Dos versiones de Caperucitas
Dos versiones de Caperucitas
Dos versiones de Caperucitas
El loLo se ecl'6 a correr con todrs sus tuerzas 'r
el mi s l ' r8o'
ci mi no n.l s corl o, v l i ni na se i nrel n6 P or
.,.'*"rl e"a*", r'l en';. en '^g'r rvcl bn'r' cn per"5-ri t
.",i p-", y en hrcer rami l l ercscon l as fl "res si l v c s trc s
6 r a seL In ave zu n r ch iq r r illad e p u e bl o,l am5sbo-
que i br enconl ranro
n ita q u e sep u cd dim r g in a r lsu m a dteestabaIoca ' ab"el a l l am"
loca todavla Esta bue tl t,bo 'arJa pocoen l l "gar a cra Je Ia
.or v .i'
"it" ^tr.t", -n. a l d pucrtd: |ff, rm
n a m u jct Ie m a n d iih r ce r !!i cip eruzr de coror
-(Qd,i r es7
roio, y le senrsbatan bien qLretodos conociana ni i o el l oho fi nei en' l o
R ol a' - i oyr"ni -r, r rp'r'ri rrR oi r
a o u clian i;a p o r e l n o m b ted c CapetLrci ta
l: voz-, que vengo a tr.erte rtna tortd )r un' orza dc mdn'
Un d ia str m a d r c,q u e a ca b a bade secardel
teca dc parte de mi mrdre
h o r n ou n a sto n a s,le d ijo : porlue no sc en
que me han La pobre abuela,que estrba en camr
- V cr e a ve r c6 m o se cn cu cn tr rln a b u e la,
de conrrababi en,l e gri t6:
dicho que estl algo nrrla; llCvrle una torta v €sta ona
-Desorre el cffojo
sc abri 6 S e
E l Iobo descofri 6el ccnoj o v l :r puerta
c rp "r ' ,c;r n Ro it ' e r u ' " in m "d ia r r m e nreen ctmi no l' dclor6 en ro
puebl o A l abahnz6 sobre la dcsventutadr muier v
o r r a i r a visita r a su a b u cla ,q u e vivia e n o ro q"" no
encontr.i con el compadrelobo' al abnr y r.rrrr 're oi '( l orque \ul a-rre"l '" 'o
p".". po. u" bo'q'.,." puerrr I fue a r'^'rrne' n' r
rnr, r .^",crro l r
t" .""rro. mtrchas ginas de com€rsela; pero no se "'a' r' Tr^:t
",.t c,..' dc rf'"a, x c'l erar que l l 'qrrr C rrr'ri tr
attevid, poque hrbia algtrnoslenadotespor alll cerca k
lo peli P cro despuesl l egd, e{ccti vamente, v l l amd a l a puerta:
Dreeunt; d6;de iba y la intcliz nifia, que ro sabia
,' .. p .r r r r c r h r r lr r r "r "n lo b o . I e di i o:
'. -,rOui 6n €s)
^ , . . "- V o ,, o v' r r m r ' r b ' n h l r r r ll' t' ' I" u na rorrt v un!
c,iJ".i," n.i"' al o{r la oscrra voz del lobo' tuvo al
o r z a de m a n te cr ,d e Pr r te d c m i m a d r e ' de
p'i ".i f.i ; ,. prx' de mi edo .pero ttr"eo acorddndoc
- l vivc m u y lcjo s tu a b u e h ) - p r e g u n t6 el l obo'
quc srrabrrehe'tnbaacatarrudr' rcl f4noro:
vil8iniry. Shc baf, unbrol.n.ssi shc is.3alcd shc h.s in(idc thcm, l. could g!a6nlcc to adv. at hd housc. g@d
hcr a negic stac rhc .ntrancc to which i3 shtrt tight wirh ! th'g of quart.r of.n hour lxfore sh. did, flotting his *?y through thc tndcF
.rnlbhne; s,rc ;s a.lord sys(cmj shc dc not knoq ho{ io shiv.r. srowth $irh his comprss, whilc sh. trudscd lhc lons *iy, alons fie
S h c hr s hd lniic.nd shc i!,fFid ofnor linE.
IIc. faih{ d;ght forbid hcr, ifhc Fcr. homc, but hc is aqtJ in th. I donl bdi c l c y ou. Ik s nhs , r r c n'r Iou i fr ui d ofr hd nol r s ?
forcsi, gr(h(inq sood, and h.r morhc. onnot dcny hcr. Il c onl y hntc d ( hc s l eam i nsbur r otni s s r i nned.
