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Bass Grade 1

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'sbuos pallalas aLll p11 0urnetbrle3 Aq pue;6u3 ut palutrd

ur pessaldxa sMat^ Jo suotutdo aqt Jo aslopua lo ldope

'r-l1M :eqsrlqnd eLlJ Jo uotsslrxlad lor.rd aql lnoqltm sueau Aue Aq to uu.to1
Jlaslr alenosse lou saop firur.1 'peuleel
^ue aq lsnu snqe;;As
s1q1 ul sbuos lle leLll luaualrnbal ou st ataLll ,aJeme aq lltm Aue ur pernpolde: lo pardor aq Aeu uorlerr;qnd srql 1o lled oy
nol sy 'pauloluol sluapnls aLll Jol aleudoldde ele sOuos 1eba111 s; 6urAdoooloqd pestroqlnpun
papolas 1o
srul; aLll leql sa^lasuaql Alsrles o1 luaurabpnl 0Z0Z laqule^oy'uorssaldu.rr plrql
umo Jraql ostf,JoxosJorlleol pue slualed leql puauulolal aM pll ssaid uopuol abal;o3 11;u;1 21971qbrLAdo3 g
'sJauleal tabunoA Llltm asn JoJ elqpllnsun purl
auos tutot'oqoqdloogqbr;'1oo11q0ll alnZ Iq Iqder6oloq6
leql legalput apnllut Aeu sbuos elll leql e;qrssod sr 11
'6ur6ue;;eqr to a^tsualJo purl Aeul euros
leql Jaileu pafqns tZlgZL6O 'ou Aueduo3
Lllril sleap A;1uanball trsnul le;ndo4 'a;qrssod se A;Je:r1uaqlne pue;0u3 ur pelalsrbag
pue A;aso;r se s6urp:o:al ;eur6r.ro ,slstile aq1 luaseldal o1
pabue:le uoaq a^eLl snqe;;As dod S IloU s,A1ru1.r1 ur s6uos eq1 r.uoc'eba; Jo:A1r u r.r1
pl-'l ssard uopuo"l a0e1;o3 A1rur.r1
:etueplnc Jaqreel pue lelueJed Aq peqs!tqna
ssSud NocNot l9lttof
]r't0c')tc0ulltiiluI lP pue dodoilucou,{ililtuv3| )tcou-^ilNtur@/F dodoNv)lcou^ilNtuvEl
:IU 1Nl1N0 Sn Nl0r
Atlsnpur llsnu ar.ll TJJoJJ alnpe pue anbruqral 6utdolanap 'sa;A1s ;e:1snr.u 'sdt1 arueulol:ed uo slsod bo;g .
dod pue llol Jo abpalmoul lnoA aseaL:ul ol'slleJl aql uo ,solou s,JolnpoJd' .
souos aql ut posn sanbguq:a1 uo suprrrsnu ;euorssa;o.td uLo.t1 sdti apnllul leql soap!^ pazls-all8 o
:bu1ln1ee; s;euogssa;old Atlsnput uoli $1lll] pue sd11 ssalle uel noA
AllsnPul llsnul aqf .
slll),1s uorssos .
anbruqralpuealueulJoJled'sbuo5 .
:uo lualuoJ ;e110lp pue all^pe ']Joddns pull lllM no^
.autluo olqpltene ,It1snpul ltsnu.l alll rloJ; uolleutolur Japrsur noA ant6 pue bututea; tnoA i.toddns ol saJJnosal leltbtp io ebuel p paleol) aAeLl aM
ll0c')|c0uAIlNluI IU Iilllll0 lcNlluldxl d0d B )lc0u 1'lt|l lHI tlc
suluu ]]u sslccu
uor.1totA1lu1Jl rxolj papeoluMop aq uer sa;duexa aaJJ pue slooq s//,lys uo/ssas lno ul alqelle^e eJe slsel alouleS
'paeu sJaulJo1ted Allsnpur trsnu sanbruqrai eql do;anep noA dlaq o1 pau0lsep eLe Aeql'uexe do6 3 yloS Alena 1o ped ;e;luassa ue ale slllIS uolssos
'6ulsgno:dutg -io lceqAeld Jaqlla asootlf
s]'ll)ls N0lssls
'sluau.lalo lelluqlal rtltrads oml la^ol qrlL.lM 'Iooq
