995% pure (liquid gas recommended)
Air 99.995% pure (liquid gas recommended)
Maximum Gas Flow Rates and Inlet Pressures:
Oxygen 140 scfh (3965 sclh) @ 120 psi +/- 10 psi (8.3 bar +/- 0.7 bar)
Nitrogen 250 scfh (7080 sclh) @ 120 psi +/- 10 psi (8.3 bar +/- 0.7 bar)
Air 200 scfh (5664 sclh) @ 120 psi +/- 10 psi (8.3 bar +/- 0.7 bar)

Gas Hoses
Coolant Hoses

System components not drawn

dr to scale

HT4400 Instruction Manual 2-3


Power Supply

Maximum OCV (U0) 361 VDC

Maximum Output Current (I2) 400 Amps
Output Voltage (U2) 80-200 VDC
Duty Cycle Rating (X) 100% @ 89 kVa, 104° F (40° C)
Temperature Rating 14° F (-10° C) to 104° F (40° C)
Power Factor (cosϕ) 0.94
Cooling Forced Air (Class F)
Input Power (Input Voltage [U1 – Input Voltage; I1 – Input Current])
077036 200 VAC (U1), 3 Phase, 50-60 Hz, 257A (I1)
077037 400 VAC (U1), 3 Phase, 50-60 Hz, 128A (I1)
077046 440 VAC (U1), 3 Phase, 50-60 Hz, 117A (I1)
077033 480 VAC (U1), 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 107A (I1)
077038 600 VAC (U1), 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 86A (I1)

* In accordance with IEC 61000-3-12, the Rsce (short Circuit Ratio) for the 400 VAC power supply is 100.
Dimensions and Weight
Width 34" (863 mm)
Maximum Height 51" (1295 mm)
Maximum Depth 48-11/16" (1236 mm)
Weight 1800 lbs (817 kg)

2-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Machine Torch – 128342 (with 15 ft (4.6 m) Leads) See Section 6 Parts List for other lead lengths

Maximum recommended production cutting thickness 1-1/4" (32 mm)

Maximum current at 100% duty cycle 400 Amp
Dimensions See figure below
Weight - Torch only 2 lbs (0,9 kg)
Weight - Torch and 15 ft (4.6 m) leads w/o coolant 14.7 lbs (6,7 kg)

1.05" 4.65"
(27 (118 mm)
(276 mm)

(51 mm) 2.25"
(57 mm)

1.88" 1.98"
3.5" (48 mm) (50 mm)
(89 mm)

Torch with Dimensions

Valve Cluster – 077035

Dimensions and Weight

Weight 6.6" (168 mm)
Height 2.5" (64 mm)
Depth 1.2" (30 mm)
Weight 2.5 lbs (1,1 kg)

(22 mm)

(4 mm)
0.16" 0.19" (4.8 mm)
(4 mm) diameter.
(159 mm)

Valve Cluster Mounting Dimensions

HT4400 Instruction Manual 2-5


Gas Console – 077032

Dimensions and Weight

Width 11.5" (290 mm)
Height 14.5" (370 mm)
Depth 5.0" (127 mm)
Weight 28.7 lbs (13 kg)

(127 mm)

(102 mm)

(25 mm)

PEM #S-0420-1
(6 places)

0 2.0" 5.75" 9.5"

(51 mm) (146 mm) (241 mm)

Gas Console Mounting Dimensions (bottom view)


2-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Ignition Console – 078088

Dimensions and Weight

Width 12" (305 mm)
Height 6.25" (159 mm)
Depth 11.25" (286 mm)
Weight 20.5 lbs (9.3 kg)

0 1.25" (32 mm) 10.63" (270 mm)

1.25" (32 mm)

0.28" (7 mm)
(4 places)

9.75" (248 mm)

(279 mm)

Ignition Console Mounting Dimensions (bottom view)

Hypertherm recommends mounting the ignition console either horizontally or in the vertical position with the
power supply and cooler connections facing out as shown.

Power supply and

cooler connections

Horizontal Mounting Vertical Mounting

HT4400 Instruction Manual 2-7


Cooler– 077034

Dimensions and Weight

Width 23" (584 mm)
Height 36" (914 mm)
Depth 15.8" (401 mm)
Weight 148 lbs (67,2 kg)
Coolant capacity 2.5 gal (9.5 l)
Maximum coolant flow 0.85 gpm (3.2 l/min)

(914 mm)

23" 15.8"
(584 mm) (401 mm)

Cooler with Dimensions

2-8 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Remote Current Control Console – Optional – 077020

Dimensions and Weight

Width 6.5" (165 mm)
Height 2.5" (64 mm)
Depth 8.63" (219 mm)
Weight 3 lbs (1 kg)

5/32" ø (4 mm) - 4 places

3.38" (86 mm)
(165 mm)

0.50" (13 mm)

6.25" (159 mm)

1.17" 8.5" (216 mm)
(30 mm)

Remote Current Control Mounting Dimensions (bottom view)

Command THC - Optional

Refer to the Command THC Instruction Manual 802780.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 2-9

Section 3


In this section:

Installation Requirements................................................................................................................................3-2
Gas Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................3-2
Gas Supply Plumbing......................................................................................................................................3-2
Torch Coolant Requirements for Coolant Mixture ...........................................................................................3-3
Water Purity Requirements .............................................................................................................................3-4
Grounding Requirements ................................................................................................................................3-4
Fume Emissions..............................................................................................................................................3-4
Noise Levels....................................................................................................................................................3-5
Power Requirements.......................................................................................................................................3-5
Connecting the Power.....................................................................................................................................3-6
Torch Lifter Requirement.................................................................................................................................3-8
System Units Placement .................................................................................................................................3-8
HT4400 System Interconnections ................................................................................................................3-11
Ignition Console Connections - 1 of 3 ...........................................................................................................3-12
Ignition Console Connections - 2 of 3 ...........................................................................................................3-13
Ignition Console Connections - 3 of 3 ...........................................................................................................3-14
Gas Console Connections - 1 of 3 ................................................................................................................3-15
Gas Console Connections - 2 of 3 ................................................................................................................3-16
Gas Console Connections - 3 of 3 ................................................................................................................3-17
Cooler Connections - 1 of 2 ..........................................................................................................................3-18
Cooler Connections - 2 of 2 ..........................................................................................................................3-19
Remote Current Control Connection.............................................................................................................3-20
Machine Interface Connections - 1 of 2 ........................................................................................................3-20
Machine Interface Connections - 2 of 2 ........................................................................................................3-21
Work Table Connection .................................................................................................................................3-22
Power Supply #2 Connection........................................................................................................................3-22
Torch Connections ........................................................................................................................................3-23
Torch Mounting and Alignment......................................................................................................................3-24

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-1


Installation Requirements
All installation and service of the electrical and plumbing systems must conform to national or local codes.
This work should be performed only by qualified, licensed personnel.

Direct any technical questions to the nearest Hypertherm Technical Service Department listed in the front of this
manual, or your nearest authorized Hypertherm distributor.

Gas Requirements
The customer furnishes all gases and gas-supply regulators for the system. Use a high-quality, 2-stage pressure
regulator located within 10 ft (3 m) of the gas console. See Appendix C for gas regulator recommendations. Refer
to Section 2 for gas and flow specifications.

Caution: Gas supply pressures not within the parameters outlined in Section 2 can cause poor cut
quality, poor consumable life, and operational problems.

If the purity level of the gas is too low or if there are leaks or contamination in the supply
hoses or connections,

• Cut speeds can decrease

• Cut quality can deteriorate
• Cutting thickness capability can decrease
• Parts life can shorten

Gas Supply Plumbing

Rigid copper plumbing or suitable flexible hose may be used for all gas supplies. Do not use steel pipe. After instal-
lation, pressurize the entire system and check for leaks.

For flexible-hose systems, use a hose designed for inert gas to carry air or nitrogen.

CAUTION: Only hose designed to carry oxygen may be used for oxygen lines.

Note: When cutting with oxygen as the plasma gas, nitrogen must also be connected to the gas console to
achieve the proper oxygen/nitrogen mixtures in the preflow and cutflow conditions.


Cutting with oxygen as the plasma gas can cause a potential fire hazard due to the oxygen-enriched
atmosphere that it creates. As a precaution, Hypertherm recommends that an exhaust ventilation
system be installed when cutting with oxygen.

3-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Torch Coolant Requirements

The cooler is shipped to the customer without any coolant in the tank. Hypertherm recommends a mixture of 30%
propylene glycol, 69.9% deionized water, and .1% benzotriazole. This mixture resists freezing to +10° F (-12° C)
and contains a corrosion inhibitor (benzotriazole) to protect copper surfaces in the coolant loop. This mixture is
available in one-gallon containers by ordering 028872. 100% propylene glycol is available by ordering 028873.

Caution: For operating temperatures colder than the temperature stated above, the percentage of
propylene glycol must be increased. Failure to do so could result in a cracked torch head,
hoses, or other damage to the torch coolant system due to the torch coolant freezing.

See Figure b-1 chart in Appendix B to determine if a stronger propylene glycol/purified water solution is needed for
your particular application.

Observe the warning and cautions below. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets in Appendix B for data on
safety, handling, and storage of propylene glycol and benzotriazole.


Propylene glycol and benzotriazole are irritating to skin and eyes, and harmful or fatal if swallowed.
Upon contact, flush skin or eyes with water. If swallowed, drink water and call a physician
immediately. Do not induce vomiting.


Use Hypertherm coolant (028872) to reduce the risk of damage from

freezing and to prevent long-term corrosion.

Caution: Always use propylene glycol in the coolant mixture. Do not use automotive antifreeze in
place of propylene glycol. Antifreeze contains corrosion inhibitors that will damage the
torch coolant system.
Caution: Always use purified water in the coolant mixture in order to prevent corrosion in the torch
coolant system. See Water Purity Requirements for Coolant Mixture.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-3


Water Purity Requirements for Coolant Mixture

Maintaining a low level of calcium carbonate is critical for proper performance of the torch and components in the
cooling system. Water purity should meet the requirements defined in the table below. When mixing Hypertherm
coolant (P/N 028873 - 100% propylene glycol) with water to create the appropriate coolant mixture.

Note: If water purity exceeds maximum levels, mineral deposits may occur throughout the system.
If water purity is below minimum levels, soluble materials may leach into the coolant.

Water Purity Measurement Methods

Conductivity Resistivity Dissolved Grains per

Water Purity µS/cm M /cm Solids Gallon
at 77° F (25° C) at 77° F (25° C) (ppm of NaCl) (gpg of CaCO2)

Pure Water (ref. only) 0.055 18.3 0 0

Maximum Purity 0.5 2 0.206 0.010

Minimum Purity 18 0.054 8.5 0.43

Max. Potable Water

(ref. only) 1000 0.001 495 25

Grounding Requirements
Proper grounding is essential for personal safety and to prevent emission of high-frequency interference.

See Appendix A for system grounding requirements.

Connect the worktable to a high-quality earth ground, not more than 20 feet (6 m) from the table. A suitable ground
consists of a solid copper rod of at least 3/4" (19 mm) diameter driven to a depth of at least 15 feet
(4.5 m) into the earth, below the permanent moisture level. Ensure that all grounding connections are tight to avoid
excessive heating. See also Grounding in the Safety section. For additional information, consult
national or local electric codes.

Caution: All accessory modules in the HT4400 system must be grounded to earth. Use a minimum of
8 AWG (10 mm2) wire connected from the stud on the side of each module enclosure to the
worktable ground.

Note: The customer must supply all grounding wire.

Fume Emissions
Contact Hypertherm to receive the publication, Fume Emissions Testing for Plasma Arc Cutting.

3-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Noise Levels
Acceptable noise levels as defined by national or local codes may be exceeded by this plasma system. Always
wear proper ear protection when cutting with the plasma system. See also Noise Protection in the Safety section of
this manual. See also Appendix D for noise levels measured on the HT4400 system.

Power Requirements
All switches, slow-blow fuses and power cables are customer supplied and must be chosen as outlined by
applicable national or local codes. Installation must be performed by qualified personnel. Use a separate
primary line disconnect switch for the power supply. If slow-blow fuses are not available or not allowed by
applicable codes, use a motor-start circuit breaker.

Rated Input Recommended Recommended

Input Current @ 89 kW Recommended Cable Size (AWG) rated Cable Size (AWG) rated
Voltage Phase Output Slow-Burn Fuse Size for 60° C (140° F) for 90° C (194° F)

200 VAC 3 257 amps 350 amps *See Note below 4/0 AWG
400 VAC 3 128 amps 175 amps 2/0 AWG 2 AWG
440 VAC 3 117 amps 175 amps 2/0 AWG 2 AWG
480 VAC 3 107 amps 150 amps 1 AWG 3 AWG
600 VAC 3 86 amps 125 amps 2 AWG 4 AWG

* Note: Use the smaller diameter 4/0 AWG cable (1.6" / 40.6 mm) rated for 90° C (194° F) rather than an equivalent
larger diameter cable (350 MCM, 2.05" / 52 mm) rated for 60° C (140° F) to accommodate the bend radius neces-
sary to connect incoming power cable to the power supply.

Line Disconnect Switch

The line disconnect switch serves as the supply voltage disconnecting (isolating) device. Install this switch on a
wall near the power supply for easy accessibility by the operator. The line disconnect switch must be installed
by qualified personnel following all applicable national or local codes. The switch should:

• isolate the electrical equipment and disconnect all live conductors from the supply voltage when in the "OFF
• have one "OFF" and one "ON" position clearly marked with "0" (OFF) and "1" (ON)
• have an external operating handle capable of being locked in the "OFF" position
• contain a power operated mechanism that serves as an emergency stop
• have slow-blow fuses installed for the proper breaking capacity (see table above)

Power Cable

Wire sizes vary based on the distance of the receptacle from the main box. The suggested wire sizes listed in the
table above were taken from the U.S. National Electric Code 1990 handbook, table 310.16. Use a 4-conductor (3
conductor with ground) input power cable with a conductor temperature rating of 60° C (140° F) or 90° C (194° F).
The cable should be installed only by a licensed electrician following national or local codes.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-5


Positioning the Power Supply


Remove all electrical connections to power supply before moving or positioning. Transporting
unit can cause personal injury and equipment damage.

Note: A lifting eye is provided for moving the power supply into place with a crane or hoist. It may also be moved
by forklift if the forks are long enough to extend the entire length of the base. Take care when lifting with the
forks so that the underside of the power supply is not damaged.

• Place the power supply in an area that is free of excessive moisture, has proper ventilation, and is relatively
clean. Provide at least 3 feet (1 m) of room on all sides of the power supply to allow for easy access when
servicing, and to allow the cooling fans to function properly.

• Cooling air is drawn in through the front panel grating, and exhausted through the rear of the unit by a
cooling fan. Do not place any filter device over the air intake locations. This reduces cooling efficiency and

Positioning the Cooler

• Place the cooler in an area that is free of excessive moisture, has proper ventilation, and is relatively clean.
Provide at least 3 feet (1 m) of room on all sides of the cooler to allow for easy access when servicing, and
to allow the cooling fans to function properly.

Connecting the Power


The line disconnect switch must be in the OFF position before making the power cable connections!
In the U.S., use a "lock-out/tag-out" procedure until installation is complete. In other countries, follow
appropriate local or national safety procedures.

3-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Connecting the Power - All Voltages

1. Be certain that the line disconnect switch is in the OFF position and remains in the OFF
position for the remainder of the installation of the HT4400 system.

2. Insert the power cable through the strain relief located in the rear of the power supply.

3. Connect the power leads to the W, V, and U terminals of TB5. See figure below.

4. Connect the ground lead (PE) to the stud marked as shown below.

5. Connect the power cord leads to the line disconnect switch following national or local electrical codes..

Strain Relief
Note: Filter on
400 VAC CE
power supplies only



There is line voltage at the contactor if the line disconnect switch is in the ON position, even if the
circuit breaker on the power supply is OFF. As a common safety practice, ALWAYS verify that the
line disconnect switch is in the OFF position before installing, disconnecting or servicing in this

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-7


Torch Lifter Requirement

The HT4400 system requires a high-quality, motorized torch lifter with sufficient travel to cover all cutting thickness
requirements. The lifter must provide 10 inches (254 mm) of vertical travel. The unit should have a constant
speed of at least 20 ipm (508 mm/min) with positive braking. A unit which drifts through the stop point is not ac-

System Units Placement

• Position all required units prior to making electrical, gas and interface connections.

• Ground all external modules in the HT4400 system to earth.

• To prevent leaks in the system, tighten all gas and coolant connections to the following specifications:

Gas or Coolant Torque Specification

Hose Size lbf-in lbf-ft kgf-cm

Up to 3/8" (9.5 mm) 75-85 6.25-7 86-98

1/2" (12 mm) 360-480 30-40 415-550

Use 2 wrenches when tightening to prevent damage to the mating component.

• Install the cooler, the ignition console and connecting coolant hoses at a lower height than the torch to
prevent leaking when the torch body is disconnected from the torch leads.

Use the HT4400 System Connections diagram later in this section to help make the system cable, torch and hose
connections. Follow the number guide on the diagram to find out specific information on each cable, hose or con-
nection. The numbered items are detailed on the pages following the diagram.


Use Hypertherm coolant (028872) to reduce the risk of damage from

freezing and to prevent long-term corrosion.

3-8 HT4400 Instruction Manual



HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-9


Power Supply Power Supply

Center Bail Front Center Bail Rear





Power Supply Rear Panel 15


(Logic +
close to

Power Supply
Rear Wall Inside

3-10 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Ignition Console connections - pgs. 3-12, -13, -14

6 Gas Console connections - pg. 3-15, -16, -17 Valve Cluster

9 10 10a 8

11 Cooler connections - pg. 3-18, -19

Remote Current Control connections - pg. 3-20


Machine Interface connections - pgs. 3-20, -21


15 Work Table connection - pg. 3-22

Command THC connection - see instruction manual 802780

Torch Connections,
16 Mounting and
Power supply #2 connection – pg. 3-22 Alignment
- pg. 3-23

HT4400 System Interconnections

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-11


Ignition Console Connections – 1 of 3

2X1 2X2

See Cooler Connections - pg. 3-18, 3-19


Red Red

Green In

See Cooler
Connections - pg. 3-18, 3-19

See also Torch Connections, Mounting and

Alignment later in this section.

3-12 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Ignition Console Connections – 2 of 3

 Nozzle (Pilot Arc) Lead (+) Installation Notes

Attach the ring terminal end of the nozzle
lead to the bolt in the center panel of the
ignition console as shown in the lower left
figure on page 3-12. Secure the attached
Part No. Length Part No. Length
strain relief to the panel of the ignition
123552 10 ft (3 m) 123530 60 ft (18.3 m) console by tightening the nut in place.
123553 15 ft (4.6 m) 123531 75 ft (22.9 m)
123554 20 ft (6.1 m) 123532 100 ft (30.5 m) Pass the fork terminal end of the nozzle
123528 25 ft (7.6 m) 123534 125 ft (38.1 m) lead through the small bushing in the
123555 30 ft (9.2 m) 123535 150 ft (45.8 m)
lower rear of the power supply and
123556 40 ft (12.2 m) 123536 175 ft (53.4 m)
123529 50 ft (15.3 m) 123537 200 ft (61 m)
connect to the start circuit assembly as
shown on page 3-10.

 Negative Lead (-) 

Pass the negative lead through one of
the 2" bushings in the lower rear of the
power supply and connect to the lower
bar (-) on the center bail rear as shown
on page 3-10.
Part No. Length Part No. Length
123418 10 ft (3 m) 123316 60 ft (18.3 m)
023382 15 ft (4.6 m) 023124 75 ft (22.9 m)
023136 20 ft (6.1 m) 023080 100 ft (30.5 m)
023078 25 ft (7.6 m) 123084 125 ft (38.1 m)
023101 30 ft (9.2 m) 023081 150 ft (45.8 m)
023135 40 ft (12.2 m) 123097 175 ft (53.4 m)
023079 50 ft (15.3 m) 023188 200 ft (61 m)

 Cable - Ignition Console to Power Supply 

RUN LIST – Ignition Console to
Power Supply Cable

2X1 1X1 Note: 2X1 and 1X1 are not labeled on the
cable. Plug one cable end into the 2X1 Ignition
Console receptacle and the other cable end
into the 1X1 Power Supply receptacle.

Part No. Length Part No. Length SIGNAL

S.S.I. 14 Red 14
123446 10 ft (3 m) 123559 60 ft (18.3 m) SV8 7 Black 7
123557 15 ft (4.6 m) 123513 75 ft (22.9 m) SV8 20 Orange 20
SV9 8 Red 8
123447 20 ft (6.1 m) 123514 100 ft (30.5 m) SV9 21 White 21
123448 25 ft (7.6 m) 123515 125 ft (38.1 m) SV10 9 Red 9
123449 30 ft (9.2 m) 123516 150 ft (45.8 m) SV10 22 Green 22
SV11 10 Red 10
123450 40 ft (12.2 m) 123560 175 ft (53.4 m) SV11 23 Blue 23
123512 50 ft (15.3 m) 123561 200 ft (61 m) SV12 11 Red 11
SV12 24 Yellow 24
Gnd 6 Black 6
Gnd 12 Red 12
Gnd 19 Brown 19
Gnd 25 Brown 25

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-13


Ignition Console Connections – 3 of 3

Installation Notes
 Cable - Ignition Console to Valve Cluster 
RUN LIST – Ignition Console to
Valve Cluster Cable
2X2 4X1
Note: 2X2 and 4X1 are not labeled on the
cable. Plug one cable end into the 2X2 Ignition
Console receptacle and the other cable end
into the Valve Cluster cable receptacle.
Part No. Length Part No. Length SIGNAL 2X2 COLOR 4X1

123509 6 ft (1.8 m) 123511 15 ft (4.6 m) SV8 7 White 1

SV8 20 Yellow 2
123510 10 ft (3 m)
SV9 8 White 4
SV9 21 Orange 5
SV10 9 White 7
SV10 22 Brown 8
SV11 10 White 10
SV11 23 Black 11
SV12 11 White 13
SV12 24 Red 14
PE (Gnd) 6 White 12
PE (Gnd) 12 Green 3

 Torch Leads 
See also Torch Connections, Mounting
and Alignment later in this section.

