Papers by Marta Stojic Mitrovic
Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, Jul 22, 2018
Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, 2012
Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, Jan 30, 2019
Иако су прва антрополошка проучавања настала као последица колонијалних освајања и сусрета са нов... more Иако су прва антрополошка проучавања настала као последица колонијалних освајања и сусрета са новим и другачијим културама, истраживање миграција као феномена вредног пажње по себи и за себе дошло је у антропологију знатно касније. Постоји више разлога за то. Једни произилазе из концептуално-теоријских ограничења која су следила из доминантних научних парадигми, други спадају у домен истраживачких политика, које, са своје стране, зависе од ширих друштвених и политичких кретања, док су трећи "онтолошки", тј. садржани су у ономе што антропологију чини антропологијом, а односе се пре свега на њен предмет и метод. У овом тексту представљам динамику промена парадигми антрополошког проучавања миграција и разматрам проблеме класификације и производње знања. Кључне речи: антропологија, миграције, парадигме, класификације, производња знања Although the first anthropological studies were the result of colonial conquests and encounters with new and different cultures, the study of migrations as a phenomenon worth of the attention for itself came to the anthropology much later. There are several reasons for this. Some arise from the conceptual-theoretical limitations that followed from the dominant scientific paradigms, others belong to the domain of research policies, which in turn are dependent on wider social and political movements, while the last are "ontological", i.e, they are contained in what anthropology is, and they are primarily related to its object and method. In this text, I am presenting the dynamics of the changes of paradigms through which the anthropologists dealt with the study of migrations and discussing some of the problems of classification and knowledge production.
Narodna umjetnost: Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Dec 21, 2020
The present discourse concerning asylum and irregular migration, with all its concepts and instit... more The present discourse concerning asylum and irregular migration, with all its concepts and institutions, techniques and code of conduct, was introduced in the Republic of Serbia through the EU Accession process. As a prerequisite for visa liberalization with the EU (achieved in 2009), Serbia signed readmission agreements with the EU and its member-states and adopted the Asylum Law (Zakon o azilu 2007) and the Law on Foreigners (Zakon o strancima 2008). However, related notions and legal instruments existed in the periods that preceded it. In this text I offer a diachronic overview of conceptual and procedural differences and discuss their entanglements, merging, spilling over and confrontation. In such a way, my aim is to point out their use as political statements in particular, as performatives affecting national and international political contexts.
Routledge eBooks, Apr 2, 2021
This article examines Western Balkans/EU bordering and debordering practices through a borderscap... more This article examines Western Balkans/EU bordering and debordering practices through a borderscape method in the context of the geopolitical positionality and (de)institutionalization of migrant housing in Serbia. From this perspective, a new 'border variation' can be seen emerging after the securitarian turn, transforming the external borderscape of the EU into a space of circular movement. The article sheds light on discourses, practices and places that constitute these spaces of circular movement within the EU external borderscape. In particular, the Western Balkans borderscape is investigated with reference to Serbian migrant housingscapes emerging at the intersection of state-run camps and migrant collective self-organized squatted housing. The focus on migrant housingscapes points to the interconnectedness of camps and squats in the process of facilitating circular movement by the state, the production of mobile commons as a debordering practice, and the production of visual representations of the external border as stabilized 'scape' for the EU.
Glasnik Etnografskog instituta, 2009
The term "Erased" refers to a part of the population in the Republic of Slovenia that has been er... more The term "Erased" refers to a part of the population in the Republic of Slovenia that has been erased in 1992 from the official population registry. A critical analysis of the given discourse confirms that the erased were not removed from the registry due to their immanent characteristics or behaviors (background, ethnic or regional, social status, being late for filing claims to obtain the citizenship in Slovenia) but due to the existence of the discourse about Slovenians which has brought about a creation and interpretation of laws, and thus allowed the removal/erasing of the particular group in question as well as other subsequent connotation regarding the term "the erased".
