Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Claim"

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Q: Secondly, after my several claims regarding the disgustive situation I have been found on their train during my last journey, the company's response was totally rude and pointless. From their point of view, nothing wrong was going on (Do you know a more formal way to say that?) on the train and they have repeatedly tried to intimidate me by raising their voice and stating (or declaring?) that every month, at least one inspector check the trains' sanitary conditions and neither of them have never found something wrong on how the trains has been held. He completely closed his eyes to the situation. How things can change if even workers who work in a such terrific place, not only do not do anything to improve the hygiene condition of the trains, but even get upset if someone decides to do what they did not have the courage to do first. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?

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