Part No. Length

128462 6 ft (1.8 m)
128463 10 ft (3 m)
128341 15 ft (4.6 m)

3-14 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Gas Console Connections – 1 of 3

3X1 3X2



Green Red Red Green

N2 In Air In O2 In

10a Installation Notes

 Cable 1 - Gas Console to Power Supply
RUN LIST – Gas Console to
Power Supply Cable -1

Note: 3X2 and 1X3 are not labeled on the

3X2 1X3
cable. Plug one cable end into the 3X2 Gas
Console receptacle and the other cable end
into the 1X3 Power Supply receptacle.
Part No. Length Part No. Length
28V 1 Black 1
123446 10 ft (3 m) 123559 60 ft (18.3 m) Gnd 14 Red 14
123557 15 ft (4.6 m) 123513 75 ft (22.9 m) 28V Return 3 Black 3
123447 20 ft (6.1 m) 123514 100 ft (30.5 m) Gnd 16 Blue 16
PS1 5 Black 5
123448 25 ft (7.6 m) 123515 125 ft (38.1 m)
Gnd 18 Brown 18
123449 30 ft (9.2 m) 123516 150 ft (45.8 m)
PS2 6 Black 6
123450 40 ft (12.2 m) 123560 175 ft (53.4 m) Gnd 19 Orange 19
123512 50 ft (15.3 m) 123561 200 ft (61 m) SOD+ 8 Red 8
Gnd 21 Green 21
SOD– 9 Red 9
Gnd 22 Blue 21
Str2+ 10 Red 10
Gnd 23 Yellow 23
Str2– 11 Red 11
Gnd 24 Brown 24
Clk2+ 12 Red 12
Gnd 25 Orange 25
Clk2– 7 Red 7
Gnd 20 White 20

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-15


Gas Console Connections – 2 of 3

Cable 2 - Gas Console to Power Supply Installation Notes

3X1 1X2 RUN LIST – Gas Console to

Power Supply Cable -2
Select O2/N2 1 Shield 1
Select O2/N2 5 Black 5
Part No. Length Part No. Length Select O2/N2 6 White 6
SV1 2 Black 2
123562 10 ft (3 m) 123568 60 ft (18.3 m) SV1 3 Green 3
Gnd 7 Shield 7
123563 15 ft (4.6 m) 023497 75 ft (22.9 m) SV2 8 Black 8
123564 20 ft (6.1 m) 023498 100 ft (30.5 m) SV2 9 Blue 9
Gnd 4 Shield 4
123565 25 ft (7.6 m) 123087 125 ft (38.1 m) BCD Common 10 Shield 10
123566 30 ft (9.2 m) 023499 150 ft (45.8 m) BCD Bit 8 16 Black 16
BCD Bit 4 17 Yellow 17
123567 40 ft (12.2 m) 123031 175 ft (53.4 m) BCD Bit 2 11 Black 11
023496 50 ft (15.3 m) 023500 200 ft (61 m) BCD Bit 1 12 Brown 12
Gnd 18 Shield 18
SV6 19 Black 19
SV6 20 Orange 20
Gnd 13 Shield 13
SV3 23 Red 23
SV3 24 Yellow 24
Gnd 25 Shield 25
SV5 26 Red 26
SV5 27 Brown 27
Gnd 28 Shield 28
SV7 29 Black 29
SV7 30 Red 30
Gnd 34 Shield 34
SV Purge 32 Red 32
SV Purge 33 Blue 33
Gnd 37 Shield 37
SV4 35 Red 35
SV4 36 Green 36
Gnd 31 Shield 31

 Hoses - Gas Console to Valve Cluster

Hose Package – Plasma Plasma- Shield- Shield

Gas Console to Length Preflow Cutflow Preflow Cutflow Plasma Shield
Valve Cluster: (green tape) (red tape) (green tape) (red tape) Sense Sense

128482 5 ft (1.5 m) 024620 024620 024628 024628 024591 024599

128483 10 ft (3 m) 024621 024621 024629 024629 024590 024598

128484 15 ft (4.6 m) 024622 024622 024630 024630 024589 024597

128485 20 ft (6.1 m) 024623 024623 024631 024631 024588 024596

128486 25 ft (7.6 m) 024624 024624 024632 024632 024587 024595

128487 30 ft (9.2 m) 024625 024625 024633 024633 024586 024594

128488 40 ft (12.2 m) 024626 024626 024634 024634 024585 024593

128489 50 ft (15.3 m) 024627 024627 024635 024635 024584 024592

128518 60 ft (18.3 m) 024653 024653 024652 024652 024650 024651

3-16 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Gas Console Connections – 3 of 3

Oxygen Hose - Gas Console to Gas Supply

Part No. Length Part No. Length

024607 10 ft (3 m) 024611 60 ft (18.3 m)
024204 15 ft (4.6 m) 024398 75 ft (22.9 m)
024608 20 ft (6.1 m) 024206 100 ft (30.5 m)
024205 25 ft (7.6 m) 024490 125 ft (38.1 m)
024609 30 ft (9.2 m) 024159 150 ft (45.8 m)
024610 40 ft (12.2 m) 024612 175 ft (53.4 m)
024155 50 ft (15.3 m) 024333 200 ft (61 m)

Nitrogen Hose - Gas Console to Gas Supply

Part No. Length Part No. Length

024210 10 ft (3 m) 024615 60 ft (18.3 m)
024203 15 ft (4.6 m) 024148 75 ft (22.9 m)
024232 20 ft (6.1 m) 024116 100 ft (30.5 m)
024134 25 ft (7.6 m) 024491 125 ft (38.1 m)
024613 30 ft (9.2 m) 024120 150 ft (45.8 m)
024614 40 ft (12.2 m) 024616 175 ft (53.4 m)
024112 50 ft (15.3 m) 024124 200 ft (61 m)

10a Air Hose - Gas Console to Gas Supply

Part No. Length Part No. Length

024671 10 ft (3 m) 024675 60 ft (18.3 m)
024658 15 ft (4.6 m) 024661 75 ft (22.9 m)
024672 20 ft (6.1 m) 024676 100 ft (30.5 m)
024659 25 ft (7.6 m) 024677 125 ft (38.1 m)
024673 30 ft (9.2 m) 024678 150 ft (45.8 m)
024674 40 ft (12.2 m) 024679 175 ft (53.4 m)
024660 50 ft (15.3 m) 024680 200 ft (61 m)

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-17


Cooler Connections – 1 of 2


Out In Drain

Ignition Console

In Out

Connect hose from Out of cooler to In of ignition console .
Connect hose from In of cooler to Out of ignition console .
See also Ignition Console connections on page 3-12.

Installation Notes
Cable - Cooler to Power Supply
RUN LIST – Cooler to
Power Supply Cable
5X1 1X5

Coolant Temp TS1 (Logic Level) 11 Black 11

Coolant Temp TS1 (Logic Level) 15 BLue 15
Shield 6 Shield 6
Part No. Length Flow Switch FS1 (120 VAC) 16 Yellow 16
Flow Switch FS1 (120 VAC) 12 Black 12
123517 5 ft (1.5 m) Shield 7 Shield 7
123518 10 ft (3 m) Pump (240 VAC) 17 Black 17
123519 15 ft (4.6 m) Pump (240 VAC) 18 Brown 18
Shield 19 Shield 19
Fan (120 VAC) 8 Black 8
Fan (120 VAC) 9 White 9
Shield 4 Shield 4
Solenoid V1 (120 VAC) 1 Black 1
Solenoid V1 (120 VAC) 2 Red 2
Shield 3 Shield 3

3-18 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Cooler Connections – 2 of 2
Hoses - Cooler to Ignition Console

Green Green

Red Red

Note: There are 2 hoses contained in each

Part No. Length Part No. Length
hose set part number listed here.
128499 5 ft (1.5 m) 128052 60 ft (18.3 m)
028652 10 ft (3.1 m) 028443 75 ft (22.9 m)
028440 15 ft (4.6 m) 028444 100 ft (30.5 m)
028653 20 ft (6.1 m) 028747 125 ft (38.1 m)
028441 25 ft (7.6 m) 028445 150 ft (45.8 m)
128495 30 ft (9.2 m) 128064 175 ft (53.4 m)
128496 40 ft (12.2 m) 028637 200 ft (61 m)
028442 50 ft (15.3 m)


Use Hypertherm coolant (028872) to reduce the risk of damage from

freezing and to prevent long-term corrosion.

Adding Coolant to the Cooler

1. Install consumables in the torch: see Changing
Consumables in Section 4.
Filter cap
2. Remove cooler filler cap.

3. Add coolant until level is full on the level gauge.

4. Turn the cooler on for 1 minute and add more

coolant, if necessary.
Level gauge
See Post Installation later in this section.

See also Torch Coolant Requirements earlier in this


HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-19


Remote Current Control Connection

15X1 13a Installation Notes

If a machine interface will provide current
control, you will not need this cable. See
Machine Interface Connections.
13a Cable - Remote Current Control to 13a RUN LIST – Remote Current Control to
Power Supply Cable
Power Supply

I 10 8 Black 2
I 20 7 White 3
3X1 1X2 I 40 10 Black 4
I 80 9 Green 5
I 100 15 Black 6
I 200 16 Red 7
I 400 14 Black 8
Part No. Length Part No. Length I Common 3 Shield 11

123150 10 ft (3 m) 123590 60 ft (18.3 m)

123586 15 ft (4.6 m) 023874 75 ft (22.9 m)
123587 20 ft (6.1 m) 023875 100 ft (30.5 m)
023871 25 ft (7.6 m) 123088 125 ft (38.1 m)
123588 30 ft (9.2 m) 023876 150 ft (45.8 m)
123589 40 ft (12.2 m) 123032 175 ft (53.4 m)
023873 50 ft (15.3 m) 023877 200 ft (61 m)

Machine Interface Connections - 1 of 2

13b Cable - Machine V/C Interface to Installation Notes

Power Supply
If the Remote Current Control console will
provide current control, you will not need
this cable.

13b RUN LIST – Machine V/C Interface to

Power Supply Cable

I 10 White 2
I 20 Red 3
Part No. Length Part No. Length I 40 Green 4
I 80 Orange 5
123580 10 ft (3 m) 123584 60 ft (18.3 m)
I 100 Blue 6
023851 15 ft (4.6 m) 023855 75 ft (22.9 m)
I 200 White/Black 7
123581 20 ft (6.1 m) 023856 100 ft (30.5 m) I 400 Red/Black 8
023852 25 ft (7.6 m) 023903 125 ft (38.1 m) I Common Blue/Black 11
123582 30 ft (9.2 m) 023857 150 ft (45.8 m) Shield Shield 10
123583 40 ft (12.2 m) 123585 175 ft (53.4 m)
023854 50 ft (15.3 m) 023858 200 ft (61 m)

3-20 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Machine Interface Connections - 2 of 2

 Cable - Machine I/O Interface to Part No. Length Part No. Length
Power Supply 123574 10 ft (3 m) 123579 60 ft (18.3 m)
123575 15 ft (4.6 m) 023894 75 ft (22.9 m)
123576 20 ft (6.1 m) 023895 100 ft (30.5 m)
1X6 023892 25 ft (7.6 m) 123089 125 ft (38.1 m)
123577 30 ft (9.2 m) 023896 150 ft (45.8 m)
123578 40 ft (12.2 m) 123033 175 ft (53.4 m)
023893 50 ft (15.3 m) 023897 200 ft (61 m)

Installation Notes
If using the Command THC, do not connect this cable.

 RUN LIST – Machine I/O Interface t

Power Supply Cable


Remote OFF** 78 Green 32
Remote ON** 79 Red 37
Remote ON/OFF Shield** Cut Shield 26
Hold Signal (12VDC) Signal. Closed-ON;Open=OFF 87 White 1
**Move jumper to TB4 Hold Common 86 Black 5
terminals 2&3 to enable Hold Shield Cut Shield 10
a remote ON/OFF switch Plasma Start (12VDC) Signal. Closed=Start 82 Blue 9
Plasma Start Signal 83 Black 15
Plasma Start Shield Cut Shield 14
Plasma Emergency Stop (24VAC) Signal. Closed=Stop 80 Yellow 28
Plasma Emergency Stop Signal 81 Red 33
Plasma Emergency Stop Shield Cut Shield 27
Arc Xfer Output - Signal. Dry contact relay†* 84 Red 36
Arc Transfer Output - Signal* 85 Blue 31
Arc Transfer Output - Shield* Cut Shield 25
Pierce Complete*** 135 Orange 4
Pierce Complete*** 136 Black 8
Pierce Complete Shield*** Cut Shield 13
Error Counter 167 Green 35
Error Counter 168 Black 30
Error Counter Shield Cut Shield 24
(Logic +
close to

* Contact closes after arc transfer and time delay

** To enable a remote ON/OFF switch, the jumper on TB4 must be moved from
terminals 1&2 to terminals 2&3 - see figure.
*** A contact closure will activate pierce complete and keeps shield in preflow
mode. Open the contacts for shield cutflow mode.

Note on the µP PCB that resistor R150 and capacitor C78 are connected in
series across the contacts. In some cases, one lead of R150 must be cut from
the control PC board, as the R-C circuit may provide enough current flow to
maintain machine motion input to the cutting machine.

When installing or servicing the HT4400, AC or DC line voltages may be present on the
TRANSFER signals even if the power supply line disconnect switch is OFF. Make certain that
all line disconnect switches relating to the HT4400 system are OFF during installation and when

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-21


Work Table Connection

 Installation Notes
 Cable - Power Supply to Work Table Pass the work cable through one of the 2"
bushings in the lower rear of the power
supply and connect to the upper bar (+) on
the center wall rear as shown on page 3-10.
Attach the other end to the work table.

Lower Frame of Work Table (typical)

Part No. Length Part No. Length
123418 10 ft (3 m) 123316 60 ft (18.3 m)
023382 15 ft (4.6 m) 023124 75 ft (22.9 m)
023136 20 ft (6.1 m) 023080 100 ft (30.5 m)
023078 25 ft (7.6 m) 123084 125 ft (38.1 m)
023101 30 ft (9.2 m) 023081 150 ft (45.8 m)
023135 40 ft (12.2 m) 123097 175 ft (53.4 m)
023079 50 ft (15.3 m) 023188 200 ft (61 m)

Power Supply #2 Connection Installation Notes

When using a multi-torch system, the hold cable may be
 Cable - Power Supply #1 to Power Supply #2 used to interface the two power supplies. Make connec-
tions at TB3 on both supplies. TB3 is located on the
inside rear wall of the power supply. See figure below.

Note: This feature can also be directly controlled by the


 RUN LIST – Power Supply #1 to

Power Supply #2

Part No. Length Part No. Length SIGNAL PS#1 COLOR PS#2
Hold Signal 86 Black 86
123591 10 ft (3 m) 123594 40 ft (12.2 m) Hold Common 87 Red 87
023340 15 ft (4.5 m) 023342 50 ft (15.3 m) Hold Shield Gnd Shield Gnd
123592 20 ft (6.1 m) 023343 100 ft (30.5 m)
023341 25 ft (7.5 m) 023344 150 ft (45.8 m)
123593 30 ft (9.2 m)

Hold cable connections

(Logic +
close to

3-22 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Torch Connections
Connecting the Torch to Torch Leads

Apply a thin coat of silicone Apply a light coat of lubricant to the threads on the
lubricant on all O-rings quick-disconnect to ease torch installation.

Torch body Torch leads

120651 128341, 128463 or 128462

Installation Notes
Align the torch body to the torch leads and secure by
screwing completely together. Be certain that there is no
space between the torch body and the o-ring on the torch
leads. See also Ignition Console Connections earlier in
this section for torch lead connections to ignition console.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-23


Torch Mounting and Alignment

Mounting the Torch

Securing screws Torch sleeve Installation Notes

1. Install the torch (with torch leads

attached) in the torch mounting bracket.

2. Position the torch until the torch body

Torch mounting extends all the way through the bracket,
so that the bracket is now around the
torch sleeve and not touching the torch
body. Position the torch approximately
0.25" (6 mm) from the workpiece.

3. Tighten the securing screws.


Torch Alignment

To align the torch at right angles to the workpiece, use a square at 0° and 90°. See figure above.

See also Changing Consumables in Section 4 to install consumables in the torch.

3-24 HT4400 Instruction Manual


HT4400 Initial Startup
After installation is complete, perform the following procedure to ensure the proper performance of the
HT4400 system before moving on to the Operation section of this manual. The gas console will display error
code FS (flow switch error) on initial startup until: all air is out of the torch coolant loop; the reservoir in the
cooler has an adequate supply of coolant. Follow the procedure below to satisfy the flow switch.

Status Display 1. Verify that all installation requirements are met and that all
connections are made as outlined in this section.

2. Verify that consumables are installed properly in the torch

(see Daily Startup in the Operation section, if necessary).

3. Verify that the torch coolant has been added to the cooler
(see pages 3-3 and 3-19).

4. Position the valve select switch (S2) on the gas console to

either Leak Test 1 or Leak Test 2.

5. Switch the Control Power switch on the power supply

ON (I).

6. Allow coolant to flow through the system. If the coolant is

(under lever) flowing properly, propellers on the flow switch (FS1) will be
spinning rapidly.

Note: When propellers are spinning, the individual paddles

Valve Select cannot be seen.
If coolant stops flowing and FS is still displayed on the gas
console, turn valve select switch to RUN, and then back to
Check coolant
Leak Test 1 or Leak Test 2. This action allows the pump to
run for 30 seconds. Check coolant level.

7. After 5 minutes, switch the Control Power switch on the

power supply OFF (O).

8. Position the valve select switch (S2) on the gas console to


9. Switch Control Power switch on the power supply ON (I).

The coolant pump should continue to run and OK should

be displayed on the gas console status display.

If FS or any other error code is displayed on the gas

console other than OK, the system has a problem that
needs to be fixed before daily operations can begin. See
the Maintenance section (Section 5) of this manual to
Flow switch (FS1) troubleshoot.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 3-25

Section 4


In this section:

Controls and Indicators ...................................................................................................................................4-2

Gas Console...........................................................................................................................................4-2
Gas Console Controls and Indicators.....................................................................................................4-3
Status Display Messages on the Gas Console ......................................................................................4-4
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................4-4
Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................4-5
Remote Current Control Console ...........................................................................................................4-5
Leak Tests .......................................................................................................................................................4-6
Daily Startup....................................................................................................................................................4-8
Common Cutting Faults ................................................................................................................................4-12
Performance and Process Data ....................................................................................................................4-13
Cut Chart and Consumable Parts Index .......................................................................................................4-14
Cut Charts .....................................................................................................................................................4-15
Changing Consumable Parts ........................................................................................................................4-23
Remove Consumables .........................................................................................................................4-23
Inspect Consumables ...........................................................................................................................4-24
Inspect Torch ........................................................................................................................................4-25
Inspect Electrode Pit Depth ..................................................................................................................4-26
Install Consumables .............................................................................................................................4-27
Replace Torch Water Tube............................................................................................................................4-28
Cutting Techniques........................................................................................................................................4-29
How to Get Better Cut Quality ..............................................................................................................4-29
How to Get Longer Consumable Life ...................................................................................................4-30
How to Get Better Pierces ....................................................................................................................4-32
How to Increase Cutting Speed............................................................................................................4-32

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-1


Controls and Indicators

Gas Console

S1 Status Display PG2








Valve Select

Gas Select 1
Gas Select 2

(under lever)

4-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Gas Console Controls and Indicators

PG1 Indicates the plasma gas pressure. Settings for the plasma gas pressures are specified in the
Cut Charts.

S1 Selects the use of either nitrogen or oxygen as the plasma cutting gas.

Status Displays a 2 character code to report the condition of the HT4400 system. See Status
Display Display Messages on the Gas Console later in this section. See also Error Code
Troubleshooting in Section 5.

PG2 Indicates the shield gas pressure. Settings for the shield gas pressures are specified in the
Cut Charts.

MV1 Adjusts the plasma gas cutflow pressure. MV1 and cutflow plasma pressures are specified in
the Cut Charts.

MV2 Adjusts one of the plasma gas preflow pressures. MV2 and preflow plasma pressures are
specified in the Cut Charts. .

MV3 Adjusts one of the shield gas cutflow pressures. MV3 and cutflow shield pressures are
specified in the Cut Charts.

MV4 Adjusts one of the shield gas preflow pressures. MV4 and preflow shield pressures are
specified in the Cut Charts. .

MV5 Adjusts one of the plasma gas preflow pressures. MV5 and preflow plasma pressures are
specified in the Cut Charts. .

MV6 Adjusts one of the shield gas cutflow pressures. MV6 and cutflow shield pressures are
specified in the Cut Charts.

MV7 Adjusts one of the shield gas preflow pressures. MV7 and preflow shield pressures are
specified in the Cut Charts.

Gas Select 1 Selects the plasma cutting gas (Gas 1). When the shield gas is a mixture of 2 gases, this
setting represents the plasma portion of the mixture.

Gas Select 2 Selects the shield gas (Gas 2). When the shield gas is a mixture of 2 gases, this setting
represents the non-plasma portion of the mixture.

Valve Select Chooses the active valve to adjust. Also selects Leak Test 1, Leak Test 2, Test Preflow,
S2 and Test Cutflow.

Leak Test 1 See Gas Console Valve Select Detail in Section 5.

Leak Test 2 See Gas Console Valve Select Detail in Section 5.

Test Preflow See Gas Console Valve Select Detail in Section 5.

Test Cutflow See Gas Console Valve Select Detail in Section 5.

