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Robert Shearman

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Robert Shearman

JaiotzaHorsham1970eko otsailaren 10a (54 urte)
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeziketaUniversity of Exeter (en) Itzuli
Reigate Grammar School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakgidoilaria, idazlea eta zientzia-fikzio idazlea
Jasotako sariak…
IMDB: nm1633161 Allocine: 203080
Musicbrainz: c0ab1ed3-cfef-4757-90fa-03311d0da128 Edit the value on Wikidata

Robert Charles Shearman edo Rob Shearman (Horsham, Sussex, Ingalaterra,1970eko otsailaren 10) Ingalaterrako fantasiazko literaturaren egile ezaguna da.[1] Bereziki ezaguna bere ipuinei esker da. World Fantasy Award sariaren irabazlea da. Oso ezaguna da baita ere irratirako egin dituen moldaketeei esker.

Lan aukeratuak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

Antzerki lanak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • Dented Crowns (1991)
  • Couplings (1991)
  • Easy Laughter (1992)*
  • Breaking Bread Together (1993)
  • The Mayor of Casterbridge (Hardy-ren moldaketa) (1993)
  • The Magical Tales of the Brothers Grimm (1993)
  • White Lies (1994)*
  • Great Expectations (Dickens-en moldaketa) (1994)
  • Fool to Yourself (1995)*
  • Binary Dreamers (1996)*
  • Mercy Killings (1997)
  • About Colin (1998)
  • Desperate Remedies (Hardy-ren moldaketa) (1998)
  • Jekyll and Hyde (Stevenson-en moldaketa) (1998)
  • Knights in Plastic Armour (1999)*
  • Inappropriate Behaviour (2000)*
  • Pride and Prejudice (Austen-en moldaketa) (2000)
  • Shaw Cornered (2001)*

Fikzio liburuak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • Tiny Deaths (2007)
  • Love Songs for the Shy and Cynical (2009)
  • Everyone's Just So So Special (2011)
  • Remember Why You Fear Me (ChiZine Publications, 2012)
  • They Do the Same Things different There (2014)

Kritika liburuak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • Wanting to Believe: A Critical Guide to The X-Files, Millennium and The Lone Gunmen (2009)
  • Running Through Corridors: Rob and Toby's Marathon Watch of Doctor Who (Volume 1: The 60s) (Toby Hadokekin batera) (2010)


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

Kanpo loturak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]