Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Remove"
La signification de "Remove" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie remove ?
Que signifie remove ?
To take away.
Que signifie So far removed ?
It can mean a person doesn't have a good relation with another person.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Remove"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant remove.
Remove your hat, please.
I removed the pot from the stove.
The doctor removed the child's appendix.
I removed the pot from the stove.
The doctor removed the child's appendix.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant remove.
I removed these plates from the table
You should remove these books from your bed
You should remove these books from your bed
Mots similaires à "Remove" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre remove et removal ?
Remove is a verb.
She removed the dirty dishes from the table.
removal is a noun which means act of removing.
His condition required the removal of a kidney.
The removal of trash is necessary to be healthy.
She removed the dirty dishes from the table.
removal is a noun which means act of removing.
His condition required the removal of a kidney.
The removal of trash is necessary to be healthy.
Quelle est la différence entre remove & exclude et eliminate & omit ?
Omit= not include something or someone by accident
"He omitted the return address on the envelope and that was a problem"
exclude= purposefully not include someone or something
"The team was excluded from the finals because they were disqualified"
remove= to take away from
"My mother removed me from gym class due to doctor's orders"
remove= to clean a surface
"I removed the stain using baking soda and white vinegar"
eliminate= to stop someone or something from advancing
"I eliminated the danger by taking appropriate measures for our safety"
"The team was eliminated from the competition"
"He omitted the return address on the envelope and that was a problem"
exclude= purposefully not include someone or something
"The team was excluded from the finals because they were disqualified"
remove= to take away from
"My mother removed me from gym class due to doctor's orders"
remove= to clean a surface
"I removed the stain using baking soda and white vinegar"
eliminate= to stop someone or something from advancing
"I eliminated the danger by taking appropriate measures for our safety"
"The team was eliminated from the competition"
Quelle est la différence entre remove et delete et eliminate ?
Remove means to separate something from an arrangement. For example, if you have a bad tooth, you can have it removed from your other teeth. When you buy new clothes, you remove sales tags.
Delete is to get rid of something so that it's as though it never happened. Pressing delete on a computer keyboard, for example, deletes text so, afterward, it's as though you never typed the text.
Eliminate means to remove something totally and permanently. For instance, in elimination tournaments, the loser or losing team is removed from the roster and can never rejoin that specific tournament.
Delete is to get rid of something so that it's as though it never happened. Pressing delete on a computer keyboard, for example, deletes text so, afterward, it's as though you never typed the text.
Eliminate means to remove something totally and permanently. For instance, in elimination tournaments, the loser or losing team is removed from the roster and can never rejoin that specific tournament.
Quelle est la différence entre remove et delete ?
Generally, 'delete' is used to talk about digital things.
"I deleted the movie clip."
"You deleted the data on the computer."
You can also use 'delete' to describe crossing out words on paper, but this is rare.
"She deleted the paragraph."
'Remove' can be used in many circumstances.
- to take off clothing
"He removed his shirt."
- to take away something
"She removed the cup from the table."
"He removed his make-up."
- to get rid off
"The students were removed from the room."
- to be fired from a job (uncommon)
"She was removed from her position as teacher."
Hope this helped!
"I deleted the movie clip."
"You deleted the data on the computer."
You can also use 'delete' to describe crossing out words on paper, but this is rare.
"She deleted the paragraph."
'Remove' can be used in many circumstances.
- to take off clothing
"He removed his shirt."
- to take away something
"She removed the cup from the table."
"He removed his make-up."
- to get rid off
"The students were removed from the room."
- to be fired from a job (uncommon)
"She was removed from her position as teacher."
Hope this helped!
Quelle est la différence entre remove et delete ?
They could mean the same thing but major difference is to remove something can mean to just take it away. To delete something means to erase it or get rid of it completely.
Traductions de "Remove"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? at one remove
I have seen the movie and have read the page you have in the book and I am fluent in English. I still don’t quite understand that sentence. Sorry ;-).
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? remove
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? remove
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? remove
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Autres questions concernant "Remove"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce I can't remove the stain on it.
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"I removed the extra "is", from the previous sentence.
what should remove? Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
what should be removed?
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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