Run In this mode, all valves are OFF initially. The valve select switch must be positioned to
RUN before sending the START command to the plasma system.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-3


Status Display Messages on the Gas Console

The list of error codes that may appear in the Status display are explained in Section 5, Error Code

The codes that will prevent the system from starting a cut are:

CT – Chopper temperature is too high

FS – Coolant flow error - See Post-Installation in Section 3
PC ,PP, SC or SP – Plasma cutflow, plasma preflow, shield cutflow or shield preflow gas pressures not
within the proper range
TT – Main transformer temperature is too high
VO – Incoming voltage more than +/- 15% out of nominal range
VS – Valve select switch not in RUN position
WT – Coolant temperature is too high
SS – Start signal error

The above error conditions must be corrected before plasma cutting can begin. When the system is satisfied,
the code OK will be displayed in the Status window after the START signal is given. See Specifications,
Installation, and Maintenance sections of this manual to verify that the system is installed correctly, and that all
operating requirements are met.

The codes that will stop the system while cutting are all of the above and:

CA – Lost current on chopper #1 and/or chopper #2

Cb – Lost current on chopper #3 and/or chopper #4
Hd – HOLD time-out
PL – Phase loss error
Rd – Ramp down error
RU – Ramp up error
XF – No arc transfer

Power Supply
Front Panel

DC Indicator
AC Indicator Illuminates when main
Indicator illuminates when contactor closes, indicating
power up is complete. DC power is being supplied
to the torch.

4-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Power Supply
Rear Panel CONTROL

UP Position (I)
In this position, AC is sent to the
control transformer, turning the power
supply control circuits on.

DOWN Position (O)

In this position, AC is cut off to the
power supply control circuits.


The main contactor terminals remain energized in the DOWN position. If an EMI filter is installed,
it also remains energized in the DOWN position.

Remote Current Control Console

AMPS Thumb-wheel
Adjusts the cutting arc current to 400 amps. Values
are chosen from the Cut Charts and depend on the
thickness and type of metal to cut.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-5


Leak Tests


Cutting with oxygen as the plasma gas can cause a potential fire hazard due to the oxygen-enriched
atmosphere that it creates. As a precaution, Hypertherm recommends that an exhaust ventilation
system be installed when cutting with oxygen.

After installing the system and before adjusting plasma and shield gas levels, perform the following leak tests.

Leak Test 1

1. Open all gas console valves, MV1-MV7.

2. Set the Gas Select 1 lever on the gas console to the proper plasma gas.

3. Set the Gas Select 2 lever on the gas console to the proper shield gas.
Note: If the shield gas is a mixture, set Gas Select 2 to the non-plasma portion of the mixture.

4. Choose Leak Test 1 on the valve select thumb-wheel switch.

5. Turn the supply gases on.

6. Turn on the power supply by positioning the CONTROL POWER circuit breaker on the rear of the power
supply to the UP (I) position.

7. When the system is pressurized, turn off the supply gases and view the supply gas pressure gauge. If the
system is losing pressure, troubleshoot by using the gas schematic on page 4-7.

Leak Test 2

1. Open all gas console valves, MV1-MV7.

2. Set the Gas Select 1 lever on the gas console to the proper plasma gas.

3. Set the Gas Select 2 lever on the gas console to the proper shield gas.
Note: If the shield gas is a mixture, set Gas Select 2 to the non-plasma portion of the mixture.

4. Choose Leak Test 2 from the valve select thumb-wheel switch.

5. Turn the supply gases on.

6. Turn on the power supply by positioning the POWER circuit breaker on the rear of the power supply to the
UP (I) position.

7. When the system is pressurized, turn off the supply gases and view the supply gas pressure gauge. If the
system is losing pressure, troubleshoot by using the gas schematic on page 4-7.

4-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Gas Console

MV-1 SV-1

MV-2 SV-2 Plasma Cutflow

Rotary Selector Switch #1
Plasma Preflow

MV-3 SV-3
Shield Cutflow
Shield Preflow
SV-8 SV-9 SV-10 SV-11 SV-12
MV-4 SV-4

Plug PG-2
FL4 MV-5 SV-5

Valve Cluster
Rotary Selector Switch #2
FL3 MV-6 SV-6

MV-7 SV-7

Note: In Leak Test 1, valves 1-7 are ON (open), and valves 8-12 are OFF (closed).
In Leak Test 2, valves 8-12 are ON (open), and valves 1-7 are OFF (closed).

Gas Schematic

Valve Select

Gas Select 1
Gas Select 2

(under lever)

Gas Console

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-7


Daily Startup
Prior to startup, ensure that your cutting environment and that your clothing meet the safety requirements outlined
in the Safety section of this manual. See Post-installation in Section 3 if you are switching the power supply on for
the first time.


Before operating this system, you must read the Safety section thoroughly! Turn main disconnect
switch to the power supply OFF before proceeding with the following steps.

1. Check Torch and Consumables

1. Remove the consumables from the torch and check for worn or damaged parts. See Changing
Consumable Parts later in this section. Always place the consumables on a clean, dry, oil-free
surface after removing. Dirty consumables can cause the torch to malfunction.

• Check the pit depth of the electrode. The electrode should be replaced when the depth exceeds
.040 inch (1 mm). A gauge for measuring electrode pit depth can be purchased through Hypertherm.
See Section 6 Parts List in this manual. See also Inspect Electrode Pit Depth later in this section.

• Wipe the current ring in the torch with a clean paper towel or cotton swab.

• Refer to the Cut Charts to choose the correct consumables for your cutting needs.

2. Replace consumable parts. Refer to Changing Consumable Parts later in this section for detailed
information on replacing consumables.

3. Ensure that the torch is perpendicular to the material. Refer to Section 3 for the torch alignment

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode Current Ring Torch

4-8 HT4400 Instruction Manual


S1 2. Turn Gases On
1. Turn the supply gases on.

2. Set S1 toggle switch on the gas console to plasma gas O2,

or N2.

3. Set the Gas Select 1 lever on the gas console to the proper
plasma gas.

4. Set the Gas Select 2 lever on the gas console to the proper
shield gas. Note: If the shield gas is a mixture, set Gas
Select 2 to the non-plasma portion of the mixture. (e.g., If the
plasma gas is O2 and the shield gas is Air, set Gas Select 2
switch to Air.)

5. Set the Valve Select thumb-wheel switch (S2) to Run.

(under lever)

Note: See the Cut Charts to set the plasma and shield gas

Gas Valve Gas

Select 1 Select Select 2

3. Turn Power Supply On and Adjust Current & Voltage

1. Turn the main disconnect switch ON.

2. Turn on the power supply by positioning the CONTROL

POWER circuit breaker on the rear of the power supply to the
UP position. The system will automatically purge gases and
then display OK in the gas console status display window.

3. Set the current from the machine computer interface or the

remote current control console. Set the voltage from the
machine computer interface or torch-height control system.
Select the arc current and arc voltage numbers from the Cut
Charts for the type and thickness of metal to cut.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-9


4. Adjust Cutflow and Preflow Gases

1. Set the Valve Select thumb-wheel switch (S2) to MV1.

2. Turn the MV1 valve to the plasma pressure detailed in the Cut Charts. The pressure reading appears
in the gas console PG1 Plasma window.

3. Set the Valve Select thumb-wheel switch (S2) to MV2.

4. Turn the MV2 valve to the plasma pressure detailed in the Cut Charts. The pressure reading appears
in the gas console PG1 Plasma window.

5. Repeat this procedure to set metering valves M3-M7. Note that the readings for shield gas
adjustments appear in gas console PG2 Shield window.


(Plasma cutflow) (Plasma preflow) (Shield cutflow) (Shield preflow)


(Plasma preflow)
(Shield preflow)

(Shield cutflow)

(under lever)

Valve Select

4-10 HT4400 Instruction Manual



5. Verify Test Preflow

1. Set the Valve Select thumb-wheel switch (S2) to Test

2. Observe pressure readings on PG1 (plasma) and PG2

(shield). Verify that the readings are within +/- 3.0 psi (0.21
bar) of the PG1 and PG2 Test Preflow Verify rates specified
in the Cut Charts.

3. If readings are not within +/- 3.0 psi (0.21 bar), repeat the
preflow gas adjustments of steps 4.

(under lever)

Valve Select


6. Verify Test Cutflow

1. Set the Valve Select thumb-wheel switch (S2) to Test

2. Observe pressure readings on PG1 (plasma) and PG2

(shield). Verify that the readings are within +/- 3.0 psi (0.21
bar) of the PG1 and PG2 Test Cutflow Verify rates specified
in the Cut Charts.

3. If readings are not within +/- 3.0 psi (0.21 bar), repeat the
cutflow gas adjustments of steps 4.

(under lever)

Valve Select

7. Begin Cutting

Note: If you have changed consumable parts or if the power supply has been off for more than 1 hour, purge gas
lines by leaving the system in Test Cutflow for one minute.

1. Set any additional cutting parameters as outlined in the Cut Charts.

2. Set Valve Select switch to Run after the test preflow and test cutflow rates have been verified.

3. The system is now ready to operate. Press the START command from the machine interface to begin the
cutting sequence.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-11


Common Cutting Faults

• Torch pilot arc will initiate, but will not transfer. Causes can be:

1. Work cable connection on the cutting table is not making good contact.

2. Malfunction in the HT4400 system. See Section 5.

• The workpiece is not totally penetrated, and there is excessive sparking on top of the workpiece.
Causes can be:

1. Current is set too low (check Cut Chart information).

2. Cut speed is too high (check Cut Chart information).

3. Torch parts are worn (see Changing Consumable Parts).

4. Metal being cut is too thick.

• Dross forms on the bottom of the cut. Causes can be:

1. Cutting speed is too slow or too fast (check Cut Chart information).

2. Arc current is set too low (check Cut Chart information).

3. Torch parts are worn (see Changing Consumable Parts).

• Cut angle is not square. Causes can be:

1. Wrong direction of machine travel.

High quality side is on the right with respect to the forward motion of the torch.

2. Torch-to-work distance is not correct (check Cut Chart information).

3. Cutting speed is not correct (check Cut Chart information).

4. Arc current is not correct (check Cut Chart information).

5. Damaged consumable parts (see Changing Consumable Parts ).

• Short consumable life. Causes can be:

1. Arc current, arc voltage, travel speed, motion delay, gas flow rates, or initial torch height not set
as specified in the Cut Charts.

2. Attempting to cut highly magnetic metal plate (some metals such as armor plate with a high nickel content)
will shorten consumable life. Long consumable life is difficult to achieve when cutting plate that is
magnetized or becomes magnetized easily.

3. Not beginning or ending the cut on the plate surface. To achieve consumable long life, all cuts must
begin and end on the plate surface.

Also see Cutting Techniques later in this section for methods to improve cutting performance.

4-12 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Performance and Process Data

Before cutting, check all settings and adjustments and check for damaged torch parts and
worn consumable parts.

Performance Summary for Cutting Mild Steel with Oxygen Plasma





(inches/ 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
mm) 5.1 10.2 15.2 20.3 25.4 30.5 35.6 40.6 45.7 50.8
Best cut quality (virtually dross free, least cut angularity)

Good cut quality (virtually dross free, may result in increased cut angle)

Requires edge start

Results will vary based on machine motion performance and material characteristics.

Approximate Pressures During Cutting Kerf Width O2 /Air Processes

Process PG1 PG2 Thickness 100A 200A 300A 400A

100A O2/Air 76 17 3/16" .055

200A O2/Air 56 32 1/4" .065 .095
300A O2/Air 72 35 3/8" .072 .110 .105 .130
400A O2/Air 75 38 1/2" .120 .120 .135
200A N2/O2-N2 49 36 3/4" .125 .130 .150
400A N2/N2 58 30 1" .140 .165

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-13


Cut Chart and Consumable Parts Index

The data listed in the charts is for making drop cuts with minimal dross.


Plasma Gas/ Retaining Swirl
Metal Amps Shield Gas Cap Nozzle Ring Electrode Page

Mild 400 O2/Air 120786 120934 120939 120810 4-15

Steel 300 O2/Air 120786 120794 120913 120802 4-16
200 O2/Air 120786 120787 120791 120793 4-17
100 O2/Air 120786 120777 120783 120785 4-18

Stainless 400 N2/N2 120786 120856 120853 120855 4-19

Steel 200 N2/O2-N2 120786 120794 120853 120855 4-20

Aluminum 400 N2/N2 120786 120856 120853 120855 4-21

200 N2/O2-N2 120786 120794 120853 120855 4-22

BEVEL- Mild 400 O2/Air 120786 120804 120800 120810 4-15


Water tube used for above processes: 120025


1. If using the Command THC with ohmic contact or other ohmic contact sensing device, use retaining cap with
IHS tab, 120907.

2. Counterclockwise consumables can be found in the parts list (Section 6) of this manual.

3. Underwater cutting can only be accomplished by using underwater retaining cap #120984. Using retaining cap
#120796 will cause misfires.

See appendix F for 120psi inlet and O2 / N2 cutcharts.
See appendix E for 140psi inlet and O2 / N2 cutcharts.

4-14 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / Air Shield Air O2
Preflow 184.3 / 5220 58.8 / 1662
400 Amps Cutflow 167.5 / 4740 92.2 / 2610
Straight and Bevel Cutting to 45°

120786 120934 120939 120810 220412+

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring (standard) (optional)
Electrode SilverPlus
Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/8** 135 .125 3 195 4950 .250 6 0.4
1/2** 138 .157 4 160 4060 .314 8 0.5
5/8 140 .157 4 120 3050 .314 8 0.6
3/4 142 .157 4 95 2413 .314 8 0.7
7/8 145 .188 5 80 2032 .375 10 0.8
68 0 0 10 43 38 38 36 43 68 38
1 145 .188 5 70 1778 .375 10 1
1-1/8 145 .188 5 60 1520 .375 10 1.4
1-1/4 148 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.9
1-1/2 150 .188 5 40 1020 * * *
2 175 .250 6 15 381 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
10** 135 3 .125 4718 186 6 .250 0.4
12** 138 4 .157 4301 169 8 .314 0.5
15 140 4 .157 3320 131 8 .314 0.6
20 142 4 .157 2298 91 8 .314 0.7
22 145 5 .188 2053 81 10 .375 0.8
68 0 0 10 43 38 38 36 43 68 38 25 145 5 .188 1806 71 10 .375 1
30 145 5 .188 1468 58 10 .375 1.2
32 148 5 .188 1386 55 10 .375 1.4
35 150 5 .188 1204 47 10 .375 1.9
40 155 5 .188 929 37 * * *
50 175 6 .250 421 17 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

** Cuts on these thicknesses may result in increased cut angle variation and surface roughness. Reduce cut speed by
5%-10% for improvement with some materials.
Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 75
PG2 38
SilverPlus provides increased life in most applications. The hafnium wears to approximately twice the depth of an all
copper electrode (120810 400VA and 120802 300A). Arc voltage may need to be increased by 5-15 volts throughout
the electrode life to maintain proper cut height parameters.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-15

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / Air Shield Air O2
Preflow 172.5 / 4860 57.2 / 1620
300 Amps Cutflow 157.5 / 4440 84.3 / 2388

120786 120794 120913 120802 220412+

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode (optional)
Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4** 120 .062 2 190 4830 .125 3 0.3
3/8** 125 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 0.5
1/2 130 .157 4 120 3050 .314 8 0.7
5/8 135 .188 5 100 2540 .375 10 0.9
3/4 140 .188 5 80 2030 .375 10 1.1
46 0 0 10 24 35 35 20 42 46 35
7/8 145 .188 5 70 1780 .375 10 1.3
1 145 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.5
1-1/8 150 .188 5 50 1270 * * *
1-1/4 155 .250 6 45 1140 * * *
1-1/2 155 .250 6 35 890 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6** 120 2 .062 5108 201 3 .125 0.3
10** 125 3 .125 3871 153 6 .250 0.5
12 130 4 .157 3226 127 8 .314 0.7
15 135 5 .188 2681 106 10 .375 0.9
20 140 5 .188 1935 76 10 .375 1.1
46 0 0 10 24 35 35 20 42 46 35
22 145 5 .188 1796 71 10 .375 1.3
25 145 5 .188 1419 56 10 .375 1.5
30 150 5 .188 1213 48 * * *
32 155 6 .250 1134 45 * * *
35 155 6 .250 1014 40 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

** Cuts on these thicknesses may result in increased cut angle variation and surface roughness. Reduce cut speed by
5%-10% for improvement with some materials.
Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 72
PG2 35
SilverPlus provides increased life in most applications. The hafnium wears to approximately twice the depth of an all
copper electrode (120810 400VA and 120802 300A). Arc voltage may need to be increased by 5-15 volts throughout
the electrode life to maintain proper cut height parameters.

4-16 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / Air Shield Air O2
Preflow 184.3 / 5220 55.7 / 1578
200 Amps Cutflow 149.1 / 4224 78 / 2208

120786 120787 120791 120793

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 120 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 0.5
3/8 120 .125 3 100 2540 .250 6 0.5
1/2 125 .157 4 80 2030 .314 8 0.7
35 0 0 10 30 32 35 24 42 35 32 5/8 130 .157 4 70 1780 .314 8 0.9
3/4 135 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.2
7/8 135 .25 6 45 1140 .500 13 1.5
1 140 .25 6 35 889 .500 13 2.5

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

6 120 3 .125 4301 169 6 .250 0.5

10 120 3 .125 2419 95 6 .250 0.5
12 125 4 .157 2151 85 8 .314 0.7
35 0 0 10 30 32 35 24 42 35 32 15 130 4 .157 1851 73 8 .314 0.9
20 135 5 .188 1331 52 10 .375 1.2
22 135 6 .25 1155 46 13 .500 1.5
25 140 6 .25 903 36 13 .500 2.5

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 56
PG2 32

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-17

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / Air Shield Air O2
Preflow 164.2 / 4620 0/0
100 Amps Cutflow 97.2 / 2748 48 / 1356

120786 120777 120783 120785

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/8 125 .094 2 240 6100 .188 5 0.3
3/16 125 .125 3 180 4570 .250 6 0.5
35 0 0 0 36 17 25 31 23 35 17 1/4 130 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 0.7
3/8 135 .157 4 85 2160 .314 8 0.9
1/2 135 .157 4 60 1520 .314 8 1.5

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

3 125 2 .094 6462 255 5 .188 0.3

5 125 3 .125 4355 172 6 .250 0.5
35 0 0 0 36 17 25 31 23 35 17 6 130 3 .125 3226 127 6 .250 0.7
10 135 4 .157 2056 81 8 .314 0.9
12 135 4 .157 1613 64 8 .314 1.5

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 76
PG2 17

4-18 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Stainless Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / N2 Shield N2
Preflow 223.1 / 6318
400 Amps Cutflow 226.5 / 6414

120786 120856 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 140 .125 3 195 4953 .250 6 0.3
3/8 140 .125 3 170 4320 .250 6 0.5
1/2 145 .157 4 140 3560 .314 8 0.7
5/8 150 .157 4 95 2410 .314 8 1
3/4 155 .188 5 70 1780 .375 10 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
7/8 160 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 2
1 165 .188 5 40 1020 .375 10 2.5
1-1/4 170 .250 6 30 760 * * *
1-1/2 180 .250 6 25 630 * * *
2 185 .250 6 13 330 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

6 140 3 .125 5242 207 6 .250 0.3

10 140 3 .125 4113 162 6 .250 0.5
12 145 4 .157 3763 148 8 .314 0.7
15 150 4 .157 2713 107 8 .314 1
20 155 5 .188 1694 67 10 .375 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
22 160 5 .188 1411 56 10 .375 2
25 165 5 .188 1032 41 10 .375 2.5
35 170 6 .250 697 27 * * *
40 180 6 .250 585 23 * * *
50 185 6 .250 349 14 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 58
PG2 30

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-19

Stainless Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air N2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 199.4 / 5646 54.5 / 1542
200 Amps Cutflow 191 / 5406 47.7 / 1350

120786 120794 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/16 130 .125 3 135 3430 .250 6 0.4
1/4 135 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 0.5
3/8 135 .125 3 100 2540 .250 6 1
1/2 140 .157 4 75 1900 .314 8 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 5/8 140 .157 4 60 1520 .314 8 2
3/4 145 .188 5 45 1140 .375 10 2.5
7/8 145 .250 6 35 890 .500 12 3.0
1 150 .250 6 20 510 * * *
1-1/4 160 .250 6 15 380 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
5 130 3 .125 3266 129 6 .250 0.4
6 135 3 .125 3226 127 6 .250 0.5
10 135 3 .125 2419 95 6 .250 1
12 140 4 .157 2016 79 6 .314 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 15 140 4 .157 1628 64 8 .314 2
20 145 5 .188 1089 43 10 .375 2.5
22 145 6 .250 898 35 12 .500 3.0
25 150 6 .250 516 20 * * *
30 160 6 .250 415 16 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thickness.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 49
PG2 36

4-20 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Aluminum Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / N2 Shield N2
Preflow 223.1 / 6318
400 Amps Cutflow 226.5 / 6414

120786 120856 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 135 .125 3 220 5588 .250 6 0.3
3/8 140 .125 3 195 4953 .250 6 0.5
1/2 145 .157 4 150 3810 .314 8 0.7
5/8 150 .157 4 105 2667 .314 8 1
3/4 155 .188 5 80 2032 .375 10 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
7/8 160 .188 5 65 1651 .375 10 2
1 165 .188 5 50 1270 .375 10 2.5
1-1/4 170 .250 6 40 1016 * * *
1-1/2 180 .250 6 30 762 * * *
2 185 .250 6 15 381 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

6 135 3 .125 5914 233 6 .250 0.3

10 140 3 .125 4718 186 6 .250 0.5
12 145 4 .157 4032 159 8 .314 0.7
15 150 4 .157 2968 117 8 .314 1
20 155 5 .188 1935 76 10 .375 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
22 160 5 .188 1668 66 10 .375 2
25 165 5 .188 1290 51 10 .375 2.5
30 170 6 .250 1085 43 * * *
40 180 6 .250 709 28 * * *
50 185 6 .250 405 16 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 58
PG2 30

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-21

Aluminum Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air N2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 199.4 / 5646 54.5 / 1542
200 Amps Cutflow 191 / 5406 47.7 / 1350

120786 120794 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/16 130 .125 3 180 4570 .250 6 0.5
1/4 135 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 1
3/8 135 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 1.5
1/2 140 .125 3 80 2030 .250 6 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 5/8 140 .157 4 70 1780 .314 8 2
3/4 150 .250 6 50 1270 .500 12 2.5
7/8 160 .250 6 35 890 .500 12 2.5
1 165 .250 6 25 630 * * *
1-1/4 175 .250 6 20 510 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
5 130 3 .125 4355 172 6 .250 0.5
6 135 3 .125 4301 169 6 .250 1
10 135 3 .125 2903 114 6 .250 1.5
12 140 4 .157 2151 85 6 .250 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 15 140 4 .157 1851 73 8 .314 2
20 145 5 .188 1210 48 12 .500 2.5
22 145 6 .250 898 35 12 .500 2.5
25 150 6 .250 645 25 * * *
30 160 6 .250 543 21 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 49
PG2 36

4-22 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Changing Consumable Parts


The HT4400 power supply is designed to go into an idle mode if the retaining cap is removed.
disconnect power to the power supply before inspecting or changing torch consumable parts.