stql uolJ sbuos Snrol leltuLlJal oLll Jo euo osoorll 'a:ueurolred ut senbtuq:a1 luenalal pue :tltlads dolenap noA dlaq o1 paubtsap st g 6uo5
sncol lvclNHclI:e cilos
turo:'y:orAltuul le slalaueled aq1 Lllleul pue 1ooq slql ut sOuos
aql se la1al aules aLli le aq plnoLls Jl 'uollum aneq noA 1eq1 0uos e io uolslaA lanol uMo rnoA aq plnol sltll :1;aslnoA uasoLll aneq noA buos e lo
urot'>lrollllurJl alqeltene 'slueua0ue::e do4 3 yrog A1ruu1 leuotltppe lo ]sll alli tuoJl 6uos e lo
Iooq slLll tuo.t1 6uos luelaJJ!p e )aqla asooql
z cll0s
'Iooq slql uo.t1 6uos e asoor-ll
l Cll0s
.lstl noA uexa lnoA u1
las tnoA 1o laplo aLll osooql uel no1 'sluaussassp sll!).ls uotssas aql Jo ouo pue sbuos aalL1l Jo 1as e ulollad ;;tm
0r0nu lHI
9e st$vd d'llH
8e lUU ntl,t )NrHl no,t lUlC IHI loN
EZ lu,\rNl)|r011nfl
97, s)t]ur 1'1il|]
sfi3bl rvc!Nr{$1I tz 1't01 HIiln []'l1l8u1
LI ,\'H 0r NUUl'l
sr|3'ol 'tucl${l.l31l 8t cNl)100'l Isnr
s[|cbi 1v$ffi{lt3l.L I NVlt 111'lls
'u0rle spueq aqi dlaq ol )1JoMla6utl leau JoJ ulre os'Ileq saulol
leualeu.l 6utuado
aLll ro^ouoqM pue 0utuado aq1 1e ebualleLll e st uolleulpJooJ 'snJolll-ald aq1 1e
lepaleur lrpolau 'Llloor.us eql pue lJels orll 1e stenenb Altef lsou;e 'e1e:edas aq1
ueeMleq lserluol reolr e a)ipul ol paeu ;;,n01 'buos srql ur lueltodLUt st uollelnrlpv
UolleUlplool .
uollelnlllrV .
:buos srql ur parnleol aJe sluauola sntoJ lelrurllal oMf
'spJeMV lrsnn ueluaurv lqbla pup spJeMV AuuLerg lqbra
paluaperardun ue burpnllul 'spleMe snoJaulnu dn payrld unqle aql pue al6uts
alll tllog
'IleMUooLU aql'onoul etuep oJnlpubrs srq auoreq plnom leLlm poltoAUn
oq qlrqM buunp'aldoed uolllr.Lt Og ueql aJoLU ol leoA leql Aen ut ]selpeoJq
'lellads AI Ja^ilol 'Aepo1 'Aeptalsa1 :EZ uMoJoW eq1 uo 6uos aq1 paulol:ad
AlqerouJaur uosllef'l'oN poqleal peLl ]t lelJe A;uo pue hln uo uorlelol Aneaq
uanrb eq ol lsrlre Ilelq olos e Aq 1str1 aql spM oaprn burAuedulolle sll 'talel
sqluotu oml sUeLll se;burs yn pue Sn oLll do1 o1 uo 0u;00 pue gg51 Atenuel ur
unqle oLll ral1e qJuotu e posealal 'talllJtll u.ro:; a;burs puolas oql sem,ueal otlltg,
A-rolsrq ur urnqle bur;;as-1saq aql JoJ pJolal plloM aq] )jeelq plnoM
'Jailuql s,Z86; Jo asealer oql qllm 'pue Jalel reaA e leeler olos stq uebeq ep '9161
ur sa;0urs inoJ lsrU iraql q]tM Sn aql ul sllLl !'oN palols a^U uosllel oql uor.lM
'11 ;o abe eql ulorl Jels e sem uo$1lef laeLlltl 'do4 1o 6u1y paulel:otd-11as aql
NOSytVt -ltvH9tr,t :9tsnn oNv squo^
snlol rvlrNHrrt
f,"I"1 preuoal leH Jo uolssrulJad Aq palutldag'pa^rasau slq6!U llV'painlas lq6!r^dof, leuolleuralul
Gfzlt NI 'all!^tlseN 'OOZ[ allns 'learls ttllnql
tzt 'l1l 6urqstlqnd rrsny{ AlV/AuoS i{q paralslulLttpv stq0lU llV
