Leccion 5
Leccion 5
Leccion 5
usar (ropa)
I am going to New York - Yo estoy yendo a New York I'm going to New York - Yo estoy yendo a New York (contraccin) He is going to New York - El est yendo a New York He's going to New York - El est yendo a New York (contraccin) We are going to New York - Nosotros estamos yendo a New York We're going to New York - Nosotros estamos yendo a New York (contraccin)
I am not going to New York - Yo no estoy yendo a New York I'm not going to New York - Yo no estoy yendo a New York (contraccin) He is not going to New York - El no est yendo a New York He's not going to New York - El no est yendo a New York (contraccin) We are not going to New York - Nosotros no estamos yendo a New York We're not going to New York - Nosotros no estamos yendo a New York (contraccin)
Am/Is/Are + subject +
go > ing ?
Am I going to New York ? - Estoy yendo a New York ? Is he going to New York ? - Est l yendo a New York ? Are we going to New York ? - Estamos nosotros yendo a New York
USO DEL PRESENTE CONTINUO O PROGRESIVO 1. In English, the present continuos or progressive is used to indicate actions happening at the time of speaking, or right now. Examples Jake is speaking to his mother right now. Please keep quiet. The baby is sleeping. En ingles, el presente continuo o progresivo se emplea para indicar una accin que esta ocurriendo en el mismo momento en que se lo esta expresando. Ejemplos: Jake esta hablando a su madre ahora mismo. Por favor guarden silencio, el bebe esta durmiendo
The present continuos or progressive can also be used to indicate actions occurring over a period of time which includes the present. Examples I'm studying english at snpp. Grace is working at a chemical factory. What are you doing these days? El presente continuo o progresivo tambien puede usarse para indicar acciones que ocurren durante un periodo de tiempo que incluye al presente actual. Ejemplos Estoy estudiando ingles en casa esta semana Grace esta trabajando en la fabrica de quimicos Que estas haciendo en estos dias?
3. The present progressive is sometimes used to indicate an imminent or a future action. A: Honey, where are you? B: I'm coming. Just let me put on my shoes. A: Are you going to the concert this weekend? B: I wish I could, but I'm meeting an important client from Oklahoma.
El Presente Progresivo se utiliza a veces para expresar una accion futura inmediata o inminente A: Querido, por donde estas? B: Me estoy yendo, dejame ponerme mis zapatos A: Estas yendo al concierto este fin de semana ? B: Ojala pudiera, pero me estoy reuniendo con un importante cliente de Oklahoma
ALGUNOS CAMBIOS DEL VERBO PARA EL PRESENTE CONTINUO !!! 1. En general, los verbos terminados en e eliminan la e y agregan ING: close closing. Una excepcin es see - seeing. 2. En general, los verbos terminados en vocal + consonante duplican la consonante antes de agregar ING: put - putting. Pero si antes de la consonante existen DOS vocales, entonces la consonante no se duplica: rain - raining.
1. Steven y Mike estn jugando tennis ahora. 2. Est nevando y no estoy usando botas. 3. No ests usando un abrigo marrrn. 4. Estn ustedes usando sus anteojos negros? 5. Ests abriendo tu cartera azul? 6. Jennifer est corriendo ahora. 7. Daniel no est tomando un taxi. 8. Est la Sra. Lee conduciendo en Miami? 9. El Sr. Tavares est nadando ahora. 10. Estoy cerrando mi portafolios gris.
I'm wearing a coat, but I'm not wearing boots. You're wearing a coat, but you aren't wearing boots. She's wearing a coat, but she isn't wearing boots. We're wearing a coat, but we aren't wearing boots. They're wearing a coat, but they aren't wearing boots. It's snowing, and it's very cold. I'm wearing a coat, but I'm not wearing boots. It's very cold, so let's take a taxi.
She's running, so she's wearing running shoes. He's driving, but he isn't wearing his glasses. We are walking in the snow, but we aren't wearing boots. They're playing tennis, but they aren't wearing tennis shoes. It's snowing, and I'm taking a walk.
LAS ESTACIONES DEL AO: 1. Para referirse al otoo, los americanos usan el sustantivo FALL (fl), mientras que los ingleses usan AUTUMN (tom). 2. En ingls britnico, los nombres de las estaciones del ao suelen escribirse con mayscula y sin el artculo definido the. Ej.: la primavera, the Spring. En cambio, en ingls americano, ms informal, se escriben generalmente con minsculas aceptndose el artculo the: Ej.: en verano, in the summer.
The Weather
It's summer. It's very hot and humid. It's ninety- five.
Windy Cold Snow Hot Warm Breezy Mild ventoso frio nieve, nevar calor calido con brisa templado Sunny Humid Damp Brisk Cool Bright Pleasant soleado humedo humedo tonificante fresco brillante agradable Cloudy Crips overcast Dull healthy Dry Chilly nuboso vigorizante encapotado tedioso saludable seco helado
Completar estas oraciones seleccionando del men la opcin que te parezca ms adecuada.
1. 2. 3. 4. It is hot and humid. It's (Summer / spring) It's snowing. It's . (fall / winter) (fall / spring) (winter / spring) . 5. 6. 7. . 8. (95 / 60) (32 / 95) (50 / 80) (80 / 32)
It's fall and it's It's summer and it's . It's spring and it's . It's winter and it's .
It's windy and cloudy. It's It's cool and it's raining. It's
What's X like?
Como ves, la estructura de esta pregunta puede confundir si la comparas con su misma versin en espaol. Es puramente idiomtica y debes tenerla siempre presente. No tienes m s que reemplazar las X por cualquier sustantivo (nombres de personas, animales, objetos, ciudades, pases, etc.). Los siguientes ejemplos te van a ayudar
What's Jennifer like? What's Buenos Aires like? What's the weather like in Mexico? What are your running shoes like? What are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares like?
Cmo es Jennifer? Cmo es Buenos Aires? Cmo es el tiempo en Mxico? Cmo son tus zapatillas? Cmo son el Sr. y la Sra. Tavares?
TRADUCIR en las celdas vacas estas diez oraciones. 1. Cmo son los Canadienses? 2. Cmo es el tiempo en Barcelona? 3. Cmo es mi libreta de direcciones? 4. Estas son Sarah y Katherine. Cmo son sus zapatos? 5. Cmo es ese diario mexicano? 6. Cmo es tu geografa? 7. Esta es Kelu. Cmo es su cartera? 8. Cmo es el dormitorio de Laura? 9. Estos son Steven y Michael. Cmo son sus camisas? 10. Cmo son los vestidos de Barbara?
Weather Report
Now let's look at the weather in different cities around the world. In Sapporo, Japan, they're having a very cold winter. Today it's Celsius. Now, that's Sapporo. The weather in sunny there. It's Bangkok, Thailand, is very different. It's really 28 degrees Celsius warm and 20 cold. And it's 20 below 0
Over the United State s, in Miami, the weather is not as nice. It's only degrees Celsius . So it's very cool in Miami, and it's
Now, what about in South America? They're having a hot summer there. In Rio de Janeiro, it's very hot - it's 35 degrees Celsius . And it's raining. Not a nice day...
Uh- oh. What's the matter? It's snowing, and it's very cold. Well, you're wearing a coat. But I'm not wearing boots. And it's thirty - two degrees !!! That's zero degrees Celsius !!! That's really cold. So let's take a taxi. Great idea. Come on !!!
Susan: Peter: