Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Almond"
La signification de "Almond" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie almond vibes ?
Que signifie almond
these nuts:
Que signifie It's almond charcoal flavored, as in activated charcoal. (especially I want to know the function of "as") ?
"as in" can mean, "in other words," or, "for example." "As in" is used to clarify a meaning which would otherwise be unclear. In other words, if the speaker thinks there might be some confusion about what he/she said.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Almond"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant almond.
I like chocolate ice cream with almonds on top.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant almonds.
"Almonds are expensive."
"There are little pieces of almond in that salad."
You might hear people online say "Really activates my almonds," which is kind of a joking way to say, "Really makes me think."
"There are little pieces of almond in that salad."
You might hear people online say "Really activates my almonds," which is kind of a joking way to say, "Really makes me think."
Mots similaires à "Almond" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre I wanted to try making my own almond milk et I wanted to try making myself almond milk ?
The second sentence is phrased incorrectly. It should be
I wanted to try making Almond milk myself
That's corrected, they mean the same thing. Exactly
The second sentence is phrased incorrectly. It should be
I wanted to try making Almond milk myself
That's corrected, they mean the same thing. Exactly
Traductions de "Almond"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? do you that I like almond croissant more than bacon & cheese almond?
(guys can you please correct that sentence and put some slangs too?😂)
(guys can you please correct that sentence and put some slangs too?😂)
I like almond croissants better than bacon and cheese ones
Almond croissants are way better than bacon and cheese ones
I’m hazard a guess that you meant croissant and not almond😂 but the sentence itself isn’t one that could use a lot of slang :(
Hopefully this was helpful!
Almond croissants are way better than bacon and cheese ones
I’m hazard a guess that you meant croissant and not almond😂 but the sentence itself isn’t one that could use a lot of slang :(
Hopefully this was helpful!
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? almonds
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? almond, sausage and croissant
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? almond
almond.. badaam.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? almond
Autres questions concernant "Almond"
The almonds have gone moldy and moldy almonds are poisonous.
Is it correct?
Is it correct?
The almonds have gone moldy and it's poisonous
I ate an almond jelly just now.
I realized again It's delicious!! Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I realized again It's delicious!! Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
honestly it sounds fine but you can also say
"I just ate an almond jelly and remembered how tasty they are!!"
"I just ate an almond jelly and remembered how tasty they are!!"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce almond.
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce almond.
Skip the L.
How do you call these little sugared almonds in English ?
oh yes, then those are absolutely sprinkles. They call those round ones nonpareils
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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