Remove Consumables
Check the consumable parts daily for wear before cutting. Before removing consumables, bring the torch to the
edge of the cutting table, with the torch lifter raised to its highest point to prevent the consumables from
dropping into the water of the water table.

1 Turn OFF all power to the HT4400 system. 4

Remove electrode
2 Remove retaining cap 3 Remove nozzle

Tool Part No.


5 Remove swirlring
Tool Part No.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-23


Inspect Consumables
Part Check For Limit Action
Erosion, missing material None Replace cap

Cracks None Replace cap

Burned None Replace cap


Wear or missing material None Replace nozzle*

Blocked gas holes None Replace nozzle*

Center hole 1. Round Hole must be round Replace nozzle*

2. Signs of arcing None Replace nozzle*

O-rings 1. Damage None Replace nozzle*

2. Lubricant Not dry Apply a thin coat of

silicon lubricant

Swirl Ring

Damage None Replace swirl ring

Dirt or debris Clean and no damage Replace swirl ring

Gas holes Blocked holes None Replace swirl ring

O-rings 1. Damage None Replace swirl ring

2. Lubricant Not dry Apply a thin coat of

silicon lubricant


See Inspect Electrode Pit Depth later

Center surface Wear
in this section
O-rings 1. Damage None Replace electrode*

2. Lubricant Not dry Apply a thin coat of

silicon lubricant

*NOTE: Always replace the nozzle and electrode as a set.

4-24 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Inspect Torch
Water Bullet Connector

Current Gas Bullet

Ring Connector

Pilot Arc
Bullet Connector

Inspect Check For Limit Action

All Surfaces Dirt or debris None Clean

Erosion, missing material None Replace torch

Cracks None Replace torch

Internal burn or arcing marks None Replace torch

Current Ring 1. Dirt or debris None Clean

2. Pitted or missing material None Replace torch

Threads Wear or damage None Replace torch

Bullet Connectors Damage None Replace torch

O-rings 1. Damage None Replace O-ring

2. Lubricant Not dry Apply a thin coat of

silicon lubricant

External O-rings 1. Damage None Replace O-ring

2. Lubricant Not dry Apply a thin coat of

silicon lubricant

Water Tube* 1. Tightness Not loose Tighten or replace


2. Pitted or missing material None Replace tube*

*NOTE: See Replace Torch Water Tube later in this section.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-25


Inspect Electrode Pit Depth

90 10
1 4

2 3

70 30

60 40

Electrode Pit Depth Gauge (004147)


Part Check For Limit Action


Center surface Wear Pit not more than Replace Electrode*

0.040 inch (1 mm) deep

*NOTE: Always replace the nozzle and electrode as a set.

4-26 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Install Consumables

Clean the current ring

1 Apply a thin coat of silicone grease on all O-rings. 2 using a cotton swab with
Silicone water or 3% hydrogen
Grease peroxide.

Do not over-tighten parts! Only tighten until mating parts are seated.

3 Install electrode 4 Insert swirl ring

5 6 Install retaining cap


Tool Part No.


Tool Part No.


HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-27


Replace Torch Water Tube

Below are some problems and causes that you may find with a defective or improperly installed water tube.
Problem Cause

Short electrode life Water tube not screwed in tightly

Flow switch interlock shutting Coolant flow restricted because
down the system water tube is loose
Humming or rattling sound Water tube bent or loose
coming from the torch


The HT4400 power supply is designed to go into an idle mode if the retaining cap is removed.
disconnect power to the power supply before removing torch consumable parts.

Turn OFF all power to the HT4400 system.

2 Remove consumables from torch.

Do not over-tighten parts! Only tighten until mating parts are seated.

027347 Tool


4-28 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Cutting Techniques
How to Get Better Cut Quality

In order to get the best cut quality, ensure the HT4400 plasma system is set up according to the Daily Start-Up
procedure in this section. The 3 major components of cut quality are: cut angle, dross, and shape (flatness) and
smoothness of the cut surface.

Cut Angle

Cut angle is defined as either positive or negative. A positive cut angle is when there is more material removed
from the top of the kerf than at the bottom (V-shaped cut). A negative cut angle is when there is more material
removed from the bottom of the cut than at the top (undercut).

The 2 most common cut angle faults are as follows:

1. The average cut angle of 4 sides is off by 3 to 4°. Angles greater than this can be caused by:

• Torch-to-work distance. If cut angles are all positive or all negative, torch-to-work distance is most likely
the problem. Vary the arc voltage to correct the cut angle.

Torch too low Negative Bevel

Zero Bevel
Torch too high Positive Bevel

• Damaged consumable parts. If the nozzle orifice is worn uniformly, the cut angle will show positive.
Change or check consumables by referring to Changing Consumable Parts in this section.

• Machine travel is in the wrong direction. The square cut angle is on the right with respect to the forward
motion of the torch.

2. Non-uniform cut angles (one side positive and the other negative), this is caused by:

• Damaged or worn consumable parts, especially the nozzle and shield. Change or check consumables
by referring to Changing Consumable Parts in this section.

• Torch is out of vertical alignment to workpiece. Ensure that the torch is at right angles to the workpiece
(0° and 90°) to get a clean, vertical cut. Use a square to align the torch.

Dross Conditions

Dross can occur in the following ways:

1. Low speed dross happens when the torch travel speed is too slow and the arc shoots ahead. It forms as a
heavy, bubbly deposit at the bottom of the kerf and can be easily removed. Normally, increasing the speed
will reduce the dross.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-29


2. High speed dross occurs when the torch travel speed is too fast and the arc lags behind. It forms as a thin,
linear bead of solid metal attached very close to the kerf. The dross appears to be a fused continuation of
the kerf wall. It is welded to the bottom of the cut and is very difficult to remove. High speed dross can be
reduced in the following ways:

• Decreasing the travel speed will reduce the dross. If changing the speed does not remove the dross,
varying the following parameters will help.

• Lowering the torch-to-work distance by decreasing arc voltage will reduce the dross.
3. Dross may show at certain parts of the cut (the dross comes and goes), if the consumables are worn or

4. Dross formation is material dependent.

5. Dross formation is dependent upon metal temperature. Warm and hot metal is much more prone to dross
accumulation than cool metal. For example, the first cut in a series of cuts will mostly likely have the least
amount of dross. As the workpiece heats up, dross levels are likely to increase on the subsequent cuts.

Shape of Cut Surface

The ideal shape of the cut face is straight. Sometimes the cut face becomes either concave or convex. Maintaining
the correct torch height and cut speed are required to keep the cut face straight.

1. A concave cut face (bevel on inside) is due to torch-to-work distance being too low. Increasing the arc
voltage will increase the torch-to-work distance and straighten the cut face.

2. A convex cut face (top of cut rounded) is due to the torch-to-work distance being too high or cutting current
being too high. First, try reducing the arc voltage, and then the cutting current. If there is overlap between
different cutting currents for that thickness, try the lower current consumables.

Smoothness of Cut Surface

Both the plasma jet and the motion of X-Y table will affect the smoothness of the cut surface.

1. The plasma jet can cause random roughness. Change the shield gas O2/N2 ratio for cutting mild steel. A
higher concentration of oxygen in the shield mixture will increase the potential cut speed, but at the
expense of a rougher cutting edge.

2. A regular wavy surface is due to machine motion. Tuning the drives and cleaning the rails will help.

How to Get Longer Consumable Life

The HT4400 plasma system incorporates Hypertherm's patented LongLife® process to extend the life of consum-
able parts. Full compliance with the LongLife operating procedures that follow, as well as the gas purity
requirements listed earlier in this section, is necessary in order to optimize the useful life of consumable parts.

4-30 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Piercing Height

Piercing height should be higher than the cutting height to prevent pierce splatter from building up on the front of
the nozzle and/or shield. An initial pierce height that is too high will increase the dwell time of the pilot arc on the
nozzle. As a rule, the pierce height should be 1.5 to 2 times as much as the cutting height (torch-to-work distance).

Pierce Delay

The pierce delay function can be set externally from the CNC controller in the form of a pierce complete signal.

Ramp Down

At the end of a cut, the plasma (current and gas flows) must be allowed to ramp down to an off state before the
torch is retracted from the workpiece. If the arc blows out without ramping down, life of the consumables is

This is particularly a problem when cutting smaller parts. When the torch reaches the end of the cut and the smaller
or drop part (center) falls away from the workpiece, there is no metal under the torch to provide ramp down. How-
ever, in this situation arc blow out does not always occur. Sometimes the arc can stay attached to the edge of the
hole long enough to ramp down, removing only a small divot from the workpiece.

If a ramp down error occurs, try modifying the lead-out at the end of the cut:

• Reduce the cutting speed and use no lead-out.

• Stop the cut before reaching the end of the part - the ramp down of the current and gases will complete the

Running the torch off the edge of the plate will produce the same condition.

Note that in some cutting conditions, it may be difficult to achieve the full benefits of the LongLife process.

Electrode Life

1. To obtain maximum life from your consumable parts, program the lead-out of the cut so that the arc can
remain attached to the plate until the ramp-down process is complete.

• When cutting drop-parts (the part that drops away is production material and the plate remaining on the
cutting table is scrap), program the lead-out into the scrap area.

• When cutting a hole (the part that drops away is scrap), program the lead-out along the kerf so that the
arc can remain attached to cut edge until ramp-down is complete.

2. Use a chain cut if possible.

3. Purge the gas lines before cutting.

Nozzle Life

1. Do not lead out to the drop part, which will cause the arc to stretch.

2. Purge the gas lines to clean the plasma chamber before cutting.

3. Make sure the torch does not dive to the plate during cutting.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 4-31


Shield Adapter Life

1. Make sure the shield adapter does not touch the plate during cutting.

2. Set the pierce height between 1.5 to 2 times higher than the torch-to-work height. Keep the shield clean to
prevent double arcing.

How to Get Better Pierces

1. Start the arc on the edge of the material with a pre-punched side, if possible.

2. Make the IHS setting constant. The initial pierce height should be between 1.5 to 2 times higher than the
torch-to-work height.

3. Make sure the pierce delay is on long enough to allow the arc to pierce through the material before the
machine moves.

4. Use a higher shield pre-flow to help pierce through and blow the molten metal away. This may affect
starting reliability.

How to Increase Cutting Speed

1. Lower the torch-to-work distance. However, the shield can not touch the plate. The cutting surface will
bevel inside when the torch-to-work distance is too low.

4-32 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Section 5


In this section:

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................5-2
Routine Maintenance..............................................................................................................................................5-2
Replacing the Cooler Filter .....................................................................................................................................5-3
Pump Strainer Cleaning..........................................................................................................................................5-3
Torch Coolant Draining ...........................................................................................................................................5-4
Cooler Draining.......................................................................................................................................................5-4
HT4400 Startup Sequence .....................................................................................................................................5-5
HT4400 Plasma START Sequence ........................................................................................................................5-6
HT4400 Plasma RUN Sequence ............................................................................................................................5-7
Error Code Troubleshooting - 1 of 3 .......................................................................................................................5-8
Error Code Troubleshooting - 2 of 3 .......................................................................................................................5-9
Error Code Troubleshooting - 3 of 3 .....................................................................................................................5-10
System Troubleshooting - 1 of 4 ...........................................................................................................................5-11
System Troubleshooting - 2 of 4 ...........................................................................................................................5-12
System Troubleshooting - 3 of 4 ...........................................................................................................................5-13
System Troubleshooting - 4 of 4 ...........................................................................................................................5-14
Initial Checks ........................................................................................................................................................5-15
Power Measurement Location - All Voltages ........................................................................................................5-16
Power Distribution PCB1 - Status Indicators ........................................................................................................5-17
Microprocessor Control Board PCB2 - Status Indicators......................................................................................5-18
Analog Board PCB3 - Status Indicators................................................................................................................5-19
Current Sense Test ...............................................................................................................................................5-20
Relay Board PCB4 - Status Indicators..................................................................................................................5-21
Serial I/O Board PCB5 - Status Indicators............................................................................................................5-24
Start Circuit Board PCB14 - Status Indicators and Operation ..............................................................................5-29
Pilot Arc Current Levels ...............................................................................................................................5-29
Start Circuit Functional Schematic ...............................................................................................................5-30
Start Circuit Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................5-30
Phase Loss Detection Board PCB21- Status Indicators and Operation ...............................................................5-31
Chopper Module Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................5-32
Coolant Flow Test .................................................................................................................................................5-34
Pressure Switch Settings......................................................................................................................................5-36
Gas Console Valve Select Switch Detail ..............................................................................................................5-37
Preventative Maintenance Schedule ....................................................................................................................5-38

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-1


Hypertherm assumes that the service personnel performing the troubleshooting testing are high-level
electronic service technicians who have worked with high voltage electro-mechanical systems. Knowledge
of final isolation troubleshooting techniques is also assumed.

In addition to being technically qualified, maintenance personnel must perform all testing with safety in
mind. Refer to the Safety section for operating precautions and warning formats.

If you need additional assistance or need to order parts, call our Customer Service or Technical Service
departments listed in the front of this manual.


The large chopper capacitors store large amounts of energy in the form of electric voltage. Even if the
power is off, dangerous voltages exist at the capacitor terminals, on the chopper, and the diode
heatsinks. Never discharge capacitors with a screwdriver or other implement...explosion, property
damage and/or personal injury will result. Wait at least 5 minutes after turning the power supply off
before touching the chopper or the capacitors.

Routine Maintenance
For a complete list of routine maintenance recommendations, see the Preventative Maintenance Schedule sheet
located at the rear of this section. Contact the Technical Services department listed at the front of this manual with
any questions regarding the maintenance schedule or procedures.

5-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Replacing the Cooler Filter

Replace the filter element as needed.

Filter location

Install new
Remove and filter element
discard filter 027664

1 2 3 4

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-3


Torch Coolant Draining

If the torch needs to be changed or transported, follow this procedure for draining the torch coolant from the torch
and torch leads. Coolant should be drained from the system every 6 months. See Preventative Maintenance
Schedule at the back of this section.

1. Disconnect all power to the HT4400 system.

2. Disconnect the torch leads from the ignition console and valve cluster.

3. Ensure that the consumables are installed in the torch.

4. Position the torch lead fittings over a drain or other suitable device to collect coolant.

5. Blow clean, dry, oil-free air at 80-120 psi (5.5-8.3 bar) into the hose with the green band. Coolant will flow
out of hose with the red band.

Cooler Draining
If the cooler needs to be transported, follow this procedure to drain the coolant from the cooler. Coolant should be
drained from the system every 6 months. See Preventative Maintenance Schedule at the back of this section.

1. Disconnect all power to the HT4400 system.

2. Disconnect and drain the coolant from the hoses going between the cooler and the ignition console.

3. Place a suitable receptacle under the cooler's drain petcock.

4. Turn petcock counterclockwise to drain cooler.


Cooler Drain Location

5-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual


HT4400 Startup Sequence

The following flowchart shows the startup sequence from when the control power circuit breaker is placed in the
ON position to the power supply idle state before the plasma START command is given. Shaded boxes indicate
action taken by the operator. See Post-Installation in Section 3 if you are switching on the power supply for the
first time.

Switch Control Power ON

¥ Cooler motor ON
¥ Fans ON
¥ P and Relay Board energized
¥ Purge gas lines with N2 for 3 seconds Add coolant or fix
¥ Pre-flow purge for 30 seconds flow problem.
¥ Cut-flow purge for 30 seconds Switch Control Power OFF
¥ Read Remote Current Control thumbwheel
switch or current input

Check coolant flow interlock

No ¥ Power to cooler OFF

Coolant flow adequate? ¥ Gas console displays FS


¥ Check plasma START command status

¥ Check remaining interlocks

Yes No
Display OK Interlocks satisfied? Display error code

Fix problem by using

System in idle mode:
Error Code Troubleshooting
¥ Read Gas Select switch
later in this section.*

* PLASMA START command refreshes the status display

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-5


HT4400 Plasma START Sequence

The following flowchart shows the sequence from when the plasma START signal is given up to the RUN state.
Shaded boxes indicate action taken by the operator.

Plasma START Signal Given

¥ Pre-flow gases ON ¥ Gas console displays Hd

¥ Main contactor CON1 ON ¥ All functions disabled until
¥ DC ON lamp ON plasma START signal released
Phase loss detected? ¥ Pilot arc relay closes after 1 s
¥ Hold signal released by control board Yes
after 2 s
¥ Phase loss monitored Hold signal No
Yes ¥ Interlocks monitored still being sent?

CNC sending a Yes

¥ Main contactor CON1 OFF Control board monitors
¥ Gas console displays PL error Hold? Hold signal for 30 s
¥ All functions disabled until No
plasma START signal is released
¥ Solid state ignition ON
¥ Choppers 1&2 output
pilot arc current

¥ Gas console displays XF

Arc transfer within 300 ms? ¥ All functions disabled until
plasma START signal is released.


¥ Solid state ignition OFF

¥ Control board receives arc transfer
signal from Analog board
¥ Choppers 3&4 ON

No All choppers ramp up

Set current level > 200A? to 100A total output


All choppers ramp up

to 200A total output

¥ Start counter output is active

¥ After 100 ms, pilot arc relay OFF
¥ Power supply sends arc transfer signal to CNC
¥ Plasma gas switches from preflow to cut-flow
System in RUN mode
¥ Control board looks for pierce complete signal
¥ Shield gas switches from preflow to cut-flow after pierce complete
¥ All choppers ramp up to set output current Next
¥ Control board monitors chopper output Page

5-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual


HT4400 Plasma RUN Sequence

The following flowchart shows the sequence from RUN state through the end of a cut. Shaded boxes indicate
action taken by the operator.

System in RUN state

¥ Analog board compares output current

of each chopper to the set current
for each chopper
Phase loss detected? ¥ Plasma START input monitored Actual current too high
¥ Phase loss monitored or too low?
¥ Interlocks monitored
Analog board adjusts
chopper duty cycle
¥ Main contactor CON1 OFF
¥ Gas console displays PL error START signal released?
¥ All functions disabled until
plasma START signal is released


¥ Plasma cut-flow OFF

¥ Choppers ramp down

Current lost before Yes ¥ Gas console displays CA, Cb or Rd

ramp down complete? ¥ Error counter incremented by 1


¥ Choppers OFF
¥ Shield gases OFF
¥ After 100 ms, post-flow gas ON
for 10 s

START signal given Yes ¥ Post-flow stops

during post-flow? ¥ START sequence begins


¥ Post-flow finishes its sequence

¥ System idle, waiting for next
START command

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-7


HT4400 power.
MV1 and back to Run. The system is now ready for the plasma START signal. “FS” error is cleared by cycling the
All error code displays are cleared after error condition has been corrected and the valve select switch is set to
Error Code Troubleshooting - 1 of 3

Display Condition Effect Possible Cause Fix
Change programming to prevent arc from
Torch running off plate
losing contact with plate.
Lost current on Cutting error output
Current sensor failure See Current Sense Test later in this section.
Chopper 1 and/or 2 active
See Chopper Module Test Procedure later in
Chopper failure
this section.
Change programming to prevent arc from
Torch running off plate
losing contact with plate.
Lost current on Cutting error output
Current sensor failure See Current Sense Test later in this section.
Chopper 3 and/or 4 active
See Chopper Module Test Procedure later in
Chopper failure
this section.

Temperature on 1 of Replace cooling fan. Ensure that there is

the choppers is too Cutting stops Cooling fan failure voltage to the fan and that the fan is spinning
high freely.

Low coolant level Fill cooler with coolant - See Section 3.

Coolant flow switch is Cutting stops, coolant System was turned on with HOLD signal active Remove HOLD signal
not satisfied pump motor turns off Coolant pump failure Replace the pump
Restriction in a hose Remove restriction or replace hoses.
Flow switch failure Replace the flow switch

Verify that the controller is not outputting a

HOLD input active for more than 30 seconds
Cutting is disabled. HOLD signal. See wiring diagrams for details.
Main contactor closes,
Hold timeout Disconnect hold cable from other plasma
preflow gases flow, but Paralleled system not releasing HOLD
power supplies. Check wiring of hold circuit.
cutting does not start.
Check for short in HOLD cable. See wiring
Shorted cable
diagrams for detail.
HT4400 Instruction Manual

No errors Ready to cut No errors detected No fix is required

Check gas inlet pressure.

Plasma cut pressure is not between
Plasma cut pressure Check valve pressure settings. Check for gas
Cutting is disabled. 30-140 psi / 2.07-9.65 bar (pressure switch
error leaks or restrictions in hoses. See Leak Tests
setpoints) while cutting.
in Section 4.
HT4400 Instruction Manual

Error Code Troubleshooting - 2 of 3

Display Condition Effect Possible Cause Fix
Verify proper circuit breaker fuse size,
Improper input power input voltage, power cable wire size.
Main contactor closes,
Verify all connections are tight.
Phase loss error then opens.
Replace contactor or contacts.
Cutting stops
Contactor failure Contactor contacts should not be
severely pitted.

Check gas inlet pressure.

