Papers by Henriette Lunde
Children of Uganda Wake up, wake up Our time has come To develop ourselves and our rights and res... more Children of Uganda Wake up, wake up Our time has come To develop ourselves and our rights and responsibilities Togetherness, doctors, teachers, parents Join your arms and strengthen us
Children of Uganda Wake up, wake up Our time has come To develop ourselves and our rights and res... more Children of Uganda Wake up, wake up Our time has come To develop ourselves and our rights and responsibilities Togetherness, doctors, teachers, parents Join your arms and strengthen us
Haitian youth growing up in rural areas are faced with few opportunities for social mobility in t... more Haitian youth growing up in rural areas are faced with few opportunities for social mobility in their local communities. Employment is mainly limited to the highly unpredictable agricultural sector and institutions offering higher education are concentrated in urban areas. The lack of local opportunities pushes many rural youth to search for employment elsewhere, either in Haiti itself or across the border in the Dominican Republic.
With its labour intensive plantation economy and booming construction sector, the Dominican Republic has a high demand for cheap, manual labour. Cross-border migration offers opportunities to Haitian youth, but it also involves a high level of risk. This report is based on interviews with experienced and potential youth migrants and analyses the different sets of factors which impact the decision to migrate, and looks at how Haitian youth perceive and experience the risks, as well as the opportunities, arising from migration.
On 28 November 2010, ten months after an earthquake devastated the capital and surrounding areas,... more On 28 November 2010, ten months after an earthquake devastated the capital and surrounding areas, presidential and legislative elections are due to be held. Apart from the logistical and technical challenges posed by the elections, the findings of a study carried out by the authors in July 2010 indicate that the real challenge is the legitimacy of politics per se among the Haitian population, particularly the youth. A series of focus groups were held with young people from differing educational and socioeconomic backgrounds in three cities, as well as surrounding rural areas.
It became clear that most of the participants saw politics as practiced in Haiti as a dirty game and expected politicians to be corrupt and to have achieved power through influence rather than ability. Very few thought it possible to stay “clean” within the present elite-based system. Though many would like to influence Haiti’s future through political means, without financial independence it is hard to see how non-elite youth can hope to become an autonomous political opposition. In the absence of an arena in which they can put forward their views, there is a risk that they may turn to violence.
Despite the bleak picture painted by the participants, the fact that they recognise the dysfunctional patterns and structures that maintain the status quo means that they have the ability to become agents of social and political change. Although such change needs to come from within, the international community should recognise the potential of this new group of intellectuals as a positive social force and provide it with economic, social and technical support. The question of how best to provide them with the autonomous space they need to unleash their constructive potential should be one of the driving issues in the years to come.
This report presents the tabulations from the Haiti Youth Survey, a follow up to the 2001 Haiti L... more This report presents the tabulations from the Haiti Youth Survey, a follow up to the 2001 Haiti Living Condition Survey with a special focus on youth. One-third of the Haitian population is between 10 and 24 years of age and the opportunities made available to them will greatly influence whether Haiti will stabilize and prosper, or relapse into conflict. The chapters in the report document the situation for Haitian youth in key sectors such as education, labour force participation, migration and feeling of security. The report also contains data at the household level on central topics affecting the conditions for youth in the household, such as composition of households, household economy and access to infrastructure. A set of indicators used to assess selected Millennium Development Goals is also included in the report.
The Haiti Youth Survey is a national survey of close to 2,000 households implemented by Fafo in collaboration with Institut Haïtien de l’Enfance. This report, as well as the analytical report from the survey, will also be made available in French. The Haiti Youth Survey is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This report analyses the data from the Haiti Youth Survey, conducted nine months prior to the Jan... more This report analyses the data from the Haiti Youth Survey, conducted nine months prior to the January 12 earthquake. The data represent an extensive national pre-earthquake baseline covering the three key sectors that influence youth social mobility, namely education, labour force participation and migration. In addition, it includes demographic and socio-economic data on a population and household level. The report presents a unique picture of the situation of young Haitians and provides fact-based knowledge on which to base the long-term, sustainable reconstruction of the country.
