Welcome to the School of Art and Visual Studies

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At SA/VS, we believe that a creative life is an extraordinary life. We’re a home for inspired creatives, educators, and visual scholars who make creativity central to their experience.  Every day, SA/VS is alive with activity: Sculpture students critique large metal installations in the atrium while students in a Fiber class quilt outside in the sun. A Performance Art class explores ideas for costuming and public interaction while a Graphic Design class displays typographic posters. Students install an exhibition in the Bolivar Art Gallery, in the seminar room, students interpret cultures past and present through their visual arts, and upstairs, students in Printmedia create zines by layering ink with a Risograph. From guerilla art, digital illustration, and 3D-printing to painting, animation, and still-life drawing, whatever creative opportunity you’re looking for, it’s happening here!

Explore Our Programs
Being an art educator is wonderful combination of personal creative practice and contributions to future generations. If you are excited about making art, then you can excite and encourage others to experiment and experience the joy of being an artist. 
Art History & Visual Studies (AVHS) majors are trained to develop astute observational tools that help them better analyze our image-rich world.
Where will creativity take you?
Why Limit Yourself?  When you pursue a Digital Media Design degree at U.K., you can shape your curriculum to suit your career goals!
The Master of Arts (MA) in Art Education cultivates a community of artist-researcher-teachers who ask critical questions and propose innovative solutions to issues within the field of art education.
The Master of Arts in Art History & Visual Studies prepares students with the course work, language skills, and research experience needed for further graduate study or work in a museum or educational setting.
A studio art degree prepares you for the creative life you plan to live and opens the door to an inventive career full of exploration, critical thinking, and a practice based in hands-on making.
The MFA in Curatorial Studies prepares students for careers in the expanded field of creative curation. As the first three-year hybrid MFA in Curatorial Studies in the United States, this practice-based terminal degree uniquely equips graduates for positions in a wide variety of arts and cultural organizations, as well as teaching positions at the college level.
Upcoming Events
  • Mar 10 - 28 2025
    Reception Thursday, March 13th 4:30 - 7:00p. Jason Kash, BFA
    Bolivar Art Gallery
  • Mar 26 - 30 2025
    BFA in Art Studio Jason Kash senior exhibition (this show is an extension from previous week)Foundations Show Juror Show – details TBDBFA in Art Studio Becca Watts senior exhibitionReception Thursday…
    Bolivar Art Gallery
  • Apr 11 2025 | 12pm
    Visiting Artist and Lecture SeriesRaub Roy has performed and recorded electroacoustic music as horaflora since 2005, and more recently (2017-present) as Scy1e. Performances are often based around low…
    Art & Visual Studies Building
    Room 250
  • Apr 14 - 18 2025
    BFA in Art Studio Hannah Stein senior exhibitionBFA in Art Studio Mary-Margot Ventura senior exhibitionReception Thursday, April 17 @ 4:30-7 
    Bolivar Art Gallery
Created 08/10/2021
Last Updated 07/17/2024