rrsnyl relty'1 79516
f/ui#l /tlf f/tl#l /ul:l
" 'zll
f/ttrfl f/Lu#l Lwa f/ujfi1 rrlf
f/tlfl /Lttf f/urfl tul ll/utfil2u3
(u1-trmoc sreq1) 80I =
f dod
NOSvlvr llvHllf\:Jlsnn oNv souoM
NUlt 111118
snloj lvllNHlll
f /ur#l /urf
'ql6uel llnt Jlorll Jot pleq
eg plnoqs qolq/n 'surlullrr Pollop poulelsns outos sernleel snJoqr oql 'leaq aql uo
{;eslcerd laqrloJc qcea ece;d ol peeu osle ll,no1'uo!sJe^ leu;0;lo aql to leet 6u;n;rp
Al1ueb eq1 ernldec ol eseql ueo,\ leq uolleledas lo lunoure 1q611 eq1 Allcexe pu;;
ol pesu ;;,noA pue'sseg eq+ Jol sloqrloJc peleedel Jo lol e saJnleol 6uos s111
sdrr lcNVl,lru0ruld /
u! buos IloU lsag roj preMv AuLuerg p JoJ poleuruou seM pue ouos arnleubls
s,pupq aql aurolaq seq lr 'llsrLurl0o pue snorournLl 'ALlllel'aseolal lerlrur sl JolJe
sr_lluouj xrs ]sotrle lreql slleJf IloE urapon pleoqllrg aql peddol ,uo leoll, pup
'aLrole Sn aql ur sordol uorllrur g'1. rano lles sfiaN ppg arM otlM a1doa4 Jol s^4aN
poog pedleq ssallns 6uru:nq-mo;s s,buos eq1 'snJoql eq1 1o a0esseu enllgsod
aq1 Aq 1as11o are Lllrr.lM sdeqsru
Jo raqu.rnu e slrelap 6uos eqi 'uqlAqr 0utdurols e
oj 'umopleaJq sno^Jou e 0urnno;;o1 pueq aq] uoij uaarC 1o arnlredap Arerodural
eql pue spuolrJ asoll oml lo r.ilpop eq1 burmol;o1 telsesrp Jo elel atll ul epls lr.t6lrq
eql 1e burlool ol apo ue ',uO Jeoll, alJM o1 perrdsur sen llorE leesl ueurluorl
's^4aN peg a^o-t or.lM a1doa4 JoJ s^4oN poog qbnorqlleoJq lenrauurol ?OOZ
aql 'urnqle Lllrnol raql ro1 relrnb uo pueq eq1 peurof nrnlleg uueC roleroqellol
raurol 'alileas 'uo1ourqsen4 ur (sLunJp) uaaic LlprtxaJel pue (sseq) Apnf lul
'Qei;nblsleron) IJorg reesl Aq parrtroJ '2661. olurs burob ueaq a^eq osnon lsapon
-l3Yl3i Nlt/,lVfNfS
AOnt Stut 'tJf,n]''tvc NNVc 'y90ug f,vvst :ttsnn oNV scuotrl
)"1"1 preuoa'l leH io uorssrurJad Aq paluudau 'pa^Josau slqblu llv 'paJnles lq6uldof, leuolleuralul
5LZLt Nl_ 'allr^qseN 'oozt allns 'laarls qlrnqf, tzt'f,"1"1 burqsllqnd rlsnri Afv/Auos Aq paralslurulpv sltlblu llv
uMof ul uallrrlf, passarc lss8 aql pue lrsnn rpnLllsl'e^ouPsel 'f,-l"l bulqsllqnd llsnl^ AIV/Auos t00z o
urv tilv
jl 'rl
(ur-1unoc sreq 7) tOI= alpul
f {ro{
tlvEM Ntr{vfNr8'Acnr f,ldl
'|]lnttvc NNVc
'ylou8 lvvsl
:ttsnil oNv souot\,I ito IU0ll
luJV ulv
3l rl
'pnol pue llos
uaaMlog lselluot unutxeut JoJ ule os '6uos aq] lo eueJp aLll Jol lueuoduJ!
aJe asaLlf 'sz req p d olqns palladxaun up 6utpnllut 'a^lasqo ol sclrlleu^p lo
abueJ eprM e osle sr aJaqf 'uellrJM s! slql alaqM solou oMl aLll uo lualle pJeLl
e pue uorsnoJd e1a;du.rot qllm Aeld ol poau ll,no1 llloru paledocuAs 'paluacce
up sAeld sseq aql araLlM'snJoq3 aq1 1e steadde 6uos srql 1o 11rL etnleubrs aq1