The Haiti Youth Survey is a national survey of 2,000 households implemented by Fafo in collaboration with Institut Haïtien de l'Enfance. The survey is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Seven months after the forced departure of elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004, the ... more Seven months after the forced departure of elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004, the ghettos in Port-au-Prince erupted in a violent uprising costing thousands of lives. The tension simmered for seven months until the use of force against demonstrators by the interim government caused it to blow up. The sudden outburst of massive organized violence came as a surprise to the interim government, as well as to the UN peacekeepers. Could what happened in 2004 happen again today? By analyzing the social structures facilitating the rapid mobilization of armed resistance in the Port-au-Prince ghettos, together with the incentives for local youth to join armed groups and participate in the fighting, this report points to important parallels between post-Aristide and post-earthquake Haiti. Examining these factors raises questions such as how best to address both the security challenge and the living conditions for marginalized urban youth in present-day Haiti.
The objective of this study is to identify the main factors which prevent children from being enr... more The objective of this study is to identify the main factors which prevent children from being enrolled in school, the circumstances which cause them to drop-out during the school year and to identify factors which make children more prone to fail their exams and hence having to repeat or drop-out. This paper focuses on structural factors inherent in the Haitian education sector which may work as disincentives for parents to invest money in their children’s education. It also brings the attention to specific conditions, particularly at the Haitian countryside, which makes it difficult for parents both to enroll their children, but also for their children to proceed and succeed in school.
The findings presented in this paper are based on qualitative interviews and focus groups conducted in four different regions of Haiti during November and December 2007. The study is a part of a larger project focusing on different areas of youth involvement funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Night commuting, as it is occuring in the parts of Northern Uganda today, is the social practice ... more Night commuting, as it is occuring in the parts of Northern Uganda today, is the social practice of thousands of children leaving their households at night to go and sleep in one of the many night commuter centres that are established in the urban areas of Gulu and Kitgum. The common conception about night commuting is that the children come to the centres solely out of fear of abduction. This report challenges this notion and investigates the additional factors that make children in Gulu spend their nights in the night commuter centres.
Other publications by Henriette Lunde
Haiti report nominated best of UNICEF research 2016 by the UNICEF's Innocenti Research Center. Se... more Haiti report nominated best of UNICEF research 2016 by the UNICEF's Innocenti Research Center. See summary from page 70-75.
Ce rapport présente la compilation des résultats de l’Étude sur les enfants en domesticité à Haït... more Ce rapport présente la compilation des résultats de l’Étude sur les enfants en domesticité à Haïti (EEDH 2014), une enquête nationale auprès des familles. Cette compilation détaille les conditions de travail et de vie des enfants en domesticité par rapport à celles des autres enfants, ainsi que les caractéristiques des familles où ils vivent et la perception qu’ont les haïtiens des déplacements d’enfants.
La EEDH 2014 fait partie du Projet concernant l’emploi d’enfants domestiques à Haïti. L’objectif principal de ce projet est d’établir une meilleure compréhension du phénomène des enfants en domesticité à Haïti et de son évolution grâce à des données à la fois qualitatives et
quantitatives, et de dresser la carte des réponses existantes au niveau institutionnel. Ce projet a été initié par l’UNICEF, l’OIT, l’OIM, l’IRC et la fondation Terre des Hommes Lausanne, avec la coopération de l’état haïtien. Un total de 28 organisations différentes ont soutenu ces recherches, regroupées en un Comité Technique qui tient lieu de groupe de référence pour cette
This report presents the tabulations from the Haiti Child Domestic Workers Survey (HCDWS 2014), a... more This report presents the tabulations from the Haiti Child Domestic Workers Survey (HCDWS 2014), a national household survey. The tabulation report documents the working and living conditions of child domestic workers relative to other children, the characteristics of the
households where they live and perceptions of child relocation among Haitians.
The HCDWS 2014 is a part of the Haiti Child Domestic Worker Project. The main objective of the project is to establish a better understanding of the phenomenon and developments of children in domesticity in Haiti based on qualitative and quantitative data material, as well mapping the existing institutional responses. The project was initiated by UNICEF, ILO, IOM, the IRC and the Terre des Hommes Lausanne Foundation, in cooperation with the Haitian state. A group of 28 different organizations
supported the research and made up a Technical Committee acting as a reference group for the study.
