Roman Archaeology by Filipe Sousa

Arqueología de la Arquitectura, 2023
This study aims to characterise the urban dining rooms located in the province of Lusitania from ... more This study aims to characterise the urban dining rooms located in the province of Lusitania from a metrological and morphological point of view. The studied examples were identified in the cities of Conimbriga (Condeixa-a-Velha), Capera (Cáparra), Augusta Emerita (Mérida), and Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) and were built between the 1 st and the 3 rd century CE. The conducted analyses demonstrated the existence of a certain hierarchy in room dimensions, with widths being more homogeneous. This led to the definition of four size clusters, that have a more heterogeneous set of lengths associated, suggesting greater importance of room width, possibly related to the placement of the couches. The existence of relatively standardised size clusters, as well as the presence of several dining rooms in the same house, suggest a relationship between size and functional character, as well as the existence of established rules for the sizing of certain spaces.
Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise, Tome 54-55, 2021-2022. Dossier Tematique Colloque International: Eaux sales, eaux troubles, eaux de ruissellement: La gestion des eaux indésirables dans le Monde Romain (Montpellier, 15-16 Octobre 2020), 2023
This paper aims to provide an overview of the different drainage and wastewater management struct... more This paper aims to provide an overview of the different drainage and wastewater management structures that have been identified in Mirobriga, a Roman town that originated from an indigenous oppidum and is located upon a set of small hills around the original settlement. Mirobriga never had a public underground sewage network. Instead, the town relied exclusively on topography and street morphology to evacuate the surplus water of rainy weather as well as dealing with the wastewater produced in everyday life. This characteristic has, however, made it an interesting case-study as it offered a varied set of drainage and waterproofing solutions.

Small Towns, una realidad urbana en la Hispania romana - MYTRA 10, 2022
This analysis aims at contributing to the characterization of the architectonical cultur... more ABSTRACT
This analysis aims at contributing to the characterization of the architectonical culture of Mirobriga during its urban transformation in the 1st cent. CE, starting with the analysis of two domestic buildings. It produced a series of spatial and metrological data and allowed for an interpretation of how the architectural design of the buildings were achieved based on conceptual model, as well as its adaptation when transposed to the construction site. We here present a hypothesis for a methodological approach to their analysis and reverse engineering.
Both the architectural model and modulation assign the buildings to an architectural culture (technical and cognitive) solidly based in the roman framework, contributing to our better understanding regarding the cultural identity of the intervenients and technical processes active in the town’s construction and making the grounds for a line of inquiry to understand its urban development.
Este estudo teve por objectivo contribuir para a caracterização da cultura arquitectónica de Mirobriga durante a sua etapa de transformação urbanística no séc. I d.C., partindo de uma análise metrológica a dois edifícios habitacionais. Foi possível identificar um conjunto de características espaciais e metrológicas que permitiu compreender como poderá ter sido o processo de concepção dos projectos de arquitectura a partir de um modelo conceptual, bem como a sua adaptação e transposição para o terreno a construir, sendo aqui apresentada uma proposta metodológica para uma análise de engenharia reversa relativamente processo de design destes edifícios.
Quer o modelo arquitectónico quer a metrologia identificada inscrevem ambos os edifícios numa cultura arquitectónica romana (técnica e cognitiva), considerações que contribuem, para o conhecimento da identidade cultural dos intervenientes e processos construtivos activos na cidade, configurando, assim, uma proposta de linha de pesquisa para compreensão da sua génese urbanística.
III Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses 2020 - O Estado da Questão, 2020
The study of a residential building in the roman city of Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém, Portugal) ... more The study of a residential building in the roman city of Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém, Portugal) led to the its
identification as an axis orientated peristyle house. The building had commercial or productive facility as well,
attached to the residential block, that possibly worked, in a later phase, on a textile related activity.
