Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Inexpensive"
La signification de "Inexpensive" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie Relatively inexpensive out-of-state ?
Mots similaires à "Inexpensive" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre inexpensive et cheap ?
They’re synonyms, but “inexpensive” is a more polite way to say “cheap”.
Quelle est la différence entre inexpensive et reasonable et affordable ?
"Inexpensive" means that the speaker does not deem the cost to be expensive.
"Reasonable" means that the speaker believes that the price is fair to buyers in general; in other words, it is "within reason."
"Affordable" either means that the speaker can afford it or that the speaker expects the average person (according to wealth), or perhaps poorer, to be able to afford it.
"Reasonable" means that the speaker believes that the price is fair to buyers in general; in other words, it is "within reason."
"Affordable" either means that the speaker can afford it or that the speaker expects the average person (according to wealth), or perhaps poorer, to be able to afford it.
Quelle est la différence entre inexpensive et cheap ?
If you say something is inexpensive, then it did not cost a lot of money.
If you say something is cheap you mean it is not worth a lot of money.
They are different because you can buy something for a lot of money then find out it is poor quality. So the thing you bought cost a lot of money, but was cheap. You would be angry if this happened to you.
Inexpensive- does not cost very much money.
Cheap - is not worth very much money.
If you say something is cheap you mean it is not worth a lot of money.
They are different because you can buy something for a lot of money then find out it is poor quality. So the thing you bought cost a lot of money, but was cheap. You would be angry if this happened to you.
Inexpensive- does not cost very much money.
Cheap - is not worth very much money.
Quelle est la différence entre inexpensive et cheap ?
cheap and inexpensive means that an item does not cost a lot money. it is within your budget. however, cheap is usually associated with materials of low quality or a frugal person. for example, a person would rather buy a shirt that costs less but it is made with lower quality cotton and it tore easily. rather than buying a higher quality shirt for a couple of more dollars , the person can be considered cheap and the shirt the person bought is also consired cheap.
Traductions de "Inexpensive"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? inexpensive
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Autres questions concernant "Inexpensive"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce inexpensive.
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