Fafo-report 2015:54. , 2015
This report is an analysis of the overall findings from the research project on Haitian child dom... more This report is an analysis of the overall findings from the research project on Haitian child domestic workers. The main objective of the research is to establish a better understanding of child domestic work phenomena in Haiti, as well as mapping the existing institutional responses. Findings in this report are based on statistical data from a nation-wide household survey carried out in September 2014. The report also draws on insights from a qualitative fieldwork carried out in Haiti in 2014, and an institutional study that included fieldwork in Haiti from May to September 2014. In addition, we have reviewed recent academic literature and policy-related works on child domestic workers in Haiti.
The research was initiated by UNICEF, the Haitian Ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail (MAST), the Institut du Bien-Etre Social et de Recherches (IBESR), ILO, IOM, the IRC and the Terre des Hommes Lausanne Foundation. It was carried out with the support of 28 Haitian organisations that have served in a reference group for the research project.
Rapport Fafo 2015:55. , 2015
Ce rapport est une analyse des principaux résultats d’une recherche sur les enfants travailleurs ... more Ce rapport est une analyse des principaux résultats d’une recherche sur les enfants travailleurs domestiques en Haïti. L’objectif principal de la recherche est d’obtenir une meilleure compréhension du phénomène du travail domestique des enfants en Haïti, ainsi qu’établir une cartographie (ou « mapping ») des réponses institutionnelles existantes. Les résultats de ce rapport s’appuient sur des données statistiques d’une enquête nationale par questionnaire, administrée auprès des ménages en septembre 2014. Le rapport s’appuie aussi sur les enseignements d’une étude qualitative menée en Haïti en 2014, ainsi que ceux d’une analyse institutionnelle, qui comprend un travail de terrain exécuté en Haïti de mai à septembre 2014. De plus, le rapport s’appuie sur une revue de la littérature scientifique récente, et des travaux politiques sur les enfants travailleurs domestiques en Haïti. La recherche a été lancée par l’UNICEF, le Ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail (MAST) d’Haïti, l’Institut du Bien-Être Social et de Recherches (IBESR), l’OIT, l’OIM, l’IRC et la Fondation Terre des Hommes Lausanne. L’étude a été menée avec l’aide de 28 organisations haïtiennes qui ont servi de groupe de référence pour le projet de recherche.
Papers by Henriette Lunde
With its labour intensive plantation economy and booming construction sector, the Dominican Republic has a high demand for cheap, manual labour. Cross-border migration offers opportunities to Haitian youth, but it also involves a high level of risk. This report is based on interviews with experienced and potential youth migrants and analyses the different sets of factors which impact the decision to migrate, and looks at how Haitian youth perceive and experience the risks, as well as the opportunities, arising from migration.
It became clear that most of the participants saw politics as practiced in Haiti as a dirty game and expected politicians to be corrupt and to have achieved power through influence rather than ability. Very few thought it possible to stay “clean” within the present elite-based system. Though many would like to influence Haiti’s future through political means, without financial independence it is hard to see how non-elite youth can hope to become an autonomous political opposition. In the absence of an arena in which they can put forward their views, there is a risk that they may turn to violence.
Despite the bleak picture painted by the participants, the fact that they recognise the dysfunctional patterns and structures that maintain the status quo means that they have the ability to become agents of social and political change. Although such change needs to come from within, the international community should recognise the potential of this new group of intellectuals as a positive social force and provide it with economic, social and technical support. The question of how best to provide them with the autonomous space they need to unleash their constructive potential should be one of the driving issues in the years to come.
The Haiti Youth Survey is a national survey of close to 2,000 households implemented by Fafo in collaboration with Institut Haïtien de l’Enfance. This report, as well as the analytical report from the survey, will also be made available in French. The Haiti Youth Survey is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Haiti Youth Survey is a national survey of 2,000 households implemented by Fafo in collaboration with Institut Haïtien de l'Enfance. The survey is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The findings presented in this paper are based on qualitative interviews and focus groups conducted in four different regions of Haiti during November and December 2007. The study is a part of a larger project focusing on different areas of youth involvement funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Other publications by Henriette Lunde
La EEDH 2014 fait partie du Projet concernant l’emploi d’enfants domestiques à Haïti. L’objectif principal de ce projet est d’établir une meilleure compréhension du phénomène des enfants en domesticité à Haïti et de son évolution grâce à des données à la fois qualitatives et
quantitatives, et de dresser la carte des réponses existantes au niveau institutionnel. Ce projet a été initié par l’UNICEF, l’OIT, l’OIM, l’IRC et la fondation Terre des Hommes Lausanne, avec la coopération de l’état haïtien. Un total de 28 organisations différentes ont soutenu ces recherches, regroupées en un Comité Technique qui tient lieu de groupe de référence pour cette
households where they live and perceptions of child relocation among Haitians.