The cross study of stratigraphic contexts, architecture and construction phases provided information regarding
the building’s sequence of construction, reform, abandonment and reoccupation throughout the 1st to 4th
centuries, allowing for a better understanding of this city’s urban development.

Ophiussa, 2019
O estudo de contextos provenientes de escavações antigas em Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém)... more RESUMO
O estudo de contextos provenientes de escavações antigas em Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) levou à identificação de duas
figuras antropomórficas em osso, com atributos femininos. Estas figuras em osso apesar de terem vindo a ser identificadas em
diversas escavações, quer em Portugal quer em algumas partes de Espanha, têm-se mantido algo enigmáticas relativamente ao
seu significado, pelo que a identificação e publicação de um conjunto destas figuras num edifício de provável função religiosa,
em Augusta Emerita, permitiu trazer alguma luz acerca da sua função e possível contexto religioso.
Assim, o presente artigo procura contribuir para o conhecimento e debate destes objectos, adicionando dois exemplares, um
dos quais com contexto estratigráfico associado, aos já conhecidos e publicados.
The analysis of data and contexts of old research excavations in Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) led to the identification of two
bone anthropomorphic figures with feminine features. Although these objects are relatively common in several sites both in
Portugal and certain parts of Spain, its function and significance has remained quite enigmatic. As such, the identification and
publication of a group of these figures in a building with a probable religious function, in Augusta Emerita, has shed some light
as to its possible meaning and religious background.
This paper aims to add to the knowledge and discussion of these objects, by adding two more subjects, one with associated
stratigraphic context, to the already known and published ones.

III Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses. 2020 - O Estado da Questão, 2020
Os edifícios termais de Mirobriga encontram-se localizados no seu ponto mais baixo, num va... more RESUMO
Os edifícios termais de Mirobriga encontram-se localizados no seu ponto mais baixo, num vale conformado
pelas colinas onde se desenvolvia o núcleo urbano. O seu bom estado de conservação permitiu a análise detalhada de um dos sistemas fundamentais no funcionamento de um edifício termal: o sistema de escoamento.
Dedicados à limpeza e cuidado do corpo, os edifícios termais são, paradoxalmente, grandes focos de poluição,
gerando vastas quantidades de efluentes.
O estudo do sistema de escoamento e resíduos gerados permitiu colocar esta questão em evidência, contribuindo para uma imagem mais clara da atmosfera e salubridade em torno e no interior destes espaços de lazer e socialização.
Palavras-chave: Gestão de resíduos, Poluição urbana, Balnea, Cloaca, Latrina.
The bath buildings identified in Mirobriga were built a low area, surrounded by several hills. Both are well
preserved allowing for a detailed analysis of a fundamental part of its functioning: the sewage system.
Despite being dedicated to bathing and body care, bath buildings are, none the less, responsible for a great
amount of pollution, due to the vast volume of wastewater generated.
The analysis of the drainage/sewage system and of the overall waste produced within these buildings has
brought some light to the subject as well as giving a clearer picture of what could have been overall atmosphere
and salubrity in and around these places of leisure and socialization.
Keywords: Waste management, Urban pollution, Balnea, Cloaca, Latrine.

