Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Plus"

Mots similaires à "Plus" et leurs différences

Q: Quelle est la différence entre Plus et besides
A: “He'll get a good education, besides singing in the choir.” Seems to mean one of the following:

“He’ll get a good education (in addition to the education he receives by) singing in the choir.”


“He’ll get a good education (alternatively to/in contrast to the education he receives by) singing in the choir.”

So it can mean additionally, but it can also mean alternatively or in contrast. It’s possible the “besides” was also used sarcastically here — the speaker may not think the choir benefits the student at all, and may be making fun of the benefit the choir provides by causally bringing it up as a contrasting AND additional point.

It’s also possible that whole sentence is sarcastic; the speaker does not think the education the student is getting is good at all, and especially thinks the choir education is poor. Hence, he mentions the choir education last, as if he suddenly thought of a fantastic reason why the education at that school is so good!

In contrast to “besides,” “plus” tends to typically only mean “in addition to.”

For example (I changed the grammar a bit to help it flow better):

You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). Additionally, you're a minor, which means staying here is technically illegal.

You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). She’s your family; If you should live with anyone, it’s her. On top of that, you're still a minor! Staying here is technically illegal.

You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). She’s your family; If you should live with anyone, it’s her. I shouldn’t also need to remind you that you're still a minor! Staying here is technically illegal.

Let me know if this is still confusing! 😊👍✨

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