Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Obviously"
La signification de "Obviously" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie obviously ?
Que signifie obviously ?
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Que signifie obviously ?
abviously or obviously?
obviously is something clear and easily seen
obviously is something clear and easily seen
Que signifie obviously ?
Que signifie obviously ?
something that everyone or anyone can see, and does not really need to be said, because everyone knows or can see what is being said.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Obviously"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant obviously.
He obviously knew his homework was due today.
They obviously knew what they were doing.
She was obviously lying.
They obviously knew what they were doing.
She was obviously lying.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant obviously.
Obviously also means "as we all know", "needless to say", "of course", "it goes without saying". If something is "obvious" then everyone should know about it or it's very clear.
"Obviously, that is a very sad story."
(It goes without saying that it is a very sad story)
"He was obviously trying to steal that purse!"
(He was very clearly trying to steal that purse)
"Was my love for you that obvious..?"
(Did you notice my feelings that much [even though I tried to hide it]?)
"Obviously, that is a very sad story."
(It goes without saying that it is a very sad story)
"He was obviously trying to steal that purse!"
(He was very clearly trying to steal that purse)
"Was my love for you that obvious..?"
(Did you notice my feelings that much [even though I tried to hide it]?)
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant obviously.
If you talk loudly during the movie, the movie goers or theater staff will obviously reprimand you!
She obviously knew it was you who sent her flowers.
Obviously, you can not cheat during a test.
She obviously knew it was you who sent her flowers.
Obviously, you can not cheat during a test.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant obviously.
"It's obviously not that hard"
"Obviously dogs are smart"
"Obviously he likes you"
"It's obviously not that hard"
"Obviously dogs are smart"
"Obviously he likes you"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant "obviously".
You will obviously get wet in the bathtub. You will obviously burn your hand on the stove. You will obviously talk on a phone. You will obviously see the sun today. You will obviously wear clothes outside. You will obviously need to eat soon. You will obviously walk today. The grass is obviously green.
Mots similaires à "Obviously" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre obviously et of course ?
'Obviously' is stronger, and it has a harsher tone. If someone didn't know something, and you said it was obvious, they might get upset. It's usually best to avoid answering a question with 'obviously':
"Would you be ok to look after my kids for a couple of hours tomorrow?"
"Of course!" ← sounds friendly and enthusiastic to help
"Obviously!" ← sounds passive-aggressive; sounds like you don't want to say yes but you think you have to (alternatively, it could sound like you are *too* enthusiastic to look after their kids and they might think you have bad intentions - this depends on if you look happy about the idea or not when you say it)
Sometimes it can be fine:
"Do you want an ice cream?"
"Obviously!" ← humorous, emphasises that you REALLY LOVE ice cream. This usually only works if you make a really excited face (although, I could imagine an upset child being offered an ice cream to cheer them up, and they might say obviously without looking happy - but they'll probably stop crying at least!). Usage of 'obviously' is often very dependent on body language, it's a delicate word.
I would advise sticking with 'of course' when you can, as it's a lot less likely you'll give the wrong impression or upset anyone with it.
"Would you be ok to look after my kids for a couple of hours tomorrow?"
"Of course!" ← sounds friendly and enthusiastic to help
"Obviously!" ← sounds passive-aggressive; sounds like you don't want to say yes but you think you have to (alternatively, it could sound like you are *too* enthusiastic to look after their kids and they might think you have bad intentions - this depends on if you look happy about the idea or not when you say it)
Sometimes it can be fine:
"Do you want an ice cream?"
"Obviously!" ← humorous, emphasises that you REALLY LOVE ice cream. This usually only works if you make a really excited face (although, I could imagine an upset child being offered an ice cream to cheer them up, and they might say obviously without looking happy - but they'll probably stop crying at least!). Usage of 'obviously' is often very dependent on body language, it's a delicate word.
I would advise sticking with 'of course' when you can, as it's a lot less likely you'll give the wrong impression or upset anyone with it.
Quelle est la différence entre obviously et definitely ?
Definitely is used when you are saying something is for certain. Although, definitely does not ALWAYS mean it is 100% true.
example: "I am definitely going to bed early tonight."
In this case, the speaker knows that there is no way they will go to bed late. In their mind, It is certain that they will sleep early. However, anything could happen that could cause her to go to sleep late. Regardless, definitely is still used.
another example in conversation:
Ana: Are those apples rotten?
