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traduction en français & résumé de l'ouvrage "Microsound" de Curtis Roads
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      Music TechnologyComputer MusicElectroacoustic MusicCritical Musicology
This paper explores the original intent of design in Chinese instruments and relates that to their possible usage in the context of western contemporary music. Traditional Chinese instruments were created and developed by very different... more
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      MusicMusicologyEthnomusicologyChinese Music
Plethora "Symphony No. 3" (composed 1998) represents a multitude of ideas in my compositional style. Most specifically, three areas of inspiration: the European Classical tradition, Asian music, and Jazz. While this may appear as a... more
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Russia and Republic of Korea: Some Aspects of Vocational Music Education Gauk Lyudmila This paper deals with some aspects of modern vocational music education in Russia and Korea. If the Russian terminology has been formed under the... more
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      Political ScienceVocational Education
Статья обобщает опыт совмещения двух пособий: учебника А.В. Бухаровой и Т.Г. Бухаровой “Русский язык как иностранный для музыкальных специальностей“ и адаптированных текстов “Учебника Гармонии“ А.Мясоедова в работе со студентами из... more
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Filippo Marinetti in his Beyond Communism (1920) called Futurism the official art of Soviet Russia. What is Futurist art in the viewpoint of Russia? Defining art as "a source of power and transformation," Russians believed that it is... more
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이 책은 음악과 이론적인 음악 학문과 연관되는 주제에 적용할 수 있는 음악용어해설집입니다. 음악이론, 하모니, 폴리포니 및 음악형식 등의 과목을 공부하는데 있어 필요한 전문적인 음악 어휘에 특히 중점을 두었습니다. 이 교재의 특징은 영어, 러시아어를 모국어로 하지 않는 한국의 유학생들이 러시아에서 공부하는데 있어서 실제로 사용하고 있는 음악 용어를 쉽고 빠르게 적응할 수 있도록 할 뿐 만 아니라, 음악학자, 강사 및... more
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      Music EducationMusic HistoryMusicologyTerminology
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      NeurologyMedical MicrobiologyVirologyMedicine