uorledoluAs peluarlv .
:Ouos srql ur parnlpal are sluauala snloJ lelruLllal omf
st|cbl luctNHclr
'Zn pue rnlg 'srseo'stsauoC'VggV'utteddez pal 'selleag aq1 bureq uanes
snotne.td eql'yn oql ul sunqle ['oN a^tln]asuol aAU alols o] pueq qlqOra aq1 Aluo
ourproq s:1uoqdoere15 LOOZUI 'sardor uollllrx 9'Z Ja^o llas ol uo luom l! pue 'spJpMV
10ue:.tey aLll le srnouoq pueE LtslltJg ]sog pue unqlV lsog uom pueq aLl] lalel Llluorx
V'paqsrlor.Ijap seM il eJoJoq AlUoLls'eosueMS ul untpels elJol\ AlDedel-000'09
aLll lp Morls au!lpeaq e qlrm reaA 1eq1 A1n1 lt uo ssallns srql pelerqalal
pueq aLff 'yn aLll ul l.'oN ol rJrnqle eLll bug;ladold 'sile4)o) pue auewJoJJad
s,666t'uJnqle puolas ,s:ruoqdoe:e1s Jo ppaqe pasealaJ sem ,6ur1oo1 1sn;
'enr1 do1 eLll paLllear aneq sa;buls Jlor..ll Jo ual pup sueLlt yn eq1 peddol aneq
sunqlp orpnls auru s,pueq aLll lo xrS'sauof A;;ay talr.rmbuos pue lsrJeltnb'ra6urs Aq
p0l are pue Z66lul paurlo1 srruoqdoatel5'saleM lsam-L,l1nos ur abe;;rn e uotl 6u1;1eg
snlol tvltNHllr
f,l"l preuoal leH Jo uorssrurrad Aq palulJdau 'parnlas lq6|lAdol lpuotleurelul 'pa^rasal slqbtr llv
'pl"l sales rrsny! Aq paralsrurulpe pue pallolluol sarJoltrral laqJo llv
uolssil.xJed Aq pasl 'pan:asau slqblu llv
'lNr 'cNtHsnSnd "rvNotrvNullNt r{vucltod - tvsulAtNn
Aq palels;u;upy pup palloJluof, epeueJ pue salels paltun aq1 ur s1q6r6 11y
'c]"r Stsnn slNoHdolulIs 866r o
zsnsc c
(ur-1unoc sr€q Z) 86: f {Jo_U
slNot At-ily:f,tsnt{ oNV souo,t
cilr)|001 rsnt
snfol -lvfrNHllr
zsnsc c
zsnsc c
RJ I nln
'Aaetnace rol ebue;;ega leull e Jel;o sreg o,l l lsel aql'scluteuAp uolllJ^ aql
u! polceller sl r.lclr.lA\'sp;1nq 6uos slrll ,t oq lo ssouoJel e ue pue uolsleald 1o lenal
q6;q e peeu ynoA'y7-21 sJeg lo srenenb peleodel eql Jo snroqc eq+ lo se^erglures
peulelsns eq1 '6uluedo eq1 ;o uqggl peledocuAs eq1 bu;Ae;d ele noA rorllotl6
'sseq eql uroJl luotulltruroc pue Acelncoe sellnbel 6uos bulnglp Allec;uqlAql s;91
sdtl tcNU|,rlu0rurd /
'rarlree sLlJUor.u
aarql rnouoLl Jlarll ul paAeld peq suentsnu OOO'[ alll leq] 6uos aql Ll]lM 0u;uado
pue glOZ requra^oN t uo aleLll burulo;led'lsonbal aql pernouoq A;np pueq aq1
'A1r: rraql ur MoLls e Ae;d pue aruor ol pupq aLll o1 ee;d e luas Aaql 'OOOl,utlrou
poLueN '41e11 ulaqlrou 'euosal u1 Ouos aq1 buruu.rolled sleuunlp pue slstsseq
's1sue1n0 'sraOurs lo spaJpunq buunleel aqnlno uo paqs;lqnd sem oapt^ e'glOZ
,llnt Og uO 'oapr^ 6uruurnrr-ptenry Auuetg 'il.lol aql Aq lted aLUos ut padlaq 'Sn
eql ul llr.l 97 do1 1srr1 raLll paljJerrl ,A;1 o1 ulee1, 'stql alolaq aptMplloM sltLl lo
raqrl.rnu e parols peq pueq eq1 qbnoql;y'asol oJ lJal 1ultlloN s aJar.l!s,6661
