Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Explicit"
La signification de "Explicit" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie explicit ?
1) Something that has been stated clearly and in detail. eg. He gave me explicit directions.
2) About s*x / nud*s, when something is shown openly without hiding anything. There are no explicit scenes. She has send him an explicit photo.
2) About s*x / nud*s, when something is shown openly without hiding anything. There are no explicit scenes. She has send him an explicit photo.
Que signifie explicit ?
Explicit means adults only.
It will use vulgar terms to describe sexual acts or have a lot of swear words.
"This game has an adults only rating because of the explicit content."
"I tried listening to this song, but it's lyrics are too explicit."
It will use vulgar terms to describe sexual acts or have a lot of swear words.
"This game has an adults only rating because of the explicit content."
"I tried listening to this song, but it's lyrics are too explicit."
Que signifie explicit ?
Either: sexual/inappropriate for minors e.g. explicit language (swearing) or sexual music videos might be tagged as explicit
Or: very clear. “I explicitly told you not to do that! I made it explicit!”
Or: very clear. “I explicitly told you not to do that! I made it explicit!”
Que signifie explicit ?
Explicit has two primary meanings.
1. detailed, explained clearly exact, precise
"He made his intentions explicit."
"My made sure my instructions were explicit. Even an idiot could have followed them."
2. contains vulgar language, contains crude language
"That music is explicit, so dont let your kids listen to it."
"I found my five-year-old listening to explicit rap music."
1. detailed, explained clearly exact, precise
"He made his intentions explicit."
"My made sure my instructions were explicit. Even an idiot could have followed them."
2. contains vulgar language, contains crude language
"That music is explicit, so dont let your kids listen to it."
"I found my five-year-old listening to explicit rap music."
Que signifie explicit ?
esplicito, nel tuo caso il contenuto delle canzoni
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Explicit"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant explicit .
If you're asking someone for clarification you can use "Can you be more explicit?"
If you're indicating emphasis on something you can use "I would explicitly like to mention (whatever you would like to emphasize)"
Another common meaning of explicit can be the way it is used in some warnings relating to say, age inappropriate content, on social platforms.
I could only think of these. Hope it was helpful!
If you're indicating emphasis on something you can use "I would explicitly like to mention (whatever you would like to emphasize)"
Another common meaning of explicit can be the way it is used in some warnings relating to say, age inappropriate content, on social platforms.
I could only think of these. Hope it was helpful!
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant explicit .
There are two meanings for the word 'explicit'.
1. Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Could also mean that something is fully developed/perfected.
"Only if he had given an explicit explanation, then I would've been convinced."
"Could you elaborate (explain in detail) that in an explicit manner please?"
"The meeting was a mess. Nothing was made explicit and I still don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"You have no excuse, as I have been explicit in explaining the rules of this company"
"Compared to other writers during his time, I believe that Shakespeare was much more explicit with his message"
2. Open in depiction (the representation) of nudity and sexuality.
"Very explicit video of Nicki Minaj and her booty (butt/arse/ass)."
"That's way too explicit! How is this video not blocked?!"
"To some, explicit books are appealing, whereas to others, it's disturbing."
"Could you stop being so explicit? We all know how much you love sex."
"ENOUGH WITH THE EXPLICIT JOKES, PAUL, I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR SHIT" ← Very colloquial, meaning that it should only be used among your friends.
1. Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Could also mean that something is fully developed/perfected.
"Only if he had given an explicit explanation, then I would've been convinced."
"Could you elaborate (explain in detail) that in an explicit manner please?"
"The meeting was a mess. Nothing was made explicit and I still don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"You have no excuse, as I have been explicit in explaining the rules of this company"
"Compared to other writers during his time, I believe that Shakespeare was much more explicit with his message"
2. Open in depiction (the representation) of nudity and sexuality.
"Very explicit video of Nicki Minaj and her booty (butt/arse/ass)."
"That's way too explicit! How is this video not blocked?!"
"To some, explicit books are appealing, whereas to others, it's disturbing."
"Could you stop being so explicit? We all know how much you love sex."
