Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Obviously"

Exemple de phrases utilisant "Obviously"

Mots similaires à "Obviously" et leurs différences

Q: Quelle est la différence entre obviously et definitely ?
A: Definitely is used when you are saying something is for certain. Although, definitely does not ALWAYS mean it is 100% true.

example: "I am definitely going to bed early tonight."

In this case, the speaker knows that there is no way they will go to bed late. In their mind, It is certain that they will sleep early. However, anything could happen that could cause her to go to sleep late. Regardless, definitely is still used.

another example in conversation:

Ana: Are those apples rotten?
Robert: They definitely are.

As you can see, Robert is stating that it is certain that the apples are rotten.

Obviously, is used when something is clear to see.

Ana: Are those apples rotten?
Robert: Obviously.

Robert says obviously because It is clear that the apples are rotten. Perhaps he saw the apples were brown and old looking. Therefore, he says 'Obviously. '
In this case, however, he is saying it in a more sarcastic tone. This is because Ana should clearly be able to see that the apples are rotten simply because they look like it.

Another Example:

”The pizza was obviously eaten already.”

Obviously is used here because when looking at the pizza, the speaker can tell that a bite was taken out or the pizza was tampered with in some way.

You can usually use Definitely and Obviously interchangeably. But not always.

For example, you can say:

The pizza was obviously eaten already.


The pizza was definitely eaten already.

both work because it is clear that something is wrong with the pizza that makes it look eaten.

So In summary, use obviously when something is clear to see and use definitely when something is for certain/absolute.

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