Resumo O presente artigo produz uma súmula das investigações mais recentes levadas a cabo em Miro... more Resumo O presente artigo produz uma súmula das investigações mais recentes levadas a cabo em Mirobriga (também conhecida como Chãos Salgados e Castelo Velho), através de duas teses de mes-trado sobre questões urbanísticas e arquitectónicas e do projecto TabMir, iniciado em 2016 sob a coordenação científica do primeiro dos signatários, tendo como objectivo central o estudo dos sectores e dos espaços, públicos e privados, dedicados à actividade comercial na cidade. Far-se-á assim uma síntese problematizada dos resultados relativos aos sistemas de escoamentos de água instalados no espaço urbano, bem como do faseamento e funcionalidade da Construção n.º 3/Casa da Calçada, uma domus com funções cumulativas oficinais/comerciais. As novas pautas crono-urbanísticas que estes dados permitem estabelecer para a Antiguidade Tardia, conjuga-dos com os de outras investigações publicadas na última década, são complementares aos novos dados estratigráficos que o sector comercial proporcionou para a primeira metade do século VI d.C., um segmento até agora apenas diagnosticado por materiais descontextualizados. This paper gives an outline of the most recent research carried out at Mirobriga (also known as Chãos Salgados and Castelo Velho), through two Master theses on urbanistic and architectural matters and the TabMir project, started in 2016 under the scientific coordination of the first of the signatories , having as chief objective the study of both public and private sectors and spaces assumed to be assigned to commercial activities in the city. Thusly, in this article, a synthesis of the results related to the urban water drainage systems will be made, as well as the phasing and functionality of Construction n.º 3 / Casa da Calçada, a domus with cumulative industrial / commercial functions. The new chrono-urbanistic guidelines that these data allow to establish for Late Antiquity, combined with those of other investigations published in the last decade, are complementary to the new stratigraphic data that the commercial sector of Mirobriga provided for the first half of the 6th century AD, a sector of the city until now only diagnosed by decontextualized materials. Abstract

Pizzo, A. (Ed.) 2020: La arquitectura doméstica urbana de la Lusitania Romana, Mytra 6, Mérida., 2020
Em Mirobriga, apesar de não serem ainda conhecidos os limites da cidade, detemos, neste momento, ... more Em Mirobriga, apesar de não serem ainda conhecidos os limites da cidade, detemos, neste momento, um conhecimento relativamente conciso acerca da sua morfologia e dinâmica urbanística. A sua
localização, em topografia acidentada, herdada de um antigo povoado indígena, não apresenta as canónicas características de implantação de aglomerados urbanos de tradição romana, não conferindo muitas possibilidades relativamente ao traçado de eixos viários ou implantação de edifícios, que, em muitos casos, se implantaram em socalco ou contra pendentes de colinas. Os edifícios habitacionais não são excepção, encontrando-se, na sua maioria, dispersos pelas diversas colinas da cidade, criando um urbanismo esparso.
Dos edifícios cuja função primordial era, indubitavelmente, habitacional, estes correspondem, na sua quase totalidade a casas de peristylum, apenas com excepção da chamada «Casa da Insula» , sendo que, no caso do edifício conhecido como «Casa do Fresco», a sua escavação parcial não permite compreender em que tipologia se inserirá.
Post-Medieval Archaeology by Filipe Sousa
The archaeological intervention in Largo do Jogo da Bola, Carnide, took place between 1994 and 19... more The archaeological intervention in Largo do Jogo da Bola, Carnide, took place between 1994 and 1998. As a result six Medieval silos, dug in the argillaceous soil, were identified, revealing a considerable amount of ceramic and glass objects, dating from the 15th and 16th centuries.
The set included objects produced in the Lisbon area, common ware and faience; as well as imported items such as porcelain and Spanish and Italian ceramics. The artefactual ensemble we here present comprises individuals of the so called Maiolica and Graffita that,
notwithstanding its scarce numbers, can be of use to the study of the trading maintained between the Italian Cities and the Kingdom of Portugal and, in this particular case, Lisbon.
Posters by Filipe Sousa

XIIIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics, Granada, 2021
In late 2003 and in 2004, the restructuring works of the east wing of Mercado da Ribeira revealed... more In late 2003 and in 2004, the restructuring works of the east wing of Mercado da Ribeira revealed the remains of São Paulo´s Fort and Quay. Both structures were built on top of a landfill created between 1755 and 1768, as a part of the effort to rebuild parish of S. Paulo, in the aftermath of Lisbon’s 1755 earthquake.
The landfill layers produced a large set of pottery with a concise chronological span within the first half of the 18th century, representing a fine example of consumption pattern of Lisbon’s Western Riverfront, including some pottery categories present in 18th century daily life, often neglected by Early Modern archaeological studies.