T hc fo.cst dos.d upon he.lilc 1t.; Is i t r bc tl he r s l ed hc r . Shal lN c m al c 1 ';nc .nd
s .m ..f i r ? \l hr t {i l l r o u
Thcrc i3 ilw,Is somc$ing to lml zt in $c,.!.n in the middlc give mc if I gct to y"ur Fmn(lmati{is hoos.l,ci.rc you?
of siftr - rh. huddl.d mounds of birds, sucomh.d to th.lcth.lgy of w hat r oul J y ou l i l el s hc .s k c d di s i r s c nuous l y .
rh. scrson,hsI'.d on rhc deling boughsrnd t@ fo.lorn io singi rh.
nrcr fungion thc bk{cicd runls ot$c rresi lfi. ( i nnontl {c c t ot. .us r i c s c dl c t;on; s l c l oqc .c d h( .y c , a n d
bright irills otthc
clfcifLtrm sloK of nbbit3 and d..., tlE h.rinsbonc trrcls of thc,ls, a harc rs len 2s. dshc. oth,con nr.atinS acro$ rhc 0rth Bhcrc llc $€nt through thc ud{srosrh and tmk hcr bisld \rith him but
the tl,in N.light ditl'16 rhc rusct bdles oflan yells b.ic!en. shc forsot to bc rfrlid orrhc bcins,ilthol8h now (he moon \',s.isiis,
$l,cn slrc hcar.l rhe trcczing hoNl of. disrant *r,li, h.r Facriscd n,r shc *lnred to dl1r(ll. on t,c. \r,y to mxlc suc rfic hrn(lsomc
h i fJ sfnns n) r hc hr n( llc of h.r lnifc, b!t dr c F* no s i s n ota v ol i l t gcnrlcm.n er!ld R;'r his \figcr.
all, r.r ofr n,l.d dln, neith*, bul thcn slt h€ardr cl.(fiin8lmong c hndn,or h* s hous s l m d by i ts el aal ntl c r ..y out ofthe \i l l i ! . .
th.\o.d and thde spnng on lo rh. p'1h . fully dorficd on.t a The rr.shly fall;ns sno* blcw in cddis abour il,c hchcn E. cn
( hey ou.s m l n s r c ttd ddi or dy !t r l r can.s y tdh r o r l . d.or s i 'nd
QI [rnLln)ne yolng on., in thc Srccn coar rnd {idc.ralc hit of I
hlnrcr, hdcn Nirh orclsscs of ginE bnds. Sh. hiJ hcr hrnd .n her $.r c r bc hnr r o gc t hi s fc c i s c i , $\i ngi ng hk bundl cofgam c and t h c
lnifc ar thc fi6t tusdc of t*;gs blt hc langhcd qith a flsl ot shn. 8nl's baslct rnil fiummins. lirl. func io h;msclf.
t.eth \rher hc s{ h* ,nd mtde hcr . comic yct flrtt.riltg litrlc bos; Thelc is d f,int tr,.. of blooJ on h;s cliin; hc hrs bccn snrchrs on
shc d n.vei secnntch a fin€ t€ll{nv bcfor., n.t.nrnng thc rusric clo$is
.fher nativc !illagc. So o. Ihey ftnt toge$er, throtgh fic thiclcning IIc htted uton r hc I) r nc l sr i th hk l nuc l l es .
litht ot drc rftcrn@n. ASeldll fliil, ganny is thrcelu:rtcrs succunntrJ to thc rn"nrlity
Soon thcy { €r e hushins,nd joling lilc r ld fr i c n,l s . $hc n h. tl c l c l c i n [( bonc stm m i s c s he r nd al nos t r c r d] r .r s i r c i i rd y .
off.r.d ro crry h* [astct, slc glvc it h hid.ltlu]8h h€r lnife was A boy crnrc oxi fton rhc vilhs. ro build up her hcirrh llr rhc night u
;n n bcouse h. told hcr his riflc woull trot.d thcm. As dt day hor r r go.nd th. l i tc hc n c n.l {l es \r i th bus y l ;di ght. Shc hs | c .
