
hey guys, just a heads up but i needed to separate this blog from my main because i need a place where i can just vibe, but I’ll be active under my old url @usercannibal under a new account. 

ethelcainlovebot ethelcainlovebot

hey guys, just a heads up but i needed to separate this blog from my main because i need a place where i can just vibe, but I’ll be active under my old url @usercannibal under a new account. 

ethelcainlovebot clockworkfigures

big fan of creatures that are both divine and mechanical

there’s some kinda connection to be made between angels and robots but i can’t make it. someone else make this post for me

Source: seraphex
ethelcainlovebot juliuscaesarofficial

love that genres of posts where someone has screenshotted the text of a tiktok bc the actual video is irrelevant, so its just a text post with extra forehead.

ethelcainlovebot shadowhaert
ethelcainlovebot thoodleoo


The Three Fates (1910) by Alexander Rothaug.

ethelcainlovebot finalgirlhellyr
ethelcainlovebot ophillya
ethelcainlovebot arkashas

Christ’s Descent into Hell (detail) from a follower of Hieronymus Bosch, second quarter of the 16th century / Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010), dir. Panos Cosmastos

ethelcainlovebot fairycosmos


vintage postcard pngs