The findings included a small number of Ligurian glazed tableware, probably from the workshops of Albisola, Savona and Genoa, consisting mainly of dishes, fruit bowls and liquid containers. The decorative themes include naturalistic and floral motifs of oriental influence; landscapes featuring architectonical elements; and mythological scenes. The attribution of these pieces to the Ligurian workshops rests on the presence distinctive production or potter marks like the “lantern” from Albisola and Savona; the “asterisk” from Albisola; and Savona’s coat of arms (Stemma de Savona). These elements all point to a manufacture period between the second half of the 17th century and the first quarter of the 18th century.
This study aims to reflect on several questions. Despite the Italian maiolica of 15th to 17th centuries being heavily represented in Lisbon’s archaeological record, that seems not to be the case for the glazed Ligurian pottery of 17th to 18th centuries. This could be the result of its misrecognition, probably due to the its similarities with other manufactures, either from Italy or from the Iberian Peninsula, typically called “Blue on Blue”. Another aspect of significance could be the apparent decreasing relevance of Italian pottery in this period, when compared with porcelain imports from China and locally manufactured glazed pottery (Portuguese faience).
Roman Archaeology by Filipe Sousa
This analysis aims at contributing to the characterization of the architectonical culture of Mirobriga during its urban transformation in the 1st cent. CE, starting with the analysis of two domestic buildings. It produced a series of spatial and metrological data and allowed for an interpretation of how the architectural design of the buildings were achieved based on conceptual model, as well as its adaptation when transposed to the construction site. We here present a hypothesis for a methodological approach to their analysis and reverse engineering.
Both the architectural model and modulation assign the buildings to an architectural culture (technical and cognitive) solidly based in the roman framework, contributing to our better understanding regarding the cultural identity of the intervenients and technical processes active in the town’s construction and making the grounds for a line of inquiry to understand its urban development.
Este estudo teve por objectivo contribuir para a caracterização da cultura arquitectónica de Mirobriga durante a sua etapa de transformação urbanística no séc. I d.C., partindo de uma análise metrológica a dois edifícios habitacionais. Foi possível identificar um conjunto de características espaciais e metrológicas que permitiu compreender como poderá ter sido o processo de concepção dos projectos de arquitectura a partir de um modelo conceptual, bem como a sua adaptação e transposição para o terreno a construir, sendo aqui apresentada uma proposta metodológica para uma análise de engenharia reversa relativamente processo de design destes edifícios.
Quer o modelo arquitectónico quer a metrologia identificada inscrevem ambos os edifícios numa cultura arquitectónica romana (técnica e cognitiva), considerações que contribuem, para o conhecimento da identidade cultural dos intervenientes e processos construtivos activos na cidade, configurando, assim, uma proposta de linha de pesquisa para compreensão da sua génese urbanística.
identification as an axis orientated peristyle house. The building had commercial or productive facility as well,
attached to the residential block, that possibly worked, in a later phase, on a textile related activity.
The cross study of stratigraphic contexts, architecture and construction phases provided information regarding
the building’s sequence of construction, reform, abandonment and reoccupation throughout the 1st to 4th
centuries, allowing for a better understanding of this city’s urban development.
O estudo de contextos provenientes de escavações antigas em Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) levou à identificação de duas
figuras antropomórficas em osso, com atributos femininos. Estas figuras em osso apesar de terem vindo a ser identificadas em
diversas escavações, quer em Portugal quer em algumas partes de Espanha, têm-se mantido algo enigmáticas relativamente ao
seu significado, pelo que a identificação e publicação de um conjunto destas figuras num edifício de provável função religiosa,
em Augusta Emerita, permitiu trazer alguma luz acerca da sua função e possível contexto religioso.
Assim, o presente artigo procura contribuir para o conhecimento e debate destes objectos, adicionando dois exemplares, um
dos quais com contexto estratigráfico associado, aos já conhecidos e publicados.
