Ses Ing 10.09-24
Ses Ing 10.09-24
Ses Ing 10.09-24
Grado y 10 al 13
Institución Educativa IE Saúl Cantoral Huamaní 1° A-B-C-D-E Fecha Duración 135’
sección setiembre
Área English Docente Silvia Rosa Sánchez Félix
Observe the words that are in the chart and listen and repeat before listen to the song.
construction WHILE-LISTENING 18´
Listen to the song and try to identify the words that were in the chart.
Characterized and complete the activity on the sheet.
Listen to the song and suppose their answers.
Listen again and check their answers.
Learning Relate the song and use it in their real lives.
transference Sing the song in the class and they can sing at home.
Evaluation Identify simple and specific vocabulary from the oral text. 5´
Feedback Reinforce some students’ doubts. 2´
OUTP Answer some questions.
UT Is it important in your daily life?
Metacognition 3´
Do you use it in your daily life?
Have you got any difficult in the learning development, and how did solve it?
Precise performance
Identify all the simple and specific information in the oral text.
Identify the majority of the simple and specific information in the oral text.
Identify something of the simple and specific information in the oral text. Check list.
Don’t Identify the simple and specific information in the oral text.
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Docente: Silvia Sánchez Félix Subdirectora
(See appendix 1)