Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Render"
La signification de "Render" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie render. ?
hacer / producir / emitir (sobre todo con software)
This software renders excellent images.
This microphone renders high quality sound recordings.
fundir (I think)
This factory renders fat from waste products.
'producir' metafóricamente / causar
The pandemic has rendered many businesses bankrupt.
This software renders excellent images.
This microphone renders high quality sound recordings.
fundir (I think)
This factory renders fat from waste products.
'producir' metafóricamente / causar
The pandemic has rendered many businesses bankrupt.
Que signifie render ?
There are many meanings depending on context.
If you are editing videos or graphics, "render" means to process the video or graphics.
If you are talking about music written by someone else, you could say "she rendered Beethoven's music beautifully."
There are several other contexts. I recommend looking at this screenshot from google. (I couldn't fit everything in the screenshot. But what you see there + my explanations are probably the most important.)
If you are editing videos or graphics, "render" means to process the video or graphics.
If you are talking about music written by someone else, you could say "she rendered Beethoven's music beautifully."
There are several other contexts. I recommend looking at this screenshot from google. (I couldn't fit everything in the screenshot. But what you see there + my explanations are probably the most important.)
Que signifie render ?
render means to provide, give, and/or bestow. if I "render" something useful, that means I am "giving" it value. hope that helped!
Que signifie render moot ?
make something of no consequence
Que signifie render ?
"Render" is a term used during load screens, while the player waits for graphics to load.
Before the landscaping and other various parts of the map loads they look like N 64 graphics. Just a smooth melted blob with all the colors on the service to give you an idea of what it is. Rendering is when the details of something are added. In this case the trees have no depth, you can't look inside to see the branches.
Before the landscaping and other various parts of the map loads they look like N 64 graphics. Just a smooth melted blob with all the colors on the service to give you an idea of what it is. Rendering is when the details of something are added. In this case the trees have no depth, you can't look inside to see the branches.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Render"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant render.
both passengers were rendered unconscious
the sight of her rendered him speechless
the virus rendered the computer useless
the sight of her rendered him speechless
the virus rendered the computer useless
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant render.
The graphics took a long time to render.
After the crash, the car was rendered useless.
After the crash, the car was rendered useless.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant render .
The extreme heat of the water rendered it impossible to swim in. (This sounds sort of literary. In this case, it's totally replaceable by "made".)
The little boy's inaccurate drawing rendered the Eiffel Tower the same height as his dog. (In this case, it means "to depict" or "to portray". You can also use this meaning to mean "to translate", like "to render the text into English". There's also a similar meaning specifically for computer animation, which is something to do with the lighting, shading, and so on of a 3D model.)
There are other uses such as "to provide" and "to submit", but I couldn't think of an example, sorry >~<
There's also a really specific meaning for "render" that means "to extract the meat and other usable things from the body of an animal", but of course, I wouldn't encounter that a lot.
The little boy's inaccurate drawing rendered the Eiffel Tower the same height as his dog. (In this case, it means "to depict" or "to portray". You can also use this meaning to mean "to translate", like "to render the text into English". There's also a similar meaning specifically for computer animation, which is something to do with the lighting, shading, and so on of a 3D model.)
There are other uses such as "to provide" and "to submit", but I couldn't think of an example, sorry >~<
There's also a really specific meaning for "render" that means "to extract the meat and other usable things from the body of an animal", but of course, I wouldn't encounter that a lot.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant render.
Render means the exact same thing in both sentences! it means for a computer to load or create a 3D image.
for a person, it can mean "to leave a person in the state of"
for example, "He rendered me defenseless" means "He left me defenseless" or "he left me unable to defend myself"
Hope this helps!
for a person, it can mean "to leave a person in the state of"
for example, "He rendered me defenseless" means "He left me defenseless" or "he left me unable to defend myself"
Hope this helps!
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant render.
① I use my computer to render digital images.
② Superman is rendered powerless by Kryptonite.
② Superman is rendered powerless by Kryptonite.
Mots similaires à "Render" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre It renders itself null. et It renders itself nullified. ?
It renders itself null. - good sentence.
null and void - very well known expression
nullified means something else. You nullify something by overturning it. So a legislature could pass a law and the courts could nullify it.
null and void - very well known expression
nullified means something else. You nullify something by overturning it. So a legislature could pass a law and the courts could nullify it.
Quelle est la différence entre render et make ?
render is to give, provide, and/or bestow. make is to create.
"I render this pencil useful"
this means that this person finds value in the pencil therefore is "giving it value" which is just acknowledging that it is useful.
"I make a cake"
you created the cake, unlike "render" you do not provide it value or anything, you just make the cake.
hope that helped!
"I render this pencil useful"
this means that this person finds value in the pencil therefore is "giving it value" which is just acknowledging that it is useful.
"I make a cake"
you created the cake, unlike "render" you do not provide it value or anything, you just make the cake.
hope that helped!
Quelle est la différence entre render et make ?
Render is when you provide or give something.
Make is when you construct, build, or form something.
Make is when you construct, build, or form something.
Quelle est la différence entre render et interpret ?
‘Render’ and ‘interpret’ both have many meanings depending on context.
One scenario where the meanings are similar is in art. “Render” is when the artist shows their ideas eg “They eyes of the painting are well rendered. ““Interpret” is when someone else shows another artist’s ideas in their own way eg “ She interpreted Beethoven’s piano solo very well. “
Both words can mean translate. Eg “The phrase was rendered into English. “ or “He interpreted the phrase in English. “
But both words have many other meanings. If you gave context it would be easier to help. ^^
One scenario where the meanings are similar is in art. “Render” is when the artist shows their ideas eg “They eyes of the painting are well rendered. ““Interpret” is when someone else shows another artist’s ideas in their own way eg “ She interpreted Beethoven’s piano solo very well. “
Both words can mean translate. Eg “The phrase was rendered into English. “ or “He interpreted the phrase in English. “
But both words have many other meanings. If you gave context it would be easier to help. ^^
Quelle est la différence entre render et give ?
"render" has many other meanings besides "give" though
Traductions de "Render"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? render
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? rendered
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? render
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Autres questions concernant "Render"
This renders patients with lower levels of normal range of sodium to be those with potential hyponatremia. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× This renders patients with lower levels of normal range of sodium to be those with potential hyponatremia.
✓ This renders patients with lower levels of sodium to be potentially hyponatremic.
You could also say
This renders patients with sodium levels lower than normal to be potentially hyponatremic
This renders patients with below average sodium level to potentially be at risk for hyponatremia.
✓ This renders patients with lower levels of sodium to be potentially hyponatremic.
You could also say
This renders patients with sodium levels lower than normal to be potentially hyponatremic
This renders patients with below average sodium level to potentially be at risk for hyponatremia.
They're equally important. Taking one renders the other pointless. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Makes perfect sense to me
“You and I (we) render a great team.” Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
“You and I make a great team.”
“We make a great team.”
“We make a great team.”
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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