Robert: They definitely are.
As you can see, Robert is stating that it is certain that the apples are rotten.
Obviously, is used when something is clear to see.
Ana: Are those apples rotten?
Robert: Obviously.
Robert says obviously because It is clear that the apples are rotten. Perhaps he saw the apples were brown and old looking. Therefore, he says 'Obviously. '
In this case, however, he is saying it in a more sarcastic tone. This is because Ana should clearly be able to see that the apples are rotten simply because they look like it.
Another Example:
”The pizza was obviously eaten already.”
Obviously is used here because when looking at the pizza, the speaker can tell that a bite was taken out or the pizza was tampered with in some way.
You can usually use Definitely and Obviously interchangeably. But not always.
For example, you can say:
The pizza was obviously eaten already.
The pizza was definitely eaten already.
both work because it is clear that something is wrong with the pizza that makes it look eaten.
So In summary, use obviously when something is clear to see and use definitely when something is for certain/absolute.
example: "I am definitely going to bed early tonight."
In this case, the speaker knows that there is no way they will go to bed late. In their mind, It is certain that they will sleep early. However, anything could happen that could cause her to go to sleep late. Regardless, definitely is still used.
another example in conversation:
Ana: Are those apples rotten?
Robert: They definitely are.
As you can see, Robert is stating that it is certain that the apples are rotten.
Obviously, is used when something is clear to see.
Ana: Are those apples rotten?
Robert: Obviously.
Robert says obviously because It is clear that the apples are rotten. Perhaps he saw the apples were brown and old looking. Therefore, he says 'Obviously. '
In this case, however, he is saying it in a more sarcastic tone. This is because Ana should clearly be able to see that the apples are rotten simply because they look like it.
Another Example:
”The pizza was obviously eaten already.”
Obviously is used here because when looking at the pizza, the speaker can tell that a bite was taken out or the pizza was tampered with in some way.
You can usually use Definitely and Obviously interchangeably. But not always.
For example, you can say:
The pizza was obviously eaten already.
The pizza was definitely eaten already.
both work because it is clear that something is wrong with the pizza that makes it look eaten.
So In summary, use obviously when something is clear to see and use definitely when something is for certain/absolute.
Quelle est la différence entre obviously et apparently ?
Obviously: anyone can see it.
- Obviously, it's raining.
Apparently: It's probably the case, but it's not 100% sure.
- Apparently, it's going to rain today.
- Obviously, it's raining.
Apparently: It's probably the case, but it's not 100% sure.
- Apparently, it's going to rain today.
Quelle est la différence entre obviously et arguably et definitely et of course et undoubtedly ?
obviously - 분명히
arguably - 틀림없이
definitely - 분명히, 확실히, 꼭
undoubtedly - 의심할 여지 없이, 확실히
Most of them have pretty similar meaning, you can say they are almost all synonyms
Obviously, you don't know what you're talking about
분명히 당신은 당신이 무슨 말을 하는지 몰라요
He is arguably the best actor of his generation
그는 틀림없이 자기 세대 최고의 배우다
I definitely have to see that
그걸 꼭 봐야겠어요
Undoubtedly, he is a talented person
의심할 여지없이 그는 재능있는 사람이다
arguably - 틀림없이
definitely - 분명히, 확실히, 꼭
undoubtedly - 의심할 여지 없이, 확실히
Most of them have pretty similar meaning, you can say they are almost all synonyms
Obviously, you don't know what you're talking about
분명히 당신은 당신이 무슨 말을 하는지 몰라요
He is arguably the best actor of his generation
그는 틀림없이 자기 세대 최고의 배우다
I definitely have to see that
그걸 꼭 봐야겠어요
Undoubtedly, he is a talented person
의심할 여지없이 그는 재능있는 사람이다
Quelle est la différence entre obviously et apprantly ?
Apparently: means that it is implied
Obviously: means that it is undeniable and anyone can comprehend
Obviously: means that it is undeniable and anyone can comprehend
Traductions de "Obviously"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? obviously
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? obviously
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? obviously
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? obviously
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Autres questions concernant "Obviously"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce obviously.
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Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce obviously .
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce obviously .
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Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce obviously.
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce obviously.
you’re right about that. It actually sounds more natural without emphasising the b. If you were to just use the word “obvious” on its own or in a sentence it is more natural to pronounce the b
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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