The analysis of data and contexts of old research excavations in Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) led to the identification of two
bone anthropomorphic figures with feminine features. Although these objects are relatively common in several sites both in
Portugal and certain parts of Spain, its function and significance has remained quite enigmatic. As such, the identification and
publication of a group of these figures in a building with a probable religious function, in Augusta Emerita, has shed some light
as to its possible meaning and religious background.
This paper aims to add to the knowledge and discussion of these objects, by adding two more subjects, one with associated
stratigraphic context, to the already known and published ones.
Os edifícios termais de Mirobriga encontram-se localizados no seu ponto mais baixo, num vale conformado
pelas colinas onde se desenvolvia o núcleo urbano. O seu bom estado de conservação permitiu a análise detalhada de um dos sistemas fundamentais no funcionamento de um edifício termal: o sistema de escoamento.
Dedicados à limpeza e cuidado do corpo, os edifícios termais são, paradoxalmente, grandes focos de poluição,
gerando vastas quantidades de efluentes.
O estudo do sistema de escoamento e resíduos gerados permitiu colocar esta questão em evidência, contribuindo para uma imagem mais clara da atmosfera e salubridade em torno e no interior destes espaços de lazer e socialização.
Palavras-chave: Gestão de resíduos, Poluição urbana, Balnea, Cloaca, Latrina.
The bath buildings identified in Mirobriga were built a low area, surrounded by several hills. Both are well
preserved allowing for a detailed analysis of a fundamental part of its functioning: the sewage system.
Despite being dedicated to bathing and body care, bath buildings are, none the less, responsible for a great
amount of pollution, due to the vast volume of wastewater generated.
The analysis of the drainage/sewage system and of the overall waste produced within these buildings has
brought some light to the subject as well as giving a clearer picture of what could have been overall atmosphere
and salubrity in and around these places of leisure and socialization.
Keywords: Waste management, Urban pollution, Balnea, Cloaca, Latrine.
localização, em topografia acidentada, herdada de um antigo povoado indígena, não apresenta as canónicas características de implantação de aglomerados urbanos de tradição romana, não conferindo muitas possibilidades relativamente ao traçado de eixos viários ou implantação de edifícios, que, em muitos casos, se implantaram em socalco ou contra pendentes de colinas. Os edifícios habitacionais não são excepção, encontrando-se, na sua maioria, dispersos pelas diversas colinas da cidade, criando um urbanismo esparso.
Dos edifícios cuja função primordial era, indubitavelmente, habitacional, estes correspondem, na sua quase totalidade a casas de peristylum, apenas com excepção da chamada «Casa da Insula» , sendo que, no caso do edifício conhecido como «Casa do Fresco», a sua escavação parcial não permite compreender em que tipologia se inserirá.
Post-Medieval Archaeology by Filipe Sousa
The set included objects produced in the Lisbon area, common ware and faience; as well as imported items such as porcelain and Spanish and Italian ceramics. The artefactual ensemble we here present comprises individuals of the so called Maiolica and Graffita that,
notwithstanding its scarce numbers, can be of use to the study of the trading maintained between the Italian Cities and the Kingdom of Portugal and, in this particular case, Lisbon.
Posters by Filipe Sousa
The landfill layers produced a large set of pottery with a concise chronological span within the first half of the 18th century, representing a fine example of consumption pattern of Lisbon’s Western Riverfront, including some pottery categories present in 18th century daily life, often neglected by Early Modern archaeological studies.
The findings included a small number of Ligurian glazed tableware, probably from the workshops of Albisola, Savona and Genoa, consisting mainly of dishes, fruit bowls and liquid containers. The decorative themes include naturalistic and floral motifs of oriental influence; landscapes featuring architectonical elements; and mythological scenes. The attribution of these pieces to the Ligurian workshops rests on the presence distinctive production or potter marks like the “lantern” from Albisola and Savona; the “asterisk” from Albisola; and Savona’s coat of arms (Stemma de Savona). These elements all point to a manufacture period between the second half of the 17th century and the first quarter of the 18th century.