Plasma preflow pressure is not between
Plasma preflow Check valve pressure settings. Check
Cutting is disabled. 10-140 psi / 0.69 - 9.65 bar (pressure switch
pressure error for gas leaks or restrictions in hoses.
setpoints) before cutting begins.
See Leak Tests in Section 4.

Lost current on ramp Change programming to prevent arc

Error output active Torch running off the plate
down from losing contact with the plate.

Verify proper circuit breaker fuse size,

Insufficient input power input voltage, power cable wire size.
Cutting stops - Verify all connections are tight.
Lost current on ramp up
Error output active
Change programming to prevent arc
Torch running off plate
from losing contact with the plate.

Check gas inlet pressure.

Shield cut pressure is not between
Shield cut pressure Check valve pressure settings. Check
Cutting is disabled. 10-140 psi / 0.69 - 9.65 bar (pressure switch
error for gas leaks or restrictions in hoses.
setpoints) while cutting.
See Leak Tests in Section 4.

Check gas inlet pressure.

Shield preflow pressure is not between
Shield preflow pressure Check valve pressure settings. Check
Cutting is disabled. 15-140 psi / 1.03 - 9.65 bar (pressure switch
error for gas leaks or restrictions in hoses.
setpoints) before cutting begins.

See Leak Tests in Section 4.

System was powered up while START Remove START signal. System will wait
Start signal error Cutting is prevented
command was coming from CNC. for next START command.

Error Code Troubleshooting - 3 of 3

Display Condition Effect Possible Cause Fix
Replace cooling fan. Verify voltage to the fan
Cooling fan failure
is correct and that the fan is spinning freely.
Main transformer Operate according to the specifications.
Cutting stops
temperature too high Although the system has a 100% duty cycle,
Power supply exceeding duty cycle
operating with reduced cooling air flow or
excessive arc length will cause this problem.

Line voltage between In this condition, the

+10% and +15% or power supply will
Supply voltage not within specifications Verify for correct line voltages.
between -10% and - continue to operate
15% of nominal normally.

In this condition, the

power supply will not
Line voltage greater
function. No cutting is
than +15% or less Supply voltage not within specifications Verify for correct line voltages.
possible until voltage
than -15% of nominal
falls within the VI or
OK range.

START activated with gas console valve selector

Valve select error Cutting prevented Set the gas console valve selector to RUN.
not in RUN position

Let power supply idle for 5 minutes. Check that

Coolant temperature exceeds 160¡ F (71¡ C) - the cooling fan in the water cooler operates.
Coolant temperature
Cutting stops caused by high ambient temperature and/or high Check if the temerature sensor is working.
too high
duty-cycle cutting and/or water leak Blow out the cooler with compressed air to

Verify that the work cable is connected to the

Poor work cable connection
cutting table and the cable is in good condition.

Verify that the torch is at the proper pierce

Piercing distance too high
HT4400 Instruction Manual

Verify for proper circuit breaker fuse size, input
Cutting stops - Insufficient input power voltage, power cable wire size. Verify that all
No arc transfer
Error output active connections are tight.
Damaged torch leads Replace the torch leads.
Perform the Current Sense Test later in this
Transfer sensor failure
Perform the Chopper Module Test Procedure
Chopper failure
later in this section.
HT4400 Instruction Manual

System Troubleshooting - 1 of 4
Condition Result Cause Solution
E-stop is being
applied by CNC. Release E-stop.
Circuit breaker on
back of power Wire #80 and #81
supply (CB1) of machine Check continuity across wire #80 and #81. Continuity should be open unless an E-stop
tripping interface cable are is being applied by CNC.
tied together
Remote On/Off is Check that TB4 jumper is across positions 1 and 2. If a remote On/Off is being used,
not jumped at TB4
(for local On/Off) this jumper should be across positions 2 and 3.
System not CNC is not giving a
Powering up contact closure
Circuit breaker signal on the Check for continuity across TB4 position 1 and 2 when attempting to turn the power
(CB1) is on, main remote On/Off supply on from the CNC. This circuit should be closed for ON, and open for OFF.
disconnect is on, wires (Optional)
but fans and power
light are off There is a blown
fuse on the power With power applied to power supply, all three LEDs should be illuminated on PCB1. If
distribution board one of the three LEDs is extinguished, replace the fuse that is associated with the LED.
K2 relay on PCB1 After power up, there will be 120 VAC to the coil of K2 at pins 1 and 5. There should
is faulty also be 0 VAC across pins 3 and 4.
If an error is displayed at the gas console, refer to Error Code Troubleshooting in this
section for possible causes.
Torch not firing and
No Arc at no error being Plasma start signal Remove the machine interface cable from 1X6 in the back of the power supply. Locate
Torch displayed at the is not sensed TB3 in the back right hand side of the power supply. Hook up a toggle switch across
Gas Console wires 82 and 83 on TB3. Power up the system and then close the switch. If torch fires,
then the problem is with the machine interface cable or the CNC.
If an error is displayed at the gas console, refer to Error Code Troubleshooting in this
Torch fires, marks section for possible causes.
the plate or starts to
Plasma start signal
Loss of Arc/No cut, then the arc is being released
Locate TB3 in the back right hand side of the power supply. Hook up a toggle switch
Transfer goes out. No error across wires 82 and 83 on TB3. Perform a programmed cut. When the arc is

is displayed at the established turn on the toggle switch. The switch will bypass the plasma start signal. If
gas console the torch continues to cut, then the problem is with the machine interface cable or the

System Troubleshooting - 2 of 4

Condition Result Cause Solution
Refer to Leak Tests in the Operation section of this manual and perform the test
Make sure the inlet pressure for both plasma and shield pressures are set to the book
values. When cutting, monitor the pressure on each pressure gauge. Be sure that
pressure is not dropping more than +/- 10 psi (+/- 0.7 bar). A good delivery system with
a good regulator will not drop more than 5 psi (0.3 bar). Dips in pressure could be from
The system may a faulty regulator, an insufficient gas source, a leak in the delivery line before the
have a gas leak, a regulator or a leak/restriction after the pressure regulator.
faulty pressure
regulator or a gas With inlet pressures set to the book values and gas pressures set up according to the
restriction cut charts in the manual, the plasma preflow and cut-flow pressures should be as
Nozzle orifice shown in the cut charts. There are pressure values at the bottom of each cut chart for
etched on one side, PG1 and PG2 during cutting. All pressures should be within +/- 5 psi (+/- 0.3 bar) for
and/or electrode life preflow, cut-flow and run. If one of these pressures is high and all gas settings are
is short, and/or correct, then there is a restriction in the gas system after the Off-Valve Assembly. If one
electrode is black at of these pressures is low, then there is a leak in the system, an insufficient gas source
the tip or a restriction before the Off-Valve Assembly.
Purge preflow for 30 seconds, purge cut-flow gas for 30 seconds and then switch to run
There is an internal mode. Let system idle for about 15 minutes. Lower torch to 1/2" (12 mm) from the plate
coolant leak within and place a mirror under the torch. Purge preflow for 30 seconds and purge cut-flow for
the torch 30 seconds. If moisture begins to deposit on the mirror, then there is a coolant leak
within the torch. Check all o-rings on the torch body and on the bullet connectors on the
back of the torch.
Poor Pierce height too
Consumable close to plate or Refer to the cut charts in the operation section of the manual for correct pierce height
Life pierce thickness is and maximum pierce thickness.
above maximum
Pilot arc lead is The resistance of the pilot arc lead to ground or the work lead should be 1 Kohms or
shorted to the work- higher.
Pilot arc relay
(CR1) contacts are Locate the pilot arc relay on the center bail. When firing the torch over metal, this relay
should open as soon as the arc is transferred to the plate.
welded shut
A faulty work lead and/or work lead connection increases the time the pilot arc is on
and increases nozzle wear. To determine if the pilot arc is not transferring to the plate
Faulty work lead
HT4400 Instruction Manual

Outside orifice of immediately, watch the green LED on the Start Circuit (PCB14) while firing over the
nozzle is plate. If the LED illuminates it should only blink quickly. If the LED illuminates for more
countersunk than .5 seconds then the arc is not transferring to the plate immediately.
Power supply
output current is Check output current at CS5 on Analog Board (PCB3), refer to Current Sense Test in
greater than the this section of manual. If the actual output current is higher than the set output current,
current setting check the output current of each chopper.

Shorted torch head Replace the torch.

Piercing too high off Refer to cut charts in the Operation section of this manual for proper pierce height.
HT4400 Instruction Manual

System Troubleshooting - 3 of 4
Condition Result Cause Solution
Positive and
negative bevels on Torch is not square Check alignment of torch to plate. See Torch Mounting and Alignment in the
opposing sides of to the plate Installation section of this manual.
the cut
distance is too high Lower arc voltage setting by 5 or 10 volts.

Gas leak See Leak Tests in the Operation section of this manual.

Travel speed is too Check travel speed against cut charts in the Operation section of the manual. Travel
Excessive positive high speed should be +/- 10 ipm (+/- 254 mm/m) from the speed listed in the cut charts.
bevel on all sides of
the cut Gas setting is
insufficient gas Refer to cut charts in the Operation section of this manual and check the test preflow
Poor Cut and test cut-flow gas pressures. If the pressures are not within +/- 5 psi (+/- 0.3 bar),
Quality source or gas
pressure is set to then either a gas setting is incorrect, the inlet pressure is set too low, there is a faulty
regulator or there is a leak/restriction.
less than book
Rotate the torch and see if a bevel goes to a different cut edge. If the bevel moves to a
Faulty torch different cut edge, replace the torch.
Excessive positive Refer to the cut charts in the Operation section of the manual. On the bottom of the
and/or negative page are gas pressures for plasma and shield that will be displayed on the gas console
bevel on one or two while cutting. The actual cutting pressure should be +/- 5psi (+/- 0.3 bar) from the value
sides of the cut Gas leak/restriction listed in the cut chart. If the gas pressure is high, then there is either a pinched plasma
gas line after the Off-Valve Assembly, a clogged gas port in the torch or a bad swirl
Excessive negative Torch-to-work
bevel on all sides of distance is too low Increase arc voltage setting by 5 or 10 volts.
See Leak Tests in the Operation section of this manual.
Make sure the plasma and shield inlet pressures are set to book values. While cutting,
monitor the pressure on each pressure gauge. Make sure that pressure is not dropping
The system may more than +/- 10 psi (+/- 0.7 bar). A good delivery system with a good regulator will
have a gas leak, a normally drop less than 5 psi (0.3 bar). Dips in pressure could be from a faulty
THC not Torch rising off faulty pressure regulator, insufficient gas supply, a gas leak or a restriction before the Off-Valve
functioning plate when table regulator or a gas Assembly.
properly starts moving restriction before
With inlet pressures set to book values, and gas pressures set up according to the cut

the off-valve
assembly charts, the plasma preflow and cut-flow pressures should be as shown in the cut
charts. There are pressure values at the bottom of each cut chart for PG1 and PG2
during cutting. The actual cutting pressures should be within +/-5 psi (+/- 0.3 bar) of
value listed in manual. If one of these pressures is low, then there is a leak in the
system, insufficient gas source or restriction before the Off-Valve Assembly.

System Troubleshooting - 4 of 4

Condition Result Cause Solution
Refer to the cut chart in the Operation section of the manual. Determine the torch-to-
work distance for the material you are cutting. Perform a manual cut (AVC off) at the
height and travel speed indicated in the manual. If using a Command THC, monitor the
actual arc voltage on the pendant (if used) or measure the voltage on the terminal strip
Torch rising off in the plasma interface box (from Electrode to Work). Voltage should be +/-10 VDC
plate when table Faulty voltage from setting shown in manual. If voltage is low check for gas leaks. If voltage is within
starts moving divider
(Continued) +/-10 VDC from book setting, then perform another manual cut and measure the
divided voltage across pins 16 and 35 on J7 in Plasma Interface Box. The voltage
should be 1/40th of actual arc voltage. If using a THC system other than the Command
THC, refer to manufacturer of the THC system to determine how to test their voltage

With inlet pressures set to book values, and gas pressures set according to the cut
charts, the plasma preflow and cut-flow should be as shown in the cut charts. There are
THC not pressure values at the bottom of each cut chart for PG1 and PG2 during cutting. All
functioning Gas restriction pressures should be within +/- 5 psi (+/- 0.3 bar). If one of these pressures is high and
properly all gas settings are correct, then there is a restriction in the gas system after the Gas
(Continued) Console. If one of these pressures is low, then there is a leak in the system or
insufficient flow from gas source.
Torch moves down
toward or into the Refer to the cut chart in the Operation section of the manual. Determine the torch-to-
plate when table work distance for the material you are cutting. Perform a manual cut (AVC off) at the
starts moving height and travel speed indicated in the manual. If using a Command THC, monitor the
actual arc voltage on the pendant (if used) or measure the voltage on the terminal strip
Faulty voltage in the plasma interface box (from Electrode to Work). Voltage should be +/-10 VDC
divider from setting shown in the manual. If voltage is high, the problem could be a gas
restriction after the Off-Valve or a faulty torch. If voltage is within +/-10 VDC from book
setting, then perform another manual cut and measure the divided voltage across pins
16 and 35 on J7 in the Plasma Interface Box. The voltage should be 1/40th of actual
arc voltage. If using a THC system other than the Command THC, refer to
manufacturer of THC system to determine how to test their voltage divider.

If the torch is not screwed completely onto the torch receptacle, the o-rings on the back
O-ring on the center
HT4400 Instruction Manual

of the torch body will not properly seal gases and coolant when power is applied. As a
shaft on the back of result, the force of the coolant leaking around the center shaft of the torch will cause
the torch is not the o-ring to become dislodged. Refer to the Installation section of this manual for
Torch not properly properly seated proper installation of the quick-disconnect torch.
seated to torch
Leaking receptacle
out Torch Body One of the coolant
connectors on the Inspect o-rings on back of the torch for damage. Refer to the Operation section of this
back of the torch is manual to identify coolant connectors.

Initial Checks
Before tracking down specific problems, do a visual check and verify proper voltages are present at the power
source, transformers and power distribution board.


SHOCK HAZARD: Always use caution when servicing a power supply when plugged in and the
covers are removed. Dangerous voltages exist within the power supply which could cause injury
or death.

1. Disconnect line power by turning main disconnect switch off.

2. Remove top plate, two side plates, front plate, and rear plate of power unit.

3. Inspect interior of power unit for discoloration on PC boards, or other apparent damage. If a component or
module is obviously defective upon visual inspection, remove and replace it before doing any testing.
Refer to the Parts List section to identify parts and part numbers.

4. If no damage is apparent, plug in the power supply unit, and apply power by turning on the main
disconnect switch.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-15


Power Measurement Location - All Voltages

Note: Filter on 400 VAC CE
power supplies only


5. Measure the voltage between the W, V and U terminals of TB5 located in the rear of the power supply.
See figure above. Also refer to the wiring diagram in Section 7, if required. The voltage between any 2
of the 3 terminals should be equal to the supply voltage. If there is a problem at this point, disconnect
main power and check connections, power cable, and fuses at line disconnect switch. Repair and/or
replace defective component(s) if necessary.


There is line voltage at the contactor if the line disconnect switch is in the ON position, even if the
circuit breaker on the power supply is OFF.. Use extreme care when measuring primary power in
these areas. Voltages present at the terminal block and contactors can cause injury or death!

5-16 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Power Distribution PCB1 - Status Indicators

See page 6-5 for location of Power Distribution Board.

F1 F2 F3

D3 D4 D5
240 VAC 120 VAC 24 VAC

Notes: When circuit breaker CB1 is switched ON, LEDs D3-D5 will illuminate and stay illuminated.

To measure voltages at the power distribution board, find fuses F1, F2 and F3. When the power supply is
energized, take measurements from the top of each fuse to chassis ground, and then from the bottom of
each fuse to chassis ground. Measurements should be as follows:

F1: 240 VAC

F2: 120 VAC
F3: 24 VAC

If voltages are not present, or incorrect at one or more of these points, disconnect power and
troubleshoot fuses and associated pins, connectors and wiring between power distribution board
connector J10 and control transformer secondary T1.

Also, check wiring and connections between T1, CB1, and CON1.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-17


Microprocessor Control Board PCB2 - Status Indicators

See page 6-2 for location of Microprocessor Control Board.

D5 D11 D22 D4
+12 VDC Arc Transfer Plasma Start +5 VDC

J1 J2



J5 J6 J7

D14 & D19

Not Used

5-18 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Analog Board PCB3 - Status Indicators

See page 6-2 for location of Analog Board.

D17 D13 D12 D11

Current Detect Current Detect Current Detect Current Detect
from CH1 from CH2 from CH3 from CH4





D15 D5 D1 D4
Arc Transfer Current Detect +15 VDC Current Detect
from CH1&CH2 from CH3&CH4

Note: • D15 Arc transfer output - illuminates when total current sensor (CST) senses a current higher than
30 amps.

• D11, D12, D13, D17 Chopper outputs - illuminates when each chopper current sensor (CS1-CS4)
senses a current higher than 7 amps.

• D5 Current Detect from CH1&CH2 - illuminates when both CH1&CH2 output more than 7 amps.

• D4 Current Detect from CH3&CH4 - illuminates when both CH3&CH4 output more than 7 amps.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-19


Current Sense Test


SHOCK HAZARD: Always use caution when servicing a power supply when plugged in and
the covers are removed. Dangerous voltages exist within the power supply which could
cause injury or death.

The signals from the current sensors can be measured as voltages. Use the table and figure below to check for
proper current levels when the power supply is ON and the torch is cutting.

Chopper Measurement Point Output Value

CH1 REC9 pins 3 & 4 4 V = 100 amps
CH2 REC5 pins 3 & 4 4 V = 100 amps
CH3 REC6 pins 3 & 4 4 V = 100 amps
CH4 REC7 pins 3 & 4 4 V = 100 amps
Total Current REC10 pins 3 & 4 3.2 V = 400 amps





5-20 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Relay Board PCB4 - Status Indicators

Relay board PCB4 interfaces certain controls in the power supply, ignition console and the valve cluster. The
control board sends a command to the relay board, and the relay board responds by sending 120 VAC to the
control (and also lighting an LED on the relay board). The control board also tells the relay board to shut off the
120 VAC to the particular control (which shuts off the LED). LEDs are located adjacent to the relay that switches
the 120 VAC There are also 4 LEDs indicating on-board conditions.
See page 6-2 for location of Relay Board.

On the following pages are the LEDs that will illuminate under different modes of operation.


Pin# Description Pin# Description Pin# Description
5&6 Arc Xfer 1&2 SV-8 on Valve Cluster 1&2 Pump motor in
Cooler via Power
Distribution PCB
3&4 SV-12 on Valve Cluster 3&4 Power to Start Circuit Assy
5&6 SV-11 on Valve Cluster 5&6 Power to Analog PCB
7&8 SV-10 on Valve Cluster 7&8 DC On LT2
9&10 SV-9 on Valve Cluster 9&10 CON1 CON2
11&12 Solid-state ignition in 11&12 Pilot arc relay
Ignition Console
13&14 Choppers 1-4 13&14 Start counter
15&16 Power to Relay Board 15&16 Error counter

D22 D28 D19 D13 D12 D11

Power to Solid-state ignition SV-9 Shield SV-10 Plasma SV-11 Plasma SV-12 Plasma
Choppers (Ignition console.) cutflow preflow cutflow (Valve Cluster)
(Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster)
Analog PCB

Spare Start Circuit
output Assy power
(Power Supply)

D26 D18
Arc On Pump motor
(This relay
D6 enables the
+12 VDC Cooler pump via
the Power
D10 Supply Power
SV-8 Shield D9 D8 D7 D14 D15 Distribution
preflow Error Counter Start Counter P.A. Relay CON1 DC ON Board)
(Valve Cluster)

Relay Board PCB4 Status Indicators

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-21


Note: In all Relay Board Figures, LED ON = LED OFF=

Relay Board LED Status

Test Preflow Mode

D13 D11 D10

D22 SV-10 Plasma SV-12 Plasma SV-8 Shield
Power to preflow off valve preflow
Choppers (Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster)
Analog PCB

Start Circuit
Assy power
(Power Supply)

Pump motor
+12 VDC enable


Relay Board LED Status

Test Cutflow Mode

D19 D12 D11

D22 SV-9 Shield SV-11 Plasma SV-12 Plasma
Power to cut-flow cut-flow off valve
Choppers (Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster)) (Valve Cluster)
Analog PCB

Start Circuit
Assy power
(Power Supply)

Pump motor

+12 VDC


5-22 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Relay Board LED Status

RUN Mode - Idle

Power to

Analog PCB

Start Circuit
Assy power
(Power Supply)

Pump motor
+12 VDC enable


Relay Board LED Status

RUN Mode - Cutting

D19 D12 D11

D22 SV-9 Shield SV-11 Plasma SV-12 Plasma
Power to cut-flow cut-flow off valve
Choppers (Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster) (Valve Cluster)
Analog PCB

Start Circuit
Assy power
(Power Supply)

Pump motor
D26 enable
Arc on

+12 VDC

Output D8 D14 D15
Enable Start Counter CON1 DC ON

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-23


Serial I/O Board PCB5 - Status Indicators

The Serial I/O Board interfaces with the gas console and the microprocessor control board. The serial board
controls all outputs for the gas console. When an LED on LEDN1 or LEDN2 is illuminated, the corresponding
output or input is active. See page 6-2 for location of Serial I/O Board.

Input light bar Outputs Enabled +12 VDC

J1 J2



Output light bar

Note: • D2 needs to be illuminated for the outputs to be active.

• If D5 is illuminated and D2 is not, then there is a communication problem between the
microprocessor control board (PCB2) and the serial board (PCB5).
• LEDN1-5 through LEDN1-8 illuminate when in proper working conditions (no errors).

