For those who meet the eligibility requirements (alas, I’m Canadian), you have until 9am ET on August 25th to send the completed code to @evilsigilmap on Instagram. That’s 48 hours from now.
If you haven’t been finding and decoding the sigil messages as the episodes air, this Reddit page is a great starting point. I personally stopped decoding the sigils after 4x04, but I can confirm their answers for 4x01-4x04 are correct. The corresponding numbers are 6, 4, 6, and 4. You’ll need to verify the rest of the answers yourself.
If you’re struggling to figure out when the sigils appear in an episode, @evilsigilmap on Instagram posts three photos of the corresponding scene each week. If you are able to take a screenshot of the sigils but cannot decode it yourself, dm me on main @claraoswalds and I can decode it for you.
As a reminder, the final code will be a number (the answers from 4x01-4x10 added together) and a word (the answers from 4x11-4x14, which I assume will need to be unscrambled).
Good luck!