This study aims to reflect on several questions. Despite the Italian maiolica of 15th to 17th centuries being heavily represented in Lisbon’s archaeological record, that seems not to be the case for the glazed Ligurian pottery of 17th to 18th centuries. This could be the result of its misrecognition, probably due to the its similarities with other manufactures, either from Italy or from the Iberian Peninsula, typically called “Blue on Blue”. Another aspect of significance could be the apparent decreasing relevance of Italian pottery in this period, when compared with porcelain imports from China and locally manufactured glazed pottery (Portuguese faience).
This analysis aims at contributing to the characterization of the architectonical culture of Mirobriga during its urban transformation in the 1st cent. CE, starting with the analysis of two domestic buildings. It produced a series of spatial and metrological data and allowed for an interpretation of how the architectural design of the buildings were achieved based on conceptual model, as well as its adaptation when transposed to the construction site. We here present a hypothesis for a methodological approach to their analysis and reverse engineering.
Both the architectural model and modulation assign the buildings to an architectural culture (technical and cognitive) solidly based in the roman framework, contributing to our better understanding regarding the cultural identity of the intervenients and technical processes active in the town’s construction and making the grounds for a line of inquiry to understand its urban development.
Este estudo teve por objectivo contribuir para a caracterização da cultura arquitectónica de Mirobriga durante a sua etapa de transformação urbanística no séc. I d.C., partindo de uma análise metrológica a dois edifícios habitacionais. Foi possível identificar um conjunto de características espaciais e metrológicas que permitiu compreender como poderá ter sido o processo de concepção dos projectos de arquitectura a partir de um modelo conceptual, bem como a sua adaptação e transposição para o terreno a construir, sendo aqui apresentada uma proposta metodológica para uma análise de engenharia reversa relativamente processo de design destes edifícios.
Quer o modelo arquitectónico quer a metrologia identificada inscrevem ambos os edifícios numa cultura arquitectónica romana (técnica e cognitiva), considerações que contribuem, para o conhecimento da identidade cultural dos intervenientes e processos construtivos activos na cidade, configurando, assim, uma proposta de linha de pesquisa para compreensão da sua génese urbanística.
identification as an axis orientated peristyle house. The building had commercial or productive facility as well,
attached to the residential block, that possibly worked, in a later phase, on a textile related activity.
The cross study of stratigraphic contexts, architecture and construction phases provided information regarding
the building’s sequence of construction, reform, abandonment and reoccupation throughout the 1st to 4th
centuries, allowing for a better understanding of this city’s urban development.
O estudo de contextos provenientes de escavações antigas em Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) levou à identificação de duas
figuras antropomórficas em osso, com atributos femininos. Estas figuras em osso apesar de terem vindo a ser identificadas em
diversas escavações, quer em Portugal quer em algumas partes de Espanha, têm-se mantido algo enigmáticas relativamente ao
seu significado, pelo que a identificação e publicação de um conjunto destas figuras num edifício de provável função religiosa,
em Augusta Emerita, permitiu trazer alguma luz acerca da sua função e possível contexto religioso.
Assim, o presente artigo procura contribuir para o conhecimento e debate destes objectos, adicionando dois exemplares, um
dos quais com contexto estratigráfico associado, aos já conhecidos e publicados.
The analysis of data and contexts of old research excavations in Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém) led to the identification of two
bone anthropomorphic figures with feminine features. Although these objects are relatively common in several sites both in
Portugal and certain parts of Spain, its function and significance has remained quite enigmatic. As such, the identification and
publication of a group of these figures in a building with a probable religious function, in Augusta Emerita, has shed some light
as to its possible meaning and religious background.
This paper aims to add to the knowledge and discussion of these objects, by adding two more subjects, one with associated
stratigraphic context, to the already known and published ones.
