Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Leverage"
La signification de "Leverage" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie Leverage does that for you. ?
It doesn’t really make any with the context give. It might refer to taking drugs or alcohol.
Que signifie Leverage ?
Leverage means to have power over something.
Que signifie Leverage ?
the use of credit or borrowed capital to increase the earning potential of stock.
^try searching on google for “what does leverage mean” and maybe you will get a better definition if that doesn’t make sense.
^try searching on google for “what does leverage mean” and maybe you will get a better definition if that doesn’t make sense.
Que signifie Leverage has several meanings. Among them, when it is used like "I will not be leveraged", does it mean that I will not allow anyone to use me for his/her interest?
I appreciate your kind feedback. ?
I appreciate your kind feedback. ?
yes it can but it is used for good : you can leverage yourself to put you in a better position for something else.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Leverage"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Leverage.
leverage us an advantage that you use to advance you further. Many times, when you apply to a new job you leverage your current work position to show what you are capable of. Leverage is often used in business but it can be used in a negative way, you can leverage your power/position to force or coerce people to do something they otherwise would not do.
A dirty cop leveraging their authority as a police officer to coerce a victim to pay for personal security protection from a criminal or gang.
The essence of leverage is using something earned or something of force to get yourself in a better position. Thinking “using the cards in your hand to get ahead”
A dirty cop leveraging their authority as a police officer to coerce a victim to pay for personal security protection from a criminal or gang.
The essence of leverage is using something earned or something of force to get yourself in a better position. Thinking “using the cards in your hand to get ahead”
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Leverage .
Type "leverage", including the quotation marks, in Google and then press the "News" tab and you will see thousands of correctly used examples. This is a great technique to use for any word or expression in any language.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Leverage.
Thank you so much to explained this to me because it’s a really hard word to understand and how to use it.
Thank you so much to explained this to me because it’s a really hard word to understand and how to use it.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Leverage.
leverage is not a common word, and does not have “common expressions”.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Leverage ?.
Thanks for help
Autres questions concernant "Leverage"
How can I use it (as the noun and as the verb)?
I've had a big struggles with this word. And I guess I still can use it wrong.
How can I use it (as the noun and as the verb)?
I've had a big struggles with this word. And I guess I still can use it wrong.
We need to leverage our technical skills as well as our customer service skills. We should be solving problems more efficiently.
We have leverage over them because we have 10 hostages. Tell them we want a ransom payment of 1 million dollars.
We have leverage over them because we have 10 hostages. Tell them we want a ransom payment of 1 million dollars.
What does "Leverage the antiblack carceral state in the name of progressivism." mean?
Just a couple months ago, I was in a conversation with one of my white mentors and a fellow teacher. Our mentor was trying to share her model of “progressive” education with us, and my fellow teacher, who teaches mostly working-class Black students, tried to explain that in the circumstances of her students and their parents during the COVID-19 quarantine, the plan would be impossible. My mentor’s advice shocked me: Call Child Protective Services on any parent who could not accommodate her plans. Leverage the antiblack carceral state in the name of progressivism.
Just a couple months ago, I was in a conversation with one of my white mentors and a fellow teacher. Our mentor was trying to share her model of “progressive” education with us, and my fellow teacher, who teaches mostly working-class Black students, tried to explain that in the circumstances of her students and their parents during the COVID-19 quarantine, the plan would be impossible. My mentor’s advice shocked me: Call Child Protective Services on any parent who could not accommodate her plans. Leverage the antiblack carceral state in the name of progressivism.
Even as a native English speaker, this sentence makes little to no sense to me. I believe the word “leverage” is used incorrectly in this sentence as it’s typically used in reference to business.
All I can provide is a simpler translation in hopes that helps you understand their conversation better;
“Leverage the antiblack confining state in the name of social reform.”
All I can provide is a simpler translation in hopes that helps you understand their conversation better;
“Leverage the antiblack confining state in the name of social reform.”
'Leverage for starting' Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
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