Glasnik Etnografskog instituta, 2008
In the summer of 2015, the migratory route across the Balkans »entered into the European spotligh... more In the summer of 2015, the migratory route across the Balkans »entered into the European spotlight, and indeed onto the screen of the global public« (Kasparek 2016: 2), triggering different interpretations and responses. Contrary to the widespread framing of the mass movement of people seeking refuge in Europe as ›crisis‹ and ›emergency‹ of unseen proportions, we opt for the perspective of »the long Summer of Migration« (Kasparek/Speer 2015) and an interpretation that regards it as »a historic and monumental year of migration for Europe precisely because disobedient mass mobilities have disrupted the European regime of border control« (Stierl/Heller/de Genova 2016: 23). In reaction to the disobedient mass mobilities of people, a state-tolerated and even state-organized transit of people, a »formalized corridor« (Beznec/Speer/Stojić Mitrović 2016), was gradually established. To avoid the concentration of unwanted migrants on their territory, countries along the route—sometimes in con...
30 година примене Конвенције Уједињених нација о правима детета : савремени аспекти : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног 10. децембра 2020., 2021
А п с т р а к т.-Одлазак из афричких и азијских земаља, које се дуги низ година сусрећу са дубоки... more А п с т р а к т.-Одлазак из афричких и азијских земаља, које се дуги низ година сусрећу са дубоким економским, политичким и друштвеним проблемима, и започињање новог живота у мирнијој и уређенијој средини, са развијенијим системом социјалне заштите, могућношћу за образовање и достојанствен живот, представља сан који се судара са све рестриктивнијим миграцијским политикама и праксама, које за циљ имају да овакво кретање спрече. Интензивирање физичке контроле кретања, и отежавање добијања административних дозвола за кретање и/или легализацију статуса, за последицу има прибегавање све опаснијим и физички захтевнијим покушајима да се стигне до жељене дестинације, чија је алтернатива останак у лимбу у тзв. зонама пригушења или повратак у оно из чега се желело побећи. Системска илегализација и маргинализација имају несагледиве последице на све сегменте популације која је овим директно погођена. У тексту ћу представити контекстуалне и системске факторе који утичу на положај малолетних миграната у Србији.
The COVID-19 pandemic was wind at the back for the transformation of European nation-states into ... more The COVID-19 pandemic was wind at the back for the transformation of European nation-states into laboratories for amplification of surveillance and movement control. In reaction to the pandemic, authorities produced a whole set of social, spatial and temporal borders for governing movement and interactions. The social categories aimed at differentiating 'the dangerous' (persons, places, times) from 'the endangered ones', were at times based on new axes of division ('essential' and 'non-essential' occupations) and at others emphasised existing ones (age, gender, citizenship) (Hameršak and Stojić Mitrović, 2021). Borders and bordering were not only used to cement compartmentalised societies, spaces and times, but, often through exaggerated visualisations, to communicate even unrelated political messages. Although the (mis)uses of borders were overemphasised in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been regular props in political communication both on national, as well as on international scenes. Instead of being static and clear, borders are complex, fluid and emergent. They reflect and build on the existing economic, social and political asymmetries, through the allocation of rights to certain agents and the simultaneous withdrawal of rights of others.
The growth and development of transit migration along the Balkan route in 2015 and 2016 highlight... more The growth and development of transit migration along the Balkan route in 2015 and 2016 highlighted the major role Macedonia and Serbia played, not merely as the main countries of passage, but as important buffer areas within the framework of the European border regime. This research paper first examines the development and transformations of Macedonian and Serbian national migration policies and legislation in the past two decades in the light of the EU accession process. It identifies the key historical and geopolitical factors that significantly shaped them, as well as the distinct strategies the two countries pursued in coping with often countervailing EU demands, local socio-political considerations and actual migration movements and practices. The paper proceeds to analyze the gradual establishment of a formalized corridor through the Balkans by tracing the ways in which Macedonia and Serbia strategically positioned themselves in how they governed the transit migration through their territory, dynamically shifting between humanitarianism and securitization throughout the time before the formalized corridor emerged, during its existence, in the process of its closure, and after it was shut down.