Os edifícios termais de Mirobriga encontram-se localizados no seu ponto mais baixo, num vale conformado
pelas colinas onde se desenvolvia o núcleo urbano. O seu bom estado de conservação permitiu a análise detalhada de um dos sistemas fundamentais no funcionamento de um edifício termal: o sistema de escoamento.
Dedicados à limpeza e cuidado do corpo, os edifícios termais são, paradoxalmente, grandes focos de poluição,
gerando vastas quantidades de efluentes.
O estudo do sistema de escoamento e resíduos gerados permitiu colocar esta questão em evidência, contribuindo para uma imagem mais clara da atmosfera e salubridade em torno e no interior destes espaços de lazer e socialização.
Palavras-chave: Gestão de resíduos, Poluição urbana, Balnea, Cloaca, Latrina.
The bath buildings identified in Mirobriga were built a low area, surrounded by several hills. Both are well
preserved allowing for a detailed analysis of a fundamental part of its functioning: the sewage system.
Despite being dedicated to bathing and body care, bath buildings are, none the less, responsible for a great
amount of pollution, due to the vast volume of wastewater generated.
The analysis of the drainage/sewage system and of the overall waste produced within these buildings has
brought some light to the subject as well as giving a clearer picture of what could have been overall atmosphere
and salubrity in and around these places of leisure and socialization.
Keywords: Waste management, Urban pollution, Balnea, Cloaca, Latrine.
localização, em topografia acidentada, herdada de um antigo povoado indígena, não apresenta as canónicas características de implantação de aglomerados urbanos de tradição romana, não conferindo muitas possibilidades relativamente ao traçado de eixos viários ou implantação de edifícios, que, em muitos casos, se implantaram em socalco ou contra pendentes de colinas. Os edifícios habitacionais não são excepção, encontrando-se, na sua maioria, dispersos pelas diversas colinas da cidade, criando um urbanismo esparso.
Dos edifícios cuja função primordial era, indubitavelmente, habitacional, estes correspondem, na sua quase totalidade a casas de peristylum, apenas com excepção da chamada «Casa da Insula» , sendo que, no caso do edifício conhecido como «Casa do Fresco», a sua escavação parcial não permite compreender em que tipologia se inserirá.
The set included objects produced in the Lisbon area, common ware and faience; as well as imported items such as porcelain and Spanish and Italian ceramics. The artefactual ensemble we here present comprises individuals of the so called Maiolica and Graffita that,
notwithstanding its scarce numbers, can be of use to the study of the trading maintained between the Italian Cities and the Kingdom of Portugal and, in this particular case, Lisbon.
The landfill layers produced a large set of pottery with a concise chronological span within the first half of the 18th century, representing a fine example of consumption pattern of Lisbon’s Western Riverfront, including some pottery categories present in 18th century daily life, often neglected by Early Modern archaeological studies.
The findings included a small number of Ligurian glazed tableware, probably from the workshops of Albisola, Savona and Genoa, consisting mainly of dishes, fruit bowls and liquid containers. The decorative themes include naturalistic and floral motifs of oriental influence; landscapes featuring architectonical elements; and mythological scenes. The attribution of these pieces to the Ligurian workshops rests on the presence distinctive production or potter marks like the “lantern” from Albisola and Savona; the “asterisk” from Albisola; and Savona’s coat of arms (Stemma de Savona). These elements all point to a manufacture period between the second half of the 17th century and the first quarter of the 18th century.
This study aims to reflect on several questions. Despite the Italian maiolica of 15th to 17th centuries being heavily represented in Lisbon’s archaeological record, that seems not to be the case for the glazed Ligurian pottery of 17th to 18th centuries. This could be the result of its misrecognition, probably due to the its similarities with other manufactures, either from Italy or from the Iberian Peninsula, typically called “Blue on Blue”. Another aspect of significance could be the apparent decreasing relevance of Italian pottery in this period, when compared with porcelain imports from China and locally manufactured glazed pottery (Portuguese faience).