LEDN1-10 Not used LEDN2-10 Not used

LEDN1-9 Not used LEDN2-9 Not used
LEDN1-8 Shield cut-flow pressure switch (SC) LEDN2-8 Nitrogen purge valve (SV-NP)
LEDN1-7 Plasma cut-flow pressure switch (PC) LEDN2-7 Secondary gas shield preflow (SV7)
LEDN1-6 Shield preflow pressure switch (SP) LEDN2-6 Secondary gas shield cut-flow (SV6)
LEDN1-5 Plasma preflow pressure switch (PP) LEDN2-5 Secondary gas preflow (SV5)
LEDN1-4 BCD1 LEDN2-4 Primary gas shield preflow (SV4)
LEDN1-3 BCD2 LEDN2-3 Primary gas shield cut-flow (SV3)
LEDN1-2 BCD4 LEDN2-2 Primary gas preflow (SV2)
LEDN1-1 BCD8 LEDN2-1 Plasma cut-flow (SV1)


5-24 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Note: In all Serial Board Figures, LED ON = LED OFF=

Serial Board LED Status

Test Preflow Mode

LEDN1-8 = SC*
LEDN1-7 = PC* LEDN2-7 = SV7
LEDN1-6 = SP
LEDN1-5 = PP LEDN2-5 = SV5
LEDN2-4 = SV4
LEDN1-3 = BCD2
LEDN1-1 = BCD8 LEDN2-2 = SV2


* These cutflow LEDs may or may not be illuminated in Test Preflow Mode

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-25


Serial Board LED Status

Test Cutflow Mode

LEDN1-8 = SC
LEDN1-7 = PC
LEDN1-6 = SP LEDN2-6 = SV6
LEDN1-5 = PP
LEDN1-4 = BCD1
LEDN1-3 = BCD2 LEDN2-3 = SV3

LEDN1-1 = BCD8 LEDN2-1 = SV1


5-26 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Serial Board LED Status

RUN Mode - Idle

LEDN1-7 = PC

LEDN1-5 = PP


HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-27


Serial Board LED Status

RUN Mode - Cutting

LEDN1-8 = SC
LEDN1-7 = PC
LEDN1-6 = SP LEDN2-6 = SV6
LEDN1-5 = PP

LEDN2-3 = SV3

LEDN2-1 = SV1

5-28 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Start Circuit Board PCB14 - Status Indicators and Operation

See page 6-4 for location of Start Circuit Board.

The start circuit is a high-speed switch that quickly transfers the pilot arc current from the pilot arc load to the
work load. The start circuit performs 2 functions:

1. It allows the initial pilot arc current to flow through the pilot arc lead quickly, with little impedance.

2. After initial pilot arc current is established, the start circuit introduces impedance to the pilot arc load to
aid in transferring the arc current to the workpiece. See schematic on following page.

D1 D2
IGBT Output +15 VDC


Pilot Arc Current Levels

The pilot arc current level will change depending on the chosen process and arc current level. See table below.

O2 as the Plasma Gas Pilot Arc Current

100-amp current setting 30 amps
200-amp current setting 44 amps
300-amp and 400-amp current setting 60 amps
N2 as the Plasma Gas Pilot Arc Current
200-amp current setting 44 amps
400-amp current setting 60 amps

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-29


Start Circuit Functional Schematic

Plasma Power Supply


Power Resistor
Logic Diode

Start Circuit

Start Circuit Troubleshooting


SHOCK HAZARD: Always use caution when servicing a power supply when plugged in and the
covers are removed. Dangerous voltages exist within the power supply which could cause injury
or death.

• D2 should always be ON.

• D1 illuminates as soon as the torch fires and then will extinguish as soon as the arc transfers to the plate. If
arc transfer is immediate, the LED will not illuminate.
• If there is no arc at the torch or if the arc will not transfer:

• Turn the power to the system OFF and check for a resistance of 15 kΩ from H8 to H1.
• Check for a resistance of 5.5 kΩ across H10 and H4.
• Refer to wiring diagrams. Note that the resistances will slowly increase to the above values due to
capacitance in the circuit.
• Check the junction of the D12 diode.
• Work cable connection on the cutting table is not making good contact.
• Check D2. It should be illuminated.
• Fire the torch in the air and check to be sure that D1 illuminates.
• Check the resistance across the R3 resistor. It should be 10 kΩ.

5-30 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Phase Loss Detection Board PCB21 - Status Indicators and Operation


The phase loss detection circuit looks at the incoming voltage and verifies that the voltages between the 3-wire
inputs are within +/- 15% of each other.

• After contactor CON1 closes, opto-coupler U1 on PCB21 is activated, shorting pins 1&2 of PL1 together
and illuminating LED1.

• If LED1 does not illuminate:

• Verify that voltages across points A B and C, phase-to-phase are approximately 255 VAC. If voltages
are not within +/- 15%, LED1 will not illuminate. Check the incoming line voltage and the contacts on

• Check PCB21 fuses F1-F3. If any of the fuses are open, then PCB21 is faulty.

• Check jumper on P2 and verify that the jumper is set for 265V.

Phase Loss Board PCB21 location on chopper CH4 -

See page 6-3 for location of CH4

P2 Jumper
for 265 V




HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-31


Chopper Module Test Procedure


SHOCK HAZARD: Use extreme care when working near the chopper modules. The large electrolytic
capacitor(s) (blue-cased cylinder(s)) store large amounts of energy in the form of electric voltage.
Even if the power is off, dangerous voltages exist at the capacitor terminals, on the chopper, and the
diode heatsinks. Never discharge any capacitor with a screwdriver or other implement...explosion,
property damage and/or personal injury will result.

Note: Take voltages with a digital multimeter (DVM) capable of storing min. and max. readings.

1. Turn all power to the HT4400 system OFF.

Disconnect 2 terminals on line filter FL1 in the ignition console to disable the solid-state ignition.

2. Remove large fuses F1, F2, F3 and F4. Check to see if any fuse is open.

3. Place the positive lead of the DVM to the + side of the bridge and the negative lead to the – side of the
bridge. See figure on the facing page. Note that actual connection points are hidden by capacitor support
bracket in figure.

4. Turn power to the HT4400 ON, and start up system. After the START command has been given, check
voltage. The input to the chopper at these points should be about +360 VDC. If the input is OK and
corresponding fuse F1, F2, F3 or F4 is blown, replace the chopper module. If there is no +360 VDC input,
check the 3-phase AC input to the chopper. Also, check contactors (CON1, CON2), contacts, and
connections and associated wiring to the contactor. Repair or replace any defective components.

5. If voltage from above step is +360 VDC and corresponding fuse is not blown, check output of choppers.

CH1: • Place the positive lead of the DVM at point (+) WORK on the chopper module (wire #48A) and
negative lead at point (-) TORCH (wire #39A). See the figure on following page.

• Turn the system on and give the START command. After the START command has been given,
check the voltage. If the output from these points is +360 VDC, chopper is OK.

• An alternate method of testing is to keep fuses F1-F4 in place and take voltage as above. A low
voltage reading with this method could mean a shorted torch.

CH2: To check the output of CH2, repeat the above procedure for CH1 but put the positive lead of the DVM
at wire #48B and the negative lead at wire #39B.

Before checking output of choppers CH3 and CH4, switch connector PL3.6 with PL3.9 and also
switch connector PL3.5 with PL3.7 on analog PCB3. See figure on the following page.

CH3: To check the output of CH3, repeat the above procedure for CH1 but put the positive lead of the DVM
at wire #48C and the negative lead at wire #39C.

CH4: To check output of CH4, repeat the above procedure for CH1 but put the positive lead of the DVM at
wire #48D and the negative lead at wire #39D.

5-32 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Return analog PCB3 connectors PL3.6, PL3.9, PL3.5 and PL3.7 to their original positions.

6. If a chopper does not output +360 VDC, check to see if LED1 logic power light is illuminated. If LED1 is
extinguished, check if 120V is going to JP6. If there is no 120V at JP6, check wiring back to power
distribution board. Repair or replace any defective components. Also check to see if LED3 is turning green
when start command is given (normal condition). If LED1 is illuminated and LED3 is red when start
command is given (fault condition), then make sure that JP9 is seated properly.

7. If a chopper still does not output +360 VDC after completing these instructions through step 6, there may
be a problem with the control signal or the chopper module. The chopper drive signal comes through the
analog board PCB3 as an analog level from 0 to +6.2 VDC, which varies the duty cycle and subsequent
output current of the chopper. These analog signals are on PCB3 pins 5&6 PL3.9 for CH1, pins 5&6 PL3.5
for CH2, pins 5&6 PL3.6 for CH3, and pins 5&6 PL3.7 for CH4.

To check choppers in non-transferred mode:

• Ensure that solid-state ignition is still disabled (see step 1).

• On analog board PCB3, disconnect PL3.9 from REC9 (to test CH1), or disconnect PL3.5 from REC5 (to test
CH2), or disconnect PL3.6 (to test CH3), or disconnect PL3.7 (to test CH4). LED3 should be green.
• Place voltmeter across the output of the chopper in test and give the START command.
• If the voltmeter reads +360 VDC, then there is a problem with either control board PCB2 or analog board
• If the voltmeter reads 0 volts, then replace the chopper module.

3ø Input

Bridge (+) Bridge (-)

PL3.9 PL3.5 PL3.6 PL3.7




Torch (-)
Analog PCB3
(+) Work JP6

Chopper Module - Front View

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-33


Coolant Flow Test

1. Turn power off to the HT4400.

2. Remove the return coolant hose from the Cooler (hose with red tape).

3. Set the thumbwheel switch (S2) on the Gas Console to “Leak Test 1” or “Leak Test 2.”

4. Locate a 1-gallon container and place the return coolant hose inside the container.

5. Turn power to the HT4400 on.

6. Coolant will flow for 30 seconds and then shut off. In 30 seconds you should be able to get a minimum of
1/2 gallon of coolant.

7. Run the coolant test again by switching S2 to “Run” and then back to one of the leak test modes.

8. Again the coolant will flow for 30 seconds and then shut off. At this point the 1-gallon container should be more
than full, worst case.

9. If the container is not full, than perform same test but at the torch.

10. To perform this test remove all the consumables from the torch. Running the coolant for 1 minute should result
in approximately 1.5 gallons of coolant.

5-34 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Pressure switch Settings




PG1 Plasma Pressure Switch PG2 Shield Pressure Switch

Output 1 - Plasma Cutflow (Green LED) Output 1 - Shield Cutflow (Green LED)
P1 = 30 psi P1 = 10 psi
P2 = 140 psi P2 = 140 psi
Output 2 - Plasma Preflow (Red LED) Output 2 - Shield Preflow (Red LED)
P3 = 10 psi P3 = 15 psi
P4 = 140 psi P4 = 140 psi

5-36 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Gas Console Valve Select Switch Detail


Valve Select Display BCD Position Outputs Activated

Run - Preflow 0 SV2, SV4, SV5, SV7, SV8, SV10, SV12
Run - Cutflow 0 SV1, SV3, SV6, SV9, SV11, SV12
MV1 1 SV1, SV11, SV12
MV2 2 SV2, SV10, SV12
MV3 3 SV3, SV9
MV4 4 SV4, SV8
MV5 5 SV5, SV10, SV12
MV6 6 SV6, SV9
MV7 7 SV7, SV8
Leak Test 1 8 SV1– SV7
Leak Test 2 9 SV8– SV12
Test Preflow 10 SV2, SV4, SV5, SV7, SV8, SV10, SV12
Test Cutflow 11 SV1, SV3, SV6, SV9, SV11, SV12

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-37


Preventive Maintenance
Deteriorating consumable parts life is frequently one of the first symptoms to indicate that something is wrong with
a plasma system. Reduced parts life dramatically increases operating costs for two reasons: first, and perhaps
most obvious, shorter consumable life means that the end user will have to use more consumables to cut the same
amount of metal. The second, and even more important factor, is that shorter consumable life means that the end
user must shut down his cutting operation to change consumables more often. In an average cutting operation,
labor and overhead can account for over 80% of the cost of cutting, so improved productivity, in the form of less
downtime, can reduce cutting costs dramatically.
Proper maintenance often eliminates the problems that lead to shortened consumables life. Since the basic
premise behind the purchase of a Hypertherm plasma system is reduced cutting costs and increased productivity,
maintaining a system in proper operating condition is a key to ensuring customer satisfaction.
The Preventive Maintenance Protocol is intended to be simple to follow. After you have performed it a few times,
you should expect to take approximately 3 hours to complete it for each individual plasma system involved.
Hypertherm wants to meet or exceed our customers’ expectations. We hope that this booklet will help you meet or
exceed those customers’ expectations.

Preventive maintenance protocol

The following protocol covers the basic elements of a Hypertherm mechanized plasma system. These basic
elements apply broadly to all our mechanized systems, although certain specific components, such as the high-
frequency console or the coolant system, are not present in all mechanized systems. The protocol may therefore
vary slightly from a MAX100 to an HT2000, for example, and as we move through the protocol, we have tried to
note where certain steps would not be necessary for certain systems.
It is important to have available for reference a copy of the appropriate manual for the Hypertherm system to be
If inspection suggests that a component is worn and might require replacement, and you would like confirmation of
your recommendation, please contact Hypertherm's Technical Service department.

The power supply

When performing preventive maintenance in any plasma system power supply, it is critical to turn off power to the
power supply at the source. Extreme electrical hazard is present in the power supply and at the torch. Please
consult the manual for a complete list of safety precautions.

1. With power to the power supply off, remove all side panels and inspect for accumulated dust. Using
compressed air, blow out the inside of the power supply to remove dust and particulates.

2. Inspect wiring harnesses and connections for any wear or damage. Check for loose connections and look for
any discoloration that might indicate overheating. If this condition is observed, contact Hypertherm Technical

3. Inspect the main contactor for excessive pitting on the contacts, characterized by a blackened, rough surface
on any of the contacts. If this condition exists, replacement should be recommended.

4. If the plasma system has an air filter in the front panel of the power supply, inspect the air filter and recommend
replacement if dirty.

5. Inspect the pilot arc relay (CR1) for excessive pitting on the contacts, characterized by a roughened, black
surface. Recommend replacement if necessary.

5-38 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Coolant system
6. If the plasma equipment in question has a built-in coolant system, inspect the filter element of the coolant
system which is located at the rear of the power supply. If the filter has begun to turn a brownish color,
replacement should be recommended. For HyDefinition systems, a de-ionizing filter should be used. Refer to
the manual for proper part numbers. If the system is a MAX200 or HT2000, a particle filter should be used.

7. Perform a coolant flow test on the system. For MAX200, HT2000, HD1070 and HD3070 systems, flow should
be at least 0.75 gpm (2.8 l/min) on the return line. When testing systems with external water chillers, the
required coolant flow varies according to different size pumps. Refer to appropriate manuals.

Check for coolant leaks. Primary locations to inspect are: 1) the back of the power supply; 2) at the high-
frequency console, if applicable; and, 3) at the torch main body. Check the holding tank for dirt and
particulates. Verify that proper Hypertherm coolant is being used.

Torch main body

8. If the torch contains a water tube for electrode cooling, check the water tube to ensure that it is straight and
has no pitting on the end.

9. Check the current ring inside the torch main body. The current ring should be smooth and not pitted. If slight
pitting is seen, contact Hypertherm Technical Service to assess the likelihood that the torch could be repaired.
If no pitting is observed, clean the current ring with a clean cotton swab and clean water. Do not use alcohol.
Pitting on the current ring generally indicates improper maintenance (i.e. lack of regular cleaning).

10. Clean all threads on the front end of the torch head with clean water and a cotton swab, pipe cleaner or clean
cloth. Do not use alcohol. Damage to the threads usually results from not properly cleaning the torch and
retaining cap threads, so that dirt and particulates accumulate in the threads.

11. Inspect the torch insulator for cracks. Replacement of the torch should be recommended if cracks are found.

12. Inspect all o-rings on the torch body and consumables. Make sure that the correct amount of lubricant is being
applied to these o-rings. Too much lubricant may obstruct gas flows.

13. Ensure that the retaining or shield cap is tightened securely to the torch main body.

14. Check all hose fittings at the rear of the torch for wear. Damage to the fitting threads may indicate that
overtightening has occurred.

15. Ensure that all connections between the torch and torch leads are tight, but do not overtighten.

When removing consumables, always place them on a clean, dry, oil-free surface, since dirty consumables
may cause the torch to malfunction.

Gas flows
16. Check the plumbing from the gas supply source, as follows:

A. Remove and plug the oxygen inlet gas fitting at the gas console.

B. Pressurize the gas system at the source to 8.3 bar (120 psi).

C. Close the gas supply valve at the source. Watch for a pressure drop. If the supply line from the source is a
hose, there may be a 0.3 to 0.5 bar (5 to 7 psi) drop due to stretch.

D. If the pressure continues to drop, find the leaks in the system.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-39


E. Perform the same protocol for the nitrogen gas supply system, except that the gas system should be
pressurized at the source to 10.3 bar (150 psi), 8.3 bar (120 psi) for the HD3070 and HD4070.

F. Perform the same protocol for the air, carbon dioxide or argon-hydrogen and methane supplies (as
applicable) except that the gas system should be pressurized at the source to 6.2 bar (90 psi), 8.3 bar
(120 psi) for the HD3070 and HD4070.

G. If the system is operating on compressed air, verify that a filtering system is in place to ensure that no oil or
moisture is allowed to enter the plasma system. Inspect all filters and oil separators and recommend
replacement if dirty.

17. Perform a system gas leak test, as follows:

A. Place the gas console in the Test Preflow mode.

Adjust gas flows to appropriate settings as outlined in the Operation section of the instruction manual.

B. Locate the off-valve solenoid and disconnect the control cable from the solenoid. The digital pressure
indicator should slowly drop to zero. If it does not, a leak may be indicated.

C. Close the shut-off valves for the oxygen and nitrogen supply at the source.

D. The pressure gauges on the gas console should maintain their pressure. If either nitrogen
or oxygen pressures drop more than 0.1 bar (2 psi) in 10 minutes, there is an unacceptable leak.

E. If a leak is indicated, check all gas connections, using a soapy water solution.

18. Check for hose restrictions, as follows:

A. Check the 3 hoses connected to the motor valve. Make sure that they are not bent, causing a possible

B. Check the gas hoses from the gas console to the motor valve, looking for any sharp bends that may cause

C. Check the off-valve hose from the off-valve to the torch main body. Make sure that the hose is not bent,
causing a restriction.

D. If the cutting table uses a power track system to support leads from the power supply to the gas console or
torch, check the position of the leads in the power track to ensure the leads do not twist or kink, causing a
possible restriction.

Cable connections
19. Cables should be checked for chafing or unusual wear. If the outside insulation has been cut, check the wires
inside for damage:
A. For Initial Height Sensing (IHS) option, check the cables from the inductive probes to the IHS console.

B. Check the control cable from the off-valve to the motor valve console.

C. Check the cable from the motor valve console to the power supply.

D. Check control cables from the high-frequency console and the gas console to the power supply.

5-40 HT4400 Instruction Manual


High-frequency console (if applicable)

20. Open the cover and inspect the interior for condensation or the accumulation of dust and particulates. If dust
and particulates are present, blow out the unit with compressed air. If moisture is present, dry the inside of the
console with a cloth and contact Hypertherm Technical Service for recommended action.

21. Inspect the spark gap subassembly. Inspect the 3 electrodes. Verify that the electrodes are 0.508 mm (0.020")
apart and that they are clean and the ends are flat. File the electrodes clean with a diamond file if necessary.
Ensure that the wiring connections to the spark gap subassembly are secure. Check that the console doors
are properly closed.

22. Inspect the torch leads. Ensure that they are fastened tightly to the outside of the high-frequency console.

System grounding

23. Verify that all components of the system are individually grounded to a driven earth ground, as described in the
instruction manual.

A. All metal enclosures, such as the power supply, high-frequency console and gas console, should be
connected individually to a ground point. These connections should be made with 10 mm2 (#8 AWG) wire
(USA), or equivalent-size wire.

24. Check the connection from the cutting table to the workpiece (+) lead. Particularly inspect where the positive
(+) lead connects to the cutting table to ensure that it is a good, clean connection. A poor connection may
cause arc transfer problems.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-41

Preventive Maintenance Master Schedule

• Verify proper inlet gas pressure.
• Verify proper gas flow settings. – Mandatory at every consumable change.
• Verify proper coolant pressures and temperatures. – Water chillers only.
• Inspect torch and replace consumables as needed.

Week Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

• Clean power supply with dry, oil free compressed air or vacuum.
• Verify cooling fans are working properly.
• Clean torch threads and current ring.
• Verify proper coolant level.

Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

• Complete systems check per the preventive maintenance protocol.

Year 1st Service 2nd Service

• Complete systems check per the preventive maintenance protocol.


• Complete systems check per the preventive maintenance protocol.

5-42 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Preventive Maintenance Protocol Checklist
Customer: Hypertherm system:
Location: System serial #:
Contact: System arc hours:
Date: (if equipped with an hour meter)

Comments P – Performed NP – Not present on system

Power supply Gas flows (cont.)

P NP 1. Inspect for particulates and blow out P NP 17. Perform gas leak test
P NP 2. Inspect wiring harnesses A. Oxygen pressure drop at ____________
P NP 3. Inspect main contactor psi in 10 minutes ( ____________ bar)
P NP 4. Inspect air filter on front of system B. Nitrogen pressure drop at ____________
psi in 10 minutes ( ____________ bar)
P NP 5. Inspect pilot arc relay
P NP 18. Inspect for hose restrictions

Coolant system P NP A. Motor valve hoses

P NP 6. Inspect filter element P NP B. Gas console to motor valve

P NP 7. Perform coolant flow test P NP C. Off-valve to torch body

A. Coolant flow checked at _________ P NP D. Hoses in power track

gallons per minute ( _________ l/min)
Cable connections
Torch main body P NP 19. Inspect cables
P NP 8. Inspect water tube P NP A. From IHS probes to IHS console
P NP 9. Inspect current ring P NP B. Control cable from off-valve to
P NP 10. Clean threads on torch front end motor valve console
P NP 11. Inspect Vespel torch insulator P NP C. From motor valve console to
power supply
P NP 12. Inspect torch and consumable o-rings
P NP D. From high-frequency console
P NP 13. Verify proper fit of retaining or shield cap and gas console to power supply
P NP 14. Inspect hose fittings
P NP 15. Inspect torch-to-torch-lead connections High-frequency console
P NP 20. Inspect for moisture, dust and
Gas flows particulates
P NP 16. Inspect plumbing from gas supply P NP 21. Inspect spark gap subassembly
P NP A. Oxygen P NP A. Electrode gap range _______
to _______
P NP B. Nitrogen
P NP 22. Inspect torch leads
P NP C. Air
P NP D. CO2 System grounding
P NP E. Argon-Hydrogen P NP 23. Inspect for proper system
P NP F. Methane component grounding
P NP G. Inspect compressed air filter system P NP 24. Inspect connection from cutting
table to workpiece (+) lead

General comments and recommendations:

Preventive maintenance performed by: Date:

HT4400 Instruction Manual 5-43

Section 6


See Section 3 Installation for part numbers of hoses and interconnecting cables.