'unqle p;tq1 ,sragqbrj ool aql uoll a;buls peol oql se poseolel sem ,A;g ol uleel,
'aplMpUoM spueq Ilor tsabblq s,Arnlue:
lslz aql Jo auo auroraq a^eLl pueq eql '1sue1rnb pue ueulluol1 se lqoJC r.lltM
'pelrnb) llaljlqS slrql pue (surnrp) sulIMeH lol^ef '(sspq) lapuan aleN '(rplnb)
reous ]ed apnllur o1 nnorb p;nom sralq0rl ool 'uteqol lJny Jo r.llpap aq] 0urmo;;o1
lratord olos e sp V66lul lqoJC o^eq lauunlp euenltN Aq pepunol A11er1ru1
sNtyt vH uol^vl
'-'llcNlr,l SlvN '''tHou9 tAvo :Jtsnn cNV souoM
palru.r"l sales llsnr{ lo uotsstultad Aq pasn.f,l-l plpuoa-.I
leH Jo uotsstullad Aq pa+utJdau
uorssil..rirad Aq pasl 'pan:asau slqblu llV
l"l"t (Sn) INlli{lgvNvy\ S1HCIU CIAE Aq paratsruil.upv f,tSnn y{UOJUVI CNtl..U roj str..lbtu llv
dUOl ltsnN'tVSUlAlNn Aq paralsrurtlpy pue pallorluoJ ltsnf,l ylOU V UtCNn gNjAt..l ro1 sltlblu 1V
f,lSnW l^"llMl 'l'l/\l pue f,lsnht nUOlUVl CN|A'U 'f,tSnht ylOU V UICNn CNtAI"t 566t O
s#l ,Z'II TT
l f zur#l /rJ#J
'zll 'r I
'z .I /rufJ
(ur-1unoc sr?q Z) 9tI = r {roll
sNtyMVH dOtAVt'tlqNln llvN 'tHouc lAVc
:f,tsnn oNv souotn AtJ 0r iluuil
rsnsfl =/E
(sleoder qlrM)
upoJ BpoJ IB'S'C
upo3 o1
req qleo
u! readde leql slsal Ja^enb eLll a^Jasqo ol olel alel ol paau ll,no^ pue'buos slLll
u! lueuodLur oslp aJe sqlbuol oloN 'Moll aLll ]dnlJalut lou saop rpq aLl] ]eql alns
aleu oJ peou osle ll,no^ '0ulMS paxelal oLll Apoquo plnoLls lplnlliJed ut sJa^pnb aqf
'srql 6urleaJl ur oloi lueyodLu! ue sAeld sseq oLll pue'laal Dupns e seq buos s1r.11
sq16ue1 alop .
:Ouos srql ur paJnleal ale sluauala snioJ lelluqlal oMl
sr|cbr lucrlrHclr
':a1eJ sreaA om1 peuado qrrqm
sbuos rraql uo paseq lelrsnu e toJ alltl eql qllm llooJqllI pue pJoJJtC peprnold
oslp ,a^ol rlllM pallaqpl, 'Sn eLli oi Ileq uaql ).jool pue sltr0 qsr10u3 palJJptl or.lM
JeM plroM puoles eq1 buunp utplug ut sJalplos ueltJotrJV Aq palldsu; seM ll 'JeM
alll ralle drqsuorle;e: e Jo pua aql lnoqe 6uos uenup-antlelleu V ',uotllunf eql
d1, pue ,sleJ roJ lool, Jelle 11q an;1-do1 lpuU pue plr,ll ltaql aulelaq ,a^ol rlltM
pallaqel, 'yn aql ul OZ dol aql qlear ol ulnqle lsrU s,pueq eql pue ollalsof st^ll
Iq pa:npo.rd-or 'l.ro;g ap/S lsef s,1g6l.'ulnqle qllnol s,azoenb5 urotl pasealal
aq o1 e;6u;s prlql aql sem ,a^o-l rlltm pallaqel, 'luaulel patnonell-Atlunot y
'aureu rorll 0u1>1eu alam slleJls altC pueq paseq-pto11da6
Mollal se aull aues aLlJ Je lrnlJn lrot qnd uopuol lseo-Lllnos aql uo sletluopall
raql paurea ezeanb5 'VL6lul ),looJqllf uualC pue plo1llC suql stalunnbuos
-:abuts Iq paurol pue punol0lapun lo^la4 aq1 Aq r.unqle leuU aql lal1e peuleN
ouolltc stuHf, 'yoougltI NNt-lc :ttsnn oNv squom
snlol tvllNHlfl_


