Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Connect"

Exemple de phrases utilisant "Connect"

Mots similaires à "Connect" et leurs différences

Q: Quelle est la différence entre connect et attach ?
A: Tldr:
Attach - close and strong link, things don’t really flow between two attached things
Connect - unspecific, often looser link, things can flow through a connection (e.g. a network connection)

I love questions like these because I feel like I get to know English better myself thinking about them :’D it also means that this is just my personal thoughts on it so take my answer with a grain of salt 😅

Dictionary definitions:
Connect has a few!
1) Bring together or into contact so there is a real or notional link
2) associate or relate something in some aspect
3) (of a punch or blow) to hit an intended target

Examples (connect):
1) I connected my computer to the network. (On a phone) Can you please connect me with an operator? I’m taking a connecting flight.

2) I just realized that the two murders are connected. I can’t connect with anyone anymore, I feel like I’m an outsider.

3) His right jab connected with his opponents jaw and almost lead to a knock out.

So definition 1 is basically establishing a link between two things so that something can pass between them. For example, data from a computer, someone’s voice over the phone or a person on an airplane. I believe this is the definition that can be confusing with attach.

1) Attach or fasten sth to sth else
2) Attribute importance to sth

Attach examples:
1) I am attaching my line to the side of the mountain. There was a handle firmly attached to the top of the box.
2) There’s a lot attached to the outcome, the world is depending on it.

Both definition 1’s are fairly similar with an important difference. Connect and attach both bring things together, but connect emphasizes the link itself (i.e. the connection) while attach emphasizes the fact that the two things are bound together. You can attach a cable to a computer, or connect a cable to a computer and in that case they are synonyms, but usually since cables connect more than to just 1 computer, it’s more common to say connect in this case.

Another way to think of it is the “strength” of the bond. Attachment is a very sturdy, close bond while connect is not really specific, but is usually meant to mean a looser bond. You attach documents to an email, you don’t connect them, because they are part of the email (you don’t want to lose them!). Another example: Two people can connect, which means maybe they’re friends or acquaintances, or they can become attached to each other when they get to be very close.

Hopefully this helps! Feel free to reply with some practices sentences of your own (I don‘t mind correcting a few), I think that’s the best way to learn 👍

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