Cualquier productor con un mínimo de un (1) empleado deberá contar con una
forma de representación de los empleados, que se pueda aplicar para cumplir
con los requisitos GRASP, como se indica en los diferentes puntos de control
con respecto al representante de los empleados (RE).
Esta forma o representación puede tomar cualquier forma, podría ser: Una
persona, grupo de personas, varias personas designadas temporalmente,
líderes de las distintas formas de asociación dentro del centro de trabajo tales
como: Asociaciones solidaristas, civiles, comités ad-hoc, sindicatos, comité de
salud y seguridad ocupacional, cooperativas, o cualquier otra que ellos elijan.
La forma de representación definitiva debe ser la que sea más eficiente para
cumplir con todos los CPs GRASP, y donde varios puedan coexistir siempre y
cuando uno esté al tanto de los roles y responsabilidades de GRASP.
Ver también Código de Trabajo de Guatemala Decreto No. 1441, Título Sexto
y, CIPDTMF: Art. 26.a) COIT 11: Art 1 COIT 87: Arts. 2 COIT 98: Arts. 1, 2, 3 y
4 COIT 110: Art. 62 COIT 141: Arts. 3.1) y 3.4) CPRG: Arts. 34 y 102.q)
DADDH: Art. 22 Decreto 71-86 del Congreso de la República DUDH: Arts. 20
y 23.4 PIDCP: Art. 22 PCADH: Art. 8.a
2 Is there a complaint and A complaint and suggestion The workplace must have an internal work regulation, in which the technical and
suggestion procedure procedure appropriate to the administrative rules. necessary for the proper functioning of the establishment,
available and size of the company exists. The are stated, within which are those related to the submission of complaints which
implemented in the employees are regularly should be submitted to the people appointed by the establishment, indicating
company through which informed about its existence, the way in which they must be formulated.
employees can make a complaints and suggestions can
be made without being
Artículo. 60, incisos f. Relativo a reglamentos interiores de trabajo;
presentación de quejas.
3 Has a self-declaration The management and the The self-declaration on good social practices and human rights of all
on good social practice employees’ representative(s) employees contains a commitment with the national legislation: Political
regarding human rights have signed, displayed and put Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala Article 4; Labour Code Article 151
been signed by the in practice a self-declaration and with the fundamental ILO labour agreements, ratified by the Government
management and the assuring good social practice of Guatemala.
employees’ and human rights of all
representative and has employees. This declaration ILO Agreements Ratified by Guatemala
this been communicated contains at least commitment to Agreement / about Ratified
to the employees? the ILO core labor conventions 111 discrimination 11 / 10 /1960
(ILO Conventions 111 on 138 Minimum Age (specified minimum age 27 / 04 /1990
AUTODECLARACIÓN discrimination, 138 and 182 on 14 years)
DE BUENAS minimum age and child labor, 29 182 worst forms of child labour 11 / 10 / 2001
PRACTICAS and 105 on forced labor, 87 on 29 Forced Labour 13 / 06 / 1989
SOCIALES. freedom of association, 98 on 105 Abolition of forced labour 09 / 12 / 1959
La autodeclaración de the right to organize and 87 Freedom of association and protection 13 / 02 / 1952
buenas prácticas collective bargaining, 100 on to the right to unionize
sociales en lo referente a equal remuneration and 99 on 98 Labour Union y Collective Bargaining 13 / 02 / 1952
derechos humanos, ¿ha minimum wage) and transparent 100 Equal remuneration 02 / 08 / 1961
sido comunicada a los and non-discriminative hiring
empleados y firmada por procedures and the complaint 99 Method for setting minimum wages 04 / 08 / 1961
la administración de la procedure. The self-declaration (agriculture)
explotación y por el states that the employees´
representante(s) de los representative(s) can file
See reference:
empleados? ¿Han sido complaints without personal
Leyes Constitucionales:
Leyes Ordinarias:
Artículo 33. Relativo a: Contrato para prestar servicios fuera del domicilio del
El auditor debe verificar que toda la información solicitada por las leyes locales
sea transparente y comprensible para los trabajadores en los documentos.
Los registros deben conservarse al menos durante 24 meses.
