Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Behaviour"
La signification de "Behaviour" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie What behaviour have you seen (personal and professional) that can be described as challenging? ?
Yes, no problem
Que signifie What behaviour have you seen (personal and professional) that can be described as challenging? ?
Yes. Behavior means the way a person or something acts.
For example: “I expect the kids to behave well”
The question is talking about what kind of actions(how a person act) that can be seen hard to work with.
So what kind of actions do the other workers do that makes it hard for you to work with them.
For example: “I expect the kids to behave well”
The question is talking about what kind of actions(how a person act) that can be seen hard to work with.
So what kind of actions do the other workers do that makes it hard for you to work with them.
Que signifie "that behaviour" in "if we stick with blur words, they actually won't have any clue particularly what to do going forward to keep repeating that behavior." (link to video to follow) ?
It refers to the positive feedback and the desired behaviour.
These are the key bits for this:
"Specificity is also important when it comes to positive feedback ... If we stick with blur words, they actually won't have any clue particularly what to do going forward to keep repeating that behaviour." (the desired behaviour.)
In other words, if you use blur words, it's not very effective at being positive feedback, and the person is not more likely to repeat a desired behaviour.
Does this help?
These are the key bits for this:
"Specificity is also important when it comes to positive feedback ... If we stick with blur words, they actually won't have any clue particularly what to do going forward to keep repeating that behaviour." (the desired behaviour.)
In other words, if you use blur words, it's not very effective at being positive feedback, and the person is not more likely to repeat a desired behaviour.
Does this help?
Que signifie behaviour ?
The way you act. There is good and bad behavior because you act in good and bad ways.
Que signifie behaviour ?
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Behaviour"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant behaviour and behavioural.
She was on her best behavior.
They had some behavioral issues.
They had some behavioral issues.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant antisocial behaviour
John does not like to talk to other people. His parents are worried about his antisocial behavior.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant behaviour .
"Your behaviour is unacceptable!"
"Behaviour is learned."
"Be on your best behavior!"
"Good behaviour."
"Your behaviour is unacceptable!"
"Behaviour is learned."
"Be on your best behavior!"
"Good behaviour."
Mots similaires à "Behaviour" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre behaviour et deportment ?
Deportment is not often used nowadays. It refers to how someone walks and to their poise. (Think about supermodels walking along the catwalk at a fashion show as an example)
Behaviour is a frequently used term nowadays. It refers to how someone acts and reacts. (Think about a naughty child in a classroom)
Behaviour is a frequently used term nowadays. It refers to how someone acts and reacts. (Think about a naughty child in a classroom)
Quelle est la différence entre behaviour et attittude ?
No. Attitude can be bad or good. And behaviour can also be bad or good :)
Quelle est la différence entre Her behaviour was such that everyone disliked her. et Such was her behaviour that everyone disliked her. ?
There is no difference. They are just in a different order. Both are correct but might be a little too formal for a lot of people
Quelle est la différence entre behaviour et attitude ?
They're basically the same
Quelle est la différence entre behaviour et deed ?
Behaviour is what a person would do. If you have a bad behaviour, then you would be a "naughty" person.
Deeds is not a common word to be used but it means your "actions"
Deeds is not a common word to be used but it means your "actions"
Traductions de "Behaviour"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? irrelevant, regardless, overcome, behaviour, reply, bargains
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? behaviour
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? behaviour (How to pronounce it)
i say it like this, but depending on whether you live in Britain or the US they pronounce it differently 😊😊
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? I've just about had enough of your behaviour! (sound, please be as much natural as you can!)
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Autres questions concernant "Behaviour"
His behaviour reflect his attitude to the company Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
His behaviour reflects his attitude to the company
His behavior reflected his attitude to the company
His behavior reflected his attitude to the company
She's trying to explain her behaviour but it's again the same old story. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
She's trying to explain her behavior, but it's the same old story again.
She's trying to explain her behaviour but it's again the same old story. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
"She's trying to explain her behaviour, but it's the same old story again."
after he was scarred his behaviour become rough. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
This is a little unnatural. try this;
After he was scarred his behavior became rough.
Other similar sentences:
After he was scarred his behavior became rougher.
After being scarred, his behavior became rough around the edges.
His behavior began to be rough after he was scarred.
Hope that helped.
After he was scarred his behavior became rough.
Other similar sentences:
After he was scarred his behavior became rougher.
After being scarred, his behavior became rough around the edges.
His behavior began to be rough after he was scarred.
Hope that helped.
Behaviour, behaviour,
already, already,
appear, appear,
actress, actress,
above, above.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
already, already,
appear, appear,
actress, actress,
above, above.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
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Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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