The HCDWS 2014 is a part of the Haiti Child Domestic Worker Project. The main objective of the project is to establish a better understanding of the phenomenon and developments of children in domesticity in Haiti based on qualitative and quantitative data material, as well mapping the existing institutional responses. The project was initiated by UNICEF, ILO, IOM, the IRC and the Terre des Hommes Lausanne Foundation, in cooperation with the Haitian state. A group of 28 different organizations
supported the research and made up a Technical Committee acting as a reference group for the study.
The research was initiated by UNICEF, the Haitian Ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail (MAST), the Institut du Bien-Etre Social et de Recherches (IBESR), ILO, IOM, the IRC and the Terre des Hommes Lausanne Foundation. It was carried out with the support of 28 Haitian organisations that have served in a reference group for the research project.
With its labour intensive plantation economy and booming construction sector, the Dominican Republic has a high demand for cheap, manual labour. Cross-border migration offers opportunities to Haitian youth, but it also involves a high level of risk. This report is based on interviews with experienced and potential youth migrants and analyses the different sets of factors which impact the decision to migrate, and looks at how Haitian youth perceive and experience the risks, as well as the opportunities, arising from migration.
It became clear that most of the participants saw politics as practiced in Haiti as a dirty game and expected politicians to be corrupt and to have achieved power through influence rather than ability. Very few thought it possible to stay “clean” within the present elite-based system. Though many would like to influence Haiti’s future through political means, without financial independence it is hard to see how non-elite youth can hope to become an autonomous political opposition. In the absence of an arena in which they can put forward their views, there is a risk that they may turn to violence.
Despite the bleak picture painted by the participants, the fact that they recognise the dysfunctional patterns and structures that maintain the status quo means that they have the ability to become agents of social and political change. Although such change needs to come from within, the international community should recognise the potential of this new group of intellectuals as a positive social force and provide it with economic, social and technical support. The question of how best to provide them with the autonomous space they need to unleash their constructive potential should be one of the driving issues in the years to come.
The Haiti Youth Survey is a national survey of close to 2,000 households implemented by Fafo in collaboration with Institut Haïtien de l’Enfance. This report, as well as the analytical report from the survey, will also be made available in French. The Haiti Youth Survey is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Haiti Youth Survey is a national survey of 2,000 households implemented by Fafo in collaboration with Institut Haïtien de l'Enfance. The survey is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The findings presented in this paper are based on qualitative interviews and focus groups conducted in four different regions of Haiti during November and December 2007. The study is a part of a larger project focusing on different areas of youth involvement funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
La EEDH 2014 fait partie du Projet concernant l’emploi d’enfants domestiques à Haïti. L’objectif principal de ce projet est d’établir une meilleure compréhension du phénomène des enfants en domesticité à Haïti et de son évolution grâce à des données à la fois qualitatives et
quantitatives, et de dresser la carte des réponses existantes au niveau institutionnel. Ce projet a été initié par l’UNICEF, l’OIT, l’OIM, l’IRC et la fondation Terre des Hommes Lausanne, avec la coopération de l’état haïtien. Un total de 28 organisations différentes ont soutenu ces recherches, regroupées en un Comité Technique qui tient lieu de groupe de référence pour cette
households where they live and perceptions of child relocation among Haitians.
The HCDWS 2014 is a part of the Haiti Child Domestic Worker Project. The main objective of the project is to establish a better understanding of the phenomenon and developments of children in domesticity in Haiti based on qualitative and quantitative data material, as well mapping the existing institutional responses. The project was initiated by UNICEF, ILO, IOM, the IRC and the Terre des Hommes Lausanne Foundation, in cooperation with the Haitian state. A group of 28 different organizations
supported the research and made up a Technical Committee acting as a reference group for the study.
The research was initiated by UNICEF, the Haitian Ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail (MAST), the Institut du Bien-Etre Social et de Recherches (IBESR), ILO, IOM, the IRC and the Terre des Hommes Lausanne Foundation. It was carried out with the support of 28 Haitian organisations that have served in a reference group for the research project.