Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Marathon"
La signification de "Marathon" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie marathon footwear brunch ?
I took it from “suits”)
Que signifie I dare you to run a full marathon. ?
@DDabcc147 Simply when someone says I dare you to do something it means you don’t think they will do it but challenge them to prove you wrong, so in this case you don’t believe they will run a full marathon but challenge them to do so.
Hopefully this helps 🙏🏻
Hopefully this helps 🙏🏻
Que signifie rising marathon times ?
I'd say it means that the time he takes to run a marathon has been gradually getting longer.
Mots similaires à "Marathon" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre I've just run only 1miles but now I feel like I had run a marathon. et I've just run only 1miles but now I feel like I ran a marathon. ?
I’ve just run only 1 mile, but now I feel like I’ve run a marathon.
This sentence is correct. “Had run” shouldn’t really be used here because it places the completion of the running too far in the past. It’s not natural for “had run” to be used with “now” in this sentence.
Hope this helps!
This sentence is correct. “Had run” shouldn’t really be used here because it places the completion of the running too far in the past. It’s not natural for “had run” to be used with “now” in this sentence.
Hope this helps!
Quelle est la différence entre ""as we speak"" they're running a marathon et ""at the moment"" they're running a marathon ?
its the same thing just using a different starter
Quelle est la différence entre I'm running a marathon next month et I'm going to run a marathon next month ?
It's "month" not "moth"
Quelle est la différence entre your marathon begins here et your marathon begins over here ?
They're both correct.
Over here implies the listener is further away from the destination than the speaker
Over here implies the listener is further away from the destination than the speaker
Traductions de "Marathon"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? 마라톤(marathon)에 도전하겠다는 너와의 약속을 지켰다
context : I promised to him that I would run the marathon for him and I want to say to him that I did it(I kept my promis)
context : I promised to him that I would run the marathon for him and I want to say to him that I did it(I kept my promis)
I kept my promise, I ran the marathon.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? marathon
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? 黒いタンクトップを着たランナーが、先頭グループの最後尾を走っている。(in a marathon) Thank you in advance!
there isn’t really any difference. Personally, since you are talking about a marathon, and the end of the marathon is actually in front of the group, I wouldn’t say “at the end of the group” just to make sure it was clear I was talking about somebody who is behind the rest of the group.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? marathon
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Autres questions concernant "Marathon"
We all accomplished full marathon in Honolulu on Dec 10. Even though, I did not have training enough but strong enough.
does this sound natural? Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
does this sound natural? Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Yes, it's unnatural. You can say:
Even though I did not train enough, I was strong enough.
Even without enough training, I was strong enough.
I was strong enough even without enough training.
I was strong enough even though I did not train enough.
Even though I did not train enough, I was strong enough.
Even without enough training, I was strong enough.
I was strong enough even without enough training.
I was strong enough even though I did not train enough.
But I decided I would like to do my best. There are many other famous and big marathon race In the US, NY marathon, Honolulu and etc. I hope I can make it some day in next year. It is getting cooler recently. I need to train myself so that I can make my best record. My first target is going to be 4 hours, 9 minutes per mile. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
But I have decided to do my best. There are many large and famous marathon races in the US, like the New York and Honolulu marathons, amongst others. I hope I can make one of those someday in the next year. It is getting cooler recently, and I will need to train myself so that I can achieve my best record. The first target speed I'll aim for is 4 hours and 9 minutes per mile/my first target will be 4 hours and 9 minutes per mile.
Could you correct my English and make it sound more natural?
I'm very excited to run with my marathon buddies on the weekend. I didn't intend to take a break, but it's been for a month since the last time. I trained myself with the best as much as I could during the summer. Well, my senior texed me that we're going to time!! whoa!
I'm very excited to run with my marathon buddies on the weekend. I didn't intend to take a break, but it's been for a month since the last time. I trained myself with the best as much as I could during the summer. Well, my senior texed me that we're going to time!! whoa!
@Ipeace now i understand hahaha 😄
I had a marathon race. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I ran a marathon.
I will attend a full marathon on October 30th in Osaka.I was lucky because I was selected among my university by lottery.I also don't need to pay attend but if we want to run we have to pat around 100 dollars.So I have to practice and goal within time.I will get over it. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
You have a mistake. "We have to pay around a hundred dollars." This sounds how people speak and looks how people text. If this were formal, I would ask who "we" is since you refer to yourself as winning the lottery for the marathon.
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