In this section:

Power Supply..........................................................................................................................................................6-2
Front Panel Outside .......................................................................................................................................6-2
Power Supply..........................................................................................................................................................6-3
Front Panel Inside ..........................................................................................................................................6-3
Power Supply..........................................................................................................................................................6-4
Front Bail (Wall) .............................................................................................................................................6-4
Power Supply..........................................................................................................................................................6-5
Rear Bail (Wall) ..............................................................................................................................................6-5
Power Supply..........................................................................................................................................................6-6
Rear Panel Inside and Outside ......................................................................................................................6-6
Ignition Console ......................................................................................................................................................6-7
Gas Console ...........................................................................................................................................................6-8
Cooler .....................................................................................................................................................................6-9
HT4400 Torch .......................................................................................................................................................6-10
Consumable Configurations..................................................................................................................................6-11
Consumable Parts Kit ...........................................................................................................................................6-12
Counterclockwise Consumables...........................................................................................................................6-12
Valve Cluster Assembly - 077035 .........................................................................................................................6-13
Recommended Spare Parts .................................................................................................................................6-13
Electrode Pit Depth Gauge Assembly - 004147 ...................................................................................................6-14

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-1


Power Supply
Front Panel Outside




Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 005177 Lens, Green LT1 1
2 005089 Lens, White LT2 1
3 005149 Light Bulb, 120 VAC 2
4 041589 PCB Assy: Relay PCB4 1
5 041282 PCB Assy: Analog PCB3 1
6 041635 PCB Assy:Serial PCB5 1
7 041690 PCB Assy: µP Control PCB2 1
8 027080 Fan 225 cfm, 120 VAC, 50-60 Hz M1-4,M6 5
9 027079 Fan: 450-550 cfm, 120 VAC, 50-60 Hz M5, M7 2

6-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Power Supply
Front Panel Inside


Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 129160 CH100-CE/LVD Chopper Assembly CH1 1
2 129160 CH100-CE/LVD Chopper Assembly CH2 1
3 129160 CH100-CE/LVD Chopper Assembly CH3 1
4 129160 CH100-CE/LVD Chopper Assembly CH4 1
5 041564 PCB: Phase Loss Detection PCB21 1

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-3


Power Supply
Front Bail (Wall)


Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 129851 Start Circuit Assembly PCB14 1
2 008317 Fuse: 125A 250V F4 1
3 008317 Fuse: 125A 250V F3 1
4 008317 Fuse: 125A 250V F2 1
5 008317 Fuse: 125A 250V F1 1
6 003021 Relay: 120 VAC CR1 1

6-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Power Supply
Rear Bail (Wall)

mid plane

Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 041610 PCB Assy: Power Distribution PCB1 1
2 129603 Control Transformer: 200V/50-60HZ T1 1
2 129604 Control Transformer: 400V/50 Hz T1 1
2 129711 Control Transformer: 440V/50 Hz T1 1
2 129606 Control Transformer: 480V/60 Hz T1 1
2 129605 Control Transformer: 600V/60 Hz T1 1
3 041671* PCB Assy: THC Plasma Interface 1
4 109004 Current Sensor: Hall, 100A=4V CS1 1
5 109004 Current Sensor: Hall, 100A=4V CS2 1
6 109004 Current Sensor: Hall, 100A=4V CS3 1
7 109004 Current Sensor: Hall, 100A=4V CS4 1
8 129596 I/O Panel Assembly PCB10 1

* Installed by customer when ordering the Command THC option. See Command THC instruction manual
802780 for more detailed information.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-5


Power Supply
Rear Panel Inside and Outside

Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 129328 Chassis Assembly, In-Rush 1
2 003217 Contactor: 185A, 3-Phase, 120 VAC CON1 1
2 003218 Contactor: 265A, 3-Phase, 120 VAC CON1 1
3 003152 Circuit Breaker: 3-Phase CB1 1
129972 Kit: 003217 Contactor Contacts Replacement
129973 Kit: 003218 Contactor Contacts Replacement
4 129613 * Filter: 140A 480V FL1A 1

* Only used on 400 VAC CE power supplies

6-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Ignition Console


Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 078088 HT4400 Ignition Console
2 009040 FIlter: 3A, 3W FL1 1
3 128510 Kit: Filter Capacitor Replacement C1 1
4 129616 Inductor: Ignition Console L2 1
5 027648 Ignition Module SSI1 1
6 041619 PCB Assy: Ignition Console Interface 1

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-7


Gas Console


Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 077032 HT4400 Gas Console
2 005156 Toggle switch: SP 10A On/Off/On S1 1
3 008106 Nut: Toggle Switch, Dress 1
4 128512 Kit: Pressure Switch Replacement PG2 1
5 128511 Kit: Pressure Switch Replacement PG1 1
6 015330 Filter: 10 Micron 2
7 041638 PCB Assy: LED Display Board PCB11 1
8 129607 Thumb-wheel Assembly S2 1
9 006118 Manifold and Solenoids 3

6-8 HT4400 Instruction Manual




Item Number Description Designator Qty.
1 077034 Cooler
2 129634 Fan, 240V, 240W, 2910CFM M2 1
3 128513 Kit: .Solenoid Valve Replacement SV1 1
4 229036 Motor M1 1
5 031138 Pump 1
128968 Kit: Coolant System Upgrade 1
6 029323 Temp. Switch Assembly TS1 1
7 006113 Check Valve: 3/8 FPT CHV3 1
8 004598 Cap: Reservoir 1
9 027634 Filter Housing 1
10 027664 Filter Element 1
11 109207 Capacitor: 6µF 370 VAC 1
12 129489 Flowswitch Assembly 1
13 011084 Sight Glass: 1/4 NPT 1
14 128713 Kit: Lo Profile Filter 1
027927 Filter Element 1

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-9


HT4400 Torch

Entire Torch Assemblies including Leads, Torch and Consumables

Number Description
128342 HT4400 Torch with 15' leads
128431 HT4400 Torch with 10' leads
128430 HT4400 Torch with 6' leads

Lead Assemblies, Torch and Consumables


Item Number Description
1 128341 Torch adapter with 15' leads
1 128463 Torch adapter with 10' leads
1 128462 Torch adapter with 6' leads
2 058224 O-ring (part of torch adapter with leads assembly)
3 120786 Retaining Cap
4 120934 Nozzle
5 120939 Swirl Ring
6 120810 Electrode
7 120025 Water Tube (part of 120651 torch body assembly)
8 044028 O-rings (part of 120651 torch body assembly)
9 044030 O-ring (part of 120651 torch body assembly)
10 120651 Torch body
11 128654 Bullet Connector Replacement Kit

6-10 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Consumable Configurations

Oxygen 220412
Mild Steel – 400 A
120786 120934 120939 120810

Oxygen 220412
Mild Steel – 300 A
120786 120794 120913 120802

Mild Steel – 200 A
120786 120787 120791 120793

Mild Steel – 100 A
120786 120777 120783 120785

Stainless Steel – 400 A
120786 120856 120853 120855

Stainless Steel – 200 A
120786 120794 120853 120855

Aluminum – 200 A
120786 120794 120853 120855

SilverPlus provides increased life in most applications. The hafnium wears to approximately twice the depth of an all
copper electrode (120810 400A and 120802 300A). Arc voltage may need to be increased by 5-15 volts throughout the
electrode life to maintain proper cut height parameters.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-11


Consumable Parts Kit

Number Description Qty.
128497 Consumable Parts Kit
001067 Box:Gray Plastic 1
004630 Electrode Pit Depth Gauge Assembly 1
004663 Nozzle Wrench 1
026009 O-ring, .208 x .070 5
027012 Lubricant:Silicon 2-Oz Tube 1
027102 Electrode Wrench 1
027347 Tool: Water Tube Replacement 1
044028 O-ring, 1.364 x .070 2
120025 Water Tube 1
120777 Nozzle Assy:100A Oxygen cw 2
120783 Swirl Ring:100A Oxygen cw 1
120785 Electrode:100A Oxygen 2
120786 Cap:Nozzle Retaining 1
120787 Nozzle Assy:200A Oxygen cw 2
120791 Swirl Ring:200A Oxygen cw 1
120793 Electrode:200A Oxygen 2
120794 Nozzle Assy:300A Oxygen cw 2
120802 Electrode:300A Oxygen 1
120810 Electrode:400A Oxygen 2
120853 Swirl Ring:200A/400A Nitrogen cw 2
120855 Electrode:200A/400A Nitrogen 4
120856 Nozzle Assy:400A Nitrogen cw 2
120913 Swirl Ring:300A Oxygen cw 1
120934 Nozzle Assy: 400A Oxygen cw 4
120939 Swirl Ring:400A Oxygen cw 1
220412 Electrode: SilverPlus, 300A/400A Oxygen 3

See Consumable Configurations earlier in this section for graphics and proper
combinations of consumables.

Counterclockwise Consumables

Oxygen 400 amp 300 amp 200 amp 100 amp

Swirl Ring 120940 120914 120792 120784
Nozzle 120935 120795 120788 120788

Nitrogen 400 amp 300 amp 200 amp 100 amp

Swirl Ring 120854 120854
Nozzle 120857 120795

6-12 HT4400 Instruction Manual


Valve Cluster Assembly – 077035

Recommended Spare Parts

Power Supply
Page (Ref.)
Part Showing
Number Description Designator Qty. Item
005149 Light Bulb, 120 VAC LT1, LT2 2 6-2
027080 Fan: 225 cfm, 120 VAC, 50-60 Hz M1-M4, M6 1 6-2
027079 Fan: 450-550 cfm, 120 VAC, 50-60 Hz M5, M7 1 6-2
041589 PCB Assy: Relay PCB4 1 6-2
041644 PCB Assy: µP Control PCB2 1 6-2
129160 CH100-CE/LVD Chopper Assembly CH1-CH4 1 6-3
008317 Fuse: 125A 250V F1-F4 4 6-4
041610 PCB Assy: Power Distribution PCB1 1 6-5
109004 Current Sensor: Hall, 100A=4V CS1-CS4 2 6-5
003217 Contactor: 185A, 3-Phase, 120 VAC CON1 1 6-6
003218* Contactor: 265A, 3-Phase, 120 VAC CON1 1 6-6
003152 Circuit Breaker: 3-Phase CB1 1 6-6

* Only used on 200V power supplies

Ignition Console
Page (Ref.)
Part Showing
Number Description Designator Qty. Item
128510 Kit: Filter Capacitor Replacement C1 1 6-7
027648 Ignition Module SSI1 1 6-7

HT4400 Instruction Manual 6-13


Gas Console
Page (Ref.)
Part Showing
Number Description Designator Qty. Item
128511 Kit: Pressure Switch Replacement PG1 1 6-8
128512 Kit: Pressure Switch Replacement PG2 1 6-8
041638 PCB Assy: LED Display Board PCB11 1 6-8

Page (Ref.)
Part Showing
Number Description Designator Qty. Item
128513 Kit: Solenoid Valve Replacement SV1 1 6-9
029323 Temp. Switch Assembly TS1 1 6-9
027664 Filter Element 2 6-9
129489 Flowswitch Assembly FS1 1 6-9

Electrode Pit Depth Gauge Assembly - 004630

To accurately measure the electrode pit depth, order the electrode pit depth gauge assembly. See Inspect Elec-
trode Pit Depth in Section 4 for graphic and procedure.

6-14 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Section 7


This section contains the wiring diagrams for the HT4400 system. When tracing a signal path or referencing with
the Parts List or Troubleshooting sections, please be aware of the following format to assist you in understanding
the wiring diagrams' organization:

• Sheet numbers are located in the lower right-hand corner.

• Page-to-page referencing is done in the following manner:

C 4-D3

Source Connection Source Reference Block Destination Sheet # Destination


4-D3 C

Source Sheet # Source Coordinates Source Reference Block Destination


Destination and Source Coordinates refer to letters A-D on the Y-axis of each sheet and numbers 1-4 on the
X-axis of each sheet. Lining up the coordinates will bring you to the source or destination blocks (similar to a road

Wiring Diagram Symbols

Wiring diagram symbols and their identification precede the system wiring diagrams in this section.

HT4400 Instruction Manual 7-1


Battery Fuse Push Button,
Normally Open

Cap, polarized Ground Clamp Receptacle

Cap, non-polarized Ground, Chassis Relay, Coil

Cap, feed-thru Ground, Earth Relay, Normally Closed

Circuit breaker IGBT Relay, Normally Open

Coax shield Inductor Relay, Solid State, AC

Current Sensor LED Relay, Solid State, DC

Current sensor Light Relay, Solid State, Dry

DC supply MOV Resistor


Door interlock Plug Shield

HT4400 Instruction Manual

Fan PNP Transistor Shunt

Feedthru LC Potentiometer Spark Gap

Filter, AC Push Button, Switch, Flow

Normally Closed
HT4400 Instruction Manual

Switch, Level, Time Delay Closed,

Normally Closed NO/Off Torch Symbols

Switch, Pressure,
Normally Closed Transformer

Switch, Pressure,
Normally Open Transformer, Air Core

Switch, 1 Pole, 1 Throw Nozzle

Transformer Coil

Switch, 1 Pole, 2 Throw

Switch, 1 Pole, 1 Throw, Shield
Center Off

VAC Source
Switch, Temperature,
Normally Closed

Valve, Solenoid
Switch, Temperature,
Normally Open

Voltage Source
Terminal Block

Time Delay Closed, Zener Diode


Time Delay Open,


Time Delay Open,


Appendix A


System Grounding Requirements

The plasma system must be grounded for safety reasons and to suppress EMI:

• Safety The entire system—power supply, accessory enclosures, and worktable—must be grounded to protect it
and the operator from a ground fault. The protective earth (PE) ground connections must be installed by a
licensed electrician and conform to national or local codes.

• EMI Suppression If allowed by national or local codes, the ground system can also be used to suppress EMI
(electromagnetic interference). Below is a guide to configure the plasma system for minimal EMI. See
Electromagnetic Compatibility in this manual for additional information.

Suggested Ground Cable Routing

Power Supply

Connect the power supply to the PE ground terminal, using a properly sized color-coded conductor. This PE ground
is connected to the service ground through the line disconnect switch. See the Installation section for further
information on the power cord and the line disconnect switch.

Equipment Grounding

All accessory modules that receive power from the plasma power supply must also use the power supply’s
ground—either by connection to the PE terminal of the power supply, or by direct connection to the equipment
ground conductor. Each module should have only one connection to ground to avoid ground loops and stray
currents. If any enclosure is grounded to the work table, the work table must be grounded to the power supply.

Effective grounding for EMI reduction is highly dependent upon the installation configuration. Two acceptable
configurations are shown in Figures a-1 and a-2.

The ignition console should be installed near the work table, and grounded directly to it. Other modules should be
installed near the power supply, and grounded directly to it (Figure a-1).

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems a-1


All modules may also be installed near the work table, and grounded directly to it (Figure a-2). Do not ground the
ignition console directly to the power supply.

The customer must furnish all conductors for equipment grounding. Grounding conductors may be purchased
through Hypertherm in any length specified by the customer (Part No. 047058). The conductor may also be
purchased locally, using a minimum 8 AWG UL Type MTW cable (USA specification) or the appropriate cable
specified by national and local codes.

Consult the appropriate manufacturer’s instructions to ground equipment that does not receive power from the
power supply.

Work Table Grounding

If a supplementary ground rod is installed near the worktable to reduce EMI, it must be connected directly to the PE
ground of the building structure, connected to the service ground; or to earth, providing the resistance between the
ground rod and the service ground meets national or local codes. Place the supplementary ground rod within 20 ft
(6 m) of the worktable according to national or local codes.

If any module is grounded to the work table, the work table must be grounded to the power supply, or the
configuration must be changed to comply with applicable national and local electrical codes.

A ferrite choke can be placed in the conductor between the work table ground rod and the PE ground, with a
number of turns through the choke to isolate the safety ground (at 60 Hz) from any electromagnetic interference
(frequencies above 150 Khz). The more turns the better. A suitable ferrite choke can be made by wrapping 10 turns
or more of the ground lead through Magnetics part number 77109-A7, Fair-Rite part number 59-77011101, or other
equivalent ferrite choke. Locate the choke as close as possible to the plasma power supply.

a-2 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems


Plasma Power Supply Ignition Console

Ferrite Choke

Power Cord
Work Table

Gas Console


Grounding Rod
Other Equipment
receiving power from the
plasma power supply


Figure a-1 Recommended Ground Connection Configuration

Note: Configuration may vary for each installation and may require a different ground scheme.

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems a-3


Other Equipment
receiving power from the
plasma power supply


Gas Console


Plasma Power Supply

Ignition Console

Ferrite Choke
Power Cord
Work Table

Grounding Rod

Figure a-2 Alternate Ground Connection Configuration

The preferred cable routing for this configuration is as shown, but it is acceptable to “daisy-chain” the grounds for
the gas console and other equipment to the ignition console. The ignition console should NOT be daisy-chained
through the other components to the work table.

a-4 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems

Appendix B



In this appendix:

Propylene Glycol Safety Data

Section 1 Chemical Product and Company Identification.....................................................................................b-2
Section 2 Information on Ingredients ....................................................................................................................b-2
Section 3 Hazards Identification ...........................................................................................................................b-2
Section 4 First Aid Measures ................................................................................................................................b-3
Section 5 Fire Fighting Measures .........................................................................................................................b-3
Section 6 Accidental Release Measures ..............................................................................................................b-3
Section 7 Handling and Storage ...........................................................................................................................b-3
Section 8 Exposure Controls / Personal Protection..............................................................................................b-4
Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties ........................................................................................................b-4
Section 10 Stability and Reactivity..........................................................................................................................b-4
Section 11 Toxicological Information.......................................................................................................................b-4
Section 12 Ecological Information ..........................................................................................................................b-5
Section 13 Disposal Considerations .......................................................................................................................b-5
Section 14 Transport Information............................................................................................................................b-5
Section 15 Regulatory Information .........................................................................................................................b-5
Section 16 Other Information..................................................................................................................................b-5

Benzotriazole (COBRATEC) Safety Data

Section I..................................................................................................................................................................b-7
Section II Ingredients ..............................................................................................................................................b-7
Section III Physical Data.........................................................................................................................................b-7
Section IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data ...........................................................................................................b-8
Section V Health Hazard Data................................................................................................................................b-8
Section VI Reactivity Data ......................................................................................................................................b-9
Section VII Spill or Leak Procedures ......................................................................................................................b-9
Section VIII Special Protective Information.............................................................................................................b-9
Section IX Special Precautions.............................................................................................................................b-10
Section X Regulatory Status.................................................................................................................................b-10

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems b-1

b-2 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems
HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems b-3
b-4 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems
HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems b-5



Temperature, °F







0 10 20 30 40 50 60
% of Propylene Glycol

Figure b-1 Freezing Point of Propylene Glycol Solution

b-6 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems b-7
b-8 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems
HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems b-9
b-10 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems
Appendix C


In this section:

Gas Regulators .......................................................................................................................................................c-2

HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems c-1


Gas Regulators
Low-quality gas regulators do not provide consistent supply pressures and can result in poor cut quality and system
operation problems. Use a high-quality, 1-stage, gas regulator to maintain consistent gas supply pressure, if using
liquid cryogenic or bulk storage. Use a high-quality, 2-stage, gas regulator to maintain consistent gas supply
pressure from high pressure gas cylinders.

The high-quality gas regulators listed below are available from Hypertherm and meet U.S. Compressed Gas
Association (CGA) specifications.

In other countries, select gas regulators that conform to national or local codes.

2-Stage Regulator 1-Stage Regulator

Number Description Qty.
128544 Kit: Oxygen, 2-Stage * 1
128545 Kit: Inert Gas, 2-Stage 1
128546 Kit: Hydrogen (H5, H35 and Methane) 2-Stage 1
128547 Kit: Air, 2 Stage 1
128548 Kit: 1 Stage (For use with cryogenic liquid Nitrogen or Oxygen) 1
022037 Oxygen, 2-Stage 1
022038 Inert Gas, 2-Stage 1
022039 Hydrogen/Methane, 2-Stage 3
022040 Air, 2-Stage 1
022041 Line Regulator, 1-Stage 1

* Kits include appropriate fittings

c-2 HYPERTHERM Plasma Systems

Appendix D


In this section:
Noise Levels ...........................................................................................................................................................d-2

HT4400 Instruction Manual d-1


Noise Levels
Noise level measurements listed below for the HT4400 plasma system were taken from a distance of 39" (1 m), at
a height of 46" (1.2 m) from the torch. Sound levels may vary due to room acoustics, room size, material being cut,
cutting amps being used and other factors.

