Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Majority"
La signification de "Majority" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie the vast majority of job seekers and employees are navigating their job searches and their careers without a college degree ?
In simpler words:
"Most people with or without a job are looking for work and have gotten a job without having went to college"
Basically it's implying that there's fewer people statisticly going to college yet people, yet people find jobs without or look jobs without a college degree regardless.
"Most people with or without a job are looking for work and have gotten a job without having went to college"
Basically it's implying that there's fewer people statisticly going to college yet people, yet people find jobs without or look jobs without a college degree regardless.
Que signifie "When the majority of media available in one country is that produced by a different, more dominant nation, it is suggested that the culture of that larger nation, along with its interests, displace that of the home country." ?
1. Yes, the "home country" refers to the "one country" in the first line.
2. It means that the "culture of that larger nation, along with its interests" displaces the culture and interests of the home country. Also, it should be "displaces", not "displace".
2. It means that the "culture of that larger nation, along with its interests" displaces the culture and interests of the home country. Also, it should be "displaces", not "displace".
Que signifie A majority of the cutomers who completed the survey rated Sasaki mobile phones as either good or excellent. ?
This is the way people talk to make polls sound better than they usually are.
If we assume
1-3 is bad
4-6 is good
7-10 is excellent
This means that "most" people (a majority = 50.1%) did NOT say Sasaki was BAD.
They intend for you to think a whole lot of people thought they were excellent. But in fact the statement is true if not a single person said it was excellent.
If we assume
1-3 is bad
4-6 is good
7-10 is excellent
This means that "most" people (a majority = 50.1%) did NOT say Sasaki was BAD.
They intend for you to think a whole lot of people thought they were excellent. But in fact the statement is true if not a single person said it was excellent.
Que signifie make up the majority ?
"die Mehrheit bilden"
Que signifie major, majority ?
major means important/big.
I have a major headache.
Memorization is a major part of language learning.
I have a major headache.
Memorization is a major part of language learning.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Majority"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant A tiny majority of people support the Welsh assembly, but that majority support was built up by county or constituency areas..
90% support would be a huge majority. 70% would be a majority. 51% would be a majority, but it is a tiny/small majority.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant
1、writing for a five-justice majority.
2、writing for a four-justice minority..
1、writing for a five-justice majority.
2、writing for a four-justice minority..
The US Supreme Court has 9 justices (judges). Five justices makes a majority. Four justices is a minority. If the Court makes a decision by a 5-4 vote, someone will write the explanation of the majority's decision. That person is writing for the five-justice majority. (He or she could also write for a six-justice majority, or a seven- or eight-justice majority.) Someone else may write an explanation about why the minority disagrees, and would have decided the case differently. That other justice then would be writing for a four-justice minority (or a three-, two-, or one-justice minority -- the last case being for himself or herself, to explain why he or she thinks the majority is wrong.)
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant the majority.
do you mean examples with 'the majority'?
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant the majority.
the majority of people think learning a language is a good thing
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant The majority were in favour of.
It can be later in the sentence too...
When asked, the majority of workers were in favour of longer lunches.
Do you know if the majority were in favour of more time off?
I'm not sure what the majority were in favour of.
When asked, the majority of workers were in favour of longer lunches.
Do you know if the majority were in favour of more time off?
I'm not sure what the majority were in favour of.
Mots similaires à "Majority" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre vast majority et overwhelming majority ?
They are very close and you could use both. Overwhelming sounds like a little more than vast but really they’re the same.
Quelle est la différence entre majority et major ?
Okay. It wasn’t a bad attempt - I understood most of the sentence I just didn’t understand ‘destination’. I would say “The majority of graduate students from both categories chose to enter a higher academic program. “ or “The major destination for graduate students from both categories was a higher academic program.” ^^
Quelle est la différence entre majority et preponderance ?
Both are synonymous, but "preponderance" also has the meaning of domination over something. For example: "Europe had preponderance over Germany during WW2."
The majority of English speakers would not use/understand the word "preponderance".
The majority of English speakers would not use/understand the word "preponderance".
Quelle est la différence entre most of them et the majority of them ?
The book hasn’t phrased it very well. “The majority of” is definitely used for more than half, but “most” is used for that as well. It would be very strange to use ‘most’ for anything other than more than half also! :)
Quelle est la différence entre the majority of doctors et most doctors ?
" A majority of doctors" is more specific than "most doctors" because "majority" refers to more than half(50%) of a group of countable nouns(doctors), whereas "most" is more general and refers to the greatest number of something. Thus, they have almost identical meanings, but a "majority of doctors" can be seen as more specific since it refers to over 50% of all doctors referenced.
Traductions de "Majority"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? 取り込む as in "the majority clan [取り込む] other clans"
i see! "take in" works, but considering the context, "forced other ethnic groups to assimilate" is the best, most clear way to say it!
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? この市場で過半数のシェアをとっている企業はどこの会社ですか? 「majority」と言う単語を使って教えてください。
In this market, which company gets the majority of shares?
Which companies take the majority of shares in this market?
In this market, which company gets the majority of shares?
Which companies take the majority of shares in this market?
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? ???the majority of people LIKE animals or LIKES???
the majority of people LIKE animals is correct
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? majority
Vérifiez la question pour voir la réponse
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? It's natural that we should obey what was decided by majority
Sounds natural?
Sounds natural?
Yup. That sounds natural
Autres questions concernant "Majority"
The majority of museums in London are free to go, there is no any fee. Of course one can donate if they wish. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
The majority of museums in London are free to go to, there’s no fee whatsoever. However you can, of course, donate if you so wish.
Referring to yourself or someone as ‘one’ usually comes across as awkward so I would generally avoid it
Referring to yourself or someone as ‘one’ usually comes across as awkward so I would generally avoid it
When she reaches the majority, will be granted to vote in elections. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
When she reaches the age of majority, she will be allowed to vote in elections.
a) The majority of society accept that.
b) The majority of society commonly accept that.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
b) The majority of society commonly accept that.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
When you're talking or typing to someone in English, most people don't care about small mistakes like redundancy. When I said it wasn't redundant, I meant in normal speech. When someone is reading an official document or essay, they'll usually pay attention to these things more. It might change depending on where you live, but that's what I've learned.
The majority of the students are from India. But other people are from many different countries. I’m enjoying talking with them. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
The majority of the students are from India, but there are also people from many other countries.
The way you wrote it, "other people" just refers to people other than the majority from India, including those not attending the school. By combining the two sentences, it is more clear what you mean.
何か質問があれば答えます。英語を勉強するがんばって!^ ^
The way you wrote it, "other people" just refers to people other than the majority from India, including those not attending the school. By combining the two sentences, it is more clear what you mean.
何か質問があれば答えます。英語を勉強するがんばって!^ ^
The majority of Japanese people don't get to speak English in daily life. That's one of the big reasons their English skills remain at a pathetic level. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
the way you use "get to" instead of "get the chance to", just makes you sound more casual, as if you're speaking to me, which I like. You could totally use "get the chance to", it would just get another feel to it :)
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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