Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Plus"
La signification de "Plus" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie "Plus" in "Must-have Plus trends" ?
Not sure, where did you see this
Que signifie Plus, Avery was there by now with his hot little number. (hot little number?) ?
Sure. The expression is about 100 years old – there was a craze for women entering beauty contests and things like that. When they enter the contest, they would pin a big number on their clothes. So it became habitual for men to talk about which "number" they liked.
obviously, we don't call women numbers anymore, but for some reason the expression hot little number has survived – although it is not very common anymore.
Whatever expressions you have in your language for attractive young women, and the way that young men identify them – this is what you are looking for.
Sure. The expression is about 100 years old – there was a craze for women entering beauty contests and things like that. When they enter the contest, they would pin a big number on their clothes. So it became habitual for men to talk about which "number" they liked.
obviously, we don't call women numbers anymore, but for some reason the expression hot little number has survived – although it is not very common anymore.
Whatever expressions you have in your language for attractive young women, and the way that young men identify them – this is what you are looking for.
Que signifie Plus tenfold. ?
B wants to say that they paid off their initial investment plus ten times their initial investment.
Que signifie Plus a range of clothes for indoor and outdoor fitness activities ?
Y un varió de ropa para ejercicios adentro y afuera
Que signifie "Plus an emotionally cutting off from you. Perhaps he acted this way out of anger." ?
"Cutting someone off" in this context would mean to become emotionally distant.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Plus"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Plus, Minus, Mal (Multiplizieren), Geteilt (Dividieren) .
1 plus 1 equals 2
8 minus 3 = 5
3 times 7 = 21
20 divided by 4 = 5
8 minus 3 = 5
3 times 7 = 21
20 divided by 4 = 5
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Plus.
Plus is sort of like saying "and" to
" I have homework plus I have to practice for that play"
"I have homework and I have to practice for that play"
" I have homework plus I have to practice for that play"
"I have homework and I have to practice for that play"
Mots similaires à "Plus" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre Plus et Besides ?
Plus can mean 'also', or 'additionally'.
Ex: "I love your outfit, plus I think you're really pretty."
Besides can mean plus too, but it's used to give the point out more.
Ex: "I think my outfit is kind of stupid."
"Don't say that, I love your outfit! Besides, you look really pretty in it."
Ex: "I love your outfit, plus I think you're really pretty."
Besides can mean plus too, but it's used to give the point out more.
Ex: "I think my outfit is kind of stupid."
"Don't say that, I love your outfit! Besides, you look really pretty in it."
Quelle est la différence entre Plus et besides
“He'll get a good education, besides singing in the choir.” Seems to mean one of the following:
“He’ll get a good education (in addition to the education he receives by) singing in the choir.”
“He’ll get a good education (alternatively to/in contrast to the education he receives by) singing in the choir.”
So it can mean additionally, but it can also mean alternatively or in contrast. It’s possible the “besides” was also used sarcastically here — the speaker may not think the choir benefits the student at all, and may be making fun of the benefit the choir provides by causally bringing it up as a contrasting AND additional point.
It’s also possible that whole sentence is sarcastic; the speaker does not think the education the student is getting is good at all, and especially thinks the choir education is poor. Hence, he mentions the choir education last, as if he suddenly thought of a fantastic reason why the education at that school is so good!
In contrast to “besides,” “plus” tends to typically only mean “in addition to.”
For example (I changed the grammar a bit to help it flow better):
You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). Additionally, you're a minor, which means staying here is technically illegal.
You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). She’s your family; If you should live with anyone, it’s her. On top of that, you're still a minor! Staying here is technically illegal.
You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). She’s your family; If you should live with anyone, it’s her. I shouldn’t also need to remind you that you're still a minor! Staying here is technically illegal.
Let me know if this is still confusing! 😊👍✨
“He’ll get a good education (in addition to the education he receives by) singing in the choir.”
“He’ll get a good education (alternatively to/in contrast to the education he receives by) singing in the choir.”
So it can mean additionally, but it can also mean alternatively or in contrast. It’s possible the “besides” was also used sarcastically here — the speaker may not think the choir benefits the student at all, and may be making fun of the benefit the choir provides by causally bringing it up as a contrasting AND additional point.
It’s also possible that whole sentence is sarcastic; the speaker does not think the education the student is getting is good at all, and especially thinks the choir education is poor. Hence, he mentions the choir education last, as if he suddenly thought of a fantastic reason why the education at that school is so good!
In contrast to “besides,” “plus” tends to typically only mean “in addition to.”
For example (I changed the grammar a bit to help it flow better):
You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). Additionally, you're a minor, which means staying here is technically illegal.
You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). She’s your family; If you should live with anyone, it’s her. On top of that, you're still a minor! Staying here is technically illegal.
You have to go to see your grandma (tomorrow). She’s your family; If you should live with anyone, it’s her. I shouldn’t also need to remind you that you're still a minor! Staying here is technically illegal.
Let me know if this is still confusing! 😊👍✨
Quelle est la différence entre Plus et More ?
"Plus" is used for math, like when you have to things that you want to add, but it can mean "also". For example, "I'm buying this plus this." or "Let's go home now, it's late, plus I'm not feeling too well."
