
gifs masterpost // current main fandoms

in case you’ve wandered around these parts (a.k.a. my blog) in search of something you know i post (star trek, doctor who (the 13th doctor’s era), or arcane), this might interest you

star trek

my trek gifs are divided by series/movie - some of these tags may be yet to be filled as i work my way through every episode/film in a random order, they will be updated with links as soon as i post anything in them:

the original series | the animated series | the motion picture | the wrath of khan | the search for spock | the voyage home | the final frontier | the undiscovered country | the next generation | generations | deep space nine | first contact | insurrection | voyager | enterprise | nemesis | star trek 2009 | star trek into darkness | star trek beyond | discovery | picard | lower decks | prodigy | strange new worlds | section 31

here are all the trek gifs and you may find gifs by character or by episode number by following through tags

doctor who (13th doctor’s era)

my doctor who gifs are almost exclusively the chibnall era - there are some posts from other eras (with the notable exception of rtd2 - do not request it, i will not touch it with a 10-foot pole)

all doctor who gifsets

gifset series:

thirteen in all episodes | yaz in all episodes | thasmin in all episodes | thirteen’s era appreciation | every episode of the thirteenth doctor’s era | thirteen’s era relationships | the doctorification of yasmin khan | thirteen’s face appreciation | yaz’s face appreciation | space in thirteen’s era | all of thirteen’s looks ever | all of yaz’s looks ever | characters in the thirteenth doctor’s era | historical figures in the thirteenth doctor’s era

gifsets by episode:

the woman who fell to earth | the ghost monument | rosa | arachnids in the uk | the tsuranga conundrum | demons of the punjab | kerblam | the witchfinders | it takes you away | the battle of ranskoor av kolos | resolution | spyfall part one | spyfall part two | orphan 55 | nikola tesla’s night of terror | fugitive of the judoon | praxeus | can you hear me? | the haunting of villa diodati | ascension of the cybermen | the timeless children | revolution of the daleks | the halloween apocalypse | war of the sontarans | once upon time | village of the angels | survivors of the flux | the vanquishers | eve of the daleks | legend of the sea devils | the power of the doctor

gifsets by character/ship:

thirteen | yaz | ryan | graham | dan | jack | the master | fugitive doctor | thasmin

all requested gifsets | character + episode requests | costume gifsetsparallels


the gifs are divided by episodes, and you can click through for specific characters in the tags of individual posts (fyi, i do tag powder and jinx separately, there are two tags for her). there is a tag for parallels and one for gifsets of scenes set to songs from the soundtrack.

also, this is a pro-caitlyn and pro-caitvi space.

all gifs

season 1: welcome to the playground | some mysteries are better left unsolved | the base violence necessary for change | happy progress day! | everybody wants to be my enemy | when these walls come tumbling down | the boy savior | oil and water | the monster you created

season 2: heavy is the crown | watch it all burn | finally got the name right | paint the town blue | blisters and bedrock | the message hidden within the pattern | pretend like it’s the first time | killing is a cycle | dirt under your nails

parallels | arcane soundtrack shuffle



STAR TREK: PICARD // S3E6 The Bounty
Before I gifted Picard my golem, my intention was to live beyond my years. To become my own legacy. Now, I see in my final days that wasn’t just poor Humanity, it was poor science… because evolution is not an act of preservation. It’s addition. Into this new golem will go a bit of Lal, B-4, of Lore and, of course, a great deal of Data. This time with the true wisdom and Human aesthetic of age. With the hope in that in totality, something– someone– will rise to be the best of us


How many have you seen?











101! Holy shit!

This list was created consulting Year in Reviews, Fanlore articles, user feedback, vintage pinterest posts, and my own knowledge. Don’t worry about not seeing the shows in their entirety, vote based on your judgement. Enjoy!