Bulletin de l'Institut etnographique, 2017
Колико су "опасна" тела миграната? Наративи о болести и јавном здрављу и технике управљања 1 У ов... more Колико су "опасна" тела миграната? Наративи о болести и јавном здрављу и технике управљања 1 У овом раду анализирани су наративи о мигрантима који се везују за њихова тела као потенцијалне/вероватне носиоце зараза које би могле да се рашире и на локално становништво. Ови наративи се могу посматрати као посебне манифестације секуритарног дискурса страха, у оквиру којих се мигранти конструишу као облик корпорeалне безбедносне претње. Анализом наратива о еболи и шуги указано је на потенцијал употребе страха од болести као инструмента и симбола политичке моћи, када сама болест престаје да буде медицински и трансформише се у првенствено друштвени проблем. Страх од болести и мере предузете да се тај страх анулира су тако интегрисани у технике управљања. Кључне речи: мигранти, дискурс заразе, технике управљања. In this text I represent the narratives about migrants which are related to their bodies as potential/plausible carriers of diseases that could be spread to local population. Тhe narratives are considered as special manifestations of the discourse of fear, though which migrants are being construed as a form of corporeal security threat. In particular, through the analysis of narratives about ebola and scabies, the potential to use the fear from disease as symbol and instrument of political power is indicated, when a disease ceases to be medical problem and becomes predominantly a social one. Fear from disease and measures undertaken to annul it are thus integrated into techniques of governance.
The present discourse concerning asylum and irregular migration, with all its concepts and instit... more The present discourse concerning asylum and irregular migration, with all its concepts and institutions, techniques and code of conduct, was introduced in the Republic of Serbia through the EU Accession process. As a prerequisite for visa liberalization with the EU (achieved in 2009), Serbia signed readmission agreements with the EU and its member-states and adopted the Asylum Law (Zakon o azilu 2007) and the Law on Foreigners (Zakon o strancima 2008). However, related notions and legal instruments existed in the periods that preceded it. In this text I offer a diachronic overview of conceptual and procedural differences and discuss their entanglements, merging, spilling over and confrontation. In such a way, my aim is to point out their use as political statements in particular, as performatives affecting national and international political contexts.
Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe, 2019
This paper discusses the struggles of differently positioned social and political groups to estab... more This paper discusses the struggles of differently positioned social and political groups to establish authority over narrations in relation to contemporary migration processes toward the EU. Deriving from Malkki's determination of voice, as the "ability to establish narrative authority over one's own circumstances and future, and, also, the ability to claim an audience" (1996: 398) and act upon, the paper deals with the question of credibility and disqualification of certain voices. It focuses on two discursive mechanisms: the silencing of migrants' voices by the establishment of disqualifying discourse of fraud on the one side and epistocracy, the appraisal of credibility of voices of privileged groups, on the other.
Forced Migration and Human Security in the Eastern Orthodox World, 2019
The transit migration along the Balkan route only began to make headlines in 2015, during what be... more The transit migration along the Balkan route only began to make headlines in 2015, during what became known as the ‘summer of migration’. 1 However, the Balkan route, which connects Asia Minor and Central Europe, is in fact an old migratory path with migration taking different forms over time as a result of changes to borders, inter-state relations, alliances, animosities and economic circumstances. The dissolution of the Eastern Bloc and the fragmentation of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) at the end of the twentieth century accelerated migration processes both within and from the Balkan region. During the 1990s, Serbia became a host country for more than half a million people from the other Yugoslav republics. 2 At the same time, economic hardship and social insecurity, which were often embedded in nationalist discursive frames, led to increased emigration. These processes placed Serbia in a dynamic migratory situation as it became host to a large number of displaced people and a state of origin for people heading further into Western Europe and to the United States, Canada and Australia.
Slovenika : časopis za kulturu, nauku i obrazovanje = časopis za kulturo, znanost in izobraževanje, 2017
Papers by Marta Stojic Mitrovic