Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Grade"
La signification de "Grade" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie Grade entering ?
It probably means the grade you’ll be entering when you come. Such as 7th grade, 9th grade, 12th grade etc…
Que signifie "to take my Grade A loins off"
(Phoebe said it on Friends
Full sentence: But, you know, am I ready to take my Grade A loins off the meat market?) ?
(Phoebe said it on Friends
Full sentence: But, you know, am I ready to take my Grade A loins off the meat market?) ?
😄😄😄 good joke.
It’s a metaphor:
- meat market - singles dating scene. People are the meat (you probably know this already)
- Grade A loins - technically the area just between the ribs and pelvis of the meat in question - in this case, a human. So she could be talking about hips and legs. Grade A means very high quality. So essentially, very attractive hips/legs or body
So Phoebe is saying she’s not sure if she wants to take her very physically attractive self out of the dating scene.
It’s a metaphor:
- meat market - singles dating scene. People are the meat (you probably know this already)
- Grade A loins - technically the area just between the ribs and pelvis of the meat in question - in this case, a human. So she could be talking about hips and legs. Grade A means very high quality. So essentially, very attractive hips/legs or body
So Phoebe is saying she’s not sure if she wants to take her very physically attractive self out of the dating scene.
Que signifie Grade School ?
—That is the same as:
Elementary school
Elementary school
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Grade"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant 'Grade' (School) Plz only voice answers.
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Mots similaires à "Grade" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre Grade (verb) et Rank (verb) ?
They are not quite exactly the same as classify, because both of these words really mean – to place an order according to a stated preference or value.
You can classify things – like types of animals – without ever having to say that one is better than the other, or that you are currently placing them in order of importance.
In school, your grade is the number out of 100 (for example sake) that you get on your written work, while your rank is how you measure up against all the other students. So you may have to add up many different grades, as well as many other different considerations, in order to get a rank.
Then, throughout innumerable areas of ordinary life, the two words have sometimes the same, sometimes slightly varied meanings. Sometimes one is preferred over the other – in the army, you have a rank, not a grade.
It would be literally impossible for me to go through all of the different ways they are used. But it doesn’t matter, because it’s enough to know that they have the same general meaning.
They are not quite exactly the same as classify, because both of these words really mean – to place an order according to a stated preference or value.
You can classify things – like types of animals – without ever having to say that one is better than the other, or that you are currently placing them in order of importance.
In school, your grade is the number out of 100 (for example sake) that you get on your written work, while your rank is how you measure up against all the other students. So you may have to add up many different grades, as well as many other different considerations, in order to get a rank.
Then, throughout innumerable areas of ordinary life, the two words have sometimes the same, sometimes slightly varied meanings. Sometimes one is preferred over the other – in the army, you have a rank, not a grade.
It would be literally impossible for me to go through all of the different ways they are used. But it doesn’t matter, because it’s enough to know that they have the same general meaning.
Quelle est la différence entre Grade et class et year ?
What grade are you in?
I'm in grade [1-12]. (like Russian класс)
What class do you have right now?
Biology. (class is usually when you meet for an hour and talk about one subject)
What class are you in?
I'm in the class of 2021. (Our class graduates in 2021)
I'm in grade [1-12]. (like Russian класс)
What class do you have right now?
Biology. (class is usually when you meet for an hour and talk about one subject)
What class are you in?
I'm in the class of 2021. (Our class graduates in 2021)
Quelle est la différence entre Grade in an exam et Mark / score in an exam ?
"My grade in the test was an A" versus "I scored 80 out of 100 in my test" it's only a minor difference
Traductions de "Grade"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? please Grade my pronouncing from 0 to 10 any feedback is appreciated
I would give you a 7! The g you’re putting into “wives” is a little unusual. Also with “Egypt,” pronounce the hard g.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? Grade my pronouncing fro 0 to 10!
it's a 9 out of 10 good job keep up the hard work! 👍
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? Grade
Autres questions concernant "Grade"
“We are first grade.”
( Grade one students line up and leave their school together, they need to tell the school guard who is leaving.) Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
( Grade one students line up and leave their school together, they need to tell the school guard who is leaving.) Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
yeah it's an answer to "who are we" you could also say "we are first graders"
I passed Grade Pre-2 English test 2weeks ago.
So,I going to try Grade2 English test. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
So,I going to try Grade2 English test. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× I passed Grade Pre-2 English test 2weeks ago.
✓ I passed the Grade Pre-2 English test 2 weeks ago.
× So,I going to try Grade2 English test.
✓ So, I am going to try the Grade 2 English test.
✓ I passed the Grade Pre-2 English test 2 weeks ago.
× So,I going to try Grade2 English test.
✓ So, I am going to try the Grade 2 English test.
He completed Grade 5 with a 4.00 GPA.
He completed Grade 5 with GPA 4.00z
He completed Grade 5 with GPA 4.00z
He completed Grade 5 with a 4.00 GPA.
I study in Grade five at Huang long No.1 Primary School. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
We don't say "I study in [grade]." We will typically say, "I'm in [grade] grade at [school]." Eg. "I'm in second grade at Eisenhower elementary (school)."
What does Grade Point Average actually mean? Are exams standardised or not? What are the exams themselves actually like? (haha lots of questions, sorry!! I can answer questions on the British school system in return 😂😅)
@zip94025 So how do they work? Are there no nationwide exams taken?
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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