Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Ciao"

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Q: ciao a tutti, ho scritto correttamente?
For me, the last year was very challenging.
in addition to attending the university in Bologna and work for a pizzeria in Modena, I was becoming to teach Latin American dance. precisely salsa dancing.
I was starting to teach it approximately in October, in Frozen Latino in Modena from 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm.
I was going there for watch the newa lessons of my former dancing teacher, when unexpectedly he was proposing me to become his dancer for there year. We were starting immediately the lessons and we were creating a beautiful group of Latin dancers.
From February we were starting to prepare a dance show, so my teaching over to Monday dealt me even on a Wednesday night, from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Initially it was quite difficult, because on Wednesday I was only with twenty students to manage, but gradually, with their collaboration it was becoming more easy and enjoyable.
In June we were taking the dresses for the show. the show was being in 27th June.
There evening, all we were quite nervous because there was the first show for they. The exhibition was going perfectly and our show was wanted in more Latin American clubbing.

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