Swung ) :94 (2 bars count-in)

O 1981 EMI Music Publishing Ltd

TN 37219
All Rights Administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, 424Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashville,
International copyright secured. All Rights Reserved. Reprinied by permission of Hal Leonard LLc


r_3______r r-3--r a



Paul Mccartney's band wings emerged a year after The Beafles'1970 split. The
core members were Mccartney, his wife Linda and former guitarist of the Moody
Blues, Denny Laine. They released seven albums between 197-1 and 1979,four oI
which were chart-toppers in the US.

An unconventional classic, 'Mull of Kintyre, is an anthemic, acoustic waltz

complete with bagpipes and inspired by the southern tip of the Kintyre peninsula
in western Scotland. Released as a non-album single in November l97Z the song
climbed to No. 1 the UK in its second week of release and remained there for nine
weeks. lt became the first single to sell over two million copies in the UK, at the
time eclipsing The Beatles' 'She Loves you'as the UK's best-selling single ever. lt
remains the UK's best-selling non-charity single - only'candle in the wind 1997,,
'Do They Know lt's christmas?'and 'Bohemian Rhapsody' have outsold it,
ail for
charitable causes.


This waltz-time song is stylistically guite different to most rock and pop music.
You'll need to capture the liltinq rhythm by feelinq three beats in each bar and
putting a mild emphasis on the first beat. In some places the bass line is a melody
all of its own - for example bars 6-7 and 3l-32 - so play these sections smoothly,
with a sense of leading to the next bar. There's also a key change at bar 24 to look
out for.

After the break-up of New Zearand's successfur sprit Enz in19g4,singer-

songwriter Neil Finn and drummer paul Hester formed crowded
House with
bassist Nick Seymour and rereased their self-tiiled debut
arbum in 19g6. Finn,s gift
for writing irresistibly melodic songs such as ,Don,t Dream rt,s
over, and ,weather
with You'secured the band a decade of hits and internationar

sounding like a long-rost Lennon and Mccartney number, the

'Not the Girl You Think you Are' is taken from crowded
House,s first ever
compilation album, 1996's Recurrinq Dream: The very gesf
of Crowded house.
This was the band's first No.'l album in the UK and its
third in Australia. lt was the
third new song to be released as a single from the album and
reached No.20 on
the UK singles chart in 1996. shorily after the singre's rerease,
the band prayed
their final live show with the original line-up on 24 November
outside the famous
sydney opera House to an audience of over l2o,ooo people,
recorded in the
concert film and album Farewell to the world.Hester committed
suicide in zoo5
and the original members reformed a year later for the
Time onEarfh album.


