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56 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga on 03 May 2021.
Antropología Cristiana
y Ciencias de la Salud Mental
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga William L. Hathaway
Mar Álvarez Segura Ruth María de Jesús Gómez
Paul C. Vitz Marisa Beatriz Tsuchida Fernández
Juan José Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral Monika Grygiel
Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas María José Chávez
Martín F. Echavarría Julia Benlloch Ponce
Nicolene L. Joubert (PhD) Mireia Andrés
Werner May Agata Kasprzak
Daniëlle Phillips-Koning Clara Molinero Caparrós
Anna Ostaszewska Óscar García Mulet
Inés Espallargas Vargas Marisa Vendrell Sahuquillo
María Calatrava Narciso Verdejo Callado
Alfonso Osorio Isabel Lacruz Silvestre
Cristina López del Burgo Federico Mulet Valle
Martiño Rodríguez González Paloma Alonso Stuyck
Carlos Beltramo José M. Alejos
Jokin de Irala Saray Bonete
Sara García de Fernando García María Lacalle
Inmaculada García Font Luis María García Domínguez, S.J.
María D. Barroso López Amedeo Cencini
Lizeth Alonso Matías Montserrat Lafuente Gil
Ximena Llerena Espezúa Oriol Correa Nuño
Gabriela P. García Zavala Gloria Morelló Torrellas
Denisse F. Herrera Olarte Sara Prats García
Krzysztof A. Wojcieszek Sheila Gallego Martín
Joaquín García-Alandete Cecilia Akemi Ponce Sakuray
Joan D. A. Juanola Miriam Buxó Hernando
Pablo Patricio Lego Ana Revuelto Calleja
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© Copyright by
Los autores
Madrid, 2021
ISBN: 978-84-1377-378-0
Depósito Legal: M-5353-2021
Imagen de cubierta:
Techo del Aula Magna de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU – Barcelona
Autora: Rebeca Pardo
PRÓLOGO......................................................................................................... 13
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga
PRÒLEG............................................................................................................ 17
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga
PREFACE........................................................................................................... 21
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga
INTRODUCCIÓN.............................................................................................. 25
Mar Álvarez Segura
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 29
Mar Álvarez Segura
ACEDIA Y PERSONALIDAD............................................................................73
Martín F. Echavarría
ANTROPOLOGÍA Y SOFROLOGÍA................................................................161
Inés Espallargas Vargas
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga
Rector at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
CEU Universities, Barcelona
This book brings together various written works that link Christian
anthropology and the mental health sciences, and is the result of the
intellectual interest the subject inspires, as perceived and channelled by the
Faculty of Psychology at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (UAO CEU).
It centres on aspects of profound relevance to our society: tackling the most
profoundly human of problems, informed by the dialogue between the sciences
and the humanities, between scientific rigour and humanistic sensitivity,
between the health sciences and the Christian vision of life; and, in a broad
sense, between reason and faith. In short, it is dedicated to the study of people,
of the human being in its many facets, because people’s health requires careful
attention be paid to their physical, mental and spiritual dimensions.
This well-conceived, well-constructed collective publication comes after
years of hard work, and its approach is interdisciplinary, international and
I would first of all like to emphasise that this is a fruitful work that is born
from an interdisciplinary perspective, relying as it does on cooperation across
several disciplines. It is not a mere juxtaposition of differing points of view,
but rather readers will see that there has been close cooperation between the
various scientific disciplines in the common hope of finding solutions to the
most intimate human problems.
As such, this book’s chapters are the work of professionals from a variety
of fields, such as psychology, medicine (particularly psychiatry), philosophy,
pedagogy, anthropology and theology.
Part of the value this work offers can be found in the highly relevant
contributions from UAO CEU postgraduate students, revealing themselves to
be a promising generation of professionals and committed researchers.
22 Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga
Obras completas, edition prepared by José Luis Gutiérrez García, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores
Cristianos, 2006, vol. VII, p. 517.
Luis Rojas Marcos, Somos lo que hablamos: El poder terapéutico de hablar y hablarnos, Barcelona,
Grijalbo, 2018, p. 100