Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Arms"
La signification de "Arms" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie to have their arms practically pumped off their shoulders by the energetic Mr Wonka. ?
Mr. Wonka is shaking hands with people. He shakes their hands very hard. If you shake hands with Mr. Wonka, it feels like your shoulder is going to be removed from your body.
Que signifie fold you up into my arms ?
Yeah - a really big tight cuddle
Que signifie her arms SPLAYED OUT to the sides ?
It means her arms are stretched out to both sides.
Que signifie I have like really big arms they're very dense but they're not as details ?
His arms are only big in size, but they dont look nice. A word that people more commonly used is "defined" when talking about muscles.
Que signifie she crossed her arms ?
It means to put your arms like this
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Arms"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant 1.Do you want me to embrace you?
2 Do you want to be in my arms?
3.Do you want me to take you in my arms?
4.Let me embrace you!
Which one can be used while talking to a baby?
2 Do you want to be in my arms?
3.Do you want me to take you in my arms?
4.Let me embrace you!
Which one can be used while talking to a baby?
3.Do you want me to carry you in my arms?
4. Let me hug/hold you.
Hold the baby gently.
4. Let me hug/hold you.
Hold the baby gently.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant Up in arms .
To be up in arms over something is to be very angry about it, maybe even ready to fight. Here are a couple examples - I think any other use of this phrase would follow the same pattern.
The fans were up in arms over the referee's decision.
The politicians were up in arms over the proposed tax bill.
The fans were up in arms over the referee's decision.
The politicians were up in arms over the proposed tax bill.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant "To arms.".
This isn't used normally, but in video games and movies you may hear people say it. It means to get your weapons and get ready to fight!
Mots similaires à "Arms" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre I saw that my arms and legs were tied to the ground. et I saw my arms and legs tied to the ground. ?
Not quite. Both are past tense, but the implied meaning is different. "I saw that..." implies that you didn't see it happen. You became aware that you were already tied up. "I saw..." implies someone describing a past event where they saw their arms and legs being tied up.
"I don't remember anything at all. When I woke up, I saw that my arms and legs were tied up."
"It was like a dream. I saw my arms and legs being tied up, but I couldn't move to fight back."
"I don't remember anything at all. When I woke up, I saw that my arms and legs were tied up."
"It was like a dream. I saw my arms and legs being tied up, but I couldn't move to fight back."
Quelle est la différence entre arms et weapon ?
Arms is "a combat branch of the military service, as the infantry, cavalry, or field artillery." It is the fight.
Weapons are what they use in the fight.
Weapons are what they use in the fight.
Quelle est la différence entre with his arms folded et with his arms crossed ?
They mean the same thing, however, "folded" sounds less aggressive, less angry, than "crossed", but only for a more poetic writing.
Quelle est la différence entre small arms et light weapons ?
Small arms are guns that are small in size but it doesn't mean that they're weak.
Light weapons could be weapons that don't weigh much.
Light weapons could be weapons that don't weigh much.
Traductions de "Arms"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? He walked swinging his arms.
He walked with his arms swinging.
Which is more natural?
He walked with his arms swinging.
Which is more natural?
He walked swinging his arms. - he was swinging his arms on purpose.
He walked with his arms swinging. - his arms were swinging subconsciously.
Both are natural it just depends on the context.
He walked with his arms swinging. - his arms were swinging subconsciously.
Both are natural it just depends on the context.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? He walked with his arms swinging.
He walked with his arms swung.
Which is correct?
He walked with his arms swung.
Which is correct?
The difference is that the act of crossing is done, and now his arms are in a state of being crossed. The act of swinging is continuing. “With his arms swung” makes it sound like he swung his arms once and now is done with it. It also makes it sound like his arms are in a state of “being swung,” but this doesn’t really make sense, because arms are the same before and after they have been swung.
Another example:
He lay down with his eyes closed. -> The act of closing is done, and now his eyes are in a state of being closed.
He lay down with his eyes closing. -> the act of closing isn’t done. He is still in the middle of closing his eyes.
Another example:
He lay down with his eyes closed. -> The act of closing is done, and now his eyes are in a state of being closed.
He lay down with his eyes closing. -> the act of closing isn’t done. He is still in the middle of closing his eyes.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? "Having both arms paralyzed is almost never the case after a stroke." "Паралич обеих рук почти никогда не бывает после инсульта".. „Dass beide Arme gelähmt sind, kommt so gut wie nie vor nach einem Schlaganfall.“
Я бы сказал "A stroke almost never results in paralysis of both arms"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? I sat down , and I used my arms as a pillow to rest a little on the desk.
The second "I" is not necessary... Otherwise perfect!
--> " I sat down and used my arms as a pillow to rest a little on the desk."
I think most people would say something like...
--> "I put/laid my head down on the desk and took a little nap."
Hope this helps!
--> " I sat down and used my arms as a pillow to rest a little on the desk."
I think most people would say something like...
--> "I put/laid my head down on the desk and took a little nap."
Hope this helps!
Autres questions concernant "Arms"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce the arms of sorrow .
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He cost his arms and legs Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
It cost him an arm and a leg.
Joe:Though your arms and legs (limbs?) are surprisingly thin, only your waist has stuck out.
Tom:You're right. I wonder why.
Joe: Why don't you do sit-ups?
( / Should you try to do sit-ups?)
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Tom:You're right. I wonder why.
Joe: Why don't you do sit-ups?
( / Should you try to do sit-ups?)
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Joe: Though your arms and legs are surprisingly thin, your waist still sticks out.
("limbs" is also fine)
Tom: You're right. I wonder why.
Joe: Why don't you do sit-ups?
("Should you try to do sit-ups?" sounds a bit unnatural.)
("limbs" is also fine)
Tom: You're right. I wonder why.
Joe: Why don't you do sit-ups?
("Should you try to do sit-ups?" sounds a bit unnatural.)
Why are you keeping moving your arms? Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
It is sometimes ok to have two ing verbs (e.g. I'm considering moving to America), but in this case with "keep," we use "keep" in the infinitive so,
Why do you keep moving your arms?
Why do you keep moving your arms?
"Raise your arms up and turn them in the right direction like drawing an arch. "
This is an direction of an exercise. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
This is an direction of an exercise. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I would use the word rotate instead of turn. You "turn" your body, you "rotate" your arms.
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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