Swung Waltz ) = Sl fZbars count_in)

O 1996 Roundnead Music

All Rights in the USA and Canada Administered by Chrysatis Songs
All Rights R€se.,,sj i.lseJ pe--;ss 3^
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Choose a song from this book.

Choose a song which is:
Either a different song f rom this book
or from the list of additional Trinity Rock & Pop arrangements, available at trinityrock.com
or from a printed or online source
or your own arrangement
or a song that you have written yourself

You can play Song 2 unaccompanied or with a backing track (minus the bass part). lf you like, you can create a backing track yourself (or with
f riends), add your own vocals, or be accompanied live by another musician.

The level of difficulty and length of the song should be similar to the songs in this book and match the parameters available at trinityrock.com
When choosing a song, think about:
. Does it work on my instrument?

r Are there any technical elements that are too difficult for me? (lf so, perhaps save it for when you do the next grade)
. Do I enjoy playing it?

. Does it work with my other songs to create a good set list?


Song 3 is designed to help you develop specific and relevant techniques in performance. Choose one of the technical focus songs from this
book, which cover two soecif ic technical elements.

lf your choice for Song 2 is not from this book, you must provide the examiner with a photocopy. The title, writers of the song and your name
should be on the sheet music. You must also bring an original copy of the book, or a download version with proof of purchase, for each song
that you perform in the exam.
Your music can be:
o A lead sheet with lyrics, chords and melody line

. A chord chart with lvrics

. A full score using conventional staff notation



All your backing tracks can be downloaded from
oThe backing tracks begin with a click track, which
sets the tempo and helps you start accuratelv

'Be carefur to barance the vorume of the backing

tra'ck against your instrument
o Listen carefuily to the backing track to ensure
that you are praying in time

lf you are creating your own backing track, here

are some further tips:
o Make sure that the sound quality is of a good
' Think carefuily about the instruments/sounds you
are using on the backing track
r Avoid copying what you are playing in the exam
on the backing track - it should support, not duolicate
o Do you need to include a click track at the beginning?

ooPYRIoHT ftf A s01f0

lf you are a singe4 instrumentalist or songwriter
it is important to know about copyright. when someone
own the copyright (sometimes called 'the rights'). writes a song they , ry
copyright begins once a piece of music has been
or score notation) and protects the interests documented or recorded video, CD
of the creators. This means that others cannot
without the owner.s permission or the appropriate copy
evpv it, se1
Jsrr it,
rL, make rt
rrrcr^e it dvdttaotej
avairable c
o when an artist creates a new version of a song it is
cailed a ,cover version,

' The majority ofsongwriters subscribe to licensing

agencies, also known as 'collecting societies,. when a songwriter
is a member of
such an agency' the performing rights to their
material are transferred to the agency (this includes
cover versions of their songs)
o The agency works on the writer's behalf by issuing
licences to performance venues, who report
in turn means that the songwriter wirr recerve payment
what songs have been prayed, which
a for any songs usecl
o You can create a cover version of a song and
use it in an exam without needing a licence
here are different rules for broadcasting (eg tv radio, internet), selting or copying (pressing cDs,
ppropriate licences should be sought out. DVDs etc), and for printed material, and the
Access your professional demo and backing tracks at:

tri n ityco | | eg e.com/a ud io-d own load

Your download code:

All possible characters for your download code are shown below. please pay
special attention to
the highlighted characters if these occur in your code and be
aware that codes are case-sensitive.

ABCDFFGHIIKLMtU0pQR.STUVtdxyz 072345678s
a bcdef gh i j r(rrilnopq i"st uvwxy z
@ (atsisn) $ {dorarsisn;

Visit trinityrock.com/shop for further information and support.

TCL 016904
tsBN 978{€5736{306

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