Torch Position Amps/Plasma Maximum dB

100 A/O2 111
200 A/O2 120
2.5” (63.5 mm) Above Water
300 A/O2 121
400 A/O2 124

3.0” (76 mm) Under Water 400 A/O2 106

200 A/N2 124

2.5” (63.5 mm) Above Water
400 A/N2 121

(1 m)

d-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Appendix E


In this section:

Mild Steel 400 Amps ...............................................................................................................................................e-2

Mild Steel 300 Amps ...............................................................................................................................................e-3
Mild Steel 200 Amps ...............................................................................................................................................e-4
Mild Steel 100 Amps ...............................................................................................................................................e-5
Stainless Steel 400 Amps .......................................................................................................................................e-6
Stainless Steel 200 Amps .......................................................................................................................................e-7
Aluminum 400 Amps...............................................................................................................................................e-8
Aluminum 200 Amps...............................................................................................................................................e-9

HT4400 Instruction Manual e-1

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 192.4 / 5448 61.2 / 1733
400 Amps Cutflow 152.5/ 4318 125.8 / 3562
Straight and Bevel Cutting to 45°
Note: Cut charts display straight cutting (90°) parameters

120786 120934 120939 120810

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield

MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/8** 135 .125 3 195 4950 .250 6 0.4
1/2** 138 .157 4 160 4060 .314 8 0.5
5/8 140 .157 4 120 3050 .314 8 0.6
3/4 142 .157 4 95 2413 .314 8 0.7
7/8 145 .188 5 80 2032 .375 10 0.8
68 4 6 8 25 34 40 33 48 64 43
1 145 .188 5 70 1778 .375 10 1
1-1/8 145 .188 5 60 1520 .375 10 1.4
1-1/4 148 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.9
1-1/2 150 .188 5 40 1020 * * *
2 175 .250 6 15 381 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
10** 135 3 .125 4718 186 6 .250 0.4
12** 138 4 .157 4301 169 8 .314 0.5
15 140 4 .157 3320 131 8 .314 0.6
20 142 4 .157 2298 91 8 .314 0.7
22 145 5 .188 2053 81 10 .375 0.8
68 4 6 8 25 34 40 33 48 64 43 25 145 5 .188 1806 71 10 .375 1
30 145 5 .188 1468 58 10 .375 1.2
32 148 5 .188 1386 55 10 .375 1.4
35 150 5 .188 1204 47 10 .375 1.9
40 155 5 .188 929 37 * * *
50 175 6 .250 421 17 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

** Cuts on these thicknesses may result in increased cut angle variation and surface roughness. Reduce cut speed by
5%-10% for improvement with some materials.
Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 74
PG2 43

e-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 194.2 / 5499 56.9 / 1611
300 Amps Cutflow 173.4 / 4910 115.6 / 3273

120786 120794 120913 120802

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds

1/4** 120 .062 2 190 4830 .125 3 0.3

3/8** 125 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 0.5
1/2 130 .157 4 120 3050 .314 8 0.7
5/8 135 .188 5 100 2540 .375 10 0.9
3/4 140 .188 5 80 2030 .375 10 1.1
47 2 8 8 13 40 40 17 47 45 47
7/8 145 .188 5 70 1780 .375 10 1.3
1 145 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.5
1-1/8 150 .188 5 50 1270 * * *
1-1/4 155 .250 6 45 1140 * * *
1-1/2 155 .250 6 35 890 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6** 120 2 .062 5108 201 3 .125 0.3
10** 125 3 .125 3871 153 6 .250 0.5
12 130 4 .157 3226 127 8 .314 0.7
15 135 5 .188 2681 106 10 .375 0.9
20 140 5 .188 1935 76 10 .375 1.1
47 2 8 8 13 40 40 17 47 45 47
22 145 5 .188 1796 71 10 .375 1.3
25 145 5 .188 1419 56 10 .375 1.5
30 150 5 .188 1213 48 * * *
32 155 6 .250 1134 45 * * *
35 155 6 .250 1014 40 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

** Cuts on these thicknesses may result in increased cut angle variation and surface roughness. Reduce cut speed by
5%-10% for improvement with some materials.
Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 72
PG2 43

HT4400 Instruction Manual e-3

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 202.4 / 5731 60.4 / 1710
200 Amps Cutflow 140.6 / 3981 111.4 / 3154

120786 120787 120791 120793

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 120 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 0.5
3/8 120 .125 3 100 2540 .250 6 0.5
1/2 125 .157 4 80 2030 .314 8 0.7
37 3 5 7 18 27 38 23 44 35 37 5/8 130 .157 4 70 1780 .314 8 0.9
3/4 135 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.2
7/8 135 .25 6 45 1140 .500 13 1.5
1 140 .25 6 35 889 .500 13 2.5

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6 120 3 .125 4301 169 6 .250 0.5
10 120 3 .125 2419 95 6 .250 0.5
12 125 4 .157 2151 85 8 .314 0.7
37 3 5 7 18 27 38 23 44 35 37 15 130 4 .157 1851 73 8 .314 0.9
20 135 5 .188 1331 52 10 .375 1.2
22 135 6 .25 1155 46 13 .500 1.5
25 140 6 .25 903 36 13 .500 2.5

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 59
PG2 33

e-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 134.3 / 3803 35.7 / 1011
100 Amps Cutflow 87.1 / 2466 68.9 / 1951

120786 120777 120783 120785

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/8 125 .094 2 240 6100 .188 5 0.3
3/16 125 .125 3 180 4570 .250 6 0.5
43 4 2 3 24 13 17 31 23 43 17 1/4 130 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 0.7
3/8 135 .157 4 85 2160 .314 8 0.9
1/2 135 .157 4 60 1520 .314 8 1.5

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
3 125 2 .094 6462 255 5 .188 0.3
5 125 3 .125 4355 172 6 .250 0.5
43 4 2 3 24 13 17 31 23 43 17 6 130 3 .125 3226 127 6 .250 0.7
10 135 4 .157 2056 81 8 .314 0.9
12 135 4 .157 1613 64 8 .314 1.5

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 88
PG2 16

HT4400 Instruction Manual e-5

Stainless Steel Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / N2 Shield N2
Preflow 235.9 / 6680
400 Amps Cutflow 237.7 / 6731

120786 120856 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 140 .125 3 195 4953 .250 6 0.3
3/8 140 .125 3 170 4320 .250 6 0.5
1/2 145 .157 4 140 3560 .314 8 0.7
5/8 150 .157 4 95 2410 .314 8 1
3/4 155 .188 5 70 1780 .375 10 1.5
60 43 35 40 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
7/8 160 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 2
1 165 .188 5 40 1020 .375 10 2.5
1-1/4 170 .250 6 30 760 * * *
1-1/2 180 .250 6 25 630 * * *
2 185 .250 6 13 330 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6 140 3 .125 5242 207 6 .250 0.3
10 140 3 .125 4113 162 6 .250 0.5
12 145 4 .157 3763 148 8 .314 0.7
15 150 4 .157 2713 107 8 .314 1
20 155 5 .188 1694 67 10 .375 1.5
60 43 35 40 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
22 160 5 .188 1411 56 10 .375 2
25 165 5 .188 1032 41 10 .375 2.5
35 170 6 .250 697 27 * * *
40 180 6 .250 585 23 * * *
50 185 6 .250 349 14 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 59
PG2 28

e-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Stainless Steel Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air N2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 211.4 / 5986 56.1 / 1589
200 Amps Cutflow 200.6 / 5680 36.6 / 1036

120786 120794 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/16 130 .125 3 135 3430 .250 6 0.4
1/4 135 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 0.5
3/8 135 .125 3 100 2540 .250 6 1
1/2 140 .157 4 75 1900 .314 8 2
43 34 30 40 0 5 8 27 45 37 36 5/8 140 .157 4 60 1520 .314 8 2
3/4 145 .188 5 45 1140 .375 10 2.5
7/8 145 .250 6 35 890 .500 12 3.0
1 150 .250 6 20 510 * * *
1-1/4 160 .250 6 15 380 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
5 130 3 .125 3266 129 6 .250 0.4
6 135 3 .125 3226 127 6 .250 0.5
10 135 3 .125 2419 95 6 .250 1
12 140 4 .157 2016 79 6 .314 2
43 34 30 40 0 5 8 27 45 37 36 15 140 4 .157 1628 64 8 .314 2
20 145 5 .188 1089 43 10 .375 2.5
22 145 6 .250 898 35 12 .500 3.0
25 150 6 .250 516 20 * * *
30 160 6 .250 415 16 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thickness.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 49
PG2 33

HT4400 Instruction Manual e-7

Aluminum Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / N2 Shield N2
Preflow 235.9 / 6680
400 Amps Cutflow 237.7 / 6731

120786 120856 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 135 .125 3 220 5588 .250 6 0.3
3/8 140 .125 3 195 4953 .250 6 0.5
1/2 145 .157 4 150 3810 .314 8 0.7
5/8 150 .157 4 105 2667 .314 8 1
3/4 155 .188 5 80 2032 .375 10 1.5
60 43 35 40 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
7/8 160 .188 5 65 1651 .375 10 2
1 165 .188 5 50 1270 .375 10 2.5
1-1/4 170 .250 6 40 1016 * * *
1-1/2 180 .250 6 30 762 * * *
2 185 .250 6 15 381 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

6 135 3 .125 5914 233 6 .250 0.3

10 140 3 .125 4718 186 6 .250 0.5
12 145 4 .157 4032 159 8 .314 0.7
15 150 4 .157 2968 117 8 .314 1
20 155 5 .188 1935 76 10 .375 1.5
60 43 35 40 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
22 160 5 .188 1668 66 10 .375 2
25 165 5 .188 1290 51 10 .375 2.5
30 170 6 .250 1085 43 * * *
40 180 6 .250 709 28 * * *
50 185 6 .250 405 16 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 59
PG2 28

e-8 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Aluminum Flow Rates @ 140 psi / 9.6 bar
(scfh / slh)
Air N2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 211.4 / 5986 56.1 / 1589
200 Amps Cutflow 200.6 / 5680 36.1 / 1036

120786 120794 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/16 130 .125 3 180 4570 .250 6 0.5
1/4 135 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 1
3/8 135 .125 3 120 4050 .250 6 1.5
1/2 140 .125 3 80 2030 .250 6 2
43 34 30 40 0 5 8 27 45 37 36 5/8 140 .157 4 70 1780 .314 8 2
3/4 150 .250 6 50 1270 .500 12 2.5
7/8 160 .250 6 35 890 .500 12 2.5
1 165 .250 6 25 630 * * *
1-1/4 175 .250 6 20 510 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
5 130 3 .125 4355 172 6 .250 0.5
6 135 3 .125 4301 169 6 .250 1
10 135 3 .125 2903 114 6 .250 1.5
12 140 4 .157 2151 85 6 .250 2
43 34 30 40 0 5 8 27 45 37 36 15 140 4 .157 1851 73 8 .314 2
20 145 5 .188 1210 48 12 .500 2.5
22 145 6 .250 898 35 12 .500 2.5
25 150 6 .250 645 25 * * *
30 160 6 .250 543 21 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 140 psi (9.6 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 49
PG2 33

HT4400 Instruction Manual e-9

Appendix F


In this section:

Mild Steel 400 Amps ................................................................................................................................................f-2

Mild Steel 300 Amps ................................................................................................................................................f-3
Mild Steel 200 Amps ................................................................................................................................................f-4
Mild Steel 100 Amps ................................................................................................................................................f-5
Stainless Steel 400 Amps ........................................................................................................................................f-6
Stainless Steel 200 Amps ........................................................................................................................................f-7
Aluminum 400 Amps................................................................................................................................................f-8
Aluminum 200 Amps................................................................................................................................................f-9

HT4400 Instruction Manual f-1

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 180.8 / 5118 60.4 / 1710
400 Amps Cutflow 138.6 / 3924 133.6 / 3780
Straight and Bevel Cutting to 45°
Note: Cut charts display straight cutting (90°) parameters

120786 120934 120939 120810

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield

MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/8** 135 .125 3 195 4950 .250 6 0.4
1/2** 138 .157 4 160 4060 .314 8 0.5
5/8 140 .157 4 120 3050 .314 8 0.6
3/4 142 .157 4 95 2413 .314 8 0.7
7/8 145 .188 5 80 2032 .375 10 0.8
72 4 6 8 28 35 40 34 46 70 43
1 145 .188 5 70 1778 .375 10 1
1-1/8 145 .188 5 60 1520 .375 10 1.4
1-1/4 148 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.9
1-1/2 150 .188 5 40 1020 * * *
2 175 .250 6 15 381 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
10** 135 3 .125 4718 186 6 .250 0.4
12** 138 4 .157 4301 169 8 .314 0.5
15 140 4 .157 3320 131 8 .314 0.6
20 142 4 .157 2298 91 8 .314 0.7
22 145 5 .188 2053 81 10 .375 0.8
72 4 6 8 28 35 40 34 46 70 43 25 145 5 .188 1806 71 10 .375 1
30 145 5 .188 1468 58 10 .375 1.2
32 148 5 .188 1386 55 10 .375 1.4
35 150 5 .188 1204 47 10 .375 1.9
40 155 5 .188 929 37 * * *
50 175 6 .250 421 17 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

** Cuts on these thicknesses may result in increased cut angle variation and surface roughness. Reduce cut speed by
5%-10% for improvement with some materials.
Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 76
PG2 42

f-2 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi / 8.3 bar
(scfh / slh)
O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 175.8 / 4980 63.6 / 1800
300 Amps Cutflow 143.7 / 4068 111.3 / 3150

120786 120794 120913 120802

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds

1/4** 120 .062 2 190 4830 .125 3 0.3

3/8** 125 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 0.5
1/2 130 .157 4 120 3050 .314 8 0.7
5/8 135 .188 5 100 2540 .375 10 0.9
3/4 140 .188 5 80 2030 .375 10 1.1
48 4 5 8 13 32 40 20 45 46 39
7/8 145 .188 5 70 1780 .375 10 1.3
1 145 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.5
1-1/8 150 .188 5 50 1270 * * *
1-1/4 155 .250 6 45 1140 * * *
1-1/2 155 .250 6 35 890 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6** 120 2 .062 5108 201 3 .125 0.3
10** 125 3 .125 3871 153 6 .250 0.5
12 130 4 .157 3226 127 8 .314 0.7
15 135 5 .188 2681 106 10 .375 0.9
20 140 5 .188 1935 76 10 .375 1.1
48 4 5 8 13 32 40 20 45 46 39
22 145 5 .188 1796 71 10 .375 1.3
25 145 5 .188 1419 56 10 .375 1.5
30 150 5 .188 1213 48 * * *
32 155 6 .250 1134 45 * * *
35 155 6 .250 1014 40 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

** Cuts on these thicknesses may result in increased cut angle variation and surface roughness. Reduce cut speed by
5%-10% for improvement with some materials.
Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 70
PG2 38

HT4400 Instruction Manual f-3

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 180.8 / 5118 57.2 / 1620
200 Amps Cutflow 123.4 / 3492 111.3 / 3150

120786 120787 120791 120793

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 120 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 0.5
3/8 120 .125 3 100 2540 .250 6 0.5
1/2 125 .157 4 80 2030 .314 8 0.7
37 3 5 7 18 27 38 23 43 35 36 5/8 130 .157 4 70 1780 .314 8 0.9
3/4 135 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 1.2
7/8 135 .25 6 45 1140 .500 13 1.5
1 140 .25 6 35 889 .500 13 2.5

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6 120 3 .125 4301 169 6 .250 0.5
10 120 3 .125 2419 95 6 .250 0.5
12 125 4 .157 2151 85 8 .314 0.7
37 3 5 7 18 27 38 23 43 35 36 15 130 4 .157 1851 73 8 .314 0.9
20 135 5 .188 1331 52 10 .375 1.2
22 135 6 .25 1155 46 13 .500 1.5
25 140 6 .25 903 36 13 .500 2.5

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 56
PG2 36

f-4 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Mild Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
O2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 123.4 / 3492 38.2 / 1080
100 Amps Cutflow 76.1 / 2154 68.4 / 1932

120786 120777 120783 120785

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/8 125 .094 2 240 6100 .188 5 0.3
3/16 125 .125 3 180 4570 .250 6 0.5
36 4 2 3 24 13 17 31 24 35 17 1/4 130 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 0.7
3/8 135 .157 4 85 2160 .314 8 0.9
1/2 135 .157 4 60 1520 .314 8 1.5

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

3 125 2 .094 6462 255 5 .188 0.3

5 125 3 .125 4355 172 6 .250 0.5
36 4 2 3 24 13 17 31 24 35 17 6 130 3 .125 3226 127 6 .250 0.7
10 135 4 .157 2056 81 8 .314 0.9
12 135 4 .157 1613 64 8 .314 1.5

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 77
PG2 17

HT4400 Instruction Manual f-5

Stainless Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / N2 Shield N2
Preflow 223.1 / 6318
400 Amps Cutflow 226.5 / 6414

120786 120856 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 140 .125 3 195 4953 .250 6 0.3
3/8 140 .125 3 170 4320 .250 6 0.5
1/2 145 .157 4 140 3560 .314 8 0.7
5/8 150 .157 4 95 2410 .314 8 1
3/4 155 .188 5 70 1780 .375 10 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
7/8 160 .188 5 55 1400 .375 10 2
1 165 .188 5 40 1020 .375 10 2.5
1-1/4 170 .250 6 30 760 * * *
1-1/2 180 .250 6 25 630 * * *
2 185 .250 6 13 330 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6 140 3 .125 5242 207 6 .250 0.3
10 140 3 .125 4113 162 6 .250 0.5
12 145 4 .157 3763 148 8 .314 0.7
15 150 4 .157 2713 107 8 .314 1
20 155 5 .188 1694 67 10 .375 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
22 160 5 .188 1411 56 10 .375 2
25 165 5 .188 1032 41 10 .375 2.5
35 170 6 .250 697 27 * * *
40 180 6 .250 585 23 * * *
50 185 6 .250 349 14 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 58
PG2 30

f-6 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Stainless Steel Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 199.4 / 5646 54.5 / 1542
200 Amps Cutflow 191 / 5406 47.7 / 1350

120786 120794 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/16 130 .125 3 135 3430 .250 6 0.4
1/4 135 .125 3 120 3050 .250 6 0.5
3/8 135 .125 3 100 2540 .250 6 1
1/2 140 .157 4 75 1900 .314 8 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 5/8 140 .157 4 60 1520 .314 8 2
3/4 145 .188 5 45 1140 .375 10 2.5
7/8 145 .250 6 35 890 .500 12 3.0
1 150 .250 6 20 510 * * *
1-1/4 160 .250 6 15 380 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
5 130 3 .125 3266 129 6 .250 0.4
6 135 3 .125 3226 127 6 .250 0.5
10 135 3 .125 2419 95 6 .250 1
12 140 4 .157 2016 79 6 .314 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 15 140 4 .157 1628 64 8 .314 2
20 145 5 .188 1089 43 10 .375 2.5
22 145 6 .250 898 35 12 .500 3.0
25 150 6 .250 516 20 * * *
30 160 6 .250 415 16 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thickness.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 49
PG2 36

HT4400 Instruction Manual f-7

Aluminum Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
N2 Plasma / N2 Shield N2
Preflow 223.1 / 6318
400 Amps Cutflow 226.5 / 6414

120786 120856 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
1/4 135 .125 3 220 5588 .250 6 0.3
3/8 140 .125 3 195 4953 .250 6 0.5
1/2 145 .157 4 150 3810 .314 8 0.7
5/8 150 .157 4 105 2667 .314 8 1
3/4 155 .188 5 80 2032 .375 10 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
7/8 160 .188 5 65 1651 .375 10 2
1 165 .188 5 50 1270 .375 10 2.5
1-1/4 170 .250 6 40 1016 * * *
1-1/2 180 .250 6 30 762 * * *
2 185 .250 6 15 381 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds
6 135 3 .125 5914 233 6 .250 0.3
10 140 3 .125 4718 186 6 .250 0.5
12 145 4 .157 4032 159 8 .314 0.7
15 150 4 .157 2968 117 8 .314 1
20 155 5 .188 1935 76 10 .375 1.5
63 45 36 41 0 0 0 34 36 49 30
22 160 5 .188 1668 66 10 .375 2
25 165 5 .188 1290 51 10 .375 2.5
30 170 6 .250 1085 43 * * *
40 180 6 .250 709 28 * * *
50 185 6 .250 405 16 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 58
PG2 30

f-8 HT4400 Instruction Manual

Aluminum Flow Rates @ 120 psi (8.3 bar)
(scfh / slh)
Air N2 Plasma / O2-N2 Shield N2 O2
Preflow 199.4 / 5646 54.5 / 1542
200 Amps Cutflow 191 / 5406 47.7 / 1350

120786 120794 120853 120855

Retaining Cap Nozzle Swirl Ring Electrode

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 Inches Volts in. mm ipm mm/m in. mm seconds
3/16 130 .125 3 180 4570 .250 6 0.5
1/4 135 .125 3 160 4060 .250 6 1
3/8 135 .125 3 120 4050 .250 6 1.5
1/2 140 .125 3 80 2030 .250 6 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 5/8 140 .157 4 70 1780 .314 8 2
3/4 150 .250 6 50 1270 .500 12 2.5
7/8 160 .250 6 35 890 .500 12 2.5
1 165 .250 6 25 630 * * *
1-1/4 175 .250 6 20 510 * * *

Test Preflow and Cutflow Adjust (psi) Test Test Pierce
Preflow Cutflow Material Arc Torch-to-Work Cutting Initial Pierce Delay
Verify (psi) Verify (psi) Thickness Voltage Distance Speed Height Time
Plasma Shield Plasma Shield
MV1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 MV6 MV7 PG1 PG2 PG1 PG2 mm Volts mm in. mm/m ipm mm in. seconds

5 130 3 .125 4355 172 6 .250 0.5

6 135 3 .125 4301 169 6 .250 1
10 135 3 .125 2903 114 6 .250 1.5
12 140 4 .157 2151 85 6 .250 2
44 35 30 40 0 5 8 28 44 37 36 15 140 4 .157 1851 73 8 .314 2
20 145 5 .188 1210 48 12 .500 2.5
22 145 6 .250 898 35 12 .500 2.5
25 150 6 .250 645 25 * * *
30 160 6 .250 543 21 * * *

* Piercing not recommended

Minimum inlet pressures remain at one setting of 120 psi (8.3 bar) for all material thicknesses.
Approximate pressures while cutting in RUN mode: PG1 49
PG2 36

HT4400 Instruction Manual f-9


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