Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Clue"

Exemple de phrases utilisant "Clue"

Q: Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant clues.
A: 1.Meanwhile, in the town of Leeds, police erect barricades and evacuate residents in their search for more clues.

2.In the absence of pictorial reality we reach instinctively for clues to some sort of story.

3.Though, at times, they can provide clues as to who we are and what we might become.

4.It is understood that they revealed the new name she was going to be using, possibly passport details and even clues to her new address.

5.There are a lot of clues pointing you in the right direction, but nobody just tells you where it's at.

6.Measuring the isotopic ratios on Mars will provide clues about possible biological activity.

7.Too often a film will decide who wears the white hat and leave obvious clues to make sure you know what they think you should think.

8.We need to know the story being played out before us and, instinctively, start to read the clues.
9.As yet we haven't been given any clues as to who can support Hounsou in the lead role.

10.Details of the broken concrete and severed steel rebar may provide clues to the nature of the World Trade Center collapse.

11.The first mission of its kind, its goal was to provide clues as to the origins of our solar system.

12.Forensic teams had searched the field for clues, and detectives staged a reconstruction there of Sarah's last known movements.

13.Today, investigators are combing the crash sites and preparing to analyze flight data and cockpit voice recorders for vital clues.

14.The weird narrative developments are beginning to feel less like clues and more like red herrings.

15.It's a quest for the truth that drops vital clues and red herrings along the way.

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