"ENOUGH WITH THE EXPLICIT JOKES, PAUL, I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR SHIT" ← Very colloquial, meaning that it should only be used among your friends.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant explicit .
explicit- clearly stated, worded, or explained. opposite of implicit
"I explicitly told you not to go to that party."
(I told you specifically not to go)
"I explicitly told you not to go to that party."
(I told you specifically not to go)
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant explicit .
for example a toon where a character says bad words a lot. we could say -that's explicit for kids-
it means something like inappropriate
it means something like inappropriate
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant explicit.
I gave you explicit instructions in the project. ( very detailed)
There was explicit content in the film. (Bad, offensive.)
There was explicit content in the film. (Bad, offensive.)
Mots similaires à "Explicit" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre explicit et implicit ?
Explicit means directly said or shown
Let me be explicit (clear)I do not support this.
You can’t drink any alcohol at all while you’re driving! That’s not a suggestion; that’s an explicit law!
I’m not guessing that he is racist. I know he is because he said that he was. It was very explicit.
Explicit is also a form of entertainment that includes a lot of graphic nudity or sexual activity.
Implicit means hidden but suggested without showing or saying it
The parent said to the child, “Stop. Or else.” The parent didn't say what the punishment would be. The child understood the implicit meaning that the punishment would be severe..
Explicit means directly said or shown
Let me be explicit (clear)I do not support this.
You can’t drink any alcohol at all while you’re driving! That’s not a suggestion; that’s an explicit law!
I’m not guessing that he is racist. I know he is because he said that he was. It was very explicit.
Explicit is also a form of entertainment that includes a lot of graphic nudity or sexual activity.
Implicit means hidden but suggested without showing or saying it
The parent said to the child, “Stop. Or else.” The parent didn't say what the punishment would be. The child understood the implicit meaning that the punishment would be severe..
Quelle est la différence entre explicit et clear ?
Explicit is extremely clear and detailed, leaving no room for question.
Clear means the same as explicit but without going to extremes. Clear can also be transparent.
Clear means the same as explicit but without going to extremes. Clear can also be transparent.
Quelle est la différence entre explicit et implicit ?
Explicit means to be clearly stated. Implicit means that it is understood but not said.
The president was explicit in their stance on school funding by telling his press conference his plans to cut school funding.
it was implicit his policy, that the president planned to cut school funding as it laid out laws against making new schools.
On a side note, implicit is not commonly used as a noun. It is more frequently used as implicitly
The president was explicit in their stance on school funding by telling his press conference his plans to cut school funding.
it was implicit his policy, that the president planned to cut school funding as it laid out laws against making new schools.
On a side note, implicit is not commonly used as a noun. It is more frequently used as implicitly
Quelle est la différence entre explicit et outspoken ?
Explicit - in detail, exact
Outspoken - loud, opinionated, out of line
Outspoken - loud, opinionated, out of line
Quelle est la différence entre explicit et obvious ?
I stand to be corrected. Obvious means 'easily perceived or quite apparent' whereas explicit means 'openly expressed or graphically detailed'
An example for obvious would be when you tell someone that you're wearing blue but they know you're lying because you're wearing green. It's 'obvious' that you're lying.
An example for explicit would you write a short answer in a test, but the teacher needs you to explain better with a lengthier answer. She needs you to be more 'explicit'
Hope that helps :-)
An example for obvious would be when you tell someone that you're wearing blue but they know you're lying because you're wearing green. It's 'obvious' that you're lying.
An example for explicit would you write a short answer in a test, but the teacher needs you to explain better with a lengthier answer. She needs you to be more 'explicit'
Hope that helps :-)
Traductions de "Explicit"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? explicit
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? explicit
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? explicit
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Autres questions concernant "Explicit"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce explicit and implicit .
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Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce explicit.
“I explicitly told her not to tell you that”
“The speaker was explicit in his directions”
“I explicitly told her not to tell you that”
“The speaker was explicit in his directions”
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce explicit.
explicit Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Lol this is really good!
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