Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Grammar"

Exemple de phrases utilisant "Grammar"

Mots similaires à "Grammar" et leurs différences

Traductions de "Grammar"

Autres questions concernant "Grammar"

Q: Could you correct my grammar?
🟦It's a reasonable price for a portion.
🟨How it's going your new job?
🟦Every morning, my mom opened her window to take a refreshing air, and she asked me to close it. But I often forgot to close it. I make sure I have to close the windows when it gets cold.
🟨It was worth visiting here to drive to take two hours.
🟦This is exactly what I wanted to buy.
🟨Oh, that just reminds me that I have to hang the clothes as well. I'm going to do it after class.
🟦I didn't expect this place to be colder than my city.
🟨I thought I could manage to do it.
🟦I thought it would be easy to make, but it turned out that it was difficult.
🟨I was expecting this pudding to be rich, but it didn't. It tasted like a yogurt.
🟦I was expecting this movie to be like a horror, but it was just comedy. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Q: Could you correct my grammar?
🟨I am always fascinated by their music. It makes me comfortable.
🟦Let's take turns. Who is going to sing first?
🟨I found a website that you can buy more reasonable price rather than going to the store.
🟦They sent me messages if I was good.
🟨My favorite thrift shop is going to close at the end of April. It makes me sad. I can get cute clothes on sale. There are some thrift shops near my house, but they are a little bit more expensive than the one.
🟦This is believed to bring fortune one day.
🟨I was getting a sudden craving when I was in snack aisles. Every time I go there, they have new products, and they make me tempted. I was not going to buy much, but I ended up buying a bunch of stuff.
🟦It's cold for March. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Q: Could you correct my grammar?
🟦I'm going to visit a pottery event and a museum at the end of April. The museum where my favorite animal professional photographer held. I've visited his exhibition once in Tokyo, and it was so nice. I bought a lot of cat goods there, and I often use a cat bag when I go out.
🟨I think this slide makes the letter smaller, and you should add some pictures instead. It would be easier to understand.
🟦Even though it's water, I could taste salty.
🟨It was good that your train wouldn't be delayed because of the earthquakes, or you might have been late for the test.
🟦I've always wanted to see this movie.
🟨I haven't had time to think of anything else. I have so many things to do every single day. I know I should do what I like once in a while, but I feel it wastes time. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?

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