Inglés Bachillerato-Answers1

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Use “be able to” o “can-could” como corresponda y luego convierta esta última en negativa.

Ejemplo: John can play piano very well.


a) John is able to play piano very well.

b) John isn’t able to play piano very well.

1.Peter can swim very well every day.

a) Peter is able to swim very well every day.

b) Peter isn’t able to swim very well every day.

2.I am able to dance in the theater.

a) I can dance in the theater.

b) I can’t dance in the theater.

3.He could pass a nice vacation in Alaska.

a) He was able to pass a nice vacation in Alaska.

b) He wasn’t able to pass a nice vacation in Alaska.

4.You can make the performance in the auditorium.

a) You are able to make the performance in the auditorium.

b) You aren’t able to make the performance in the auditorium.

5.They could do the exercises at the park.

a) They were able to do the exercises at the park.

b) They weren’t able to do the exercises at the park.

6.We are able to get finish the homework by tomorrow morning.

a) We can get finish the homework by tomorrow morning.

b) We can’t get finish the homework by tomorrow morning.

7.Mary could make a delicious cake for her birthday.

a) Mary was able to make a delicious cake for her birthday

b) Mary wasn’t able to make a delicious cake for her birthday

Asignación N° 2.- Canción “Imagine” de John Lennon (Beatles)

In the song "Imagine" John Lennon talks about a world of peace. He talks about
how the world should be: no war, all people equal, all people in harmony. The
world that the singer talks about in the song is a world that is in peace and
everyone is living together as one; sharing the world. The message of the
song "Imagine" is to show us that there is another way to live our lives; that we
don’t need to hate and kill but to learn to live in peace and harmony with each
other. “Imagine” a world of peace, without hate, without borders separating
nations and without religion. (109 palabras)

Asignación N° 3 TEXTO.
El siguiente texto obedece a diferencias de trato entre padres e hijos un tiempo atrás en
comparación a los días actuales.
“Problems between parents and children education begins at home and all the family can
solve them. Some years ago, children who are now parents were mastered, controlled and
manipulated by a primitive force but today things have changed. Nowadays,
communications can help us to solve conflicts. Many parents recognize that the old methods
of punishments based on fear, discrimination and guilt do not work.”
1) Where the problems of parents and children begin?
Problems between parents and children education begins at home

2) Who can solve such problems?

All the family can solve them
3) Is there any difference between children’s control today and yesterday?
Yes, nowadays communications can help us to solve conflicts and before children were
mastered, controlled and manipulated.

4) What are the methods of punishments mentioned in the text?

fear, discrimination and guilt
Asignación N° 4.
Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or
diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing serious complications.
How it spreads?
· There is not vaccine to prevent COVID-19.
· The best way to prevent this illness is to avoid Being exposed to this virus. By now, every
body have to stay at home.
· The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person, between people who are in
close contact with another (within about 6 feet).
· Through respiratory droplets are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or
· These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearly or possibly be
inhaled into the lungs.
· Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of
getting very sick.


Los adultos mayores y las personas que tienen severas condiciones médicas subyacentes
tales como el corazón o la diabetes parecen estar en mayor riesgo de desarrollar
complicaciones graves.
¿Cómo se propaga esto?
.No hay vacuna para prevenir el COVID-19.
.La mejor manera de prevenir esta enfermedad es evitar la exposición a este virus. Por
ahora, cada persona tiene que quedarse en casa.
.Se cree que el virus se expande principalmente de persona a persona, entre personas
que están en contacto cercano con otro (dentro de unos 6 pies).
.A través de las gotitas respiratorias se producen cuando una persona infectada tose,
estornuda, o conversa.
.Estas gotitas pueden aterrizar en la boca o nariz de personas que están cerca o
posiblemente ser inhalado por los pulmones.
.Mantener la distancia de los demás es especialmente importante para las personas que
están en mayor riesgo de ponerse muy enfermas
Asignación N° 5.
The satellite project began in 1 November 2005 when an agreement with China was
signed to develop this device which would open the way towards the technological
Independence of the country.
The Simon Bolívar satellite was put in orbit on 29 October 2008 to democratize access to
telecommunications, technology, education and science, especially in far flung places of
the country where reception is impossible.
The Simón Bolívar satellite platform is integrated into the National Telephone Company’s
network of terrestrial telecommunications and contributes to the development of social
programs such as tele-educations, telephony, Internet as well as FUNVISIS research
Besides a network of 35 seismic stations (with 24 –hours satellite connection), operates in
the country to monitor any telluric movement in Venezuela.
1) When did this satellite Project begin?
The satellite project began in 1 November 2005.

2) When was the Simón Bolívar Satellite put in orbit?

The Simon Bolívar satellite was put in orbit on 29 October 2008.

3) What does the Simon Bolívar contribute in?

The Simon Bolivar satellite contributes to the development of social programs such as
tele-educations, telephony, Internet as well as FUNVISIS research projects.

4) Besides a network of 35 seismic stations, The Simón Bolívar satellite operates in

the country to see birds and fishes? Is it true or false? Why?
False, it operates in the country to monitor any telluric movement in Venezuela.

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