drlcncd, it b€gan to snow againi shc feh the 6sr fllkcs *rde on hc. Diblc for comfrnr, shc is r rn,us old slmrn. She is tiotrcd up on
cldtrshes hut nos the.e Ms only halfr milc to go rnd thcrc nould bc s * fi el ti l l N s i n r hc bc d s eti .r o thc s ,l l ter s nr - l i $i on, \du,nl r I
a 6rc, and hor 16, end. Rclcom., r stn onc, surely, for thc dNhing i n thc ttr tc h\fr k !ui l t s h. ni i ( !u h.i ,tc s 1,c\1s ni r i i k {1, D .,c y o s
lNntsmln 1s wcllas fo. h.6clf. rgo tl[n d,c crrcs h rcncmb.r. 1\\ o chinl sJu,id\ \ irh I \ *i,l'r" t ,l
'Illir yorng mn hid I rcnrtlxblc ohid in h; rcket. It rs a t'l .r dr s on l l r i r c oN ts r nd bh.k no* s s l .n ei the s i dcotthc l i r r r h rc .
(,n ,tr s. Shc lo.!d at r he littlc r ound shr s fac ei n r hc fal m of hi s Thcre is r brighr rtg of $orcn Bgs on thc tlnrilcs. Thc gnndf,rhcr
h:nd rnd ,ratcficd rlc n cring nccrlle *ith e v.src *ord(. llc cl(f,t ticks aw?y hcr crod;ng dnc.
a$r(d 1,.' rhis comrr$ h.d (ilcn him srfely rhtoush rhe $ood .n his \\c lc€p th. wohcs oulside by li!inq nell.
h u nr inl r r ;t b.c' ur r hc nccdlcxlniys vn( l him $ i r h ff,ftd...ui i c t IIc .ar pc d uton r he tl nek * i i h hi s hr i r y k i r c l l c s .
s l ,r ic r hc nr r r h r r . Shc dnl n( f!c ir id,e lnc 'v +. s hr l d nN c r It is rour Fnndd rAhrcr,hc ninictcd in a high soFrno.
l .N c ilr c titl, on r lic $r y r hn\' 8i, tl,. Nul or dt s l i c \ul d bc l i x r l - i i t r f thc htc h .nd $r l k i n, hy di ni i g.
i n \r .u( lf. Ilf l,fgr ,.{ i ii hcr .sr ini sl( m ing r ix h,'f r t r r l cdr nq r o hi s You can tcll thcn by rhc; cycs, clcs of a bcist of trc), noctuinrlr
rerh. I Ie sriJ, ithc tlungcd oilrhc prd, into thc lurc{ tlDt surourdel d.rNr,ting.y6 a rcd as. soundj you qn hurlyour lliblc tr hid and
,.*'"tlt'.'::,fftf :trflllltijltT.l
l;j{:ff I,l^iil
i:i:Il'. t:ft.ilil:li,T l::i::a,il:l"ii: .,.-."-
m'' i c-,
a;,^.,r" ,r.. _,i 'q;." 'tq r h"n
+.*"J "r ;,;;;i;; l;;ffi;:;i;i',;;;l; lll:
\l,h.r bjs.rms you h.E.
n r he hctkr r . hug
,nu q;r h.
q,.,r d n,,F h.,sr .d.
""lfil ' h. r ,ni ,tim i . 1 nuF i de r r ,c
"'!"# il:;f;T, ,.jsrh'oq'dhim
-,:l " l
r\n r o a r yo uF ir h .
' h .1 ..' r -
!tu h s
,r Inh
; :,.n1,,:,T,';
in ,h.6c"y qlc iir r * .""
'rr..n.,ra ' h.6r c,
d,ftcd rir.a_ai",,r.." iv,in,*i.i.:T;';,rr.i;:';i;
* *'" r rerrttcr.rrrrr';ng'iur
s\c a;,rno' 1rv
11.,,1".,1l', ;1h,_r,+ fl
[,]lil:,i,,. ^\,f f f,s.r,.,m.
,.;; t;x:tfi.:;:l*j:lT:,1H1:i;r,ll;i
"f,Ti:;;:;j:l ao;..*g".,,,"y,.-,,,,
,iili!lt"' ^',^t.' "t,t'.
1",6'piD(i,m.,i,;re;(;8.3* ,r,cn
iil.][;i::;1":ll;l]t"" -^rusi'nor,rq,'i;n,"
lJ\..( ' fr 1 { i,l.r t, i. ( hr is,.
,s ,,j v , r hc R .,..
*. a-,.f,hcsorsrie
-.1 1 i l l ';i h,.,.n {,nJsw,dc.rcnr h,rhan
llilli,ll_1.'',, ,,r
*' sr"psinsnnnv's
tjcd,€cn ,h.p.!3