"More" is used in quantity and amount. For example, "Can I have more fries?" or "More people are coming."
"More" is used in quantity and amount. For example, "Can I have more fries?" or "More people are coming."
Quelle est la différence entre Plus et More ?
like, more means. tell me more on this or
plus means extra like u got 30 plus in maths.hope u get it
plus means extra like u got 30 plus in maths.hope u get it
Quelle est la différence entre Plus et Furthermore ?
"the sheets are soft, plus the pillows are soft too"
"the sheets are soft. furthermore, the pillows are too."
"the sheets are soft. furthermore, the pillows are too."
Traductions de "Plus"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? "Plus pour longtemps" et "pas pour longtemps"
Not for long et not for a long time
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? Plus tard j'aimerais travailler dans le génétique, j'ai découvert ça l'année dernière et depuis ça me passionne.
Later I would like to work in genetics. I have been passionate ever since discovering about it last year.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? Plus tard je voudrais voyager
later I would like to travel.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)?
Plus blanc que la neige,
Plus chaud que le soleil,
Plus sucré que le miel
Avec plein de joie
Et beaucoup de bonheur
Bonjour mon amour
Plus blanc que la neige,
Plus chaud que le soleil,
Plus sucré que le miel
Avec plein de joie
Et beaucoup de bonheur
Bonjour mon amour
Whiter than snow
Hotter than the sun
Sweeter than honey
With plenty of joy and lots of happiness
Hello my love
Hotter than the sun
Sweeter than honey
With plenty of joy and lots of happiness
Hello my love
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? Plus tard j'aimerais tellement me casser de ce pays..
Later on I would love to get out of this country (or get the fuck out of here)
Autres questions concernant "Plus"
"Plus, marbles have all the elements of a childhood blockbuster: They’re small, light, portable, cheap, easy to find, lend themselves as well to collecting as they do to playing, and come in a wide, aesthetically pleasing variety. In fact, they remain fun well past childhood. While the most popular types of marbles are colorful globes made of glass, there are marbles made of clay, steel, and wood; there are big and small marbles; there are handmade and mass-produced ones—and the best part is… they come with a whole vocabulary."
Could you explain the meaning of these things: "lend themselves as well to collecting as they do to playing"; "come in a wide"; "they remain fun well past childhood"; "they come with a whole vocabulary"?
Could you explain the meaning of these things: "lend themselves as well to collecting as they do to playing"; "come in a wide"; "they remain fun well past childhood"; "they come with a whole vocabulary"?
to lend oneself to something = to be well-suited for something, to do a good job at something
to come in a wide variety = many different kinds are available
well past ~ = for a long time after ~ ends
they come with a whole vocabulary = there are many unique words and phrases that marble players must learn
to come in a wide variety = many different kinds are available
well past ~ = for a long time after ~ ends
they come with a whole vocabulary = there are many unique words and phrases that marble players must learn
Plus you could imagine your university is in another city and your parents made your life miserable, even when the only thing you did was never have a partner, be the best student in your classroom, my parents let me a lot of time without a cellphone because these were stolen, I helped people with their studies for free and nice and helpful way and they loved me, I had a lot of responsibilities in my high school that many times I used to cry and I was so exhausted and I was a good stupid innocent girl, but I least it is was on my hometown.
Plus you could imagine THAT your university is in another city and your parents made your life miserable, even when the only thing you did was TO never have a partner OR be the best student in your classroom*. MY* parents leFt me a lot of time without a cellphone because IT WAS stolen*.* I helped people with their studies for free and IN A nice and helpful way and they loved me*.* I had SO MANY responsibilities in my high school that many times I used to cry BECAUSE I was so exhausted*.* I* was a good stupid innocent girl, but I least it is was IN my hometown.
"Plus, I was thinking maybe we can go there with each girlfriends, so what about coming with your girlfriend?" Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
"Plus, I was thinking maybe we can go there with OUR girlfriends, so what about coming with your girlfriend?"
Plus, he wrote in first person; he used a lot of punctuation and adjectives to bring to the surface the picture he want to give to the reader. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
... to reveal the picture he wants to paint for the reader.
Plus, there weren’t that many only for take-out places. There were less Kinds of drink menus compared to these days.
How to order drinks was also different from what it’s like now. People made their orders at the tables. After people take their seats, and a server comes to them, and asks what they would order. People usually pay later, leaving the coffee shops.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
How to order drinks was also different from what it’s like now. People made their orders at the tables. After people take their seats, and a server comes to them, and asks what they would order. People usually pay later, leaving the coffee shops.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Plus, there weren’t that many take-out places. There were less kinds of drinks on the menus compared to these days.
Ordering drinks was also different from what it’s like now. People made their orders at their tables. After they sat down, a server would come to them and ask what they would like to order.
People would usually pay when leaving a coffee shop. (옛날에)
People usually pay when leaving a coffee shop. (현대에)
Ordering drinks was also different from what it’s like now. People made their orders at their tables. After they sat down, a server would come to them and ask what they would like to order.
People would usually pay when leaving a coffee shop. (옛날에)
People usually pay when leaving a coffee shop. (현대에)
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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