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Though widely known for his contributions to instantaneous photography and studies of human and animal locomotion, the figure of Eadweard Muybridge was equally renowned during the final decades of the 19th century for his tours of the... more
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Eight week film series at the George Eastman Museum's Dryden Theater, curated by Ryan Conrath and David Fresko. For more information see:
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Far from Vietnam (Chris Marker, et al., 1967), though heralded as a major contribution to the history of radical documentary and extolled as a cri de coeur about the inability of French intellectuals to sufficiently contribute to the... more
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      Vietnam WarAesthetics and PoliticsMontageJean-Luc Godard
This is a review essay of three recently published books on the subject of film and politics during the Long Sixties.
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      Politics and FilmThe Sixties
Reading Daniel Fairfax's The Red Years of Cahiers du cinéma (1968-1973), a spirited, brilliantly researched, and cogently written reevaluation of the militant period of the world's most famous French-language fi lm magazine, is to be... more
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      Art HistoryPoliticsMarxist philosophymovie theater