7 Do pay slips / pay Wages and overtime payment Wages must start in the range of the in force minimum wage and must always
registers indicate the documented on the pay slips / include the bonus by law established in decree 78-89 (amended by decree 37-
conformity of payment pay registers indicate 2001).
with at least legal compliance with legal
regulations and/or regulations (minimum wages) The minimum wage for agricultural activities, is set through the work carried
collective bargaining and/or collective bargaining out by the respective joint commission and the national wage commission and
agreements? agreements as specified in the is formalized by means of Governmental Agreement.
GRASP National Interpretation
SALARIOS. Guideline. If payment is The above can be found regulated in the following quotation:
¿Se encuentra el calculated per unit, employees
contenido de los recibos shall be able to gain at least the
de pago/listas de pago legal minimum wage (on WORK CODE
en conformidad con las average) within regular working Articles 38, 39. Related to: Collective employment contract.
normas legales y/o los hours.
El salario mínimo para actividades agrícolas, se fija a través del trabajo que
realiza la comisión paritaria respectiva y la comisión nacional del salario y se
oficializa mediante Acuerdo Gubernativo.
8 Do records indicate that Records indicate compliance In Guatemala, it is considered that work must be for people who have reached
no minors are employed with national legislation the majority age, when they begin their productive life. It is considered feasible,
at the company? regarding minimum age of in some cases, the employment of young people over 14 years of age,
employment. If not covered by provided that these contracts comply with law requirements.
NO EMPLEO DE national legislation, children
MENORES below the age of 15 are not For GRASP compliance in Guatemala, no young worker (between 14 and 18)
¿Indican los registros employed. If children -as core shall work in any activity that is is dangerous to their health and
que no se emplean a family members- are working at safety, jeopardizes their development or prevents them from finishing their
menores de edad en la the company, they are not compulsory school education.
empresa? engaged in work that is
dangerous to their health and Children or young workers of company management shall be included in the
safety, jeopardizes their GRASP assessment
development or prevents them
from finishing their compulsory The above can be found regulated in the following quotations:
school education.
Los registros indican que se
cumple la legislación del país Article 102 subsection L. Minimum social rights of labour legislation. Related
acerca de la edad mínima de to the prohibition to employ minors for activities incompatibles with their
empleo. Si la legislación del país physical capacity or that endangers their moral education.
no cubre este aspecto, los niños
menores a 15 años no son WORK CODE:
empleados. Si hay niños Articles 147-151. Related to women and minor work.
trabajando en la empresa – en
calidad de miembros de la Other rules:
familia - ellos no realizan
trabajos que representen un Decree No. 27-2003. Law for the Integral Protection of Children and
riesgo para su salud y Adolescents amended by Decree No. 02-04.
seguridad, que afecten su
desarrollo o que impidan que Governmental Agreement No. 250-2006. Regulation for the application of
concluyan la educación escolar ILO Convention Number 182, on the Worst Forms of Child Labour and
obligatoria. Immediate Action for its Elimination. The specified minimum age is 14 years.
Artículos. 147-151. Relativos a: el trabajo de las mujeres y menores de edad
Otras normas:
Artículos. 57-60. Relativos a: Reglamentos interiores de trabajo.
Artículo 121. Relativo a: Jornada Extraordinaria
Artículo 123 Relativo a: Registro de pago en libros de trabajo ordinario y
Class and limits of working days. According to article 116, the daytime
effective working hours cannot exceed eight working hours per day or forty-
four hours per week.
Effective night ordinary working hours cannot exceed six working hours per
day or thirty-six hours per week.
Effective working time is one in which the worker remains under the
employer´s orders.
Daytime work is the one executed between six and eighteen hours of the same
Night work is the one executed between eighteen hours of a day and six hours
of the next day.
Daytime regular working hours will be of forty-five hours equivalent to forty-
eight hours for payment purposes solely.
Trabajo diurno es el que se ejecuta entre las seis y las dieciocho horas de un
mismo día.
Trabajo nocturno es el que se ejecuta entre las dieciocho horas de un día y las
seis horas del día siguiente.
¿Qué otros tipos de
beneficios sociales
Control Point 1:
Article. 62, subsections “C and D”. Employer prohibitions: related to compelling and influencing
workers to enter or withdraw from legal groups or in their political or religious decisions.
Punto de control 1:
Artículo. 62, subsecciones "C y D". Prohibiciones del empleador: relacionadas con obligar e
influenciar a los trabajadores a ingresar o retirarse de grupos legales o en sus decisiones políticas o